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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1929)
THURSDA1CJUNE20, 192» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Society News Mi» Amy Society Clubs Hughe* Reporter in honor of her birthday. Camp Fire Girls Give Mist “Jolly 20” Meet The refreshments of jello, Farewell Dinner To At Home of Mrs. 1*< ivu«, coffee, puuvu punch *»nu and v«»« cake were Miss Merle Mills E. McGee OIÎ the Burn served. The birthday cake was a daffodil cake decorated with Miss Hazel Malmsten’s group of Mist, June 20.—Last Thursday green candles and pink holders, Those present were Mrs. Ruby I Camp Fire girls entertained at the Jolly 20, met at the home the Camp Fire cabin last Friday of _____ Mrs. L. __ E. ______ McGee, , _ on ___ the Haight, Victor Haight and sons, Burn. Mrs. Carl Enneberg was a | Mrs. Al Schultz and son Tod, with a farewell party for Merle visitor during the entire session. Mrs. Inez Harpole and son Bob, I Mills who had been very active Several members were absent, Fred South, Mrs. Ruth Holgate I in Camp Fire activities. but the day was pleasantly pass and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. R. ed sewing, and with the regular M. Acord and Dorothy and Bob Study Club Meet At meeting and social doings oc- by Acord. Home of Mrs. Holcomb _ the day. At noon a cupying bountiful dinner was served by Radio Club Meet The regular meeting of the the hostess, and it was decided At FJpme Of Mrs. Al Study club was held at the home to hold the next meeting on Schultz Thursday of Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Thurs- June 27th at the home of Mrs. day, June 13. A. R. Melis. After the business meeting ad The Radio club met at the home of Mrs. Al Schultz, on journed suggestions were given Friends Surprise Second avenue last Thursday for subjects to be studied next Mrs. Jake Neurer On evening to hear the final episode year, as this was the final meet of the club until fall. Birthday Anniversary of Dentry Manor, a mystery play ing Very delicious refreshments presented and broadcast by sta were served by the hostess ai Natal, June 20.—Many friends tion KGO of Oakland, Calif. the close of the afternoon. surprised Mrs. Jake Neurer on Christian Church her birthday last Thursday, Evangelical Church The regular services June 23. where the guests enjoyed an The Sunday school meets at The Bible school at 19:00. Lets evening playing cards. all be there. At 11:00, morning 9:45 and will have a special ses- The hostess served her guests worship, sermon subject, “The sion. The prize pins will be ice cream and cake. awarded, and a program will be Invincible Church.” The guests all of whom jour Christian Endeavor at 7:00. given. The subject of the 11 a.m. neyed from Portland were, Mr. Evangelistic services at 8:00. and Mrs. J. II. Remmington, I» Mr. Good music. Sermon subject, sermon by the pastor will be and Mrs. Albert Toose, Mr. and “Work and Wages.” Welcome is “May I Be Faithful.” The Young people will have a Mrs. George Lockwood, Mr. and the big word. joint meeting at 7 p.m. Three Mrs. Bert Bailey, and Mr. and Rev. O. P. Burris. representatives of the Wildwood Mrs. John Huback. Mission will speak. Georgia Fairbanks To At 8 p.m. the pastor will speak Willing Workers Aid Spend Summer Months on the following subject, by re- Society Elect New Visiting In Florida quest, “Who Crucified Jesus?” G. W. Plumer, pastor. Officers For Year Miss Georgia Fairbanks, who The Willing Workers Aid so recently graduated from Wil- CAMP McGREGOR ciety of the Christian church lamette University at Salem, was At the annual school meeting held their regular meeting at spending a few days in this city Camp McGregor the home of Mrs. Frank Mills, visiting at the home of her sis- held at the school house last Monday even June 12, with a good attendance. ter, Mrs. Dave Marshall. Miss Fairbanks left yesterday ing the following were elected: New officers were elected for the coming year, Mrs. Ray for her former home in Florida, J. W. Warnstaff, director for Charlesworth, president; Mrs. where she will spend the remain one year to finish unexpired Ernest Bemis, Veal, vice president; Mrs. E. der of the summer season, ve term of Mrs. Knight, secretary; Mrs. Van turning to this city at the be- whose resignation was accepted. ginning of school term, i where Thomas Cameron was elected di Doren treasurer. The next meeting will be held she will teach in one of the ! local rector for a three year term, and J. W. Warnstaff elected June 26, at the home of M rs. schools. school clerk for one year. A. R. Veal. Lundeen was reelected director, Leora McCormick but declined the reelection. T. F. Beverly Bateman 8th Celebrates Her Scott is now chairman of the Celebrates Birthday Birthday at Home school board. Arthur Jewell, engineer on the With Party at Home Mist, June 19.—Leora McCor- O. A. 102 engine was married Mrs. Tommy Bateman gave a mick celebrated her eighth birth at Vancouver, Wash., June 11 birthday party Tuesday after day last Thursday evening at to a young lady from Portland noon in honor of her daughter, home, receiving many beautiful The newlyweds have gone to Santiago, Calif., on their honey Beverly, who celebrated, being gifts from friends. After retiring she was pleas moon. one year old. Carl Luine and family expect The afternoon was spent play antly surprised by a call from ing games f<dlowing which a de her father from Wilark where to move to Portland soon. Mrs. A. R. Lundeen and sons lightful novel luncheon was serv he is employed as a camp cook, ed the guests, featuring each and Mr. McCormick presented intend to spend the week end guest being served a small birth his daughter with a handsomely at the beach. A pleasant birthday party was day cake, holding one small decorated birthday cake, decorat candle, the cake was decorated ed in pink and yellow with 8 given Barbara Cameron who her third anniversary in pink and white and ice cream candles. Leora’s aunt, Mrs. Chas. celebrated -------------------------—-------- ... j was alsp served. Many beautiful Sundland, was also a caller at presents were received from the McCormick home to pay her those present and others who respects to the little celebrator. were unable to attend. J Those present were, Thelma Mrs. A. J. Black Lincoln, Onie New, Verla and Entertains Bridge Club Helen Messing, Jimmy Lilly, Phyllis New, Roberta Williams, Mrs. A. J. Black entertained Margarie and Dorothy Holtham, Margaret and Virginia Yeo, the Bridge club at her home Zelma New, Luella Williams, Tuesday. High score was made by Mrs. Gladys Krinick, Colleen Fogel. M. Gründen and low score by Mrs. J. C. Lindley. Radio Club Hold Party Delicious refreshments consist In Honor Mrs. Haight ing of ice cream with crushed strawberries and cake with coffee The Radio club gave a surprise were served the guests. Those present were, the Mes- party for Mrs. Ruby Haight, Wednesday evening, June 5. at dnnies, K. A. McNeill, J. Lind the home of her mother, Mrs. ley, George Ogg, A. J. Hughes, R. M. Acord, at the corner of M. Gründen, A. L. Kullander First avenue, and Nehalem street and the hostess. June 11. Ice cream and cake was served to the guests who attended the party. Mrs. S. A. Cage of Seattle I» visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. s. Johnson at the I. P. camp. Miss Mabie Humble of Baker, Oregon, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Nickson at I. P. camp No. 2. Tom Batch, blacksmith for the O.-A. company, will spend his vacation with his family who re side at Oakland, Calif. Miss Mary Patrician, primary teacher in Camp McGregor school is attending summer school at Monmouth. Oke, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson who recently cut his hand while split ting wood, returned from Port land Saturday, where he spent a week visiting with relations af ter being released from St. Vin cent’s hospital. Joe Lebo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lebo of I.-P. camp has returned from Portland where he has been high attending school. Mrs. Harriet 1 Reed of Portland visited her sister, Mrs. Lee Fry' of I. P. camp No. 2, over the week end. John Warnstaff journeyed to Portland Monday to receive medi cal treatment. Avis Scott visited friends at Vernonia last week, being a guest at the Rufli home also. The O.-A. company are paint ing a good many of the dwell ings at camp. Mrs. Al Hartung and children are visiting relations near Mo- sir ‘r- Bread yolks, beat in sugar, add flour, baking powder and salt. Dates and nuts last. Save part of the flour to put with the dates. Bake in sheet in a moderate oven, cut in stripes. Roll stripes in powdered sugar. Mix 2 cups of hot wheat break fast cereal, Vi cup of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1’4 cups each of peacan nut meats and dates, (stoned and cut up in small pieces), and two table- Dainty Sandwiches spoons of butter. ’A cup water When lukewarm add 1 yeast *4 cup chopped nut meats cake dissolved in 1cups of 1 cup light brown sugar lukewarm water, add sufficient 1 teaspoon mapleine bread flour to knead. Cover, let 'i cup chopped figs rise in a warm place. When Boil sugar and water until it doubled in bulk, shape in two loaves. Place in buttered bread | "hairs” from the spoon. Add 1 nuts an<* maP*e*ne. Mix well pans and bake in a moderate i flllil Imtu/rion halvoo and Rlirutid spread between halves of oven for % hours. lady fingers or wafers. Fest Furniture Store Plain Nut Bread Swiss CLUBS A We have one of the best buys on a set of Golf clubs you can find. A well made set, balanced $ | | C A clubs, regular $13 value Same set with cheaper carrying bag BALLS 45c EACH It Pays! See Hoffman About It! hofeman $9.75 hardware « A Which will mean, that we will be able to sell to you direct here in Vernonia from our stock, merchandise, at a lower price than you can get or order from any mail order house, and invite you to bring your catalogue along for comparisons— Vernonia Next to Postoffice Quality I I FLY SPRAY flies,mosquitoes, 1 roaches tfmofhs, I ice and manyofher insects STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Following in line with the balance of the stores owned by this company it is with sincere regret that we are unable to con tinue giving credit to those whose business it has been our pleasure to enjoy. And M. Murray, takes this opportunity to express their appreciation for the generous patronage which they have enjoyed from the public in the past, and know that YOU too, will want . . . Quantity , . . at a lower price than mail order houses can offer you, and this will be piade possible through our store being con ducted on a cash basis only—with no free delivery, but I Lower Prices Without Any Delay I á I » i 7 fl 6 Dry Good» General Merchandise Groceriec Vernonia Walk-Over Shoes Clothing -« /'»4HATDOI M6A n !-] /UN. WU AMT AS SMAflT / AS X Toexwr SOU WAS, ( SAA<3&! Acouess.PH- sonauy X ain ' t «dr nut - \ T in ID DO vdlW M ALKY \aACK»r. vuNoefiSUÑS fn <7 » Mliku X I Il I 'V 'i I I S=- * * A Business Proposal . ) I We will be pleased to serve you FINNEY OF THE FORCE Steak 2 pounds of round or sir- 1 egg loin steak, cut two inches thick % cup sugar Mu cup flour—salt and pep- 1 cup flour 4 teaspoons baking powder per. (mix) *ts teaspoon salt K cup ham or bacon drip- Pings cup nuts A few slices of onion Mix and let rise for twenty H green popper chopped minutes, Bake from 40 to 60 fine minutes. 2 cups of boiling water or Date Nut Bar* 1 cup water and 1 of strained 3 eggs tomatoes. 1 cup sugar Pound the flour into the meat cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder with a mallet or edge of a heavy plate. Sear the meat in 1 teaspoon vanilla hot fat and brown. Add onion, 1 cup walnuts green pepper, boiling water and 1 pound dates cut fine tomato. Cover closely and let U teaspoon salt add simmer for two hours. Best whites of egg». WEED NOTICE Vacant lot* mint ba mowed by the fir*t of July, to comply with the local city ordinance. HARRY G. PHELPS, 462 City Marshal M. Murray and Company, will run their business on a cash basis only, with no free delivery. ^Aromte 'em dead ■ New and Second Hand Furniture g s i ------------------------------- ;------------------- 1 Mrs. Bert Nelson of Vernonia house Tuesday with Rev. R. D. spent the week end with the Everett in charge. Lilliam England and Evelyn Krebbs family. Wilson were the two girls who Dick Kern spent the past week won the scholarship to the sum in Portland with his grandparents mer school at Corvallis, from Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Kern. Westimber. They left last Sunday The daily vacation Bible school for the two weeks session at Cor opened in the Timber school vallis. § £ a 3B ..._x..k Nut Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burgess and son of Port Ludlow, Wn. visited recently with the Baird family for a few days. Mrs. Wm. Krebbs recently un derwent an operation at the Emanual hospital in Portland. fctu’ ß. a " Date and WEST1MBER V £0 1 (By Mr*. Mark E. Moe) lalla, Oregon. The Scott family is daily an ticipating the arrival of friends from Rock Springs, Wyo. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Donnell, at St. Vincent’s hospital at Portland on June 11. Mr. and Mrs. John Warnstaff have named their infant daughter Virginia Lee. Hugh Dunlap was surprised by a group of friends last Satur day evening in honor of his birthday which was on June 1... A good time was enjoyed. Mr. Dunlap received many presents from his friends. Mrs. Paul Dodge and Mrs. Tom Scott were Vernonia vis itors last Saturday. Roy Warnstaff returned from Portland Saturday, after spend ing several days in the city get ting dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Happy Thomp son and children of Vernonia were visitors at the Cameron home last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Armstrong of I. P. camp No. 1, was a Vernonia visitor last Saturday. (»■ I T, Kitchen Recitals Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Fraternal Office Pbone 192 5^1 -, <3 I I