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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1929)
THU tSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THREE the field in the form of finely B. J. Petersen, salesman for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. in May 1930. tored to Astoria Tuesday to Bros, orchestra. the Pet Milk company is in Ver Hurley, returning to this city siend the day at the home of Robert McMullin was absent cut or shredded material or as Mr. and Mrs. W. Verne Mc nonia this week making his usual Sunday. Mr. Nei rer’s brother, Mr. and from school Monday on account silage. The disking in of small Kinney, and son Junior and Mrs. Mrs. Pete Neurer. grains on cornstalk land or on rounds. i of illness. E. C. McKinney, of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Biddle and Oliver Burros was a caller at high-cut corn stubble is a dan Tom i nd John McMullin were Í=J. visited in this city Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Al. Chambers son Robert returned to this city _ , the home of Frank Peterson gerous practice where the corn Mist callers ____ Friday. Dr. R. I. Hall motored to of St. Helens visited at the Dent Monday from Idaho where they evening paying a visit to the borer is present, says the U. s. Several members of the Natal Portland Saturday. home in this city Thursday of had been staying during the Eagle shop. Mr. McKinney is grange worked on the Natal wa- , Monday. department of agriculture. Frank p ® terson . a " d ? on Rlc1 }' illness and death of Mr. Biddle’s editor and publisher of the Hills ter line Thursday, and Mrs. Lee ard last week. Vernon,a busmess cal- boro Argus, and iiis mother, Mrs. Dudley Nickson of the Inman- father. A hen will brood from 10 to E. C. McKinney is associate Osburn and Mrs. Frank Peter- ers *' rlday' Poulsen camp spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson son served a lunch for the men Sidney Ratcliffe and Lee editor of the paper. 15 chickens successfully early in Vernonia. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson at the Grange hall. the season and from 15 to 20 in and families spent last week end Schwab attended the Natal BIRKENFELD Grange program at Natal Satur- warm weather, depending on her Mrs. John Armstrong of the at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McMullin Tariff Effective May 10 day night, also taking in the I. P. camp spent Sunday after and son Harry spent Friday at Birkenfeld, April 18.—Len size. In last week ’ s issue of the Ed. Holtham and H. H. Hixon dance and supper following the noon in Vernonia. the bedside of Grandpa McMul Richardson of Birkenfeld motor Eagle it was erroneously stated lin. motored to Eastern Oregon Mon program. ed to Klamath Falls this week Medicinal remedies have thus that the tariff filed by the Co day and expect to return to this Floyd Weldon of Westimber Mesdames, William Bridges, on a busines strip. far proved of no value in cur- __ Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mr. and lumbia Utilitie company was ef city the later part of the week. visited friends company Grover Devine and Noble Dunlap Birkenfeld Lumber ing infections abortion of cattle, Alma Kullander, Mr. and Mrs. fective that date, April 10. It were callers at the home of Mrs. day evening. saw mill intend to open their and cattle raisers must rely on Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cunning- William Culver, Betty Culver, should have stated that the tariff Dave McMullin last Wednesday within the next few days, which excluding the disease from heal Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bush motor- ham of Oklahoma City have Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindley and would be effective May 10. a week ago. will employ about 15 men, and thy herds and suppressing it in ed to Portland Friday on a bus- been sojourning in the guest Bobby Lindley motored to Port- Oliver Burros and Chris Tes- has a citing capacity of 40,000 house of the Oregon American land Friday. iness trip. kie paid a day. a visit to the bedside of Lumber company. NATAL Grandpa McMullin last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Birkenfeld F. O. Miller, G. O. Miller and Floyd Weldon of Westimber Tom McMullin from Arling- motored to Portland on a bus The Women ’ s class of the E. W. Collier, of the firm of suent Thursday evening in this Game warden Brown visited ton, was called to the bedside of iness trip returning to this city Christian church will hold their Miller Mercantile company ar Natal Friday. city. his father at Natal, arriving in with scales for the Birkenfeld next regular meeting at the home rived in Vernonia Friday, and Mrs. Lee Osburn called at Miss Mildred McPherson of of Mrs. W. O. Porterfield Friday stayed over until Saturday even this town Thursday. saw mill. the home of Mrs. Jake Neurer Hillsboro started working in the afternoon. D. P. Spafford was a caller A large number of Birkenfeld ing, leaving later in the evening Wednesday. Horseshoe cafe April 16. at at some of the homes in Natal folks attended the dance for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marley, A. Green was a shopper at I Friday selling washing machines. Vinemaple and all enjoyed a > Mrs. G. W. Plumer is visiting who have been visiting Mr. and « . _ . — Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Vernonia Friday returning to1 " George — Taylor, Carl Eiler and pleasant evening. i her son and daughter in i Ostran- Mrs. Frank Hanson left Satur Miss Alma Kullander, Mr. and Natal later ... in the .— — ..... evening. .... 6. r Fritz. ritz r.uer were callers i at the Eiler to Joe Warner Jr. was rushed der, Wash, this week. day for the east, where they ex- Mrs, William Culver motored to Lee Osburn visited the pole. McMullin home Saturday, the hospital with a severe attack Independence Sunday. Mrs. Kul camp mp of Davis and Johnson The Ree.l famil mo- of pneumonia. Reed Holding family Gladys Grant wcr.t on a fish pect to make their home. which is located on the muun- lander and Miss Alma Kullander tored to Vernonia Sunday. Students of the Winema high ing trip to the Cowlitz river A. E. Adams proprietors I of will stay over for a week in tain near this vicinity. Charles Melis was a visitor at school at Birkenfeld and stu during the last week end. the Red & White Store 1 pur- Independence visiting relation. Bob Linsey was a Vernonia the Lincoln Peterson home Sun dents of Birkenfeld grade school Pearl Krause spent the week chased a Ford delivery truck shipper Friday. day. motored to Astoria, visiting the Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe of end visiting Alice Eaton at Van Saturday from the Crawford Mo Mrs. Nels Peterson and Mrs. Many fishermen from the city court while in session to study tor company. Hood River spent Saturday and Noble Dunlap motored to Ver- cuuver, Wash. visited this part of the country civics. Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs. Sarah Spencer left for their son, M. E. Moe. Mr. Moe nonia Friday. Saturday and Sunday, and auto Mr. and Mrs. M. Flynn of ' William DeVine formerly of son Edward McMullen and Monday afternoon, is publisher of the Hood River parties stopped over at Natal Birkenfeld, proprietors of the Vernonia is now employed at Portland Harry spent Friday in Vernonia. wh< re she will spent a few days Glacier, which he established 25 grove for serving of lunches. Birkenfeld hotel motored to Kel- Vancouver, Washington. Dr. Hughes of Vernonia was Lincoln Peterson was a bus- so, Wash., last Monday to meet visiting with her son and his years ago. a caller at the home of Grandpa iness caller at the home of Mrs. S. Hess and children who Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meyer family, Omah Spencer. Clyde Johnson Tuesday. returned with the Flynns for a spent the week end visiting re Jack Bush, A. L. Kullander, McMullin last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and William Culver, Dr. J. A. Hughes Lee Schwab of Vernonia spent Richard Peterson paid * visit visit. latives in Portland. children Elinor and Junior mo- and J. C. Lindley, motored to an hour at Natal Thursday in to the home of Oliver Burros C. W. Reithner spent Tuesday tored to Portland Sunday after- Hillsboro Thursday for a few the interest of the Vernonia Wednesday. Clean-up campaigns against in Portland on a business trip noon returning to this city later rounds of golf, and attending to Eagle and also covered Birken William Pringle and ______ Edward the European corn borer should returning to this city Wednesday. in the evening. McMullin motored to Birkenfeltf be completed before the borer business affairs while in the feld and Mist. Glen Richardson paid Reed Wednesday. develops into the moth stage in Miss Nettie Alley, Columbia Lester Sheeley attended the Washington county capitol. Holding a visit Friday on bus- The Natal grange program late spring or early summer. All county health nurse spent Sun directors meeting uf the West Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Burke iness. Saturday night was well attend cornstalks, cobs, and refuse day evening in thia city visiting i Side Pacific highway association and family left this city early Jake Metello was a Natal ed and following the program, should be destroyed during the friends. meeting at the Imperial hotel Saturday morning and will drive caller Monday. dancing and lunch were enjoyed. year, by plowing under complete Saturday afternoon. Oliver ~ Burros and Beatrice back to Mich., where the family J. A. Schunesen and M. K. The music was furnished by ly, by burning cleanly, or by Tellesbaug, prominent Rainier Mr. and Mrs. Dean Duvall of intend to locate. Mr. Burke re Perry drove to Mist last Wed- Mills and Davis, and the Berg feeding to livestock directly from | business men spent Sunday af Kaesey attended the matinee at|cen^y was employed by the Mil- nesday. Mrs. Fred Parkeman, Mrs. ternoon in this city. the Joy theatre Sunday after ler Mercantile company. Earnest Lane, and Mrs. Lee noon returning to Keasey that Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. E. Osburn paid a visit to the home Mr. and Mrs. William Warner evening. A. Green and Charlotte and Nell of Grandpa McMullin last Wed- and C. Twineham motored to Portland Friday returning to C. A. Messing of Portland Green were in Portland Saturday nesday. Vernonia later in the evening. spent Saturday in this city visit of last week. Mrs. Greenman Reed Holding motored to Ver- ing with his brother Emil Mes attended the Junior Prom of the on a business trip Wed- Spec. Ford salesman for the sing, and looking over some of Hill Military Academy on the nonia nesday. Pacific Fruit company with his local property interests. Battleship Oregon while there. Lincoln Peterson called at the headquarters at Portland spent home of Jake Neurer Wednes- and daughter, Mrs. Ethel Ray Monday in Vernoaia. Mrs. Jack Nance and son, day on a business trip. Jack Junior, left for Portland Verna motored to Corvallis last Judge P. Hill visited Natal William Meyers and Emil ___ Mes- Saturday where they visited Saturday to spend the week end sing motored to Forest Hills Fri friends and relation, returning with the Warren Smith family. Wednesday in the company of day afternoon to jday a few to Vernonia Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gooding George Parker, which Mr. Parker rounds of golf. went with them to visit their son, was handling the mail route. Lee Osburn was in Vernonia A new body has been install Ward, who is attending the Ore- Carl Bergerson spent Saturday ed on the Chevrolet truck which Wednesday. evening in Portland visiting was recently purchased by the gon State ^college. Mrs. Grover Devine and son friends and returned to this city Curly Transfer and an attractive Reverend G. W. Plumer will were guests at the home of Mrs. Sunday evening. sign of two colors is painted leave for Seattle on Monday to Reed Holding a week ago last attend the annual Oregon con- Monday. Lester Sheeley motored to on both sides of the new body. ferencc of the Evangelical Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn I ortland Monday on business in Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Hurley church, Our local church is ex- made a trip to Mist Monday the interest of the West Side Pa- left Saturday for Vancouver, tending an invitation for the evening. cific highway association. Wash., to visit with Dr. Hurley’s conference to meet in Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer mo- herds already infected, says the U. S. department of agriculture. The disease can be detected in animals by two different blood tests. Farmers’ Bulletin 1536-F procurable from the department of agriculture, contains practical information on this problem. veals Parkdale — Contract awarded for construction of Parkdale market road. Foy 5 years Dr. Luzader, eyesight specialist, has been making monthly visits to May 6 and 7, office at Kul- Vernonia. His next visit will be lander’s. Have your eyes examined.—adv. “LISTEN WIFE! r l 1 .»A No More Burnt Grub For Me LINDSAY LUMBER COMPANY W e’ll eat at the TREHARNE Phone 7F51 EXTRA SPECIAL Writing; Paper WRITING PAPER—Fine qual ity, gold edge, envelopes to match. White and colors. Reg ular 60c value, a box..................... 25c Women’s Apparel Raincoats Values to $4.SO, only a few of 98c HAST CALL!! Saturday Night Saturday Hight April 27 April 27 Mammoth Stock Women’s Dresses Cotton WASH DRESSES, val ues to 62, slightly soiled. Only e few, so be here early. Silk Dresses Silk Dresses Fine quality, slightly Friday soiled, values to 615.00, about 25 of them in assorted sizes and col- era. Wash Dresses pu OiiTs Coats It will pay you to buy now— mere then half saved. » Values to $18.50, assorted siz es. Hurry if you want one of these. Only 15 in the lot. $4.95 Betty Lou Styles, fast colors, late styles, a wonderful dress Railroad Cafe to 65. SALE PRICE Rayon Undies Large sizes only, 40 to waist regular 33.00 and values, real bargains. REDUCTIONS 98c 2 for one One lot of WOMEN'S SHOES, mostly small sizes, but values to 66.00. One lot of CHILDREN'S CAN VAS FOOTWEAR. A good summer play shoe at a bar gain. $1.98 One lot of women's and chil dren's OXFORDS. Also CAN- VAS SHOES for men. Buy now. One lot of women's high grade SHOES, small sizes to 5^ — two pairs for the price of one! BLOOMERS and SHORTIES. in pastel shades, all regular 61 values. * mzv / ^4/* ' Womens Silk Hose Fare thread silk with pointed heels. Our regular 98c value a pair _------------------------------------------ 39c Cotton Bats 75c Fine quality 3-pound COTTON BATS, comfort size. Sere just HALF—now half the regular price. one- Work Shirts 44 64 25c Fleicher's WOOL YARNS, 2- ounce balls, assorted colors, big value. Special Values in $1.00 pair Shoes 98c brown, Mens Overcoats Shoes One lot of CHILD'S PLAY SUITS, value, to 31.65. and Raintest Pants Shoes Yarns grey, Reducing Shoes Play Suits tan, I Blue Chzmbry, size, 14 H to 17. Sold in many atore« at 65c. Mens Dress Shirts Collars attached, sixes 14 H to 17 H, plain white and assorted stripes and patterns. Boys Dress Shirts Printed broadcloth, collar at tached stylos, sizes 12 H to 14 regular $9.00 values. Leather Faced Gloves /A ( £ Black, all «¡set, regular 15c values. All Mens Suits going at 1-2 price Two more dayg and down comes the sale signs. But plenty of Bargains yet. If you have not been here, come these last two days and SAVE. TREMENDOUS $2.98 i /♦» 4 Men’s Work Socks Men’s Apparel Women’s Hats Summer styles, values those are reel values. EXTRA SPECIAL Sale Ends Ä AH Í PD'Q Sale Ends Special Values in these left. Save now! EXCELLENT FOODS Cotton Blanket 98c White Sheet BLANKETS, full size, regular $1.50 values. JzO Tipped finger*, good knit ?rri*L e*tra heavy striped tick- Mens Unionsuits OMf* Short sleeves ankle length, regular 61.00 reluce, sisee 34, 36, aad 36 MILLER MERCANTILE COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon Mens Felt Hats $1.00 Oaa lot af FELT HATS, val ues to 63.00. mostly black. Got one for a work hat.