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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1929)
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Society News Miss Amy Hughes Society Reporter Clubs Of lie. Phone 192 Fraternal Jacobs, newly married couple Chicken Dinner At Who are we going to yell for! Auxiliary Meets The. ML. R. C. convention will 4-H Club Have Buay Columbia County I” last Saturday evening, and spent be held at Eugene in 1930. At Home of Mrs. Moe Evangelical Church Session At O. S. A. C. Very truly yours, Vernonia Unit was commended the evening in dancing and play- 4-H CLUB MEMBERS. for their large delegation and Attended By Many Summer School ing games. Signed: BettT Bennett, Joy Bush, The Vernonia Unit of the I members which their corp had for The happy couple left Margaret McDonald oi Vfrnonia. American Legion Auxiliary held this year, and the local corp is Hundreds attended the chicken Helen Peterson, Donna Bogley, a potluck dinner at the home of their honeymoon Monday and considered as one of the most June 22, (To the Editor)— Janet Anderson, Virginia South Mrs. M. E. Moe last Tuesday, will spend a week visiting Sea- dinner last Saturday night, at active lodges of the W. R. C. The fifteenth annual boys’ and erland of St. Helens. where members sewed articles to in Oregon. the Evangelical church which was girls’ 4-H club summer school, Dorthy Gerlach, Scappoose. be sent to the veterans hospital. side and other cities along the sponsored by the Missionary So --------- Stampede 3rd-4th--------- coast. Nova Loomis, Joe Koller, Joh Yesterday the Auxiliary had a held on the O. S. C. campus, ciety of the Evangelical church. -------- Stampede 3rd-4th--------- potluck dinner at the Weeds Hall-Jacobs Marriage June 10, to 22, is now over, anna Koller, of Caanan. A well proportioned meal con Clyde Talbot, Mane Merz, Grove, in honor of Mrs. Jud Last Saturday and we are writing to tell the Lewis, Merz, Bertha Brockhaus, son Weed who celebrated her Mary Norris Entertains sisting of chicken, vegetables, I home folks how much we have of Deer Island. 68th birthday and presented her and strawberry short cake Friends On Birthday coffee, Delegates Return From Nell Vernon, Florence Kar- with a beautiful banquet. Miss Eva Hall daughter of enjoyed ourselves during that was served. Nomination of delegates to --------- Stampede 3rd-4th--------- Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall of River time. Our Columbia county dele vonen, Kent Margruder, Roberta W. R. C. Convention view Riverview, June 26.—Mary was married last Saturday gation numbered 30 in ail, in Smith, Ora Dell Reed, Betty the state Auxiliary convention Vernonia Hotel Note« I Jane Grannis, Mary Norgren, at Salem will take place at the I Kathryn Norris celebrateJ her to William Jacobs of this city. cluding Miss Nettie E. Alley, Alma Edwards, Lois E. Strong, next meeting. Out of town guests during the I third birthday Tuesday with a Nannie B. Hall, Sarah Spen-1 Mrs. Jacobs attended the local our county Red Cross health Miss Alma E. Wilson, of Clats ---------Stampede 3rd-4th-------- I party at the home of her parents. past week at hotel HyVan were 1, Laura Souer, and Violet ¡high school, und Mr. Jacobs is the kanie. The lovely birthday cake con S. J. Dominsse of Portland, 1‘. Oregon nurse who looked after Miller, delegates from the local an employee of the health of the younger girls at Anne Wirrkkata, Mabie Vin- Mr. and Mrs. Corey taining three candles, decorated J. Lamberty of Portland, N. Por W. R. C. returned from the state American Lumber company. Kidder hall; Miss Kathryn Did- kkala, of Mayger. F. -Stampede 3rd-4th----- ,— in pink and white, was cut and ter of San Francisco, Carl ~ ~ convention at Newberg last Give Party In Honor tel, Columbia county home de Miss Nettie E. Alley, Miss served the young guests and ice Caulfield of Portland, M. F. Week. monstration agent, who taught Kathryn M. Didtel also of St. Robison of Portland, H. Von Daughter, Son-in-Law cream and other goodies. The delegates reported a re Ellen Whitsell Married some of the girls’ classes in sew Helens. Those attending were, Gwyn- Cleff of Astoria, A. E. Laffoon cord attendance, with numerous Saturday St. Helens ing and fitting, and Miss Alma At ---------Stampede 3rd-4th--------- dolyn and Floretta Graves, Bet of Keasey, J. W. and S. Hen- forms of entertainments, the A party was held last Satur- tie E. Wilson, teacher and local Lou Kirk, Leone Mills, Fay of Newberg band furnishing music day evening at the home of Mr. Hall, Micky Mills, Marjorie and drix of Portland L. Personia club leader from Clatskanie, who Mollie O’Donnell E. H. Leahy of Port- following the meeting. The con and Mrs. A. Corey in honor of Kathlein Lollie, Gordon Cline, Clatskanie, The 1 marriage of Miss Ellen had charge of the singing at land and L. A. Hirsch of Port- vention was held in the large Entertains Friends At their daughter and son-in-law, Kidder hall. Miss Elizabeth C. Hazel and Margaret Lee, Homer land. American Legion hall and Carl Whitsell I to Elgus Frank last Murray, our county school sup Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baroda, who Birthday Party Edward Norris and Martha Vor- At Nehalem hotel : Mr. and Moser, department adjutant of Saturday at St. Helens, surpris erintendent, was with us during I recently returned from their inagul. Games were played dur Mrs. James M. Raston of Port- the American Legion in behalf ed their many friends in this the first week. Mrs. Felix O’Donnell gave a honeymoon. Mrs. Baroda for ing the afternoon. land. S. J. DeRock of Portland of the Legion spoke to the as city. Mrs. Frank is a graduate The program for the attend party last Friday at her home merly Alice Corey, entertained sembly. A few old G. A. R. vet- from the local high school and the guests with a few selections erans over 80 _ yvars of age _ en- Mr. Frank is employed by the ing members was class work in in Treharne in honor of her on the piano. The party which tertained following the meeting Oregon American Lumber com the morning, lectures and re daughter Mollie, who celebrated is traditionally given following h d anniversary. creation in the afternoons, and he with some dances on the stage. pany. Ice cream and cake were serv- all Syrian weddings, was en special entertainments in the ed ..,e _ yuung guests, . and small livened by Syrian dances and _ _ evenings. folk songs which was thoroughly The boys received instruction favors were presented to those enjoyed by all present. Many in general agriculture, such as present. A pleasant afternoon beautiful presents were receiv live stock judging, feeding, man was enjoyed by all, the young ed by the happy couple, from agement and prevention of di hostess receiving many beautiful friends and guests. seases, gardening, poultry, horti piesents from her friends. Fol delightful banquet was serv culture and other related sub lowing the playing of a few ed A the who were Mr. and jects. The girls received train games the guests departed for Mrs. M. guests, Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Those ing in dress making, meal pre their respective homes. Grenia, Joe Baroda, Mr. and Mrs. Lester paration and service, interior, de present were Dollie Douglas O'Donnell, Lawanda Sheeley, George Corey, H. corating, and home nursing. Stanton, Dorothy Davis, Betty McGraw, L. Schwab and C. Many prominent state officials Glassner, Eva Jean Hayden, Mol Shay. spoke to us during our after lie O’Donnell, Mickey and Dan- ELGIN from stem to stem, $25 Other guests who later arriv- noon assemblies. Some of them ney O’Donnell, and Richard Pat ed to assist in the celebration ( with luminous dial and hand» . . {27.50) were Governor I. L. Patterson, terson. were, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ellis 0. M. Plummer, manager of the of Rainier, Joe Lombardi and ---------Stampede 3rd-4th--------- Never before hue ELGIN made and casfd a watch of this Pacific International Livestock (By Mr«. Mark E. Moe) family of Portland, S. Kaiel of exposition, C. W. Howard, state Father’» Day Dinner quality to touch this low price. Small and decorative . . . Portland, and Mrs. H. E. Me Aildress all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver school superintendent, Major- At Home M. W. Fi.h Graw. yet The LBG1ONNAIKB ia sturdy for sport, accurate for nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose General U. S. MacAlexander, busiuea«, and handsome enough to wear all the time . . . --------- Stampede 3rd-4th--------- a stamped addressed envelope. president W. J. Kerr of the Ore Prices range from $19.00 to $27.50. Come in and see them. A Father’s Day dinner was gon State Agricultural college, enjoyed at the home of M. W. Newly Married Couple Strawberry Puffs ter three inches in diameter, and Paul V. Moris, director of the Fish, June were J. Surprised By Friends 1 cup boiling water remove centers, making cases. extension service, and Dean H. Sell and 16. _ Guests ___ Grace. _____ ____ daughter Miss ■A cup shortening Dip cases in egg, slightly beaten, Jewell, head of the department Grace Sell recently returned to Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler 1 cup flour diluted with milk and seasoned of vocational guidance, O. S. C. Vernonia, from Cheney, Riverview, June 25.—A large Wash., ■A teaspoon salt with salt, allowing two table Vernonia Each evening from 7:30 to where sha had been attending number of friends gathered at 3 eggs spoons milk to each egg. When 8:00 varied programs were the Cheney Normal school. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 2 teaspoons baking powder bread is thoroughly soaked drain broadcasted over KOAC by dif Heat Water and shortening in and fry in deep fat. Fill with ferent counties. Our afternooi saucepan until it boils up well; any fresh vegetables desired. assembly programs were alsi add all at once flour sifted with Hermits broadcasted. The Columbia coun salt and stir vigorously. Remove ’A cup butter ty group under the direction o: from fire as soon as mixed; cool, % cup sugar Miss Alma Wilson, sang severa and mix in unbeaten eggs, one at 1 egg numbers at these programs. The; a time; add baking powder; mix 2 tablespoons milk were also invited to supply thi and drop by spoonfuls 194 inches 194 cups flour choir music at one of Corvallis’ apart on greased tins; shape in- 2 teaspoons baking powder largest churches Sunday morning to circular form with a wet 54 cup raisins (chopped) We hope next year to havi spoon. Bake about 25 minutes 54 teaspoon cinnamon a larger delegation from Verno in a hot oven. Cut with a sharp 54 teaspoon clove nia, as well as from the rest oi knife near the bottom to ad- 54 teaspoon mace the county, to help us when wi mit the filling. 54 teaspoon nutmeg say: Cream the butter, add sugar “One! two! three! four! gradually, then raisins, egg well Strawberry Filling beaten, and milk. Mix and sift 1 egg white (unbeaten) dry ingredients and add to first cup granulated or mixture. Roll mixture a little cup powdered sugar cup drained strawberry thicker than for Vanilla Wafers. Pulp Roast Veal H teaspoon baking powder The leg, cushion (thickest part Place all the ingredients in a bowl and beat with wire egg __ ot leg), and loin, are suitable whip until very stiff. If desired pieces for roasting. When leg cover with the following icing. is used, it should be boned. Wipe meat, sprinkle with suit and pep Fresh Strawberry Icing Crush five large strawberries per, stuff, and sew in shape. with a little sugar and a few Place on rack in dripping pan 23t d Annuel Celebration drops of lemon juice, and let dredge meat and bottom of pan stand until juicy; then mix in with flour, anil place around the gradually 1 !k cups confectioners’ meat strips of fat salt pork. Bake three or four hours in a sugar; spread on top of moderate oven, casting every puff. fifteen minutes with >A cup but ter melted in *A cup boiling wa Patties for Vegetables ter, until used, then caste with Cut stale bread in two the fat in the pan. Serve with slices, shape with a round brown gravy. Stampede July T he ELGINj£y/>w/zzz/>& Kitchen Recitals A. L. Ku Hander “Happy Days Hillsboro, Oregon July 2, 3, 4 De Frau’s Circus Revue Free Day Attraction and Night Dancing in Big Pavil ion Every Night Aeroplane* Civic “MOLLY AND ME” At of heart throb« with Marion Nixon, Richard Walling and Mary Nolan and a huge east. Saturday night and Sunday matinee, June 29, 30 10c-3Sc Mary Pic kford 1:30 p.m. July 3 QUEEN’S BALL “SILKS AND SADDLES drama Industrial and PARADE 70 per cent talking and singing picture 10c-3Sc—Thursday and Friday, June 27-28— -Featuring Belle Bennett sparkling comedy. A Stunt* and Coronation Wednesday Ceremonies Night, 3, July at 9 00 In— “COQUETTE 100 per cent talking—Sunday and Mon day evening. 10c*50c—June 30, July I. Mary Pickford, her most modern triu mph Championship WALKING CONTEST Journal Shute “THE GATE CRASHER Starring Glenn Tryon—A picture re-opens the gate to romance—Tuesday only, July 2—10c-3Sc. Building, Portland, Park, tance of Two to Hillsboro, 18.6 miles, July Divisions, men. Men Cash and Prises “RED HOT SPEED Also ■ 2 reel all talking comedy. Wed nesday Only, July 3.—IOc-3Sc.—Reginald Denny. At Denny’a best in a speedy pic- Patriotic Exercises at the Ladies Nail Driving Contest Joy Theatre Fire Works 9:00 p.m. July 4th Vernonia Boys Bands. and Music, Girla Races Rides, Shows 929 Paul Knapp of Portland, M. Ull man of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bergren of San Francisco, Mrs. D. A. Flynn of San Fran cisco, Mrs. Paul Potter of Port land. --------- St. m pede 3rd-4th--------- O. E. S. Social Club To Sponsor Picnic The Social club of the O. E. S. held a meeting last Wednes day, June 19, at the Masonic temple. At this last business meeting of the season the mem bers decided to sponsor a picnic on July 10 and at a later date in July sponsor a dance. Cooked Meals Family Style Nehalem Hotel Vernonia Mrs, Grace Scott Prop. Phone 141