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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1929)
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, VERNONIA 1929 EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Pigeons furnish an interesting Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kern children at the W. R. Johnson home. spent the week end in Portland. example of an equal division of Mrs. Vern Fergerson and chil- Quite a number of Westimber labor in family life. Both the dren recently arrived at the folks attended the Vernonia- male and the female birds sit on num . home of Mrs. Ferge rson’s pur- Westimber ball game at Vernon the eggs, the male sitting from ✓ 8 a.m. until about 3 p.m., ,, and] i ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis' ia Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Loy de Stubbs of Port the female staying on the nest Mrs. J. Greenman and Mrs. A. for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridges, land is spending the week with the rest of the time. The squabs J. Hughes motored to Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keaton, Mrs. the Knight family. Mr. Knight are reared and fed by both Monday. Ernest Lane, Miss Alberta De Sr. is also a guest from Port- parents on a thick creamy mix ture called pigeon milk, produc- Lillian Lilly returned last week Rock, Clyde Johnson and Miss land. ed in the crops of the birds. to the normal school at Mon- Millie McMullen spent Sunday Mrs. R. L. Dudron and nephew at Seaside. mouth. Percy James attended the show Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling in Vernonia Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Middler and daughter Florence were din Mrs. A. R. Baird and little and three daughters and little ner guests last Sunday at the niece Evelyn Barzee spent the grandson of Salem, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. week end in Vernonia with the J. T. Brady family Sunday. McGee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl En- J. T. Brady family. --------- Stampede 3rd-4t Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman neberg and son, Homer were and daughter Phoebe, motored also callers at the McGee home. Mrs. Ernest Yocum was a U. S. Department of Agriculture to Olympia last Thursday re Small, hard grains like rye, caller at the home of Mrs. De turning to this city Saturday. wheat, barley, and kafir should vine last week. ‘ Miss Mabie Kullander of Mrs. E. T. Wallace recently always be ground or rolled be Eugene visited at the home of has had as her guests her mo- fore being fed to livestock. Cattle that have been fattened her brother and family Mr. and ther and grandson from Grants on grass should be given only Mrs. A. L. Kullander last week Pass. before returning to the summer Mrs. Wm. Bridges and Mrs. dry, non-laxative feeds for 3 or session of the U. of O. STAMPEDE JULY 3-4 Yocum attended the movies at 4 days before shipping. This en ables them to reach the market Messrs, Davidson, Anderson Vernonia Monday evening. Mrs. Eastman was a caller at in better condition. and Wolff, motored to Portland Rabbits need mineral salt in last Friday to visit Carl David the home of Mrs. Devine last some form preferably in spools Monday evening. WEED NOTICE son who is at the St. Vincent’s Mrs. Ed. Reynolds spent that can be fastened to the side hospital recovering from an op of the hutch. Salt spools can be Vacant lots must be mowed several days last week in Ver- eration. bought at a rabbit or poultry by the first of July, to comply nonia. supply house. --------- Stampede 3rd-4th--------- Mrs. Louise Hobson who has with the local city ordinance. Gourds are among our oldest WEST1MBER HARRY G. PHELPS, been spending some time with City Marshal A surprise birthday party was cultivated plants and were used 462 her daughter and family Mrs. J. flasks in Egypt about T. Brady expects to leave Friday given in honor of Mrs. Rube Nel- for water for Grants Pass, where she will son Saturday. Those present 2300 B. C. Today in America spent the summer with another were Mesdames, England, Klein, gourds are used mainly as bird ^^tn^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, King, Marchel, Gartozke, Ste- houses and ornaments. Leaflet <$> eyesight specialist, has daughter, Mrs. J. H. Griffith. 36-L, Gourds for Bird houses been making monthly visits to ---------Stampede 3rd-4th--------- phens, Redhead and Nelson. Miss Constance Redhead Redhead. is and other purposes, which can Vernonia. His next visit will be visiting Lola Alcom for a few be secured free from the U. S. July 1 and 2, office at Kul- Î department of agriculture, Wash lander’s. Have your eyes days. A 7 pound boy was born June ington, D. C., describes the cul examined.—adv. spent Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harris. ture of gourds and their uses. 4 Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wallace. Mrs. Don Hall and child and Miss Mary Bachman, spent last Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Earl Holce. Mrs. J. O. Libel and daughter Fay, from Birkenfeld, spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed. Reynolds. Mrs. Magunsen was a caller at the home of Mrs. A. Dowling Wednesday of last week. William Rose returned Mon day from Myrtle point where he attended the state Grange. B. Dowling, Earl Knowles and Donald Sundland motored to I ¡Seaside last Sunday to spend i the day at the beach. Mrs. Magunsen who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Aamodt for the past two weeks' left last Sunday to visit her! other daughter at St. Helens, before returning to her home at Hubbard. Mrs. Eastman was a caller at the Devine home last Monday evening. Mrs. McGee ws a Clatska- nie shopper last Saturday. are making The Grangers plans for a big picnic at Natal 1 Grove on July 4. Work is reopened on the hili between Clatskanie and Mist, the crews having been idle for a week during the recent heavy rains. The Bonnell ■ brothers have started to work on the Kerry line. Fred Bonnell is employed at the Meadows and Kennetts mill. Many from Mist attended the Dt'.nplain auction sale at the ~ ' ranch last week. and 1 ving Mr. George Knowles purchased some stock from the auction sale at the Delaplain ranch last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis spent an evening last week at the home of E. T. Wallace. Miss Phyllis Ward, a nurse in Portland is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ward, who live on the summit Miss Olga Holmstrom was a visitor at Portland a few days last week and while absent Miss Alberta De Rock took her place in the telephone office as opera tor. Raymond McGee and Elvin Jones motored to Seaside last Sunday. Mrs. George Taylor and sons, .drove to Salem last week to visit a daughter of Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Milton Oaks. Mr. and Mrs. William Mea dows moved their residence from the Fish Hawk banks to Mist last week. Mr. Meadows is a partner in the Meadows and Bennett mill. H. McCormick of Wilark, spent Sunday with his wife and oca is THREK ■i Why Pay More Than At Turkish Towels Made from extra qusdity printed percales, attractive ly trimmed with organdie and plain braids in contrast ing colors, sizes 16 to 56, A special lot of small turk- ish bath towels, Is, plain white and some v. __ ___ with colored stripes, each, Miller’s 9-ring Circus Ends Saturday Night, June 29 Read the bulletin board every day. The first 21 day* are over. If business keeps up at Miller’s Ver nonia store during the next three days as good as it has been these first 21 days the main show of Miller’s nine ring circus is going to be staged right here in Vernonia. The exact date and hour to be announced later. And some show it will be, when this bunch of Vernonia Vultures get seated around that fes tive table, with turkey and all of the trimmings. Thanks to our good friends and boosters for this business during these first weeks, we are still in the lead and going strong. New goods coming in most every day. Keep your eye on our windows and prices. No monkey business around this store now. We are going after that turkey. With price* that mean savings. Mist No Circus would be complete with out fun for the kiddies So we have provided gifts for them. Every little boy or girl who comes to Miller’s store with Father or Mother or big sister dur ing these last circus days, we will have free balloons, whistles or snappers for them. Those who have little boys or girls and can not bring them with them, if you will tell us how many, we will be glad to send them gifts with you. Special Values Values i Swimming Suits, Jantzen's all wool, regular values to $6.50, just in time hr th ' Fourth, special $3.98 and $4.98. Rayon Underwear, Bloomers and panties, sev eral shades, special value, at ............................................. 49c Gauze vest, for all regular sizes Sweaters in summer weight rayon and wool mixed, with and without sleeves, special values at $1.95 and $2.95 Play Ball with Keds leather balls, regular size special .............. sheets, full size value each 98c to match sheets each .......... 25c Children's tan leather fords, for summer wear, sizes 6 to 11 and 11 H to 2, priced at $1.49 and $1.79 dimity wash Girl’s cool dresses, ages 2 to 6, each ................................................. 39c Women's wash sleeves, values at cool Flarette without dandy . $1.29 Smocks, made out of big figured cretonnes, all the rage now, only ........... $1.19 Kitchen Aprons, made from remnants of raincoats, save your clothes, only .... 35c hose, Bemberg fashioned several assorted light •hades 89c all sizes, a pair ....... square with Rayon hose, all several colors, heels, 39c sizes, SOc values at Pure •ilk ioned. all hose, full fash- th. new colors. Boys* and girls* brown keds oxfords, sizes 8 to 11 and 11 Ml to 2, priced at 98c Gay and Colorful Big boy and girl sizes 2M to 6, priced at ......... $1.25 HOTEL HY-VAN Vernonia’* Modern Hotel girls' athletso Boys* and unionsuits, made from good quality checked nainsook, all sizes, a suit 19c to 89c Pongee Silk Scarfs, colored ones all ready for the stampede ........... $1.49 It’s very simple to have a stunning summer wardrobe with such gayly printed fabrics to select from. Dim ities, broadcloths, voiles, and organdies in lovely col ors. New selections to choose from. TOILET GOODS Woodbury*«, Cuticura and Packer's tar soap« regular 25c cakes 19c—Ponds van ishing and cold creams reg ular 35c jars Men! Why pay more than Miller’s Prices? Shaving Needs Pslm Olive, Colgatas, or Williams shaving creams, regular 35c tubes each 29c Mannan's shaving cream 50c tubes special .......... 39c William's mug bars 4c • qua Williams 50c size 39c volva and Auto strop Gillette blades, regular 50c pack- age of five, special . . 38c 5 to a Ender’s blades, r ................... 29c package Gem razors with two blades special .................................. 10c Mennen's talcum for men, Look Here! Lunch kits with Icy bottles special values, Sweat Shirts hot $139 Men's and boy's sizes as sorted patterns, just the garment for outing wear only . . - - $1 »49 Khaki Pants Work Shirts Light and cool for work and outing wear two special values 98c and $1.49. Made of blue and grey chambray, regular and coat styles, two special values, 48c and 69c. Neckwear New patterns just in time for your vacation trip, made from selected quality silks, in plain colors, beau tiful stripes and modernis tic patterns, extra special values. You’ll be surprised. 49c-89c-98c Shirts ath 45c Men’s shorties plain white and fancy patterns 45c and 89c. STAY AT HOME AND CELEBRATE Invite your out-of-town friendsand relatives to visit here July 3 and 4 days, Girls Kute Kuts, play suits in striped and checked pat terns, ages two to six years at ............... $1.25 blankets, assorted Sheet plaids, single full bed sizes special each .................... 98c Cotton bed and a good Pillow case, size 36x42 hot Girls' and Misses' sizes crepe bloomers assorted col ors, a pair 49c and 69c Women's crepe night gown« white and colors, extra good values at 98c. White knit sleeveless letic shirts, all sizes . Our Stampede and Celebration Will Be Greater Than Ever Cool Dresses Athletic Union«, made from extra quality white checked nainsook, cut extra full • ize, with ribbed insert in back, 75c value, a suit 49c Men's balbriggan and knit union suits, regular $1.00 values, a suit 69c Men’s knit Union Suits, short sleeves, ankle length, a suit 98c Rayon athletic shirts, •!••▼•- lass, in white and colors, special ................................... 89c Dress Shirts Made of color fast shirt ings with pre-shrunk col lars, cut tn fit, attractive patterns, sizes 14 to 17, special .................. $1.49 Men’s Can’t-Bust-’em Black Work Pants, a pair . . $1.98 Good Bib Overalls 98c Made from color fast broad cloths and madras with pre shrunk collars, 7-button collar«, front, out to fit, to 17 special—