SIX — THURSDAY, APRIL »8, 1»»» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON But Saturday Lee Davis meets hot is useful for cold slices, as well as water glass, says the slipped under the rolled dough, a Jack West of the West, raised sandwiches, oY hash. Any lean U. S. department of agriculture, bringing it around, crossing the in the West, where men are men, meet may be used. Allow a and is more readily available on ends and pulling tight. This ' and the streams contain fish, medium-sized onion to each 2 the farm. Dissolve 2 or 3 pounds makes a clean cut without flat­ (before logging operations start) pounds of meat, and 1 egg to of unslaked lime in 5 gallons of tening the rolls as a knife does. and at this fight Lee Davis will; hold the chopped meat together. boiled water, allow it to settle, probably not win his fight in' Fine dry bread-crumbs and any drain it off, and use the clear A piece of inner tubing from the second round as at his last preferred seasonings may be ad- liquid. Put the eggs and lime wa­ an old tire may be folded over fight for West who recently won ded. ter in eathenware crocks, and the edges of the table or shelf a fight in Longview and Cen­ Chocolate pie is a general not in galvanized pails or cans, and the food chopper screwed McGraw Member Of Boxing Commission tralia, copped both battles by a favorite. Here’s a reliable recipe and keep fn a cool place but not on to it. This Boxing Commission; prevents the Handle Affairs For knockout. for making it: Melt 1 square of ! in freezing temperatures. clamps from marring the table Official Announcer Davis is a strong favorite in unsweetened chocolate in the When seedling plants of toma- surface The Year Profitably and keeps the chopper the local ring, and is under the double boiler and pour into it ■ to, cabbage, lettuce, and melon from slipping. H. E. McGraw, member of the wing of Clarence Powell, who 2 cups of milk scalded in another I are found cut off near the, About a year ago the Ver­ saucepan. Mix 214 tablespoons i ground, it is fairly certain that I nonia Boxing commission was re­ boxing commission and also of- | ! manages a gym in this city. ficial announcer, has been instru­ While the dairy cow should be t of cornstarch with 6 tablespoons cutworms are the offenders. A' organized with Lloyd Baker, Dr. mental in pepping up the fight Nelson and Brennan of sugar and a little cold milk. poisoned-bran bait, made of 5 given all the salt she needs, she; Hughes, Clarence Nance, H. E. cards in this city cooperating Add to the hot milk and beat pounds of dry bran, *4 pound . should not be forced to eat more McGraw, and A. L. Kullander on Will Fight Main Go with the matchmaker, and assist- i until smooth. Allow the corn­ of white arsenic or Paris green, than she wants. The best way is the commission ing at each smoker to put the' At Smoker Saturday starch mixture to cook in the 1 pint of sirup or molasses, and to give only a small quantity and E. M. Mur­ ' card over with a bang. double boiler for 10 minutes, re- 3 or 4 quarts of water, will kill j with the feed, not to exceed one j phy as match­ The quick-silver of ever card',nove from the> add 1 Wie­ the cutworms. Ten or 15 pounds | per cent of the grain mixture by i Mr. McGraw also handles the I maker. in | crust, of bait per acre are enough for weight, and to place salt card, ..................... so with Kid is the — drawing ... „.......... .. | sPoon vanilla. Fill the During the Nelson heading the smoker Sat- which should have been prebak- one application. It may require boxes where she can lick it at past year over I ........ ed J > with the chocolate mixture 2 or 3 applications at 2-day in- will. ___ _ against urday night matched 20 smokers have of __ Portland, 'and cover the top with a merin- tervls to get rid of the pests. James J. Brennan c. been staged, the Plant sweet potatoes in new the foundation of the card seems a gue made of 2 egg whites beaten Cutworms ordinarily work at bulk of the work tablespoons of night but often feed on dark, soil, or at least in soil that has pleasing, and the six round main i stiffly and 2 resting with the not been planted to this crop event will or should be a whiz. j sugar, *4 teaspoon vanilla and I cloudy days. matchmaker who for 3 or 4 years. Healthy plants has with a limit­ Remembering the last fight ' a “ pinch of salt. Bake the pie Culling and mortality of may be grown by careful seed ed amount of Nelson was engaged in at Ver-1 I in a very slow oven for about selection and care in preparing money created nonia when Flynn suffered a 1 ' 20 minutes or until the merin­ chickens call for a replacement the hotbed, but this effort will of nearly 50 per cent of the lay- some of the best fight cards broken rib from a severe blow gue is delicately browned. ing flock every year, says the which could be presented in any over the heart we feel sorry if Department of Agriculture Oregon experiment station. town the size of Vernonia. Brennan is not a top-notcher. As an aid in fighting the de­ Proper lubrication of farm It may be interesting for many i Nelson lands hard, so hard that to know that the matchmaker at times numerous complaints structive corn borer, the U. S. chinery is necessary even in only receives about five per cent I have been heard from I towns department of agriculture has in­ busiest season, if depreciation is of the gate fo rexpenses in I down near Oakland and San troduced 13 species of foreign to be minimized and poor service experiment staging a smoker, which would Francisco, where it is said I that parasites of the borer into this avoided, says the and over 3,000,000 station. Because farm machines not cover a portion of his ex­ radio fans complain about the country, have been liberated in must of necessity be built light pense, especially taking in con­ static during the period our parasites and sold at a low cost, bearings sideration the amount of time friend is engaged in knocking infested fields. If manure is piled in the open are generally small and not al­ used in getting the card together, out some bozo who thinks he installing the arena and getting financial end of the commission can fight because hi3 uncle I near the milking herd, it should ways protected from dust and the hall in shape again after a and assisted the matchmaker and fought in France with the lost be removed at least twice a grit. week to prevent fly breeding. fight. It is the spirit of this com- chairman of the boxing commis­ battalion. mission which has kept the box- sion in getting the commission One hundred of sixty pounds Some fly larve, however, will Instead of serving the usual ing game in Vernonia alive, out of the red. of set dynamite, with cap at­ enter the ground, and it is well piece of cheese with apple pie, to treat the soil with fuel-oil which is also one of the best Vernonia today boasts of bef­ tached, Nelson has worked up the cheese may be grated and < drawing cards to get outsiders ter equipment for the ring, and to this stage where we consider distillate, 5 gallons to 100 square sprinkled over the pie just a feet, to destroy the larve and in our town on a Saturday arena than most cities this size him one of the best men of his few minutes before taking it night. in the northwest, which the fans weight around this portion of act as a repellant. The distillate I from the oven. The cheese melts should not be put directly on who attend the fight can easily Oregon, and at the rate this giving the crust an attractive ap­ realize when regardless which baby who handles antisetics with the manure, as this impairs its pearance and a delightful flavor. soil-improvement value. part of the house he occupies, he his right hand keeps climbing up A horse, like the Army, is1 In making cinnamon rolls, a can always see every bit of ac- the ladder of fame in the fight tion. game, it will not surprise us to only “as good as its feet.” Fre­ piece of clean string may be see him fighting the main event quent cleaning of the feet of in large cities within the next shod horses helps to prevent in­ Knight Wins Fight flammation and serious foot two years. At Umatilla April 17 At the present time, it would troubles resulting from stones or not be advisable for the Kid to clods working into the foot. If Fighting in the 10 round main tackle many fights in the larger the hoofs become brittle from event Wednesday, April 17, at cities, for some over-ambitious lack of moisture, they should be Umatilla, Dove Knight of Ver­ manager would probably match soaked or poulticed and dressed nonia knocked out John Farr, this lad against a battler who with neat’s-foot oil or sweet oil of Oakland, Calif., in the second had years of experience in the to prevent drying out. Packing Snooker round of their battle. ring and whose ring generalship the hoofs with powdered white rock or blue clay also corrects In the first round Knight would probably weather him pounded Farr about the ring, through the fight regardless of this trouble. This is a good time to put up and Farr was saved from a K. Nelson’s ability. Cigars and Tobacco O. in this round by the bell. Brennan a new member of eggs for use next fall and win- | ter, when they will be worth The second round started out Spivey’s stable can fight and is Vernonia, Oregon about twice what they are now. j with a series of rushes by E’arr, a hard hitting clever man, fight­ Lime water preserves eggs about which was met with a return of ing at 161 pounds advises Spivey, wallops to the chin and head who relishes the privilege of of glove from Knight, and after one and bringing his string a half minutes of battling in this footers to Vernonia to try their Dane Brady Fights brew. round, Knight caught Farr, with skill against our home Benny Salvo Saturday a left to the chin, which ended Vernonia at the present time is STANDARD developing some of the the fight. Knight is a favorite at Unta­ boxers in the county, and Clever, fust, hard hitting Dane Brady enters the ring» this Sat­ tilla and tile biggest drawing are the big drawing card GASOLINE urday night against Benny Salvo card for the local boxing com­ the smokers. of Portland in the 4 round mission. "Inside” Information special just ahead of the main Trucks leave Vernonia 10 a.m. daily Hot roast beef sandwiches event. Chairman Of Boxing made by toasting slices of bread Benny Salvo who weighs 120 Commission For Year on one side, spreading the toast­ pounds, is an easterner, who re­ ed side with butter, and placing ceived most of his training and Lloyd Baker has been active slices of cold roast beef between, fighting in Erie, Pa., and has as chairman for the Vernonia next to the toasted sides of the a reputation back on the Great boxing commission about bread. Now toast the outside of GREAT NEW GASOLINE Lake city of an A No. 1 scrapper each sandwich, place on hot and a comer. plates, pour hot gravy over each plus ETHYL Arriving in Portland a short sandwich, and garnish with a time ago, he joined Spivey’s sprig of parsley and a pickle. PREMIUM MOTOR FUEL stable of fighters, anil his match Meat loaf or roll is an econo­ with Brady Saturday will actual­ mical meat dish. Some of the ly be the tost fight, his previous cheaper cuts can be used in1 battles having been against un- making it. All that is not eaten1 superior in skill und fighting ability to his. Spivey considers Brady one of the best men of his weight in this part of the country, and would eagerly grab the chance if Brady would sign up with his string, as one of Spivey's head­ liners. Brady and Salvo will furnish the fight fans Saturday with a battle long to be remembered, for with the cleverness of Brady, matched against the nimble foot­ ed Salvo, it is predicted that these four rounds will probably be some of the fastest rounds ever to be witnessed in this city. one year during which time the commission Inis paid about $335 in debts, installed more seats, and purchased additional equip­ There is no need for Timber’s Favorite Son ment to be used for the smokers you to puzzle over what To Throw Gloves at Go which are sponsored semi-month­ to have for your din­ ly in Vernonia. In Mr. linker’s opinion the ner. We can do that Timber's best scrapper, Kid you. Just come Scott, Saturday night will tangle smokers are beneficial to the for with Albina's tough 115 pound I town especially the merchants in here shopping and see 1 To realize that you are getting on in the mauler. Young Gulahan, in a I drawing crowds from camps and the many delicious | nearby towns, and also form a world. To know and to see the results of four round curtain raiser. I clean enjoyable recreation for viands we have ready your labors piling up into a substantial Scott likes fighting so much I those who enjoy witnessing for your dinner. that he moved recently from bank balance is a very real pleasure. Sav­ boxers in action. Timber to Vernonia whe ing is not difficult, once you get started. secured employment and Lee Davis and West Drop in and talk it over with us. h could get the proper tr and be nearer the hull Will Feature I n a 4 they fight. Rounder Saturday From his first appearance in this city, Scott made a hit with Some of Lee Davis’ friends the fight fans, who like the style claim he fought freakish style emonia of fistic movements this boxer but which they assume is the displays. ; most dangerous fight style for a Gulahan has never np- man from the standpoint of the peared in the local and opopnent. and many are anxi see Davis is so darn fast and quick this lad, who has such a good that at the last battle April 13 rep around Albina, in action. many were unable to describe This bout should prove to be just what kind of a blow he a speedy four round match, and put Spike Holliday to sleep with, if Scott cops the bacon he will when he nailed little Spik-ee to have to extend himself. the canvas. CDÍÍPTC INDOOR AND DI IJIV 1 O OUTDOOR be largely wasted if the plants are set in infested soil. The re- peated use of the same soil in the hotbed year after year is one of the chief causes of spreading many sweet-potato diseases, says the U. S. department of agricul­ ture. Scappoose—Fall Creek Lum- ber company’s mill will be ex­ tensively improved by new owner, Tillamook—Plans | progressing for establishment of airport. ^FRESH Eggs & Fryers C. R. Watts Phone 884— mile south Verno­ nia depot. Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone 923 Office in Workingmen s Store The Hollywood ETHYL FREIGHT Portland-Vernonia riait our Special Spring Showing now being held As new and different Truck Line For Freight and Orders Phone 342 You With Your Grocery List Ever A Real Pleasure NEHALEM MARKET & GROCERY, Inc FINNEY OF THE FORCE The 1 lorseshoe Cafe , Variety I 3.5 Years Quality of and Successful Service Business Try Our Special Dinner 5 Io 8 p.m. I Bank of Vernonia now as it was when introduced Recall the scene. A New Oakland All American Six. Making its bow to the public. And now you see it here ... there . . . everywhere you go. Other cars have appeared in bewildering succession. But the distinction of the All-American continues • • • unaffected. It’s as new and refreshingly different today as it was when introduced. Like a good friend • • • it grows on you... impressing you more favorably with every passing week. The better you know it the more you will re­ spect the New Oakland All-American Six. Consider the delivered price as well u the list price when comparing automobile values. “d'Boutiac delivered price« include only y lor delivery and financing. ’ GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon 7 OAKLAND ALL-AMERICAN SIX MUDUCT or CKNEMAL ■“ motoii I j ■sa This Should Make Snoop Well