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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1929)
THl BSPAY, APRTL 25, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE a school chum of Alberta De rock spent the week end as a guest at the William Bridges home. Donald Sundland, who is at tending Pacific University at Forest Grove spent the week end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland. Joseph Banzer and family were Vernonia shoppers Satur day. While working around his store, William Bridges had the misfortune to run a needle in his thumb, which broke off leav ing a portion of the needle in the thumb, and it was necessary to drive to Clatskanie to huve a doctor attend to the removal of the needle. Bernard Dowling and Donald Sundland were Vernonia visitors Sunday. The play and program spon sored by the Natal grange Sat urday night at Natal was a de cided success, witii most of the credit going towrds the folks who took part in the play. Danc ing and lunch was served after the program and was enjoyed by all who attended. The music furnished by Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mills, The Davis family, Lee Osburn, Chas Sund land and the Berg brothers, was enjoyed by the dancers and aud ience. Rev. Everett of Portland oc cupied the pulpit as the Mist church Sunday. Miss Olga Holmstrom, Miss Loretta Johnson and Mrs. P. E. Knowles were the dinner guests of Mrs. Scalling last week. BIRKENFELD M . and Mrs. G. Wilkie held a 61 0 party at their home on the e.ening of the 10th. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Libel, Mr. and Mrs. Skalinj, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Cam- berg, Mr. Beach, George Jones and the Misses Libel and Peter son. The prizes were won by Mr. Libel and Mrs. Skating. A de licious lunch was served and the evening wound up by piano solos by Mi ;s Libel and Miss Peterson. After thanking their hostess the guest took their leave at 12:30 o’clock. A number of friends surprised Miss Helen Beach on Friday night at her home on the oc casion of her 14th birthday. Mrs. Flynn then took all the i young people to her place and let them enjoy an evening ot dancing and games in her din ing room. At eleven a lunch wa . served. This was also a farewell party for Miss Minnie Holter who will return t<r bar home near Corvallis. After a few days of heavy rain the mill opened up again giving work to several men. '• »• logs were brought in and the mill is now busy after being closed several months because of low water. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Birken- feld and little daughter Alyson have left for a visit to Van couver, B. C. Howard Colvin left for Klam ath Falls after spending Lie winter with P. U. Skaling. Ed. Lindberg of Jewell was in Birkenfeld L>st Saturday evening. Miss Neoma Holter who has been working at the hotel since last fall went to her home near Corvallis for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larson moved into their new home in town, which has just been com pleted. Mrs. Wilkie received a bea iti- fel new bungalow p;an - a first wedding anniversary gift from her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Fled Ross from Portland were visitors in Bir kenfeld last Saturday. Jim Jamison who runs the Brierwood, Birkenfeld anu Port- land stage has traded his old stage for a new Lincoln chair stage. He is now making the round trip daily. Mr. and Mrs. SI. Flynn, own- ers of the Birkenfeld hotel made a business trip to Portland last week. Mrs. Libel, Mrs. Cambe.-g and Mrs. Skaling attended the Jolly Twenty club at Mist last week. Grain sorghums like a warm soil, and seeding of this crop should not be done too early in the spring. Ten days or two weeks after corn-planting time is the best date. If sowing is done too late, however, early fall "ro ;ts may catch the crop before it matures. Thick stands yield better in favorable seasons, but in dry seasons thins stands are best. Cultivation should be begun early and repeated often enough to destroy all weeds. In testing individual ears of seed corn for germination it is advisable to take not less than six kernels; 2 from near the butt, 2 from near the tip, and 2 from the middle. Each pair of kernels should be taken from op posite rows, the rows being about one-third of the circumference of the ear apart. This method gives a good test of any individual ear. If any of the kernels fail to gehninate, or if the germina tion is weak, produces inferior sprouts, or is very slow, the ear should be discarded. MIST Dr. Wooden of Clatskanie called at the home of .James Jones, Thursday to attend his infant daughter who is sir's with bronical pneumonia, but at the present time is reported as' pro gressing. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McGee en tertained Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Knowles as their guest for din ner Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Reynolds spend, a few days last week visiting her daughter in Vernonia. Wm. Bridges and family mo tored to Portland Sunday to wit ness the Beavers play ball at home. Reed Holding’s family were Mist shoppers and visitors Mo li day evening. John Miers from Jewel was in Mist Tuesday looking after bus iness interest. Johnnie Johnson and Austin Dowling were in Clatskanie Tuesday on business. Lee Schwab, editor of the Vernonia Eagle was in Mist Thursday, consulting with Mrs. Dowling the correspondent, and I calling on his acquaintances. I A farewell birthday partv will be given Miss Loretta Johnson, ' the primary teacher of the Mist school Friday night, and all friends of the teacher have been invited to attend. With only three more weeks of school the students attending the local school are looking for ward with pleasure to a long va- cation. Mrs. Wilson of Rainier is spending the week at the home of Miss Annie Banzer between Mist and Birkenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush and ■ Mrs. Julia Whittig were St. Hel ens visitors Monday. Mrs. Flynn of Birkenfeld call- ed at the home of Miss Annie Banzer Monday. The Joseph Banzer family called on Mrs. Julia Whittig Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Reynolds was call ed to Clatskanie Sunday to at tend and nurse Mrs. Dolly Jones I her stepmother who is reported as critically ill. Mr. Lammie and two sons from Utah and Nick Lammie of Marshfield were guests at the Chas. Hansens home last week. Austin Dowling and family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland last Sunday. Mrs. Dell Eastman and Mrs. Shorts her mother from Carlton are expected to spend Sunday at the home of L. B. Eastman. Norma Andeman of Vernonia. Baker Pogt No. 41, at Baker, Oregon, is making plans for the entertainment of the state de partment annual convention in 1930, and while the decision of picking the city for the ♦ con vention will be done next Aug ust, Baker feels confident that she will get the plum. L VERNONIA, OREGQN FIVE ed as ill and is unable to con Rose Festival June * to 14 TIMBER TREHARNE tinue working. The Portland Rose Festival Mrs. D. R. Fowler and son, Mrs. Ilulan Thacker entertain Mrs. C. Burgin of Portland and Rose show will be held this ed Mrs. A. C. Staley, Mrs. Wil Kennith motored to St. Helens was in Timber spending the year from June 8 to 14 inclus bur Thacker and Ruby Thacker Monday returning to Riverview week c id with his wife and fam ive. It is the purpose of those in the same evening. ily. at dinner Wednesday. charge of these events to make Kid Scott, prizefighter of Ver them most instructive entertain The W. R. C. held their reg Mrs. B. R. Bennett and chil nonia spent the week end in ular meeting Thursday, with Mrs. , ing and imprasive. It must be dren spent Saturday at the home N. B. Hall, president presiding, i Timber visiting friends. of Mrs. C. W. Bennett. understood that tbese are not Mrs. Ida Kilburg is in Port purely Portland undertakings but Mrs. S. A. Morton has been A good attendance was on hand,' land undergoing an operation are state wide in their scope. quite ill the past two weeks. ( and important business transac Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baslington| ted. The Relief corp will have this week. Her sister Mrs. Huff The Rose Show will be open to is working in her place at entries, not only from all points spent Sunday at the home of a cooked food sale Saturday 27 man in Oregon but the entire coun Mr. and Mrs. Lode McDonald. in the building formerly occupied the Kilburg store. Mrs. Jane Newell returned to try is invited to participate. Fes Mr. and Mrs. Robert John by Mac’s Pharmacy. Mrs. L. A. Rogers spent Sun Forest Grove last Saturday tival features will include en motored to Portland Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Baslington and Mrs. day visiting at the home of Mrs. evening after a week’s viait in tertainment that will be enjoy Timber she will leave Forest ed by all who come to Portland Walter Bennett drove to Timber Sarah Spencer. Mrs. Spencer journeyed to Grove for Wisconsin next Tues during that week. In these too, Thursday. day. outside cities may participate. A. E. Cody and son Glenn Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richie drove up from Jewell Saturday The Festival will be in pro and Norma Schiffer drove down gress at a time when tourists spending the day at the C. W. to spend the day Tuesday with Bennett home. are flocking into Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. McKnight of the Pacific northwest. An effort W. S. Lindsay and Ray South Forest Grove. drove to Timber Sunday. will be made to induce these Bill Lunn of Timber celebrated visitors to see all there is in Dr. and Mrs. R. I. Hall and hi s fifteenth birthday last Sat family visited at the Lester Mil-1 Portland and then make as ex urday evening by inviting his tensive ler home Sunday. tours as possible through friends to a party. Everybody out the state. Mrs. L. Grenia has been ill Bert P. Thacker, blind veteran had a good time. the past week. of the Spanish American war, Mr. and Mrs. George Wall Mrs. Lester Miller went to has been spending the last few Monday evening visiting BIRKENFELD STUDENTS Portland Saturday. weeks in this city disposing of «pent and daughters. TO PRESENT COMEDY Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Crawford beaded rings which he manufac Mr. Mr. Schiffer Kilburg and son and and Mrs. Bennett visited the tured. daughters and Mr. and Mrs. On Friday, April 26th, at 8 school Friday morning. Huffman and daughter Mrs. Jim Munger visiter Mrs. W. Verne McKinney, past last Sunday in Portland, spent o’clock in the school gymnasium, the students of the Winema Walter Bennett Friday. commander of Hillsboro Legion Mr. Conley of Timber spent high school, at Birkenfeld, Ore Word was received from Mrs. post, paid Vernonia a viait Sat a few days in Portland last week. gon will present a three act Jake Cook of the death of her urday. I comedy entitled “Sonny-Jane.” father Mr. Holmes of Astoria, Molalla Telephone company re After the play supper will be Mrs. Cook was well known in A number of members of Ver building Oregon City-Molalla served and a social time will be and around Vernonia. nonia Post left for Portland to line. » • enjoyed. day where they will assist in Clubhouse of Seaside Woman’s ' welcoming National Commander, club completed. RIVERVIEW The plot of the play is con McNutt, who is visiting Portland cerned with the efforts of a Portland — Contracts awarded Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg and today. An elaborate program has for construction of four street young lady, Miss Sonny Jane children started out towards been arranged for the entertain projects in this city. Marquard, to outwit three young Portland Saturday morning, and ment of the distinguished guest, men who haxe tried to put her Pacific Telephone and Tele at Wilark had the misfortune to and American Legion post of graph company rebuilding line out of the newspaper business. have their car break down with a ficials and members throughout between Seaside and Astoria. Pansy, the slowest hired girl burned out connecting rod, and the state will attend. Roseburg — Idleyld-Rock < creek 1 in the world, ______________ Freddie Beadle, ____ the _ were forced to return to this Vernonia post today handed section of North Umpqua road, shiek of Orchard Center, Joe city. be improved. | Martin who aspires to become The Fielbergs purchased a new 35 additional members into to Carlton —Capacity of Snider metropolitian, and Mrs. Spitzen- four door Ford sedan from the headquarters bringing the total Shingle company plant being dorf, three times married and membership of the local Legion Crawford Motor company. I willing to try again, furnish Mrs .Merl Cline returned from post up to 166. The recent drive doubled. Clatskanie Sunday after spending netted some 30 members and a a week at the home of her par prize offered by the Legion em ployees of the Oregon American ents Mr. and Mrs. Burnham. E. E. Mills returned to this Lumber company of $26.00 to town over the week end return the member who brought in the first 25 members following the ing to Ryderwood Sunday. Evan Hall had the misfortune meeting of April 9, was won by to cut his hand last week while M. E. Carkin. working in Ryderwood, and re Salem—Approximately $600,- turned here Friday to receive 000 will be expended during medical attention. Elsie Robins returned from 1929 by Marion county on road Winlock, Wash, last week where building program. Bend—Plans underway for con she had been visiting with her struction of addition to building sister Mrs. William Mason. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bays visit of St. Charles hospital in near ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. future. Springs to Maupin will be con B. T. Hall Sunday. Mrs. Frankie Granville of Port structed in near future. Canyon city—Preliminary steps land is visiting with her father Bill Congdon for the next few underway for organization of days. Grant county Dairy Herd Im Mr. and- Mrs. Arthur Fowler provement association. Klamath Falls—$50,000 air of Laurel, Oregon are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler, port bonds will be sold; plans progressing for starting construc the parents of Mr. Fowler. A nine and one half pound tion of flying field soon. Road leading from Oak daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hall, and Construction started on 30- mile Eagle Point-Lake O’Woods has been named Bonnie Mae. Charlie Biggs has been report- highway. enough laughs to keep you gig should not be forced to eat more gling from now till next Christ than she wants. The best way is mas. to give only a small quantity The play is a comedy mirth with the feed, not to exceed one quake designed to give you the per cent of the grain mixture by most entertainment for your weight, and to place salt in money that you have ever re boxes where she can lick it at will. ceived. The public is cordially invited | to attend the play and enjoy I Scappoose—Fall Creek Lum ber company’s mill will be ex the social time. tensively improved by new owner. While the dairy cow should be Tillamook—Plans progressing given all the salt she needs, she for establishment of airport. THE NEHALEM VETERAN Thor Electrical Washers $108.50 Noted For Their Power, Endurance and Long Life Other Electrical equipment of the famous Thor Line 9 I Hotpoint Electric Ranges I i • U. I Prompt Action We know people appre ciate prompt action when they call for service, es pecially MOTOR SER- VICE. That is just what you will get call 1161. when you So, the next time you are stalled out on the road, call us. Our mechanic will be you in a few moments our Big SALE .And all electrical equipment manufactured by the HOTPOINT COMPANY The Greatest Value Ever! You can barely hear it! Starts Saturday April 27 with and next, you’ll be thank ing us for COREY’S ECONOMY STORE Ends May 11 Refrigerator prompt, efficient service. Vernonia Garage L. E. Fredrickson, Mgr. SMOKER 3-4 Rounds GENERAL ^»ELECTRIC Bargains in Everything CONSULT US FOR HOUSE WIRING COLUMBIA UTILITIES COMPANY Vernonia SAT. APR. 27 Admission $1.00