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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1929)
JUNE THURSDAY, -------------- L — ' ■! ■ - - 20, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON --S---------------- ~~ recently purchased by L. A. Young. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooper of the I.-P. camp 2, have purchas ed a farm near Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quail of the I.-P. camp 2 are the proud parents of a baby girl, weighing eight and one-half pounds and was named Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebo motored to Portland Saturday night returning Sunday morning bringing home with them their son Joe who attends Benson Polytechnic school. Miss Merle and Master Lowell Young, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Young, are visit ing their grandparents over at Cole creek until after the Fourth. Mrs. A. S. Acheson and her daughters Betty Lou and Anna belle have been quite ill the past week. Mrs. J. A. Armstrong and daughter Mary Ann of Inman- Poulsen camp 2 was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Duvall. KEASEY Joe Banzer and family shop Mr. and Mrs. Dean Duvall ped in this city last Friday. spent Sunday in this city. M. Flynn of Birkenfeld shop Mr. and Mrs. Rae Gunnoe of Portland spent Saturday even- ped in Vernonia last Friday. .ng in Vernonia. Willium Folger sepnt the week Miss C. Kelley and Miss F. end in Portland visiting friends and relations. McPherson of Hillsboro stopped over in Vernonia last Sunday Mrs. Dave O’Donnell motored afternoon to visit friends. to Birkenfeld Monday taking sub Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hoff scriptions for the local paper. man attended the Atwater Kent Roy Kullander, brother of A. dealers convention Monday re L. Kullander of this city, spent turning to this city Tuesday. * the week end in Vernonia. Marion Childs Childs visited Y. Muraki, section foreman of her grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Tophil., spent the week end in Childs, and aunt, Mrs. Mabie this city. Childs, at Portland last week, and while in the city attended Ben Bennett recently purchas the Rose Festival. ed a new Dodge sedan from the Vernonia Brazing & Machine Pete Nordon of Connacher re shop. cently purchased a new Essex Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang of coach from Ed. Salmonsen, pro Portland spent the week end in prietor and owner of the Ver Vernonia staying at the home nonia Brazing & Machine shop. of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Stephens Mrs. M. L. Ratcliffe, Margie and children, Jeraldine and Bet and Aigie Ratcliffe, and Mr. and ty Jean, of Astoria, spent Sat Mrs. E. E. Graham spent Sunday urday in this city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. in Portland. Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stephens of Yakima will spend the next P. Itenson of Connacher re two weeks in Vernonia visiting cently purchased a new Essex with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schultz. sedan from Ed. Salmonsen of the Vernonia Brazing & Machine Robert Hoffman who has been shop. attending the O. S. A. C. is as sisting in his father's store this Chas. T. Early of Portland week. spent Tuesday in this city in M. Moe and L. Schwab drove specting the; construction of his to Hillsboro Saturday and cover new garage and show room, and ed all roads between Hillsboro building on Bridge street and and the surrounding country Rose avenue. with stampede publicity. G. W. Ford, general manager Robert Petty found a pigeon of the Columbia Utilities com last Thursday afternoon near pany spent the week end in his home, with a tag attached Portland, and while in the city to one of his feet, marked 27F- spent some time in newspaper 5575, AJ, offices to get the stampede some publicity. Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson of Ry derwood, Wash,, spent the week Ed. L. Moore, secretary-man end at the home of her daughter ager of the Hillsboro Chamber and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. of Commerce, visited in this city Frank Clark. last Saturday in the interest of Clyde Wilson, 1G year old son the Hillsboro celebration, July of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, 2, 3, and 4. underwent a serious operation A. Corey spent the week end last Thursday at St. Joseph hos in Portland on business. pital at Vancouver. Speck Ford, well known sales G, W. Nelson, roadmaster of man of the Pacific Fruit and the S. P. & S. railroad with produce company, spent Monday headquarters in Portland, stopped in this city, in the interest of over in this city Friday during his concern. an inspection trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. Walrod with A. J. Davidson, general man children Maebyn and Junior, vis ager, R. S. Crozier, general pas ited at the home of Mrs. Wal- senger agent, F. C. Wager, sup rod’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike erintendent of motor transporta O’Connor last Sunday. Miss B. tion spent Monday in this city O’Connor another daughter who inspecting railroad and bus also resides in the city journey property and equipment. ed to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gosa and daughters Lucile and LaVelle mo tored to Monmouth where Miss LaVelle will attend the Oregon Normal school during the sum- mar months. Mrs. Cage of Seattle has been visi tin. her daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Julian John- son. Mrs. T. L. Gosa and daughters Lucile and LaVelle spent Wed nesday visiting at the home of Mrs. Orville Young at the In man-Poulsen camp 2. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairhurst entertained Miss LaVelle Gosa and her parents and sister Lucile with a dinner Saturday evening prior to her leaving for Mon mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devaney and family have moved to Wil- ark, where Mr. Devaney is work ing in the logging camp. Mrs. H. Harold Christie and daughter Frances called at the W. G. Christie home, Inman- Poulsen headquarters camp. Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Young mo Distinctive style of highest tored out to Gasto, Oregon, to quality wedding stationery at look at the nut and prune farm the Vernonia Eagle. Sheets Large 81x99 sise Cotton Blankets seemless no better value any where, each ............ 98c Pillow Cases A special value ii blanket«, full size •ingle 66x80. Colors blue, gray and tan plaids ...... 98c To match sheets, size 42x36 A good value Each ....................... Extra large size 72x84, each ........ O|?_ ¿OC $119 Poison Strawberry Root FIVE Weevils The examination of several strawberry fields has shown that the strawberry root weevils are emerging into the adult stage and the poison bait should be put out at this time to control them. The poison consists of the pre pared bait or the grower can make the bait himself from 95 pounds of apple pomace and 5 I pounds of calcium arsenate. This should be applied at the rate of about 50 to 75 pounds per acre by placing about a tea spoonful in the crown of each plant. There is another that can be made pounds of bran, 20 sugar and 8 pounds arsenate. Bulletin Published Nelson, county agricultural agent. “The meaning and use of the Willamette soil survey” is a val uable publication on soils. Copies of this bulletin can be obtained from the county agent’s office, at St. Helens. “Socially-correct” wedding in vitations and announcements at the Vernonia Eagle. At the- VERNONIA MEAT MARKET Service and Quality That will always meet with your approval VERNONIA MEAT MARKET Culver & Co. Tel. 231 Why Pay More Than At Vernonia Men’s Work Shirts MILLER^. ( New “English Walnut Production in Oregon” is the title of a new bulletin recently published by the Oregon agricultural college. This bulletin contains some use ful information on the cultural, poison bait ! pruning and harvesting of wal from 100 nuts, and also insect and disease pounds of problems. Copies of this may be of calcium obtained from the county agent's office at St Helens.—Geo. A. Made of champray. genuine colfax Triple stitched Men’s Dress Shirts An unusual mens Extra fine quality, and blue chambray, / Good Goodö.__ style, two pockets Millers special . .. gray coat 69c in assortment1 a good collection fast colors patterns sizes 14 to 17 ........ Your Dollars Will Not Shrink In This Store. Uncle Sam Announces that he is going to shrink the currency sizes on or about July first. Dollar bills and all others will be smaller in size. NOTICE the expression on the faces of these young fellows in the picture. They are all working fellows, and are wondering if their dollars are going to be worth as much as ever. We are glad that we can make this announcement this week and every week regard less of what Uncle Sam does to currency, your dollars wil lnot shrink at Miller’s. You’ll be surprised Think of us when you want your car oiled and greased. We’ll deliver the job on time and you will know that it has been done right. Correct and throrough lubri cation will save you many dollars in the up-keep of your car. CRAWFORD MOTOR CO. Going Away? New Silk Dresses Buy your luggage at low cash prices. At a very special low price! Glorious, gay prints, with contrasting colored trims, youthful necklines. Such dresse, usually sell at higher prices. In our delermina- tiop to «peed Vernonia’s sales up we offer them Here is a good cheap case for your vacation trip, 24- inch black Japan, iron cor ners, special value— to you at— 98c $9.75 Other special values at $4.95 Black 18 inch bags, good heavy corners, brass lock and fasteners, lined with colored cretonne, priced at and $349 $14.75 24-inch Suit Case with heavy rubberoid straps. Corners protected, nickel color locks and fasteners, splendid value— Spring Coats $198 Extra special Suit Case, 24-inshes long, 8 inches deep, strong rubberoid strap and handle, extra heavy corners. Good lock and fas teners. Priced low Tbis |s 00« soason when you can enjoy having a coat along with you and if you need one, now is your op Vernonia 1---------------------------- -.t1-' U. - - ------------------------------------------------ LOW Round Trip On sain daily May 22 to Sept. SO inclusiva. Raturn limit Oct. 8|, ST. PAUL................. $ 77.85 ST. LOUIS ---------- 87.85 CHICAGO................. 92.95 WASHINGTON... 148.11 NEW YORK............. 153.95 Similar Fares to other points dote. New flare skirts sizes 16 to 46. Wo have plenty now, but they are selling fast. Get yours NOW. Go East via the Famous Columbia River Scenic Route on either the Empire Builder or the North Coast Limited Full details of R. M. Aldrich, Agent J. C. Wright, Gen. Agt. F. L. Weber, Tv.Psg.Ag tjÇOK fl PORTLAND 89c Several patterns from, a yard— 29c to ¿hoose ( Cretonnes in new colorful patterns, suitable for smocks and curtains, 36 inches wide, a yar< New Curtains bedrooms and kitchen«, white with pretty checked and floral edge«. valance« well case, black embossed Priced Low New delightful, fresh and colorful as the first flowers of spring, Women who can sew will find it worth while to select now. Washable Crepe, elite in new printed patterns, 36 inches wide, splendid quality, a yard Spun silks in plain colors. The much used silk for slip«, trimmings, ensembles. Sold in many stores at 85c, our price a yard— 81.29 For economical to afford Tieback« match. new You curtains our prices—- 98c “ $179 and can at Fast colors prints, 36 inches wide, beautiful and colorful. 39c leather- 98c All Wool Bathing Suits Summer Fabrics Pretty new dresses, come in several new patterns end Round Trips r splendid ette, oblong shape, 9x13. SPECIAL .................................. Flarette Wash Frocks All Summer it Over Night Cases New Choie» of many rout»»—Liberal »topovar» * $9.75 to $14.75 A FARES u $495 portunity to save money. NOW— Jantzen pure virgin wool suits in gay color combina tions. Sells regularly at $5 and $6 for women and misses. Just in time for vacation days, $3 98 $498 Men's and boys all wool Jantzen suits. Bright snap py patterns, priced at, $398 and e * 98 Childrens sixes in all Suits at— wool $298 , Men’» Swim ming Robe Sets Special for beach use to wear to and from the hath house. Robe end slippers with bag, regular $4 val ues at— of 98c how far your dollars will stretch at a Miller store. Make the test now, take advantage of this opportunity today and every day. Shop where you can save, bank the difference. In a very short time you will have a sizeable savings account. All you need to do is io compare. Shop where savings are greatest. Lubrication Of The New Ford Our Specialty of collar attached shirts