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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1929)
THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORICON ! I SEVEN sand of them. For days we lived I title, interest and estate of said on them, until most of us couldn't look a crab In the face. We had Robert R. Patrick, declared dead, 'em boiled, broiled, and In soup. at the time of his death, in and Then that lnvaslou of these hermits to the real property hereinafter passed as mysteriously as It had described, and all the right, title cotue, and we never saw them and interest that the said estate First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 26c). again. But tba turtles were always has by operation of law, or Succeeding insertions, per word....... 6c (No aervice less than 16c) with us. We caught a number of otherwise acquired, other than Black face heading., each word counts the same as two words. them and kept them In a coral basin Cash should accompany the order. or in addition to that of said at one eud of the lagoon. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. deceased, at the time of his The wild plga on the Island pro vided us with more fun and more death, of, in and to that certain Copyright by food. They fed on coconuts, which Classified columns close at 12 o'clock Wednesday noon. Doubleday , Duran & C«. piece or parcel ol real estate la the beat kind of fodder to make situnte, lying and aeing in the good pork. There were anlpe on county of Columbia and state FOR SALE our Island too, und we bunted them MISCELLANEOUS the same to me at my office at of Oregon, and described as fol with great success, thereby varying FOR SALE CHEAP wicker baby TIMBER WANTED. Wish to buy Vernonia, Oregon with vouchers lows, to-wit: I no land him on a desert lslxn<i our sea food and pork diet. Using buggy, good condition, inquire within six small tracts of timber within and duly verified, The southeast quarter of sec and leave him there a castaway? as the sea* outside, only at perfect coconut shells for fuel, we smoked R. R. depot, phone 161. peace and smooth like a mirror. It tf months from the date hereof. a radius of 6 miles of Vernonia. Anything was better than ship tion twenty-two, township five what flesh and fish we could. By Dated and first published May F. Clark, Box 459, Vernonia. 461 board. But the principal part or would have made a perfect anchor way of vegetables, we had coconuts, FOR SALE, Small lot of timber, north of range five west of the 23, 1929. his plan was more subtle. Ho age for us, save that It bad one and bread made of coconut tlour, Willamette Meridian. 160 trees averaging from 1 woul 1 be reckoned dead at home, entrance so narrow that only a Last publication June 20, 1929. which the Kanakas taught us to Terms and conditions of sale: foot to 3% feet. Approximately and vis people would collect his In small boat could pass through It P. Hill, Executor of the estate Cash in gold coin of the United NOTICE TO CREDITORS prepare, and hearts of palms. A strong current ran through the 160,000 feet. Close in on gravel aurance money. Perhaps I would of William McMullen, deceased. If our new bome teemed with States; Ten per cent of the Notice is hereby given that be sc kind as to make It seem cer opening. We cast our anchor on Gordon R. Watt, Attorney. useful, edible creatures, It was not road, on Corey sill. A-l sound amount of the bid to be deposit tain that he was lost. Yes. no? the coral and tethered our ship to timber. Suitable for small log the undersigned has been duly lacking in pestilential form of life, ed with the bid, the balance of On the Island lie could live as » It with a long cable. The pull of either, these both of native origin ging. See George Engelke. 463* appointed administrator of the IN THE the current kept her far enough Robinson Crusoe, a kind of exist COUNTY COURT OF the purchase price to be paid estate of Jens Langum deceased, and Imported from ships. A thou offshore. I was afraid, for a while THE STATE OF OREGON upon confirmation of said sale by sand kinds of Insects were every BARRED ROCK and Rhode Is and any and all persons having ence which he fancied would bi that a shift of the wind might blow FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY the said county court and exe where. If you awakeued thirsty at quite agreenlile. Unfortunately fo. her on the reef, but we saw, after land Red pullets. Starting to claims against the said estate are night and reached for your glass lay. *18.00 per dozen. C. R. hereby required to present said Notice of administrator ___________ him, I felt obliged to decline. I wu- ’s sale cution of deed to purchase. All bids or offers must be in of water, you were likely to find Watts, phone 884. one-half mile claims, duly verified as by law or real estate at private sale. not Interested lu swindling Insur a while, that site had dragged that It contained more cockroaches anchor. If the current wire strong ante companies. required, at the office of my at In the matter of the estate of writing and addressed to W. A. south Vernonia depot tf enough for that, why surely it than water. You had to reconcile Harris, at Vernonia, Oregon, box torney, Gordon R. Watt, Verno Robert R. Patrick, deceased. CHAPTER XII yourself to getting up In the morn would be strong enough to keep CHAPTER XI 184, at any time after the first EXTRA nia, Oregon within six months ing and finding your toothbrush FINE White Leghorn Notice is hereby given, that publication of this notice and her from blowing ashore. I.easing from the date of this notice. pullets for sale, from B. W. D. several men aboard ns a watch, we alive with ants. The ants were par in pursuance of an order of the Castaways on a Coral Atoll. Shipwrecked In Southern Seas. before the making of the sale. went on lund for a glorious shore stuck, 210-egg flock County Court of the county of XI/E AMUSED ourselves by play HE last German colony I We ticularly pervasive. We could only certified The right is hereby reserved leave, sailors, officers, prisoners, average, 76c each. 1421 Bridge guard against them by putting the Notice Of Appointment Of Columbia, State of Oregon, made * ’ Ing with tbe sharks. The laud founded It on this beautiful iso to reject any and all bids. and nil. legs of tables, chairs, and other street. ________ 424 ♦ on the 3rd day of June, 1929, lubber can scarcely Imagine the tiu lated coral atoll In the middle of Executor W. A. Harris, administrator of VVhnt would we And? We wanted the Paclflc. The Imperial German articles of furniture In cupfuls of in the matter of the estate of the estate of Robert R. Patrick, tred the sailor feels for those blood In the matter of the estate of water and fresh food. When we flag of war flew from the top of water. We slept at night to the FOR SALE—Modern five-room, thirsty monsters. We bad a par Robert R. Patrick, who was on declared dead to all legal intents ceaseless shuffle of ruts, huge In partly furnished house. Locat William McMullen, deceased. tlculur grievance against them. A got inside of tlie lagoon, we found the tallest palm. I waa the viceroy, the 30th day of July, 1928, by and purposes. solent fellows, running about on ed on corner of Weed avenue Notice is hereby given that the swim now and then would have to our ustonishment that It was a by chance and not by desire, of top of our tents. I’lperle waged war and Cougar street. Inquire at the undersigned has been appoint an order of the above entitled First published June 13, 1929. provided us with needed baths and breeding place for turtles. There course, and my Bailors and our Last published July 11, 1929. tf ed executor of the estate of Wil court declared dead to all legal would huve been a pleasant and were hundreds of them In the water prisoners were my subjects. The against them, but the odds were Eagle office. intents and purposes, will Bell too great. It would have taken a the shore, huge fellows and on Dated June 11, 1929. Andrew vigorous diversion from tbe end only visiting nationals from else liam McMullen, deceased, by the two or three hundred where were the three Kanukas, the whole regiment of terriers to end SIX WEEKS old pigs for sale weighing at private sale, to the highest M. Parker, administrator of the less monotony of cabin and deck County Court of the State of that plague. on Saturday, June 29. Phone Oregon, for Columbia County, bidder, under the terms and con estate of Jens Langum, deceased. our wooden prison. Many a time pounds, The water was full of turtle catchers. "The White Klug beautiful fish. There were big lob- of tbe 8oclety Isle of Mopella," my Flashing birds of paradise flew 8F526, Mrs. A. B. Counts. 462* ditions hereinafter mentioned, Gordon R. Watt, Vernonia, Ore 1 locked down into the cool, re and has qualified. All persons sters without daws that promised and subject to confirmation by freshing element, and a shark mate facetiously called me. One of from palm to palm. Gorgeous hum gon, attorney for administrator. FOR SALE OR TRADE having claims against said estate to be the best of food. The atoll ming birds with green und yellow the Yankee captains put It different would Idle beneath my gaze, as said court, on or after the 16th First published, June 13. Last are hereby notified to present day of July, 1929, all the right, though waiting for me there. The was alive with birds, hundreds of ly. He called me ’’the Bea Devil breasts darted among the branches. FOR SALE or trade for car, 2- thousands of them, with nests and published, July 11, 1929. sailors passed the time by angling King of the South Seas." And he WRh every flower there seemed to eggs everywhere. They were so room house, 1022 2nd avenue. for the voracious monsters. They caustically described our lovely Isle be a greut butterfly. The whole tame that one of my boys whom I as “a poisoned paradise." Every Island was aglow with butterflies. Inquire Emil Messing at Post would catch a couple, tie their tails sent to collect enough eggs for an They floated on wide, beating wlDgs office. 461* together and throw them back into body was good humored, despite our omelette returned, saying: of greens, violets, and reds. the water. The sharks, unable to hard luck. “I didn't get an egg. The birds Once, In the middle of tlie night, FOR RENT But our little South Sea colony agree on tbe direction of their mu tual movement, would have a great were so tame and trusting that 1 passed Its first nights uneasily. For I was awakened by a small, sharp, For J your ------ convenience " " the following business and professional people are listed on tug of war. The sailors thought the hailu’t the heart to disturb them sleeping places, we slung hammocks repeuted sound — knick, knick, MODERN eight room house, close this page al, --------------- - ilphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business plight of their loathed enemies quite and take their eggs.” between the palms. At Intervals, a knack. It was the opening of tropi in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, and professional people. Nor was the island without Itu cal flowers. I went outside and comical. coconut would fall from a height of man Inhabitants. We found three fifty or sixty feet and go whitting there I saw the lovely Queen of hot water, garage. Good street, Or they would take a large shark sidewalk. Recently painted out Kumikos, Polynesians who had been tie an empty und water-tight bar close by a tnaq’g bead. While our Night which blossoms by the light side, just papered inside. *26 BEAUTY SHOPS rel to Ills tall and heave him over. left there by a French Arm to catch fellow countrymen back In the cit of the tropical stars. It Is a greut. FRUIT MARKET PLUMBING The flab would dart downward, hul turtles. They were greatly fright ies along the Rblne were camplain gorgeous bloom, eight or ten Inches per month. See J. C. Lindley at ened when they found that we were lug about the night raids of the across. There were thousands of bank.___________ 40tf the barrel would stay relentless al tiermans. The French hud told them. Scores of glowworms far ANNETTE French aud British bombing squad the surface. Now would ensue a VERNONIA ASPLAND desperate struggle which we could them frightful tales about the rons, we had our bombing problem brighter than uny we know, hov FOR RENT 4-room modern house BEAUTY SHOP Bodies. We, however, quickly made ered about eacli, eager to catch the on First avenue. J. C. Lindley follow by watching the gyrations of also. It didn't make piucli differ FRUIT MARKET Plumbing & Electric tf Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger the barrel. The sharks displayed friends with them. They were miicb ence whether you were bumped off magnificent perfume that the open at Bank of Vernonia. waving, Permanent Waving. relieved when they found that we ing Queen of Night gives forth. In Fresh Fruits and with a falling coconut or u falling an excellent eye for chunks of ba Vegetable« in Season Over Horseshoe Cafe. co with hand grenades In them. did not Intend to Injure them, and bomb. The result was all the same. the darkness I could see the flowers FOR RENT four-room furnished Phone 193 Phone 431 When the bomb went off In the when we made amicable overtures, After one whined by your ear. you oply by the light of the glowworms. Phone 353 house. Mrs. E. S. Cleveland. they were only too glad to respond. On every aide were these eerie noc creature’s stomach, pieces of shark would very likely go down to the turnal lights, a dancing lamp of Corner Rose avenue and Colum- First, my boys ran hither and would go flying in all directions. open beach to quiet your nerves. bia streets. __ 461* HAULING We had been I d tbe Paclflc for tldther to satisfy their curiosity Then If you tried to sleep there, gathered glowworms illuminating each flower. In that unearthly about this strange Island. Then ESSIE NANCE five months now. and had sailed the land crabs would soon convince 85,000 miles. With our stale water they settled down to useful occupa you that the beach was no place gleaming, like a kind of moonlight Matchmaker Holds Big BEAUTY SHOP and the lack of fresh food, scurvy tions. Some set about catching fish for a weary war veteran either. only stronger, the odorous petals Truck For Local and Surprise For Saturday Hair Waving and Marcelling Bafford Brother* was breaking out among our men, and lobsters. Others gathered birds' Patrols of fighting marine crabs shone with the ghostly nuances of Engagement, by Phone and then berl-berl, which “turns the eggs. A few brought armfuls of would raid that beach every night. their naturally flaming colors, Long Distance Hauling (From page 6) white, crimson, sapphire blue, vio coconuts. Three boys turned a big blood to water.” Limbs and Joints After being chased out by the crabs, Telephone 222 General Plumbing QUICK SERVICE I were swelling. We Imperatlvelj turtle on Its back and pulled It you would go back to your ham let blue. In the South Seas, the which was injured at St. Helens flowers have little «cent by day. along with a rope. There were wild Phone 293 needed fresh water and food and mock and lie awake wondering when sometime ago will not fight un Vernonia a rest on shore. But where could pigs on the island. We shot a couple. the next aerial coconut bombard while the sun shines on them. At til the fourth or later. CONTRACTORS Curly Buffmire we go? All tlie Islands of the Pa Soon the boat put out to the ship ment would commence. So life dur night, when the dew falls, perfume awakens. It Is truly a perfumed Why Dove Knight is not fight loaded deeply with a huge collec cific were 111 the hands of the ing those first days on our tropic mystery, unless TRANSFER French, British and Japanese. We tion of eplcureun delicacies. That Isle was not all Bklttles and beer or night. And the nostrils of man are ing seems a excited by the rich and almost op Knight, who is employed by the night the tness was fit for the table certainly felt It keenly, now that orchids <nd coconut milk. You can POOL HALL J. R. McKEE pressive blending of odors. The of a royal palace — turtle soup with Connacher Logging i the whole world was against us. bet we v orked hard getting up company, There was no Inhabited place that turtle eggs, broiled lobster, omel hutsl Lu. dly, there were no cas Queen of Night gives off the per works too hard, and has not HOTEL Builder and Contractor >v<»tld welcome us. It made us feel ettes of gulls' eggs, roast pork, and ualties from either crabs or coco fume of vanlllu. Mingled with It time for the necessary training, comes the scent of hyacinth, orcldd, for dessert, fresh coconut. BAKERS PLACE very lonely. nuts. however, the lad keeps in trim mayflower, and heliotrope. Sweet For days we lived a delightful "Well,'' I said to m.v boys, "we We cleared a large space fur our smelling breezes blow, and above Is at all times and should I be able dining In a way that poetic life, Confections will pick out some nice deserted NEHALEM HOTEL village, und built huts out of tim the tropical sky with Its clustered to get back in shape after a Island where there will be no hand millionaires could not afford. We bers, sailcloth, and palm leaves. Soft Drinks—Cigars Vernonia'« Oldest and most raised against us and no wireless smoked quantities of fish and pork Tbe first one up was a queer-look flashing stars and gorgeous Milky week’s work out. Billiards and Pool Way. Hanging above the horizon DENTISTS Dove Knight represents Demp up-to-date hotel. to call the cruisers, and we will get and stowed It away. We found fresh ing thing, but our architecture Im la the far-famed Southern Cross, sey’s style of fighting, the lad water and some kind of vegetables water on the Island and refilled our proved with practice. Our prison Mr«. Grace Scott* Manager In the middle of the camp we has the shiftiest style, can wal and maybe shoot some game and tanks. Our traces of scurvy aud ers, who were all Americans, helped berl-berl disappeared, aud we were made a sort of plaza. The See- lop with either hand, a brute have a fine shore leave. Then, after us a great deal. They understood M. D. COLE ........ . , — electric for punishment, and can inflict we have rested up, what ho, boys, rapidly getting ready to continue the art of pitching tents. They built adler's batteries furnlshed RESTAURANT our cruise and work of * havoc ‘ In a special town for themselves, and light for It, and there we gathered LAWYERS and away for more adventure.” a powerful amount of slaughter Buccaneering in the Paclflc, with Australian waters. gave the streets auch name* as every flight. We still had plenty of in less time than seems possible. Ou the second of August, we Broadway. State street. Pennsyl champagne and cognac left from only three ships sunk In live Knight la clever, is a wonder LESTER SHEELEY HOLLYWOOD months seemed much too unprofit made ready to leave the ship for vania avenue, and the " Bowery. * In the capture of the champagne ship. ful boxer, which he proved when able. I planned that, after a brief another day ashore. At nine-thirty time we contrived to arrange quite So, In the cool of the evening, we RESTAURANT I noticed a strange bulge on the meeting with Teddy Fox at sat out there on the edge of this sojurn on some peaceful South Sen ’ecent dwelling places. Of course, eastern rim of the sea. I called my we also Installed our wireless set a- equatorial Potsdnmmer Platz sip est Grove, last winter, and lost isle, we would sail for the Anti Excellent Cooked Foods DR. W. H. HURLEY podes. Then we would destroy the ofllcers’ attention to It. At first we shore In order to keep tn touch ping drinks out of wine and brandy the fight (o Fox by a shade. Herman Schindler English whaling station and oil thought It a mirage. But it kept with passing ships and events hap glasses, Just as we might have at Dove takes th? fancy of moat Dentistry and X-Ray tanks at South Georgia, sink a growing larger, it came toward us. pening out on this side of the world. the Adlon In Berlin. There was fight fans, by fas actions in the plenty of pipe tobacco, an<J Doctor few ships, capture one on which to Nor did we neglect to take ashore ring, for instance, his fierce Hoffman Hdwe. Building ship our prisoners, and, If we got a heavy arsenal of arms and am Pietsch bad (akeu care to rescue faqk, sticking his jaw out a TAXI from the wreck a store of bls end awny safely, continue our cruise in munition, Including rifles, Luger pis GORDON R. WATT mile, not for a punch, but go Vernonia, Oregon less cigars. The wind blew, the the prosperous waters of the Atlan tols, band grenade«, and dynamite. ing out to win from the first tic. In short, w« bad « perfect little stars shope. and the orchestra al- Garner’* Our first plan was to sail direct tovn wltb everything except a cala tefoateiy played German classics round. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Day and Night Little has been said recently to one of tbe larger Cook Islands. boose. Sofiie of our tneq who pad from the operas and American rag Joy Theatre Building But we gave that up for fear of romantic faoffancfas constructed time melodies. Ah, yes, this last of a Knight and Brady fight, but Vernonia, Oregon TAXI SERVICE “cidptry homes" for themselves a bit of the once glorious overseas this haa not been forgotten, and finding a wireless station there that might give us away. We dlfl not Office Phone 672 few hundred yards away In th« German empire wasn't such a bad many are still hopeful that this DR. HARRY A. BROWN We cast bout will soon take place. want to move east of our present Res. Phone 673 jungle. Then w« named the place little paradise at all. Eyesight Specialist aways out there In the solitude of MARK EVERY GRAVE longitude, for that would have taken Seeadlerhurg, Sea Eagle Town. Brady is not seen in the local us against the trade wind and com Memorials in granite and marble There were gulls’ eggs everywhere the South Seas felt as though we ring very much recently, unac pelted us to use our motor. It was at reduced prices along th« «bore, but the birds were were the only people left In the countable unless tyady is receiv world, like Noah and his family on necessary to save the engine as brooding now, and most of the WRITE FOR PARTICULARS SHINGLE MILL ing larger purses out of town. Mount Ararat much as possible and not have It eggs we collected had half-formed If Brady, Knight, would be Oregon Monument Work* But after about three weeks of wear out on us. We hoped we little gulls In them. We got around Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro would need It for further captures this by clearing a large section of this Oarden-of-Eden-wlthout-nn-Eve back in harness fighting under Re-Roof With FLOWERS and escapes. beach and throwing the old eggs existence, the monotony of It hogan the Vernonia banner, the town The Camp on Mopella. SHINGLES PHYSICIANS Mopella, one of the Society Is Into the lagoon. Then th« gulls to get on our nerves. Of course, could boasf of a good line-up lands (some geographies Include It Then we recognized It—a tidal wave flocked back and laid more eggs, there was the “wife” of the officer of fighters in Roy (Swede) Nel From FLOWERS FOR In the Scllly Isles), seemed about such as is caused by submarine and thus a supply of fresb eggs of the ... but she was far too son, Dove Knight, Dane Brady, ALL OCCASIONS busy to be interested In the fest of Young Nelson, Kid Scott, Lee right for our purpose. It was n earthquake and volcanic dlsturban- was assured. Dr. J. A. Hughes u*. We hadn't been sent out to French possession, and, so far as ces. Our America? prisoner« Were v Smith’s Flower Shop The danger was only too Davis and a few others who Physician and Surgeon we knew, uninhabited. It was one clear. We lay between the Island nearly all cheeky follows. Some of cofanlte fa fl South Seas and take MRS. J. W. BROWN of those Isles of the South Seas so and the wave. them fitted fa w’»*» fa« “fa life easy. So we cast about for a =^===z4i=========== Vernonia Representative Office Phone 663 Vernonia, way to go buccaneering again. fantastically beautiful and so awk belter that) my rn«h- **>«7 aeemed "Cut |he anchor cable, Clear the Phone 693 Res. Phone 664 - -Oregon ward for tbe sailor to approach. motor. A|l hands on deck-'' Our first need was for a ship tn real metres nttove water atnldslHp. tp know ail about the art of fishing, VERNONIA Only seldom does he find one with We flared not ra|se sail, for then and taught us Germans things we take the place of our unfortunate Into this small space we stored a dtcent anchorage, and nowhere the wind would drive us on the bad never dreamed of. They were ac three master impaled out there on water, hardtack, machine guns, In the world are the winds and cur reef. So our only hope of getting customed to what In th« «tatea «long the coral reef. The Kanakaa told rifles, band grenades, and pistole. rents more treacherous. clear of the Island was our motor. the Gulf of Mexico la called spear qa that a French sailing vessel vis The only luxuries we allowed our On the morning of July 29 we The huge swell of the tidal wave ing eel« They fastened Iron barbs ited tbe Island every year to take selves were a few tins of pemml- sighted Mopella, and steered toward was rushing toward us with break tn «hafts of wood and with these away turtle meat. The best guess caq, a aide of bacon, and an accord It Words fall me when I try to neck apeefl. speared big fish In the coral lagoon that they could make was that It ion- The music of the squealer was describe Its beauties. From the blue They alao showed us a clever would be another six months or so to bo our solace during a cruise The motor didn't stir. The me ocean rises a mass of green palms chanics were working frantically. way of catching flsb on a grand before she arrived. Well, after six the length of which none could fore The sunlight glows In the green scale. They took some forty men months, we would have a ship. We It son-ebow even seems to turn the They pumped compressed air Into and boys sod, just as high tide was could always fall back on that. But, tell. The great question was: Could sunlight green. Against the dark the engine. We waited In vain for turning, formed In a line about fifty hy Joe, six months wns a long time our tiny craft survive a storm? At A. F. A A. M. the sound of the ignition. Now. any rate, the could sail, and that blue cf the sea and the llght-bluc Mountain Heart American Legion right at the critical moment, our yards off-shor». Then the line came to wait The war might be won or was something. Wo christened ber Vernonia Ix>dge No. 184 of the sky, the sunlight seetns to lx- lost by then. And It was highly the Kronprlnteeain Cecillo—with splashing In, driving the flab before Varneaia Peat motor had failed qs, Just qa ft had Rebekah Lodge No. 243 A. F. & A. M. meets drawing the green island out of the unlikely that any other ship would out, however, painting ber name on It toward shore, just as the natives so often failed us before. By this 119, American at Masonic Temple, No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every water, and the soft south wind car stray Into those waters for heaven the stern. round up tigers for « rajah In In time, the tidal wave was only a Stated Communication second and fourth Thursdays in Legion, Moots rfes the scent of flowers far on I few hundred yards away. We were dia. Many of tbe fish floundered knows how long. We all grew Imps- W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors Of course, everybody wanted to First Thursday of each to sea. It is the greeting of the ...____ second and about go, but there could be only alt of lost. To our frightened eyes It Into shallow water, and a few min ttent. Few sailors are keen always welcome. Island, and we Inhale It deeply. month. Special called fourth Tuesdays looked like a whole mountain range utes liter wars left stranded by tbe remaining cast away on a tropical us at the most. So 1 picked the Myrtle Johns, N.G. , Here was a typical coral »toll— Isle for long, and especially on an meetings on all other receding Ude. You see. tbe water, Thurs- each month, 8 pi of water. |t must have been thirty Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, Sect’y. men who seemed to be In the most the kind you dream about. A clr m. John Hay, or forty feet high. It came rushing as It backed offshore, left large atoll as small as Mopella. We felt vigorous health at the time. Mate day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors cular reef studded with wavinc tbe Itch to get out to sea again. 1 pools on top of the Irregular coral Adjutant most cordially welcome. with a roar that drowned out our Leudemann, Lieutenant Klrcbeiu, palms and within the reef a lovely reef, and there tbe fish were trapped. was particularly anxious to set Engineer Krauss, Boatswain Par- F. D. Macpherson, W. M. piacid lagoon. The coral shore was voices. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. A gigantic, violent band seemed Sometimes we caught five or six something stirring. Before long the mien, and Yoemaa Erdmann. Thia snow white, and. with the sun's hundred pounds a day. end It was tropics! sun sad lasy Ufe would left the colony on the etoll In the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS rays reflecting from It, It leaked to grasp the ship. The wave swung exciting sport sap my men's vitality, and all they hands of Lieutenant Kling. __ Order of Eastern Star like a sparkling Jewel set In ar. her on nigh and threw her forward. One night, while ws were sitting would be good for would be to loll HARDING LODGE 11« American Legion Auxiliary (Continued next week) Nehalem Chapter 163. O. E. S. alabaster ring, like emeralds sei It flung us crashing on the coral „round our fire, we heard a scratch went around. TF Meets every Monday Regular commu In Ivory. There were coral terrace* reef. Our masts and rigging Ina sound- It seemed to come from Meets first and third The nication first below tbe water. The shallowei over, broken like matchsticks, Bermuda grass pasture should everywhere. We looked and found We still had our lifeboats, and at 8 P.M. in Grange Mondays of each aaoatb ship _ and third Wed ones were white or pale green, anri shattering Impact of the at Ike Legion hall. h*n- smashed the coral, and pieces flew a lot of crabs with big claws They the hurricane season was not on. be kept closely grated, as the nesdays of each as you peered deeper Into the ws were hermit crate. We caught sev So why not put to sea In one of stems become dry and wiry if Ralph Clem, C. C. month, at Ma ter you saw every conceivable tin: in all directions like shrapnel from eral and put them In boiling water them? We devised rigging and sails allowed to get too old. Where an exploding shell, Tbe swirling sonic Temple. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Preu, Emil Messing, KRS of green and blue, sea green, em Meanwhile, the crab In for our best lifeboat, mast, jib there are not enough stock in water seised great pieces of coral to cook All visiting sis Knight rank, Monday June 10. Mrs. P. Wideman, Sac. •raid green, bine green, azure blue boom, gaff, stays, and back stays. vasloo continued, and more from the pasture to keep the grass and whipped them around, beating ters and broth sapphire blue navy bine, violet. We scraped, caulked and painted behind kept pushing th« rest for ers welcome. well grated. It often pays to As we sailed nearer and nearer them against the ship. The See 1. O. O. F. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. adler had heeled over until her ward. We tried tbe ones ws bad ber. She was not In any too good harvest for hay and get a fresh that alluring coral shore, we rooked, and they were delicious. condition, and despite our labor she deck was almost perpendicular. Tbe Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. growth for pasturing that will flowers among the palm*, flower- water swept over the deck, and the They were as good as tbe beat lob continued to leak a hit and needed be more nutritions and palatable WOMENS RELIEF of all colors, and Immense number ’t*By Joe," I said. “boya. Itt'a get constant balling. Even in calm Pythian Sisters of orchids. The hues of the flower- swirling eddies Inirnbarrted us wltb weather we bad to ball forty palls than the older stems. LO O P.—’ Vernonia . .. _ No. CORPS chunks of coral. I clung to an Iron Vernonia Temple 61 meets were reflected In the water over the 246 meets evei try Tuesday night a day. Wo loaded her with pro post near the lower rail. The rail busy." every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays In white coral that deepened and Meets third Thursday of each' at 8 o’clock, in I Orange ____ halL Via- We spread out a large sail end visions for half a dozen men over Distinctive style of highest turned green. Within the circular saved me from the Iona of shatter filled It up with crate, like a sack. a long voyage. She was eighteen quality wedding stationery at W.O.W. hall. I iters always welcome. month at the W. O. W. hall. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. real'tbe lagoon seemed, fully as deep ed.coraj that cere hurled up by the We must have bad several thgw Xfitl in length sod yfll2_abW_Latf- Alfred Webb, N. G. the Vernonia lagle. Mrs. Lee Hall, president. DELLA. CLINE, M. of R. A C, F. N. O'Donnell, BecreUiy, blow of the falling ship. Tn a' mo ment, the wave had ebbed away, leaving us high and dry. It had passed over the circling reef and the lagoon, though not over the main part of the Island. And on Its way bad awept hundreds of thousands of birds' nests into the lagoon. I arose, scarcely knowing whether 1 was alive or dead, and stood alone with one foot on my slanting deck and the other on ttfte rail. For a moment I though I was the only one saved. “Boys, where are yooF' 1 shouted weakly. “Here,” came the reply, “still standing like an oak.” My men and the prisoners had taken refuge In the bow and bad been sheltered by the rail, as 1 had been. No one was Injured. For that at least we could be thankful. For that and not much else. The Ste adier was a total wreck. The jagged coral was rammed deep Into our hull. We stand like an oak I I adopted the reply of my sailors as our motto henceforth. We were castaways on this coral atoll In one of the loneli est and least-visited reaches of the South Pacific. Everything lost, but “we stand like an oak.” Classified Advertising — ---- -------------- II T Professional and Business Directory Fl General Plumbing Vernonia, Oregon Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon Attorney-at-law Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit Johnston & McGraw Lodge and Club Notices H JI ®