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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1929)
Invite Your Friends From Out of Town to Spend Their 4th Here lient otti« l0 ’ Tune In KEX Stampede Announcement Every Morning at 9:30 VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 VOLUME 7 Farmer* Excursion To Murray I* Big Wreck Work Starts Elizabeth Astoria On June 29 Thomas Hopkins Sr. Honored by Red Cross On Saturday, June 29, a far Old Veteran and Oregon In fitting recognition of her Staged Here mer's On Building distinguished excursion from Columbia work in behalf of county to the John Jacob Astor the Junior Red CrosB, Miss Eliza Pioneer To Leave State experiment station, at Astoria C. Murray, superintendent By 40 et 8 This Week beth will be made. of the Columbia county schools, has been selected to present the program and activities of the To House Light Company Junior Red Cross before the summer sessions of five educa And Merchants tional institutions in Washington and Idaho, during the month of July. These institutions include the State Normal Schools at Cheney and Ellensburg, Wash ington; Holy Names Academy and Gonzaga University in Spo State Normal Mell.nger Hardware Store Will kane, and the School at Lewiston, Idaho. She will spend from one to three Occupy Quarters In The days at each school. Fireproof Building Miss Murray will give an ad dress on the work and aims of the Junior Red Cross and will la- Excavation started this weekiter ' discuss the subject informal for the new building which will ly with the assembled teachers shortly be constructed by the in view of arousing greater in Columbia Building company on terest in and understanding of the corner of Bridge and Park the program. In presenting the streets. The new building will subject Miss Murray will be able house the display rooms, office to speak from practical experi and work shop of the Columbia ence, as she has long been pro Utilities company, and the Mel minently identified with the suc linger Hardware store will oc cessful development of the Jun cupy a portion of the building. ior Red Cross work in the schools Another store space will be in of Columbia county, As an edu- cluded which will be occupied cator, she will point out to other which should be about the end prospective teachers the practi- of August. cal relationship of the Junior The building which will be Red Cross program to the modern one story, built of tile stucco school curriculum. aides, and pressed brick with a According to her itinerary, plate glass front will be 86 feet Miss Murray will be at Gonzaga wide on Bridge Street and 60 University, Spokane, on July 8; feet deep. The portion occupied State Normal School, Cheney, by the Light and Power com July 9, and 10; Holy Names pany will have an entrance on Academy and Normal School, Bridge street and also on Park, Spokane, July 11 and 12; State and space for the Light company Normal School, Lewiston, Idaho, truck will be provided for in the July 15 to 17; and State Normal rear of the new building. School, Ellensburg, Washington, The construction of the new July 1 and 19. building will be under the per sonal supervision of G. W. Ford, general manager of the Colum bia Utilities company, who will employ all local help where pos sible and have all material when possible purchased at home. As On acocunt of weather con soon as the excavation is com ditions local teams of the Junior pleted foundation work will be baseball league have had little started. chance for practice. Players will be placed on dif Mist And Natal To ferent teams today, and if the weather permits, the first game Continue Attending School In Vernonia will be played some day next week. Some 25 boys have now sign Last week the district boun dary board, which is composed ed up to play ball with the game of the county court and county of lads, who are being coached by Legionnaires from the local school superintendent, decided in post, of the American Legion. favor of letting students from A series of games will be play Natal and Mist districts attend ed at home between the two high school in Vernonia, as teams, the winning team will those attending high school from then meet a Junior hall team in these districts have in the past some other city of Columbia few years. county. If enough lads between the Auxiliary Official ages of 8 and 11 can be assemb led within the next ten days or Attend Meeting Of later than June 30, two The Vernonia Unit not more teams will be organized, which will leave Vernonia hav Mrs. Callie V. Heider, district ing four teams in their league. committee woman of the Ameri Lads wishing to register should can Legion Auxiliary, was the get their names in to H. E. Mc guest of Vernonia Unit of the Graw, or L. Schwab before June Auxiliary last Monday evening at 30. their regular meeting in the Le- gion hall. One of the largest attendance New Doctor Takes Over in year were present, and en Practice of Dr. Hall joyed the splendid talk on wel fare work and Auxiliary activ Dr. M. R. Eby who took over ities delivered by Mrs. Heider. the practice of Dr. R. I. Hall, Mrs. C. Nance, president of is now located in the offices for the Auxiliary welcomed the Unit merly occupied by Dr. Hall. Dr. Eby spent a year on the official to Vernonia. Mrs. Mona medical staff of the — Lindley sang a few selections. Emanual Refreshments consisting of ice hospital and also in the Doern- cream, strawberries, cake and becker hospital at Portland. Mrs. Eby and children have punch was served. arrived in Vernonia and are lo- cated in their new home. Camp McGregor To Finish In August Junior Teams To Play Soon The plan of the excursion will be to leave the county Saturday Wreck morning and proceed to the As Located On Homestead On Jewell Road Over 50 Years Ago; Wishes To Spend Remaining toria hotel, at Astoria, so as to Held Here hi Year* arrive there a little before 10 Days With Old Camrades In Soldiers Home Most Successful Five Go For 'Ride’ Pa.t National Officials And Assist State High Local Voiture Saturday One of he most successful wrecks ever sponsored by Colum bia county voiture 907, La So ciété des 40 Hommes et 8 Che vaux, was held last Saturday evening two miles east of Ver- nonia, along the Inland loop highway. E. S. Thompson, Dan Nelson, Connie Anderson, Army Kennard and Roy Kullander were initiated in the order of the American Le gion. Ritual work was completed in the local Legion hall with many well known Voyageurers of La Société being present. Ed ward Eivers, Past National Chef de Chemmin de Fer, former head of La Société over the en tire country was present and as sisted Chef de Gare, Dr. W. H. Hurley, and Conducteur, Percy Hughes in carrying out full de tails for the initiation, which is considered one of the most famous initiations in the world. Rex Parelius, Past Grand Garde de L Porte of Portland and Cecil Ford, Garde de La Porte of Portland Voiture No. 25 assisted Eivers and the local Voyageurers. As is customary before the real serious part of the wreck, those that were to be initiated were taken for a “ride” in the most comfortable vehicles obtain- able, during which period every possible thing was performed for the comfort of those to be brought into the order. A splen- did banquet was served under the personal direction of Meilis De Fur, caterer of Portland, whe handled the serving of some 50 present to perfection. The well known 40 et 8 quar tet, rendered a few selections, following the banquet, singing a few war songs which were ap propriate for the occasion, while several members engaged in light skirmishes. Vernonia Voiture has become famous throughout the state of Oregon for their wrecks, and the wreck last Saturday was considered by all to have been the best since the Voiture re ceived its charter in September, 1926. C. A. Barnes Sells Service Station F. E. Malmsten will purchase and take over the stock and bus iness operated by C. A. Barnes, known as the Twin Fir Service station, next Monday, June 24. Mr. Barnes has been in bus iness at his present location about one year. Recover* Good* Stolen From T. Riggle And Columbia County Crew About ten days ago, brasses Close For 2 Weeks New School Officer* and other valuable removable Elected Last Monday equipment was stolen from the Logging operations at Camp' McGregor will shut down on the night of June 27th, for a period I Monday afternoon the annual of two weeks opening on the school meeting for School Dis trict No. 47 was held at the morning of July 11. Washington school. Hiking Club Reorganizes Election was held for school The Hiking club of Vernonia clerk, and one director, W. W. will have their first official meet Wolff being elected as clerk and ing next Wednesday evening, A. Knauss as director. Follow June 26, at 6 o’clock. Owing to ing the election of officers, a the fact that the old leaders meeting was called in which the have left town, they will be re issue of building a new school house was brought up. sumed this summer. Riggle Logging company and also from the Columbia county road crew. Last Monday sheriff Weed, captured a young man, at Houl- ton who was in the act in steal ing accessories from a car park- ed, near a garage, and found that the sack which the man dropped when running from him, contained most of the material which answers the description of that missed by Riggle and the county. Vernonia Golf Course Fair Board Hope To Have Record In To Open Next Friday Attendance This Year The opening date for the Ver nonia golf course will be Fri day, June 28, at which date the public is invited to inspect the only golf course in Columbia county, located along the Inland Loop highway about three miles from this city. Constructed by George Junior, well known golf architect, who has layed out some of the most famous golf courses on the Pa cific coast, the Vernonia Golf course is ideally located along the highway, near the banks of the beautiful Nehalem river, and it surrounds scenery rivals that of any course in the country. The course is about 3160 yards long and consists of 9 holes with water pipes layed to each green. Constructing their own water system with a power line con structed from this city to the course, which furnishes lights and power, the officials have provided every possible conven iences for those who wish to County Court Favors New Market Road Dates for the Columbia county fair have been announced as play. A building which was lo September 11, 12, 13, and 14. cated on the grounds when pur George A. Nelson county agent chased by the golf association visiting in this city yesterday ad has been converted into a club vised this years fair would be house, and no wnnin within the me near near 1 fu u- , , - . .. ..___ __ ... . larger and better than ever ture rucred, an __ < _ aid’shower baths, I Plent* ot Prile8’ which constructed, e .1 . ... so J encourage improvements will B farmers, ... ’. individuals, _ and further 1 „,i„ as „„ the membership __ ki- «- be made in J and communities to exhibit. Larger purses will be offered in creases. sheep section the prizes The fairways are in excellent ' the condition and members who have which will outnumber twice that joined the local golf association gave in 1928. Repairs are soon to be made are eagerly waiting for the open ing day, to start playing. J. C. on the fair buildings at Deer Lindley, H. E. McGraw, and Island, with a crew soon to be Chas. Biggs have been very ac out to work getting the grounds tive in charge of construction in shape for this September. An extra heavy publicity pro and started the ball rolling which gram is being outlined by the made the new course a reality. Those interested in member fair board, in the hopes to reach ship in the Vernonia Golf Course every home in Columbia county should get in touch with H. E. and it is estimated that by thia McGraw or J. C. Lindley at the method, a much larger atten dance can be obtained. Many Bank of Vernonia. Many out of town golfers have new attractions will be added expressed their desire to enroll i this year, for the benefit of those as members. • attending. o’clock. Promptly at 10 o’clock the caravan will leave for the experiment station, which is lo cated about 4 miles southwest of Astoria, and at 10:30 will begin the inspection of the sta tion under the direction of A. E. Engbretsen, superintendent. This makes the fifth annual excursion from Columbia county to the station. This excursion should be of especial interest to the farmers, as experiments car ried on there are on hill and dyked lands similar to the types of land found in Columbia coun ty. They are carrying on experi ments with all kinds of forage crops adapted to this section of the country, and fertilizers for the production of these crops to the best advantage. They are also experimenting in connection with the feeding of the dairy herd to obtain the best results from home grown feeds and especially in providing summer feeds to maintain the maximum production of the herd. Those going should take a basket lunch, A picnic dinner can be held in the grove at the station, where there are tables and other facilities provided for this purpose. After the picnic dinner, we will resume the in spection of the station. All those who intend to go are requested to notify the county agent’s of fice. Nelson-Vernon To Head Fight Card Saturday On the road to Jewell, half ing a bullet in his left arm. From way, between that town and Bir-1 this part of the story, the old kenfeld situated on a hill back pioneer told of battle after bat of Woodberry bridge, which tle which he was engaged in un crosses the Nehalem river lives til his company were lined in Tom Hopkins, Sr., 89 years old front of Stonewall Jackson’s blind G. A. R. veteran, who army, at Gaines Mills. Of all homesteaded on this spot October different soldiers of the Con 17, 1879. federate army, he came in con- Gid timer, as he calls him- tact with Stonewall Jackson, self is about to leave Oregon, "Old Rebel Corp,” as he called probably for good, this time, them, appeared to be the great for on July 6, he departs for est fighters. the United States Old Soldiers At this period Colonel John home located 16 miles west of W. McLean was put in com- Los Angeles. mand of his regiment, the same It isn’t that the pioneer is in McLean who later became fam- want for anything for he lives ous in Indian wars. with his daughter and her hus- In the year of 1877, Tom band Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanson, Hopkins traveling around the and besides receives a generous country starting from Texas, pension from the Government traveled as far North as British tor total disability, but the old Columbia, later settling in Cali timer wishes to be back with his fornia, chopping wood for a liv former comrades during his re- ing and making as much as $1, maining years. providing that he worked twelve At the age of 21 in the year hours. 1861, Tom Hopkins, Sr., enlist In the spring of 1878 lie land ed at Erie, Pa., and a month ed by boat at Westport from later on the fourth day of Sep California, hitting the Fish Hawk tember was sent to Washington, trail, until he came to his pres D. C., attached to the army of ent home, where he took a home the Potomac, his regiment en stead, returning to California for camping where Arlington Nation another year but arriving back al cemetery is now located. at his new location on October I-'« regiment camped at this 17, 1879. location until the following April, Starting-in without any delay, when they started on a cam the old pioneer cleared his land paign taking part in the Battle building himself a shack, having of Centerville, and a skirmish at I little trouble to stock his pantry Alexandra which is located 6 the game being as plentiful as miles below Arlington. At old any section of the country. Yorktown, famous in Revolution In October 1882, the G. A. R. ary days, old timer, while scout Veteran took a boat to San Fran ing in the woods nearby that cisco, and train from that city town was attacked by a huge to New Albany, Indiana, going bear which knocked him down, east over the U. P. On November breaking two of his ribs, but 13 he was married to Margaret he was fortunately rescued by Morn, at New Albany, he had iwo of his comrades, who killed become acquainted with her be the bear which was served the fore coming to this county, both following evening, roasted over living in the same town of Dun a huge camp fire, all partaking more, county Galway, Ireland. but Hopkins, who somehow Tom and John Cahill, pioneers couldn’t forget the embrace the of the Nehalem valley settled now roasted bear had given him. ahead of Mr. Hopkins in the Transferred to the 83rd Penn valley, and with Dad Northrup, sylvania Infantry company K, were his nearest neighbors, with which was commanded by cap the exception of William John tain Thomas A. Austin, private son who was located 1 mile Hopkins after a long march one from the Hopkin homestead. evening found that his company So now after living 50 years had encamped near Richmond, in Oregon, this G. A. R. Veteran and while they were digging who no longer can see the beau their trenches, the minnie balls, tiful valley which he loved so or bullets kept sailing by, and well and which helped keep him before the trenches were com contented for these many years, pleted, the enemy evacuated their is leaving so that his remainder position which was located about days may be spent among those four hundred yards from the who speak the same language he Union forces. His first big en does, “Days of ’61,” for like gagement was at Hanover court, most of those who fought in on June 1, 1862, at which battle the Civil war, he still loves to he was commended for bravery recall thrilling moments of his driving a wagon loaded with shells experience as a sodlier, and feels through the lines of the foes to that he would be most contented reach the opposite side of the to hear others tell how each creek where a portion of his regi morning they walked out to the ment had been cut off, and were lawn, where “Old Glory,” was running iow on ammunition. flying on the staff in front of In the Battle of Malvin Hill the soldiers home, saluting with near Richmond, the old veteran as snappy a salute as any sol was wounded losing a finger dier could give, and standing from his left hand also receiv- erect. ( Local f Delegation Hear Favorable Verdict Survey Road Soon Apiary Extension Designated Aa Market Road By County Court Tom Hopkin«, Sr. Delaplain Farm Sold To Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Of Mist Natal, June 20.—The Natal stock and dairy ranch recently owned by W. 11. Deleplain, a farm consisting of 160 acres was purchased at a public sale last week by Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer of Natal, progressive farmers and stock raisers. Mr. Neurer is well known in this city working on week ends for the Vernonia Meat Market. The Neurers will shortly move from their present home to their newly acquired property. Stampede Get Park In Shape At a recent session of the County court, the Apiary exten sion was designated as a market road, with a survey to be made shortly by the county, which will be passed to the highway com mission for approval. The road between Rainier and Apiary was completed about three years ago as a market road and with designating the road from the Nehalem highway to a point south of Oak Ranch creek, would take in a territory of about 9 miles. A delegation from Vernonia was present when the county court met to render their decis ion whether this section of the Apiary road should be classified as a market road. By officials of the West Side Pacific highway association, the designation of this section of road as a market road, is con sidered a most important step towards their goal, in construc ting a road from Eugene north to the Canadian border through Longview. The Apiary route the connect ing link of the new proposed highway would be entirely of new construction and would be the most costly of the proposed route to complete. Various pre- liminarys surveys have been made and from the information compiled by the engineers, the distance is estimated from Pitts burg to Apiary at from 9 to 12 miles, however, in none of the surveys is the distance estimated at more than twelve miles. From the west end of the new extension the road would lead to Rainier over the Rainier Apiary market road a distance of about 8 miles which would make the distance between Ver- nonia and Rainier on the pro- posed routd approximately 23 miles. A large crew have been at Another smoker will be spon work during the past week, mak- sored next Saturday night at ing repairs to the graud stand the local Legion hall, featuring at the ball park, and contsruct- an 8 round main event, one 6 ing new bleachers and seats to round semi-windup, a special 4- accommodate the thousands who round bout and two four round are expected to attend the preliminaries. stampede here this July 3, 4. The main event will be fought Last year hundreds refused to between Roy (Swede) Nelson of enter the grounds when they Vernonia and Bob Vernon of noticed that no seats could be Vancouver Barracks, both lads obtained, and this year it is esti weighing 160 pounds. mated that over 2000 can be This will be the third time comfortably seated. that these boxers have met in The corals have been put in their first fight, Vernon winn u safe condition, and a judges ing the decision at Forest Grove, stand, will be constructed which about two months ago, and meet will greatly benefit those chosen ing the second time, June 8 in for this work. Vernonia, Nelson won the de The announcer will also have cision. a stand, located in front of the The recenti battle between grand stand. Many from the cities these two boys, was one of the are arriving in this city attempt Biggest Stampede I* hardest fought bouts ever wit- ing to secure concessions for the All Lined Up For Go nessed in the local ring, and two day celebration, and the popular demand of those who Portland papers who have gen All committees of the stam attend the smokers requested a erously given this Stampede as pede are battling 100 per cent re-match between Nelson and much publicity as possible have advised G. W. Ford, general Vernon. also promised that they will chairman, and within the next Vernon who is the more ex- feature a good write up a few few days, the wild horses, trick perienced fighter, is a rugged days before the celebration. mules, and steers will be assembl type of fighter hard to knock- ed in Vernonia and turned over Arrangements were made yes out, and very clever, This lad terday with the Oregonian wuere- to Curly Buffmire, who will ba has fought for a number of by four good size ads Will be the arena manager during tha years, mostly while as a soldier run, located on the front page stampede. Dr. Pasto who will in the service at Vancouver Bar of the sport section, the most have charge of street sports and racks, and has met some good looked at page with the excep fireworks, advised the first ship men his weight. tion of the first page. The ads ment of fireworks arriving, and Nelson, who appears to be bet will feature the stampede, also expects another shipment from ter at each fight, feels very con the distance from Portland * to the East within the next one. fident that he will win his next this city via Forest Grove and A crew will shortly be at work bout with the Vancouver battler St. Helens, and will get the an- in the ball park getting the Delegate* Of 4-H Club Saturday and has been in steady nouncement of the celebration bleachers dnd enlarging the seat Attend Summer Club training for this coming match. before thousands of people who ing capacity. The purses this year, ara In the past most of the main will leave the city over the 4th. Columbia county 4-H club del- somewhat larger for riding or events were fought at 6 rounds, With the daily announcement f°r Corvallis to at- but between fighters of thisjegation C. Watts, who has been em over KEX, and an extensive bucking events than last year, type, the eight round bout seems tend the annual dub summer ployed in the postoffice for the newspaper advertising campaign, the first prize, for bucking event ! school held on the college cam- past few years resigned Satur more favorable. it is estimated that over 5500 being $150, with second priza I pus. Thirty delegates including In the semi-windup, Jack four leaders represent the coun day, so that he could devote mere from other towns will arrive in at *100, and third at $50, be sides there will be considerable Sweeney, who arrived from Brit ty this year. Miss Alma Wilson, time to farming. this city July 3, and 4th. purse money for steer riding, ish Columbia a few days ago, and Clatskanie teacher and prominent Eugene Shipman, has been ap- fancy trick riding, fancy roping, will locate in this city, will meet club leader, Miss Nettie Alley, pointed to fill the vacancy and a special purse for relay races, Bob Kentworthy, of Portland in county nurse, Miss alley has had started on his new duties Mon- Boy Scout* To Meet the 6 round bout, both lads At Camp Fire Cabin to ride the trick mule, etc. extensive experience with club day morning. Many report hearing the stam fighting at 142 pounds. work in Kentucky. She coached pede announcements over KEX, Effective tomorrow troqp No. Sweeney who fought here May the state champion demonstra 201 of the Boy Scouts will meet which is broadcast every morn 31, meeting Young Nelson, made tion team in 1926; Miss Kathryn New Logging Company ing between the hours of 9:30 an instant hit with the fight ’ Didtel, county home demonstra Start Operating Soon at the Camp Fire cabin, chang and 10:00 a.m., telling the out ing their meeting place from fans, even though he was win- tion agent and Miss Elizabeth side world about the big stam- ning from a local lad. Kent- Murray, county superintendent Jewell, June 19.—The B. W. the American Legion hall where pede and celebration at Vernonia worthy who does most of his 1 of schools who has sponsored all Timber company of Jewell re- they have been meeting for the July 3, and 4th. The dances in fighting about the Puget Sound, the club work in Columbia coun- cently was purchased by the past year. The Scouts will have an op halls and streets, with smokers, also travels the canvas at the ' ty for the past three years. Tide Port Lumber company, The portunity to use the city park street sports games, races, etc. Portland armory. With Sweeney will keep things lively in this Delegates from the county new Logging company intends for drills. in one corner of the ring, this 1 are: to start logging in full operations city for two full days. E. H. bout is assured plenty of action. Tarter, who recently opened a Helen Peterson, Janet Ander about the 20th of this month. Attend Annual En Kid Scott of Westimber, weigh son, Virginia, Sutherland of St. photographing gallery in the old ing around 116 pounds will meet Helens; Betty Jane Grannis, Ora Harris building opposite the Ed campment of G.A.R. M. DeRosie Injured Young Zachary of Portland in Dell Reed, Mary Norgren, Flor ward hotel, has been appointed And W.R.C. Recently a four round special bout. At Thompson Siding as the official photographer by ence KarvonSn, Lois Elizabeth Scott who is one of the fastest ’ Strong, Roberta Smith, Alma the stampede committee, and will Members of the local chapter men seen in action at the local Edwards, Kent Magruder, Nell take many good snaps of th* Birkenfeld, June 19.—Milo De ring, moves with speed, and has 1 Vernon, of Clatskanie; Betty Rosie, an employee of the R. of the Women’s Relief Corp, at events this year. „ tended cenoea the cne annual encampment won every bout fought here with Bennett, Joy Bush, Margaret Mc Bennett jaw mill at^ Thompson | an(J ,.onvention of the G A R Final arrangements for the the exception of one. The Wes Donald of Vernonia; Ann Wirrk- Siding, had his arm i baseball game between Clatska- Wednes nie and Vernonia have been ar- timber boy always puts up a ‘ ila, Mabie Viukkila, of Mayger; last Monday when he became en and W- K- C> good fight and with a live-wire Joe Koller, Johnna Koller, Nova tangled in a drag saw, which | day of this week at Newberg. ranged to be played on the 4th, opponent will furnish the fans ' Loomis, Clyde Talbot, Bertha he was operating at the time of I nj Those attending from Verno- and the big Wauna Legion band, ““ ”‘|nia were, Mrs. Lee Hall, Aunt a bout well worth witnessing. P—‘ Brockhaus, Donna Bagley, of accident. Doctors in Charge «re ' gaII Spencer, Mrs. Violet Mil- of 22 pieces will be on hand ntninn fhaf from early morning, July 4th to Two four round preliminaries, > Canaan; Lewis Merz, Marie Merz of the opinion that thov they will will < ler, __ Mrs. Laura «Saurere, and late in the evening. to lead off, promises the fans 1 of Deer Island; Dorothy Ger have to amputate Mr. DeRosie’s Catherine Van Blaricom. Jack Carlson's blue rose or about 26 rounds of battling. arm. lach, of Scappoose. chestra has been hired to fur The smoker is scheduled to New Edison Stamp On nish music for the dances. The start at 9:00 p.m., with plenty Wolff Return« From Vacation Standing In Contest smoker will contain 32 rounds of good seats for those who st Sale At Local Post W. W. Wolff, president of the fighting with a 10 round main tend. Standing of those in the Ver Office This Week of Chamber of Commerce, returned nonia Eagle car contest, shows event being arranged. The stam last Monday from a trip to Mis Mrs. Emma Dave O’Donnell lead pede will start at 2:30 p.m. each Home Demonstration The new Edison's 2-cent stamp day. souri ana Iowa, where he spent ing with 127 votes with Irma ia now on sale at the local post two weeks visiting with friends . Strong second with 96 and Hel Agent Here Friday office, and as only a limited en Scribner rating 9 votes. June 28; High School and Mr. relations. number have been received, the Carl Davidson Soon To Wolff will preside today Emma Dave O’Donnell .... 127 supply will not last very long. Return From Hospital at the Chamber of Commerce Irma Strong ...... 96 Kathryn M. Didtel, home de meeting. The new stamp which was is Helen Scribner ........ 9 sued in honor of the electric monstration agent, will conduct Carl Davidson, assistant sup a meeting in Vernonia Friday, lights golden jubilee, has in the erintendent of the Oregon Ame Sponsor Cluck.. Sapper June 28, in which all are in- Cooked Food Salo upper loft hand comer the year rican Lumber company, who re vited to attend. The Willing Workers Aid ao- 1879 and the upper right hand cently underwent an operation The Women’s Missionsry so- The meeting will start at 10 ciety will sponsor a chicken sup- ciety of the Christian church corner 1929 printed. at the St. Vincent'a hospital at o’clock at the local high school per at Evangelic«] social hall, will have a cooked food sale at An electric light lamp is shown Portland, is progressing rapidly and be in session until 3:30 in next Saturday, Jane 22, at 6 Hoffman's Hardware store Sat in the center, with the name of and may bo able to return to the afternoon. o’clock. his home here next Sunday, - « urday, June 22. “Edison's” printed above. E. Shipman New Post Office Clerk