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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1929)
THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 152» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO Society News Jolly 20 Club Meet At The Home of Mrs. E. A. Reynolds-Mist April 23.—The “Jolly club met at the home of E. A. Reynolds last Thurs- where a dainty luncheon was served the guests following which the second degree was con ferred upon a few of the mem bers. Those who attended the meet- ing were, Mesdames, Win. Kea- ton, Chas. Sundland, N. H. Calm- bury, George Taylor, Earl Holce, Merl Lane, G. B. Lowden. Mrs. Carl Ennebery, L. E. McGee, L. B. Eastman. J. O. Libel, A. Wal lace, E. N. Wallace, L. Carmi chael, Miss Fay Libel, Mrs. Aus tin and daughter, Florence. The two members absent were Mrs. C. George and Mrs. Melis, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. B. Low- dins, May 9. Shower at Home of Mrs. Roy Brady Last Week The Loyal Gleaners and Wil ling Workers classes of the Christian church held a shower April 17, on Mrs. Roy Brady. The Loyal Gleaners acting as hostess served a delightful lun cheon, and the afternoon was spent in sewing. Those present were mesdames Guy Nelson, John Rosa, W. J. Gooding, C. Royer, Ray Charlesworth, IL Veal, J. A. McDonald, Ben Owens, W. O. Porterfield, W. J. King, A. J. Sitts, T. C. Biggs, George Stankey, II. Woodruff, Ruby Mortimer, C. C. Dusten, V. D. Haight, Leona Thompson, L. Schmidt, C. F. Hieber, A. D. .olley, Brunten, D. Spofford, E. News of Vernonia Schools Mix Ruth Knight, J. F. Monger, L. Carri gan, J. Fest, Nola Brady, D. O’Donnell and Miss Erma Brady. Newlyweds Entertain Friends Monday Mrs. Emil Roy, nee Goldie Mrs. Cole Entertains Garner, surprised her many In Honor of Mrs. Brewer friends on Wednesday of last Mrs. M. D. Cole entertained informally Thursday afternoon, April 18, in honor of Mrs. Fred Brewer, who is leaving Vernonia soon. A color scheme of yelloy and white was carried out in the decorations and refreshments. A delicious luncheon of peach sundaes, angel food cake, and tea was served. Besides the guest of honor and the hostess the following were present: Mesdames Judd Greenman, E. A. Green, Dave Marshall, W. E. Bell, W. W. Wolff, A. C. Knauss, C. W. Reithner, A. J. Hughes, E. E. Garner, W. R. Hammack, and the Misses Ruth Hickman, Hazel Malmsten, and Flossie Perce. Willing Workers Serve Tea May The Willing Workers of the Christian church will serve a tea in the social rooms of the church Thursday afternoon, May 2, where a program will be spon sored for the entertainment of the guests. All are invited to attend. Bridge Party Given By Mrs. J. Greenman week, when she returned from St. Helens married. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garner, and Miss Violet Thompson accom- panied the couple. Mr. Roy is employed by the S. P. & S. Transportation company at the local terminal. A group of friends surprised the newlyweds at their home at the Tapp apartments on Second street Monday evening. ' They were invited to enter, and I the usual treats were provided. Girls Who Took Part In Operetta Meet At School to Hear Report Chri.tian Church The junior report cards which mysteriously disappeared s o about three weeks ago returned to Professor Wilkerson’s office ’ the day after the rest of the re port cards had been issued. Nothing like this has ever hap pened in Vernonia high school, and the juniors were beginning to think that they were not going to get any cards. Typing Contest To Be Held Next Week Next week a typing contest will be held between the stud ents of Vernonia high school, and prizes will be given to the three best students of the first year typing class, and the three best students of the second year typing class. A second contest will be held in two weeks, and the winners from the first contest will com pete against each other for the grand prize. The winner must be the most accurate and have the highest net rate of any typing student in the school. Annual Senior Party At School Friday The annual senior party was held in the high school gymnas ium Friday, April 19. The seniors forgot their dig nity when they danced “The Virginia Reel.” “The Miller Boy” and “Musical Chairs” the games were very much enjoyed by all. It was amusing to see some senior hopping or turning hand springs the full length of the floor to regain a possession which had been lost in a forfeit game. At 10 o'clock refreshemnts consisting of sandwiches, cake. and punch were served. Senior Play To Be Presented Soon The senior play is progressing rapidly. All the actors have learned their parts. The rest of the time will now be spent in adding action to the play. A definite date has not been set for the play, but the seniors expect to give it May 3, in the high school auditorium. Juniors Plan Program In Honor of Seniors The program which the juniors will give in honor of the seniors will be given during the last week of school. I The event will be in the na Some one played Santa Claus ture of a farewell to the senior to the seniors Monday morning class. by placing an orange in each juniors The have already senior's desk. No one knows who started working on it, and in the benefactor was but the tend to have a well arranged oranges were very much enjoy and entertaining program. ed. Santa Claus Pays High School Visit In Springtime O. S. C. Educators Talk To Students Friday Dean Jam ¡non and Dean Jewell of the Oregon State college ac companied by Mins Elizabeth Murray, county school superin tendent were visitors of the Ver nonia high school, Friday, April 19. Dean Jameson and Dean Jewell gave» very interesting talks to the student body. Both speakers encouraged the students to make the most of their abilities. Many parents came lo hear the distinguished speakers, and Mr. Condit excused the eighth grade so that they might also have the opportunity. At the opening of the assem bly everyone sang ‘‘Old Black Joe.” The glee club sang two selections, ‘‘Pean To Summer,” and “The Mountain Stream.” Later in the afternoon Dean Jameson spoke to the senior and junior girls in Miss Perces room, and Dean Jewell spoke to the senior an<l junior boys in the senior room. The senior cards and an- nouncements arrived Monday. The diplomas for graduation were received by Professor Wil kerson last week. Two Clubs Receive Mrs. G. Drorbaugh Fraternal 192 There will be Bible school at Certificates Merit Entertains Mrs. Ed. the usual hour next Lord’s day. The subject will be the "Suffer Stevens At 500 Party ing Servant of Jehovah and the “Home Cookery” club of War lesson text is found in Isa. 53: Mrs. George Drorbaugh enter ren school, Mrs. Winifred Howell 1-12. Preperations are being made for a special program on tained in honor of Mrs. Ed. leader; members, Elsie Johnson, Mothers Day and also children’s Stevens of Timber Thursday af- June Dahlgren, Emmy Kallberg, day. I ternoon, April 18. The diversion June Mabee, Helen Josephson, Communion and preaching ser- of the afternoon was 500. Mrs. Mildred Josephson, Ethel Miller, vice at 11 o'clock. Rev. O. P. Burt McKnight won high score Mabel Gull, Elsie Gull, Ava Nel Burris of Valcan Alta, Canada and Mrs. Sam Smith consolation. son, Pearl King, Violet Gabriel- Oester, Hazel will be here and will speak both The hostess served her guests son, Margaret the morning and evening. Brother salad, sandwiches, cake, candies, ' Oester, Mary Esther Enstrom, for refreshments. May Dahlgren and Ethel Joseph- Burris comes with a view of lo and coffee cating here and We should have Those present were: Mesdames i son. a large audience out to hear him George Ogg, Burt Nelson, Virgil “Rinkedinks Cookery” club of both morning and evening. I Powell, R. A. Olson, Paul Fetsch, I Deer Island school, Mrs. Gladys Nelson, Frombley, Lloyd Curteman, leader; members, John Junior and Intermediate en 3. deavor at 6:30 p.m. Orchestra | Baker, and Mrs. Jean Richey and Weltsch, Marie Merz, Karl Fred- and sermon at 7:30. Orchestra Mrs. Ed. Stevens of Timber, Burt in, Arvilla Dodson, Francis Dod- practice on Wednesday evening. I McKnight of Forest Grove, and son, Willis Rigby Foster Bible study on Thursday evening, the hostess. Stewart. Ruth Page Simmon* Teachers Entertained Celebrates Twelfth By Mrs. Fred Brewer Birthday With Party ---------- • Ruth Page Simmons was pleas antly surprised last Friday even ing, when several of her school friends called at her home for a theatre party. The occasion was Ruth’s twelfth birthday. The girls, who were Elizabeth George, Florence and Elizabeth Wall, Shelby Caton, and Martha Middlebrooks, brought her some pretty and useful gifts. After the show, the girls went to Miss Simmons’ home, where they en joyed a short social hour with pink and white cake and ice '•ream to close the evening. Contractor and Builder NEHALEM Vernonia HOTEL Vernonia Mission Services at Brown’s undertak ing parlor, Sunday at 10 and 7:30 p.m. Good singing, the Bible plained. Come and give part. Everybody welcome. <)■ Stenerson, Evangelist The story about this picture is on page 1 La Velie Gosa Editor LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia Pleasant Hill Cookery Serves Tea Saturday Home of Mrs. Garner Saturday afternoon the Pleas ant Cookery club of the Pleasant hill school entertained with a been decided upon as the date I Sheeley, Bruce Holcomb, and tea at the home of their leader, I for the Junior Prom, which will Earsel Christensen. Mrs. Lesta Garner. be given in the high school gym Mrs. II. IL Hixson visited the A dainty luncheon of tea, nasium. third grade Thursday afternoon sandwiches, tiny maple nut cakes The proceeds from the junior of last week. and mints was served to the The fourth grade have made guests. play will be used to finance the health charts and are using them prom. Members of the club who at- The juniors are willing to put at home. These charts include tended were mesdames Levi Aus forth much effort to decorate ten health habits that should be tin, John Patrick, Henry John, the gym, and to secure a good practiced daily and are complet M. J. John, R. C. Stanton, An Earl Snyder, orchestra in order to make the ed by a picture illustrating one na Christensen, Lester Mowe, and Judson Weed. Prom better this year than any of these habits. The Lincoln school held their Girls who acted as hostesses in previous years. track meet elimination contest Roberta Because of so many social last Friday afternoon. This was were Jeanette John, Andreasen, Doris Timm, Arvada activities coming during the last preparatory to the inschoolastic' Lines, and Twila Morton. few weeks of school, the Prom contest held Wednesday. was postponed from April 26 Mr. Thomas took a group of i Evangelical Church until the last week of school. The students will probably be his fifth grade boys on an out-1 The Sunday school meets at ! ing to Keasey last Saturday. The 9:45 a.m. The pastor will preach rushed for time so near the end afternoon was spent in fishing, at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. There of school, but the whole class target practicing, and general is very enthusiastic about it and exploring. Those who went were: will be reception of members. The young people of both the students will cooperate to Chester Thompson, George Schi- groups will meet at 7 p.m. This help make the event a success. bata, Marvin Harvey, Harold Ca- will be the last Sunday before son, Hilda Boker, Roberta Pet- the annual conference which LINCOLN SCHOOL ty, and Roy New. meets in Seattle next week. The Lincoln school is plan The women’s missionary so Melvin Rose of the Primary room celebrated his seventh ning a picnic and May Day ex- ciety meets Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Filipino orchestra will birthday last Friday afternoon ercises for the last day of play at the 8 p.m. service Sun by serving a big birthday cake school, May 17. day. to his schoolmates. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. Vernon Duley, a first grader, WASHINGTON SCHOOL had a misfortune Monday even The second grade are making Eastern Star Card Party in May' ing when he fell from a tree at picture study booklets this week. The Eastern Star social club ] his home and broke his arm. The third grade have complet of the Those who received 100 in ed their arithmetic course and will hold the second spelling last week are: Third are now reviewing, They are also series of bridge and 500 parties I grade, Lawrence Bennett, Ered making Geography booklets of in the Masonic temple May 8. Erven, Leila Nelson, Mildred meat products. Woods, and Lawson Smith Buster and Harold i Nance; Fourth grade, Alice Hoffman, Graves, two third grade meni- Delpha Killian, Vashion Hall, hers, have not missed a day and Dorothy Dalton; Fifth grade yet this year. Helen Holgate; Second grade Dorothy Oversen of the fourth Lorraine Johnston, Jane Watts. (Continued on page 7) Wonderful We have been tolcl our baked goods are won derful by so many dif ferent customers that we are telling you the same thing. We do our utmost to make them very good. Prompt Ford Service Bring your Ford here for that hurry-up job Maybe it’s only a little thing. Big or little our mechanics will find the trouble in a jiffy and send you away smiling. All labor billed at low flat rate. Ask about the special $1.50 inspection service. VERNONIA BAKERY Crawford Motor Company A New And Good Roads Date For Junior Prom Set For May 14 The evening of May 14 has Now is the time of the year For that new ideal of a car (let My Bid on your Building* it will save money but likewise « me and worry >n your to get building ly apparent my figure«. wi when There ia JOHN A. MILLER Footwear Depiding Summei Styles A Six in the price range of the four The varied footwear needs of the modern woman are well cared for in this excep tional exhibit of new shoe styles fol iate spring and vacation days service. Gilby Motor Co Workingman’s Store Ed. Holthnm Vernonia The New Chevrolet Vernonia, Oregon Reithner Leaders of Style and Quality O1 I IN’S DSI1 KT HEEL NOBLE DUNLAP Stop at the Vernonia's Progressive Store DELTA Mrs. Fred Brewer entertained several of the teachers at a waf fle party at her home Thursday of last week. The guests were Misses Pearl Krause, Hazel Malm- sten, Gladys Grant and Ruth Taylor. When Staying Over In The Industrial City of the Nehalem Valley The Timber Line Junior Report Cards Which Did the Aimee Act Re-Appear Office Phon. The operetta, “The Maid of the Golden Slipper,” given by the Campfire Girls at the Joy theatre April 8 was certainly financially a success. A sum of $95.83 was realized. This will be applied to the Campfire Cabin fund. All of the girls who were in the op eretta met at the Washington school Tuesday afternoon and discussed finances for the Cabin Fund. Prizes for the ticket sale contest were awarded to Lorraine Space and Juanita Sturgil. Louise Simmons Blue Birds won group prize. Free Mrs. Judd Greenman enter tained at one table of bridge Wednesday afternoon of last v/eek. The guests were Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Mrs. Carl David son, and Mrs. Roger Cunning ham of Oklahoma City. / Clubs Holladay Reporter Society Ensembles, Coats, Dresses, Shoes, Hosiery, and Novelties Styles of every type, every taste, for every occasion Vernonia Phone 801 5