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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1929)
lient on i a VOLLI ME7^^ ........................ mm ■!■■■■■ il Sagk IM VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929 *===============================^2^=^ Local Boys Graduate At O.S.A.College Tennis 11 Graduate From J. S. Culbertson Arrested Pioneers To Elimination Tournament Under Way Car Contest 8th Grade at Timber In St. Helens; Charged The Vernonia Tennis club has Starts With Eighth grade graduation exer Meet Here started an elimination tennis cises were held at the Timber the first round of school last Friday. Those who With Assault of Merchant 5 In Race graduated On June 9 tournament, which is to be finished by Sun were; Harold Beyers, day evening, according to pres ent plans. The drawings for the Irma Strong In Lead At Attend Services At The matches are as follows: W. Norgorden vs M. Moe; C. W. Reithner vs. bye; E. E. Yeo End Of First Week Evangelical Church vs. bye; Thomas Brown vs. L. Thomas; C. Davidson vs. bye; Lowell Hieber vs bye; Junior Bennett vs. W. Culver; Dr. M. D. Cole vs. R. E. Reithner. Host To Pioneers Of Nehalem Valley Graduate June 3 New Girls Enter Banquet to Follow City Welcome» Chance To Play Joy Shewey, Rodney McDonald, Raleigh Schiffer, Roy Elliott, Waived Preliminary Hearing; Is Bound Over To Dickson and Hoffman Earnest Beber, Lillian England, Grand Jury With Bail Set at $1000; Vernonia Gladys Schiffer, Arleta Brink- Win Many Honors meyer, Lola Alconn, Constance Men Furnish Bail; Chamber to Take Action Redhead. > A talk was given by Reverend St. Helens, May 28.—Special ficers sought to find Brahmer, so Jefferies of Hillsboro. to the Eagle.—J. S. Culbertson, they claim, he could not be deputy marshal of St. Helens found. He had summoned a doc and former marshal of Vernonia tor to treat his wounds. County Steam Shovel and other cities in Oregon, was When the facts were brought Graduate With Clase of 534; Working In Vernonia Emma O'Donnell Second In Race arrested here today by H. B. to the attention of the St. Helens Freeland, constable, on a war chamber of commerce Monday, Both Local Boy» Active Moat New Subscriber» In Steam shovel and crew, under rant charging assult with a dan a resolution was passed demand gerous weapon. Before Justice ing the discharge of Culbertson In Cavapu» and Club» Surrounding Towne the supervision of county road master Pete Bergerson, have been of the Peace John L. Storla, he and this resolution was present ditching along Rose Avenue, the waived preliminary hearing and ed at the council meeting Mon was bound over to the grand day night. Councilmen Duncan Oregon State College, Corval- A few more have entered the past week in order to provide jury, his bail being fixed at and Scott were in favor of an lis, May 28.—Vernonia is rep- Vernonia Eagle subscription con- proper road drainage. $1,000. W. J. King and H. M. immediate dismissal, but Mayor Some of the waste material resented by Lawrence Dickson test this week bringing the total Culbertson, both of Vernonia, Saxon and Councilmen Bowser and Robert Hoffman among the number of ladieB who are now has been used for widening the furnished the bail. and Johnson voted to have an road on Bridge street, opposite 534 graduates of the class of in the race up to 5. Culbertson ’ s arrest was occas investigation. the railroad crossing, and the 1929 completing work for de The new Chevrolet cabriolet, county has also made arrange ioned by an assault it is alleged Culbertson was hooted and grees at the sixtieth annual com which will he awarded as first he ma< e on A. H. Brahmer, man jeered by representative citizens mencement June 3. Of the total prize to the contestant bring in ments to dispose of some of this ager <i ille St. Helens Wood in the council chamber whom material to Mr. Early who number being graduated, 489 the largest number of subscrip waste Produc .8 company, Saturday he termed as “ hoodlums ” and is »0«»»^ *0 using 0«*»»»^ same Ava for fill inwvv* material sees w»l on I ( . will receive the bachelor of tions is now on display in the his location at Rose and Bridge nlKht when Brahmer interceded then repudiated his statement. science degree of, 23 the master Gilby Motor company’s show streets, where he will shortly ^or on Feeling is at fever heat and *“s employes who was of science degree, and 22 the window, and is a car of the erect a service and garage build-1 arres*-(‘ ' ”n a drunk ,c^ar^,e' ^ar if Culbertson does not resign, degree of pharmaceutical chemist. latest model, beautifully designed. shal John Ruben and Culbertson there is talk of a recall of the Men outnumber women in the The second prize will be $100. ing. were taking the youth to jail mayor and councilmen Bowser graduating class 336 to 198, One subscription will count as when Brahmer, following them, and Johnson. though the latter are scattered one vote, the contest closing at More Enter Contest insisted that the youth be turn- Before coming to St. Helens, among seven of the 10 degree 6:00 o’clock in the evening of ed over to him and he would Culbertson was marshal in Ver For Car Which Will granting schools of the college. July 6. produce him in court. When in nonia and before that, marshal Be Given To Winner front of the postoffice, Culbert- in Baker, Oregon. It is predicted Upper, Lawrence Dickson; lower, To get the bachelor of science The standing of those in the degree here, students must not Robert Hoffman. contest are as follows: son struck Brahmer with a here that he will have to seek only complete four years of Two new entries have been re heavy flashlight, cutting his face another place of employment and To Let Out Bids For Irma Strong ... 25 studies but must maintain an 24 ceived in the subscription con and loosening several teeth, and i citizens believe that such pre pre- Emma O’Donnell Postoffice Lease Soon average grade of 80 or above. Myrtle Buffmire 5 test since tile last issue of this knocking Brahmer to the side-1 diction is accurate when it be- The results is that those in the walk. The priso.ee1- was lodged I came necessary for him to get Helen Scribnêr . 6 paper. L. R. Neal, postoffice inspec graduating class are only those Helen Scribner and Emma in jail and when the two of-1 bondsmen from another city. Neoma Holter ... 2 tor in charge of postoffice quar who have survived a four year Standing of those entered in O’Donnell, have entered the race ters and garages will be in this “weeding out” process that has both aiming at the first prize the contest will be published Auxiliary Over Top city within the next two or three eliminated the less determined which will be the Chevrolet weekly and towards the later weeks according to Emil Messing students. Cabriolet which is now on dis In Poppy Sale Here part of the contest will be shown Lawrence Dickson is receiving local postmaster, for renewing play in the show window of the on the screen of the Joy theatre. lease of postoffice quarters or a degree of B. S. in prahmacy Gilby Motor company. A generous public heeded the getting a new location for a post- from one of the strongest schools in this field in the west, call, “To buy poppies,” and the in this city. Road Contract Awarded American Legion Auxiliary last The Vernonia Post of the Ame office model Notices for bids for a lease The school includes a rican Legion will sponsor a dance To Birkenfeld Man Friday and Saturday sold nearly at their hall this Saturday, June covering a ten year period will drug store, the first of its kind established in the United States, 550 poppies or 50 more than 1, under the chairmanship of be posted by the government. which serves as a laboratory for Birkenfeld, May 27.—John their set goal. Earl Washburn. actual drug store problems. Johnson was awarded the con Mrs. Dave O’Donnell, captain Music will be furnished by the Every one of the 19 graduates J R. Laramore Dies C. F. Hi« Hi< uunuunced the tract for gravelling the road from of the poppy selling team which Gold Derby orchestra of Port this year had to take the state opening date of his new store for Mist to the summit, last week, consisted of — - Pattys -- McGraw, Portland Hospital In land. pharmacy examination as part of Wednesday, June 5. Mr. Johnson is getting his trucks Charles McGraw, Danny O’Don his final training, and success in This is the first dance the Le- Mr. Hieber advises that his in shape to start work as soon nell and Micky O’Donnell, handl J. R. Laramore, who lived it permits practice in any of store will go by the name of as possible. ed the street sales all day Fri gion has sponsored in the last with his family on the Enstrom 44 states without further testa. “Hieber’s Toggery’,, which will day and Saturday and with the six weeks. ranch at Riverview for the past Many of the graduates of this handle an exclusive line of haber Graduation Exercises help of Mrs. O’Donnell on Sat five years, died Monday at the school go into the medical pro dasher goods. urday had most every one on Held At Birkenfeld the strtets of Vernonia wearing Knights Of Pythias Emanual hospital in Portland, ~ " fession, become commercial che A few large mirror* will he mists or become drug inspector* from heart trouble.' installed in the rear of the new red poppy, which is the little Membership Banquet Birkenfeld, May 29.—The grad store and the interior has been The widow and six children or analysts or enter related worn as a tribute to those who Attended By Many were at the bedside at the fields. painted light colors which gives uation exercises were held in died. Dickson, in addition to the the place an attractive appear the school gym. last Wednesday time of his death. Ladies of the Auxiliary sold evening. Miss Murray, county regular class work, has been ance. Mr. Laramore had been fail The Knights of Pythias mem poppies at the Woodmen dance superintendent was present and active in campus affairs. He has delivered a very interesting lec last Saturday night, every dancer bership banquet which was held ing for years, oeing trouble been a member of the Beaver Want Merchants To at the Woodmen hall last Mon with a serious cas of leakage purchasing a flower to assist ture. The graduates were: Miss Knights, sophomore men’s organi Close at 6:00 P. M Gladys Rosenberg the Misses the families of disabled vet day evening, was well attended of the heart, which kept him zation, also belonging to the by members of Harding lodge, from engaging in any heavy and to provide a little Ruth and Ruby Nelson and Fran erans, RoBswood association and Alphee earnings for those who are in and their friends, with many dis manual labor. Effective June 1, Hoffman cis Nordstrom. independent men’s club* club, tinguished officers of the Pythian the Veterans hospital. The burial and services were and the Pharmaceutical associa- Hardware and Mellinger Hard lodge coming from Rainier, and held at Portland. ware store will close their place New Owners Of tion. St. Helens. of business on week days at Robert Hoffman chose the en- Circus at Birkenfeld Nehalem Hotel Make A well cooked, generous sup Machinery For Ice 6:00 in the evening, instead of t . gineering course when he enroU- Interrupted by Boys ply of appetizing eatables were Improvements Recently keeping open until 7:30 or 8 ed, specializing in chemical en Cream Manufacturing gineering, served those present by the Py o’clock as in the past. and is now one of 20 Birkenfeld, May 29.—The Gol thian Sisters, who received a The Nehalem hotel which was On Saturday evenings as in Here Next Week to complete the course this year. den Show Co., held a show in vote of thanks from members recently sold by Wm. Pringle other cities, the stores will be A larger percentage of graduates Sr. to Mrs. Grace Scott, is being Birkenfeld last Monday evening. and guests of Harding lodge for kept open a few hours later. Harry Kearns, manager of the from this school than any other The tent was packed to the en their efforts. A petition is being circulated remodeled, and is undergoing re Nehalem Ice and Creamery com on the campus go on in grad trance. The troupe put on a about town by a few business pairs. During the banquet a few song pany advises that the machinery uate study, many former grad wonderful performance. Three The interior of the down stairs men, requesting that all business selections were rendered by Miss which will shortly be installed uates now being in Yale, Har houses close their place of bus- including the dining room, lobby local boys tried to interfer with Thelma Spencer and Miss Kath in their plant for the manufac- vard, Illinois and other famous the program but were soon put iness at 6:00 p.m. and most of and other rooms will be repaint erine Hoffman, the girls receiv turing of ice cream, has been graduate schools. Chemistry is the merchants have signed and ed and all the guests rooms on out of the tent and all three ing much applause for additional delayed but should be on hand the source of some of the big later appeared before Judge expressed their willingness to co the second floor will be recon encore in appreciation of their the early part of next week. gest industrial revolutions as Freeman of Clatskanie and were delightful well rendered selec- operate and close at a given ditioned. well as industrial romances of time which would be satisfactory The hotel is one of the first fined for the disturbance they tions. the modern age and still hold made. hotels built in this city. to all. untouched possibilities, accord R. C. Clem, C.C. of the local ing to scientists. Upwards of 75 K. P. lodge acted as toastmas billion dollars are invetsed to ter, and delivered an address of scientists. Upwards of 75 bil- welcome to those present, ex- lion dollars are invested in bua- pressing his appreciation for the Work was started Tuesday af iness undertakings more or les* splendid turnout of members and ternoon at the Joy theatre in dependent upon chemical pro their friends. stalling sound effect draperies, The toastmaster called upon which will be placed along the ducts, making opportunities large R. L. Shreve, ex-district deputy side walls of the theatre and for service in this field. Hoffman has also been active of the K. P. lodge who is lo- also in the back of the show in campus affairs, being on the cated at Scappoose to address house. staff of the Manuscript, literary the assembly, and a thorough The material which is of special outline, history and the purpose sound cloth, will greatly improve publication, and a member of of the Knights of Pythias or- the sound reproduction and ef the band, the rifle team, the ganization was explained by Mr. fects, advised manager, Jack Chemical engineering society and the Associated Engineers. He be Shreve, who in a well moderated Bush, and many theatre’s voice held the attention of all, throughout the country after in longs to Kappa Kappa Psi, na- tional music honorary society, during his talk. stalling their talkies have found Phi Lambda Upsilon, national E. I. Ballagh, past Grand C.C. that in order to improve the honorary society for chemical of the State of Oregon from sound effects they made ar engineers, and Sigma Phi Ep- THE clouds of battle-smoke Avon lodge No. 62 at St. Helens, rangements for the installation silon, national social fraternity. have cleared, the echoes of was called upon for a speech of the sound drops which Mr. and responded with a splendid Bush is having installed, and a shrapnel-shot have died talk, commending, Judge Harris great improvement should be Drives From Vernonia of this city and Dr. Edward noticeable in the next talking To Vermont in 10 Days away, but the memories of Ross of St. Helens both mem pictures shown at this theatre. the Valiant can never fade. bers of Avon lodge at St. Helens Dean McDowell and family for nearly 35 years as an in- Vernonia Bakery who left this city May 18, to As long as Old Glory waves spiration to him, by their fine drive to Sheffield, Vermont, Shows Clever Window where they intend to make their above American soil, true example as members of the K. P. Display This Week home, arrived at Sheffield last patriots will reverence the Monday 27th, making the trip Dr. Edward Ross, a charter heroes of “sea fights and Much interest is being aroused of 4000 miles in 10 days. member of Avon lodge No. 62 of St. Helens recalled in his talk, this week, by the display in the land fights grim and great; the great friendships he had ac. window of the Vernonia Bakery, Vi* naw & Brewer To fought to make and save cumulated during his many years of a minature facsimile of the Buy Bakery St Helene as a Knight in the K. P. lodge Public Service building of Port the State.’* and warmly thanked the local land. Fred Brewer and F. E. Via- The model is made of paste lodge for the reception tendered and icing, and is lite up at naw, former owners of the Ver he and others from out of town, This is Memorial Day—the nonia Bakery, recently purchased P. A. Dixson of St. Helens, J. evenings by an electric light, with the St. Helens bakery, at the day when genuine Ameri T. Scott of St Helens, Judge four small signs on top of the county seat and effective June 1 Harris, Frank Schow, late of shell model, reading, heat, power, will take full charge in their cans REMEMBER. Let us Riverside California, and G. W. light and gas. Each week sees some chnage new location. Ford were others called upon do honor to the Dead. It’ for talks, and responded, all of in the windows of the local a real duty! whom paid tribute to Harding bakery and many look forward Cecil Bateman Leaves lodge and its members especial with interest to the artistic clever Vernonia to Work For ly commending A. J. Black, who designs made of pastries by the Shell Co. at Portland as chairman successfully handled local concern. the details for the membership C*cil Bateman, former part banquet. Eagle Lumber Company owner in th* Vernoni* Braafaff J. P. McDonald, of Trehsrne, Starts Work Night Shift!« who *oid cold in* W* _ _____ I * Machin* work*, woraa, wno Wm. Bridges, and W. R. John- Westimber, May ' -------- 24. — Th* Interest in the firm to Edward * •on of Mist were some of thow Eajrle Lumber company . _, . st __ W. T’**- Salmon»*n, left thi* city Wad out of town who attended. 1 timber - . _ - working ■ their nesday for Portland wh*T* Ito started night shift, in th* big saw mill, i will be *mploy*d by th* Shall Plans approved for construe-which will give employment to | OH Oil company in th* **l*s deport ment. Mon of a bridge at Astoria. over 100 additional worker*. Change Plans On Clinic; Clatskanie To Have Exams. June 5 The tuberculosis clinic which was scheduled for the morning On Sunday, June 9, the Pioneer of June 6, at the Legion hall Association of the Nehalem val- in Veronnia has been cancelled ley will hold their annual meet- due to the examiners being un ing in this city, at the Evangeli- able to assist here at that date. cal church which is called the A clinic, however, will be held pioneer church. at Clatskanie at 10:00 a.m. Wed Services will start at 10:00, nesday, June 5, at the offices with Rev. G. W. Plumer giving of Dr’s. Ball and Wooden and the opening prayer, and officiat those from this city who wish ing at the services. for chest examinations, can reg Miss _____ Nettie __ Alley, This event is looked forward ister ___ with ___ ___ to each year by the pioneers of county nurse at St. Helens or the Nehalem valley, where mem with L. Schwab at the Eagle of- bers at the banquet following fice, and transportation will be the services are called upon for; secured for those who have no talks, by their president of this | available means of getting to year, Walter Carl, who settled Clatskanie, in this valley in the year of i Dr. Ralph T. Matson of Port- 1878 at Birkenfeld. Hand will be in charge of the The banquet will be held at1 Clatskanie examinations. 1 p.m. and during the afternoon | ------------------------- a business meeting of the as g ¡aj Smoker At sociation will be called to out- r line the program for the coming Legion Hall Friday year. Everyone is invited to attend Cooperating with the Ameri the morning services at the can Legion, the Vernonia Box church, and many local citizens ing commission will stage a will be invited to attend the smoker next Friday night at the banquet, addressing and welcom American Legion hall, on the oc ing the pioneers of the Nehalem casion of the visit of Ben Fisher valley to our city of Vernonia. department commander of the Through the courtesy of D. W. American Legion and Carl Moser, Freeman, former secretary and department adjutant of the treasurer of this organization, a state of Oregon. list of names of the members of The smoker will start at 8:30 the pioneer association of the Ne p.m. following a special Legion halem valley, is given, showing meeting up in the club rooms. the membership roll, at the time A good crowd is expect of organization which was the ed to attend due for one good 27th day of June 1924. reason of seeing Young Nelson The citizens of the city of who has never fought in this Vernonia who are honored to city before, in action. have these pioneers guests in Young Nelson is matched to their city on this day are making arrangements to appoint a com fight the main event against mittee which will be at the sJdsM" Cross 148 found. of Port service of the organization, to land, battling 6 rounds. Kid Scott of Westimber and see that every possible courtesy is shown the distinguished honor Vernonia, will fight the semi ed guests during their stay in windup meeting Young Bolo of Clatskanie, battling a 6 round this city. Among some of the pioneer semi-windup. families who have settled in this Bud Allen of Portland will vicinity, and whose names may meet Lee Davis in the special not appear in the list below are, and the balance of the card has sword, Powell, Sitts, Malmsten, not been announced but about Hess, Bergerson, Mills, Woods, 24 rounds of fighting is promised Mellingers, Wilson, Enstrom. the fans who attend. The roll call of the Pioneer Young Nelson who is to fight Association of the Nehalem val the main event has only been ley on the 27th day of June engaged in four fights during was: his career, winning every one by N. D. Peterson, Mist, 1877; a knockout. D. W. Freeman, Clatskanie, 1874; The department officials will J. W. Foster, Birkenfeld, 1877; arrive sometime tomorrow after W. S. Shearer, Birkenfeld, 1873; noon and will be entertained by Millie Shearer, Birkenfeld, 1873; members of the post, attending Oliver Burris, Mist, 1884; Mrs. the special meeting about 7:30 J. W. Foster, Birkenfeld, 1874; in the evening and taking in the Peter Wanstrom, Birkenfeld, smoker which was actually made 1877; Ida M. Wanstrom, Birken- up in their honor. feld, 1882; M. O. Olson, Multno mah, 1891; G. W. Carl, Birken feld, 1875; Mrs. “ G. W. Carl, Birkenfeld, 1875; Andrew Nordstrom, Birkenfeld, 1886; Mrs. Andrew Nordstrom, Birken feld, 1876; Anton Olson, Birken A record crowd attended the feld, 1882; Erik Hanberg, Bir kenfeld, 1883; Mrs. Erik Han Woodmen dance at their hall berg, Birkenfeld, 1883; Anton last Saturday evening, to enjoy Birkenfeld, Birkenfeld, 1885, A. dancing to the music of the well J. Vanvolkinburg, (deceased), known Walker Brother’s orches 1874; E. E. Hoberg, Portland, tra. Many of the dancers came 1884; Mrs. E. E. Hober, (deceas ed), 1884; N. A. Calmberg, Bir from Keasey and surrounding kenfeld, 1884; Anna Calmberg, towns. Birkenfeld, 1883; Mrs. D. W. Freeman, Clatskanie, 1874; A. Loretta Johnson Is E. Harvey, “ Clatskanie, 1885; Mrs. Married at Home Of N. D. Peterson, Mist, 1877; A. Parents Last Sunday M. Berg, Birkenfeld, 1880; Dan- iel Berg, Birkenfeld, 1880; Frank Mist, May 28.—A pretty, but J. Peterson, Mist, 1880; Nettie B. Peterson, Mist, 1878; Mrs. quiet home wedding took place A. E. Harvey, Clatskanie, 1874; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anna Berg, Birkenfeld, 1881; F. W. R. Johnson on Sunday at E. Malmberg, (deceased) 1884; noon when their daughter, Lor Mary E. Vanvolkinberg, (deceas etta Lucille Johnson was united ed) 1885; Mary E. Walker, Jewel in marriage to Walter P. Foster 1869; Mrs. M. O. Olson, Multno of Los Angeles, Calif. The cere mah, 1891; Mrs. R. M. Wooden, mony was performed by the Rev. Jewell, 1878; Mrs. A. M. Berg. Everett of Portland. The rooms were beautifully de Birkenfeld, 1885; Mrs. J. H. Aldridge, Clatskanie, 1OIÜ, 1873; 4T1IS. Mrs. corated with blue iris and pan Julia Whittig, Mist, 1877; Mrs. sies, and the bridal bouquet was Margaret ~ Dunlap, Vernonia, of lilies of the valley and small 1888; F. H. Wooden, Jewell, pink rosies with a back ground 1878; Josephine E. Wooden, of maidenfair fern. The bride and groom stood 1883; Walter Carl, Birkenfeld, 1878; Elizabeth Carl, Birkenfeld, under a huge red bell with white 1887; Thomas P. Johnston. Bir- streamers leading from it. After kenfeld, 1885; Jennie L. John- the ceremony was over a delic- •ton, Birkenfeld, 1885; John ious wedding dinner was served. Nelson. Birkenfeld, 1883; Mrs. There was a large white wed Anna B. Johnston, Birkenfeld, ding cake in the center of the 1875; Mrs. Anna S. Gronnell, table, which was also decorated Elsie, 1880; Mrs. Evelyn Wage, with pansies. Those present at the wedding Jewell, 1886; William W’age, Jewell, 1886; Joseph N. Foster, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. John Jewell, 1882; C. L. W ooden. son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sund- C. Wooden, land and son Donald, Mr. and : Jewell, 1879; Laura Jewell, 1879; R. R. Wooden, Mrs. Clarke Fenton of Ostran- Jewell, 1882; Laura F. Wooden, der, Mrs. Genevieve McCormick Jewell, 1882; Charles E. Hutch- and daughter Leora and son ings, Jewell, 1885; Margarett C. Genia, Miss Olga Holmstrom, and Corcoran, Jewell. 1878; Tim Cor-, Mrs. Austin Dowling. The bridal coran, Jewell, 1881; Ione Jamie couple left immediately for Loa son, Jewell, 1878; John Bar.zeT, Angeles, Calif., where they will Mist, 1872; J. O. Libel, Mist, be at home to their friends. 1882; Clara Libel, Mist. 1882; be opened June 14 Etta M. Miller, Birkenfeld, 1875; construction of 18- Maud E. Jensen. Birkenfeld, Vale project irriga- 1880; Ella A. Wolfer. Jewell, Please turn to page 8 Big Crowd At Woodmen Dance Legion Dance Here Friday Hieber’s Shop To Ooen June 5 Sound Draperies In Joy Theatre MEMORIAM