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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1929)
■ nacansMSSMaoBsa» Ucrmntia Classified Advertisements Have a Good Record For Results, Try One bugile r- VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 1930 NO. 3«. Chamber To Aiti Garden Club Work Jean Page Schultz Chosen May Queen Washington School I Vernonit Study Club First Talkie * Good Will Tour Enjoyed Natal Grange Sponsor Play Benefit In Vernonia April Following Community Chest the last smoker By Vernonia Merchants 13, sponsored by the Ver Program Is nonia Boxing commission which The Vernonia Study club are SundayNight was acclaimed by all to be the a play which will be At Banquet Wednesday sponsoring Big Success given May 10 and 11 in the best ever held in this city, the Four Local Boxer« To Battle Saturday The May Queen to reign dur ing the May Day Pageants on the lawn of the Washington school has been chosen from the boxing match arranged for Sat American Legion hall, the pro first grade, little six year eld urday night, which seems to be Cooperation Promised For Any Road Program ceeds of which will be used to Jean Page Schultz. a well balanced card, may not starting a community chest A good deal of time and work Which Would Benefit This Section Of Oregon; wards in this city. be just quite as good, but con- is being spent on this entertain- Reception Received Here Pleased Visitors. Much interest is bein created tains the same lineup of local ment and it promises I to be a men who fought April 13, so we over the play which in its cast very beautiful and i interesting _ Suggest Merchandise affair. The costuming is going to Famous Mystery Play At I figure that the results of the Members of the T Portland ‘.1__ 2 I Walker, president of Northwes-1 many prominent Vernonia bus smoker rests iness men will take part, and Representatives From with those who are Chamber of Commerce, who com be particularly attractive. The coining out from Portland to posed the good will tour here tern School of Commerce, was | a capable theatrical director will Contest Prizes First Showing [ general color scheme is to be the next speaker introduced, and match their skill with our local yesterday arrived at 11:30 a.m. soon arrive in this city to direct Many Towns Attend I----- nos cuy co uireci pink and white. started out with a few L boxers. „,"r |Rnd coach the actors for their and assembled in front of the stories. Mr. Walkers talk center At the opening the Queen and parts. Kid Nelson, Vernonia’s welter Masonic temple. Deaf Ear Turned to Proporal To her court will appear and ad Equipment Now Installed And ed on the kind of people to look different The name of the play, “The [ Proewd, To B( weight will meet James J. Bren Luncheon was served by the up when coming to a town, stat vance to the throne, where after •• Used For Im- iininnloco - 1 _ . . Wedding, »> ” U has been nan of Portland in the six round women of the Eastern Star, the ing that every town or city had Womanless VUoJj;..,« Teat* Made; All Set For Advertise in New Magazine the cornation, the Queen will main event. staged in different sections of provint Grange Hall Vernonia business men being the its knockers, boosters, and true reign throughout the festival. Final Showing For One Vssue Nelson who is winning all his guest of the Portland chamber, blue citizens the worth while Oregon, where packed houses de Other members of the court And Building battles either by K. O.’s or tech at the Masonic building. ones, who took it upon them clared it to be a great comedy, are: advance guards, Joe Rober- nical knockouts, is being match W. W. Wolff president of the selves to carry on for their city and which especially makes it sen and Loren Kostur; rear Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. ed against a clever hard hitting [local chamber thanked the mem- in a worth while fashion, bene more attractive by the fact that Because of lack of funds witb guards, Marvin Woodard and all the actors, which will be men, Hundreds attended the pro which to aid the Vernonia Gar- Gerold George; escorts, Russell when the first show starts at man, when he meets Brennan, berg of the chamber good will ficial to their town. —J are known to all “ make the gram sponsored by the Natal den club in their proposed con- Miller, Richard Austin, Melvin I the Joy theatre, it is predicted who is a member of Spivey’s tour in making a trip to this A few song selections by the and that every seat in the theare will string of fighters. twt this summer for the im- Powell, Merle Tindel, city, which was appreciated by Girls Glee club of the local high play more interesting to the grange in the hall at Natal Sat Dane Brady will enter the the business men as could be school won hearty applause and audience. be filled to witness and hear the urday night, and a large crowd provement of Vernonia lawns Crippen, Roland Smith, Junior Carl first all talkie picture to be ring to match his skill against The play unquestionably will which were unable to gain ad and gardens, in which cash prizes Davis, and Homer Mitchner; seen by the turnout ______ and _____ intro- the girls were thanked by the would be given, it was suggest Hower girls, Charlotte Ann Cov- shown at the local picture show Benny Salvo of Portland who duced G. W. Ford, as the Ver chairman of the Portland dele draw record crowds for the two mission on account of the limit house. recently arrived from Erie, Pa., nonia member of the local gation for their musical num nights, due to the fact that this ed number of seats listened to ed by G, W. Ford, chairman <>! ’ ’ (ington, and Geraldine Savage; will be the first benefit l ___ the program from the hall en- given the civic committee, that mer ladies in waiting, Kathleen Tier- The week has Deen busily and carried a good reputation as chamber to deliver the welcome bers. the proceeds to be turned ’Over trance. chants give prizes. His report lien, Madeline Michoff, Jean Mil spent in the installation ______ of ____ the a scrapper in that eastern city. address. Mr. Ford stated that J. N. Edlefsen, president of Salvo also is a member of all were glad to have the mem the Junior Symphony, and vice for a community chest. was accepted by the chamber. It ler, and Dolores Swim; herolds, sound reproduction machine and Jewell, Birkenfeld, Vesper, was the opinion of many present Leia Beveridge, and Ione Lind in order to accommodate the Spivey’s stable, and Jack Spivey bers of the Portland chamber in president of the West Coast Na Mist, Riverview, and Vernonia, is very anxious to have these Vernonia today, and believed tional that more real value and a great berg; crown bearer, Angelina many who it is expected will be _________ __ ___ were well represented by large bank, , was the last Port- Rev. Burris To Preach er number of prizes could be Yonu; attendants, Elsie Duncan, on hand to hear the 100 per two men meet in order to prove that the trip would create a bet-, land speaker called upon, and At Christian Church numbers, who thoroughly enjoy just how good Salvo is, for x— understanding given by this methed. — j —x— j .__ and ■ relation • thanked the ladies of the Eastern ed a well selected and directed — J tICICIl Z IBUiUC, Willa TV 111« XTZUe Helen Tisdale, Mae UUUW1I1, Godwin, cent all talking picture, Mr. Bush Brady is considered by the Port ter Secretary Carl Burgeson re-|Lowis Howell, Frances Childs, manager and owner of the Joy land manager of fighters to be ship after the trip, and that Star for their splendid banquet Rev. O. P. Burris of Valcan, program and musical numbers ported that the state chamber |and Erma Kent; train bearers, theatre has arranged for three one of the cleverest men of his from now on, those who had served, the splendid entertain Alberta Canada will preach at handled to perfection by mem never before knew the route to ment and also was thankful for the Christian was opening an office in Los: ¡ Jones, Florence Andersen, showings of the famous strange 1 J__ church ____ - next _ -Ì Sun- bers of the Natal grange, and Vernonia, had no excuse of not having had the opportunity to day, delivering a sermon both school children of Mist and Na Angeles and had asked that each ,u„| ueilJi Rejch. Miss Betty Ben- mystery murder, talking picture weight around the rose city. Lee Davis, who knocked out paying this city frequent visits. attend the joint meeting. chamber in x the - state give $2 per .. | -i i «_ w;n preside during the cor- which will be his opening intro for morning and evening ser- tal. The program opened with a ductory talking picture for his Spike Holliday of Albina in the Mr. Ford cited that Vernonia few selections by the orchestra member for this year to pay the . nation. Mr. Wolff again welcomed all vices. theatre. “The Donovan Affair,” first round of their four round citizens paid numerous calls to expenses of this office. The di the Portland Chamber of The morning se rvices will which received a tremendous Among the other numbers will affair at the last smoker in this which in its cast playing the the visitors city, and that the rectors voted to give $100 in I be pole dance by the second Commerce to Vernonia, express start at 11:00 a.m. with ___ the ovation from the assembly. quarterly payments. Mr. Burge- grade and one by the seventh leading roles include such well city is pitted against Jack West score should be more evened up ing the wish that they would evening sermon at 7:30 p.m. The second number of the pro of Portland in a four round en by return trips from our Port soon again pay our city with son explained that this is an ex and eighth grade girls; a flower known actors and actresses as gagement. gram was a comic sketch and land friends. pense that will only be incurred drill; a short play entitled, “A Jack Holt, Dorothy Revier, Wil more visits, and all visitors ___ were ___ recitation entitled, “Village Gos West has been fighting The speaker called the atten invited to inspect the Oregon Receive Citizenship for this one year, inasmuch ns Visit to Fairyland”; a song, liam Collier, Jr. and an all star sips,” by Mrs. A. A. Dowling around Longview, Centrallia and supporting cast. Papers at St. Helens and Mrs. D. Devine, followed by tion of the visitors that the city American mill. the state legislature has appro “Country Cousins” by the fifth other cities and is considered by The famous mystery play deals had only obtained its real size, priated $25,000 yearly for this grade boys; a Minuet dance by Among the well known news- a recitation by Mrs. Eastman. St. Helens, April 23.—With* A song selection by the Juve purpose which will be available the fifth grade girls; a drill by around the killing of Jack Don many of the local fight fans about 5 years ago, and were paper men who attended were: who have seen him in action to ovan, gambler, roue, and man very proud of having one of the C. C. Chapman, editor of the Ore Judge Howard Zimmerman pre niles followed by a dialogue by begnning with 1930. the second grade boys; and may A representative of a new several other musical numbers. about-town, who was stabbed to be a fast clever boxer, and ( t|,ejr most modern and largest Baw gon Voter, Jerry Owen, Sunday siding a two day session of the Irene and Mr. Davis, was enjoy give Davis a good run in death during a party given to a mills in the country within its editor of the Sunday Oregonian, circuit court was held on Monday ed by all present. Another selec northwest magazine was present The teachers in charge are; selected few by Captain Peter fight Saturday night. boundaries. to ask that the chamber endorse and Charles Hogue, editor of and Tuesday. tion by the orchestra followed by Kid Scott of Timber, but hail Mrs. Ethel Ray, Mrs. Hanna Rankin on his beautiful estate A short musical program was the Oregon Journal. Monduy was naturalization day a pantomime by the Juveniles, his selling one page of advertise ed as a local boy, will ____ meet arranged by professor Wilkerson, ments to Vernonia merchants for Smith, Miss Lenora Kizer, Miss I at Carigmoor on the Hudson. Those in the good will tour and of the eleven applicants for well balanced that section of the The police appeared complete Young Gulahan of Albina in the to be rendered between talks, the and the firms which they repre citizenship -!il----- nine papers, passed $75 in return for which he Ruth Taylor, Miss Charlotte program. first number “Smiling Through” sented were: the examination of __ __ r____ would give this town a special Hiltz, Mrs. Don Nelson, and Mrs. ly mystified and are frank to four round curtain raiser. Inspector The last number on the pro Scott is well liked by the local and “High on the Hill Top,” Tomlinson. They were: Robert gram, a play entitled, “A Per writeup in the following issue. Ross Duncan, and Mrs. Dan admit that the murderer, who A. H. Allen, Crown Mills; Pat ever he was had succeeded with fans, and is very anxious to meet sung by Miss LaVelle Gosa and rick Bacon, Pacific T. & T. com Blackburn, Jr., St. Helens; An plexing Situation,” contained in A motion was made that this be I Steiner. The afternoon of May 3 is the super-human cunning in covering Gulahan who is known in his Miss Thelma Spencer was hearti pany; L. A. Brockwell, Southern ton 8. Landsburg, Clatskanie; its cast, Bernard Dowling, who done, but it was not seconded, and the meeting adjourned with-’ date set for the above, but it his tracks, no clues of any kind home town as a tough, hard hit ly applauded by the assembly. Pacific Co.; G. B. Buck, The J. Oscar M. Ovenson, Vernonia; Lil played the part of Mr. Middle ting mauler, and wins most of Mr. Wolff, turned over the K. Gill company; Otto Breyman, lian M. Forsman, Mayger; Johan ton, Mrs. Dowling as Mrs. Mid out any action being taken on will be postponed if the weather having been discovered. is unfavorable. Jack Holt who takes the part his fights by knockouts. meeting to O. W. Mielke chair Breyman Leather company; R. na Hausler, Vernonia; Henry dleton, Alberta Derock, as Sue, the matter. of inspector Killian, of head man of the Portland delegates, W. Childs, Multnomah hotel; A. Glahn, Vernonia; Susana Jur- Nora Keaton as Jessie, Ruth Car quarters handles the affair with Directors Of West and who had been picked to M. Cronin, The P. J. Cronin vainen, Quincy; Pete Walde, St. michael as Lucy, Orville Jones Lost Aviator Lands cleverness, and the whole story represent Portland Chamber in company; C. C. Champan, Ore Helens and Yrjo W. Barkman, as Tom Middleton, Chas. Melis Coast Highway As* and picture makes a remarkable their part of thè program. gon Voter; H. E. Chapman, Marshland. In Local Airport as Wilson, Ralph George as sociation Elect Officers Mr. Mielke, president of Blake Swift impression on its listeners. Decree of divorce was given Uncle Ep, Jeanette Sundland as & company; George Grain, / ______ In selecting this as his open Moffit and Towne company, McCord company; John K. Dud to Hattie Hildobler from Otto Maude, Mrs. Carmichael played The board of directors of the thanked Mr. Ford for the hearty ley, Blumauer-Frank Drug com 1 Hildobler, both of I\>>>.i<>iiu; Saturday Phil Green an aviator ing picture for his advent into Portland; the part of Mrs. Nosey, Mrs. During the first week in May, talking, Mr. Bush was governed West Coast highway association welcome accorded his delegation, pany; who had started out from Cor - ~ -- C. H. - Devlin, Arcady Aleph L. Fullerton from Vernon Devine as Mary the hired girl, vallis bound for Portland became Mike O'Connor will open his Re by the tremendous success and held their first meeting at the and stated that while muny of Press; J. N. West C. Fullerton, also of Portland; Fritz the hired man was played Imperial hotel, Portland, Satur his party did not come to this Coast National Edlefsen, lost while flying over the coast creational Club to the public favor this .1 I 100 - per cent -------- talking LaiKiiig' Bank; Walter Mary Jurgen from Henry Jur by Richard Peterson and the range, and followed the United which will be located in tne i picture was received in its first day, April 20, at 3:00 p.m. All city often in person they at least Holt, U. S. National Bank; gen and Ruth I. Dommeyer from officer part was handled Railway track and the Nehalem building formerly occupied by run at New York city and UV.l Los of the directors were present ex wrote often, and that the good Kenneth Hauser, Hauser Con- George Dommeyer. The plaintiff health ._____ — .«j **SSVS by Earl Knowles. cept Mark Malone of Corvallis river to this city, where engine the Old Mill pool hall. Angeles, where it had been will trip which traditionally were struction company; Sol Harris, in each case alleged cruelty and The theme of the play was Two bowling alleys are now hailed by critics as the most and Loyal II. Graham of Forest made to different towns every M. ~ ‘ trouble forced him to land in the Seller & company; Charles none of the defendant appeared, woven around a few girls who Vernonia American Legion »air being installed by the Brunswick thrilling, baffling mystery pic Grove. month in the summer, were for ■ Hogue, The Oregon Journal; R. therefor Judge Zimmerman grant had made a wager with their Balke people, and the new hall ture yet to have been shown on The meeting was taken up the purpose to pay their respects i M. Irvine, Eleischner, Mayer & ed the divorces. port. father that they were capable of A short time was -pent in mak will also contain two billiards, the screen, and made to., times principally by the election of of- to the neighboring cities, which i company; Henry C. Judd, First not talking for a whole day, and more realistic to its audience ficers and the formulation of they were doing business with i National Bank; C. J. Johnson, ing minor repairs to the motor pool and a few card tables. the situation became extremely An up-to-date soda fountain who by the fact that they could plans to carry on an intensive and wish to continue to do bus Lewis Building; W. after which Mr. Green proceeded _____ , R. James, tense when their uncle arrived and confectionery counter is be catch every sound, hear every program until the construction iness with, and noted that Port American Brush Mfg. company; to Portland. from “Up yonder,” and question ing installed, and comfortable word spoken in this famous de of the remaining gaps in the land’s business pulse depended A. R. Jackson, E. C. Atkin s & This is the first time that a benches will line the sides of the ing and not receiving an amtwer north and south highway are largely upon the business con company; F. A. Kenny, J. P. Fin plane has made an emergency building to accommodate those tective story, and an interesting completed. decided that the Middleton girls fact comes up that this is the Oregon State Agricultural col ditions of the surrounding cities. ley & Son; L. Knowlton, S. P. landing in the local field. who are watching or visiting. The following officers were Mr. Mielke called upon C. C. & S. Railway; George Jr. lege, Corvallis, April 24.—Leroy were dumb, but all ended happily premier showing of this picture A movement is now on foot in Oregon. elected, Judge W. A. Wood, Chapman, editor of the "Oregon Lawrence, The Geo. Lawrence Malmsten of Vernonia is a mem when the father returned and sportsman like paid his debt, to organize a few bowling clubs Baseball Players Called Final tests have been made Rainier, president; Loyal H. Gra Voter,” who responded with a company; N. R. Leopold, Hirsch- ber of the Oregon State college A sure sign of spring, with in an effort to form a league, with the world’s famous Pacent ham, Forest Grove, vice presi talk regarding the proposed West Weis Manufacturing company; rifle team which has advanced when his daughters advised him the baseball manager issueing which many believe will be a sound reproducing machine, and dent; Lester Sheeley, Vernonia, Side Pacific highway extension W. A. McDonald, Tru Blu Bis another step toward placing in that they had proven that girls orders for those wishing to make splendid recreation for the bus all is set for the big event, secretary; J. C. Lindley, Verno which he stated he had seen in cuit company; Ralph Montag, the national intercollegite rifle can hold their tongues for a whole day when need be. the Vernonia baseball team this iness men. which means so much to Verno nia, treasurer. Committees were the local paper. Montag Stove Works; O. W. match by winning first place in Following the program many year to be at ball park at 10 the ninth corps area shoot just nia and its amusement seekers, authorized to be appointed by Mr. Chapman stated that when Mielke, Blake, Moffit & Towne; enjoyed the dancing and feed X-U, in the president to secure from the o’clock next Sunday, April 28. George Bell recently purchas «UK. completed. The first talking pictures the time came, and the road J. C. Moore, S. P. & S. Railway; put up by the committee. county courts of Washington and which if contended by all was Kenneth Miller, S. P. & S. Rail and on hand the same day at ed a second hand Ford car from this city, Sunday, April 28. The match waB closely contest The proceeds derived from the Columbia counties the approxi an absolutely necessary, that he way; N. A. Nelson, Multnomah ed throughout all four stages, the Crawford Motor company. 2 p. m. for practise. mate amount of funds which knew no reason that Portland Hotel Garage; Jerrold Owen, the University of Washington program will ,e applied towards Local Golf Course would be available in the___ next and Vernonia could not get to The Morning Oregonian; Clarence holding a lead of 15 points up improvements and betterments of the Natal grange hall, which Nearing Completion ensuing two years for this pro gether on any road program. Porter, Fidelity & Deposit Co., until the completion of the last while of a fair size is not large ject. "" The committees will meet Mr. Chapman however pointed of Md.; W. F. Prier, Oregon stage. Second place was won by enough for the number of mem The Vernonia golf course lo with the county courts at their out that Portland’s contribution Brass Works; Geo. A. Peirson, the University of I Washington. r’_ “ ” ' bers which attend the grange cated a few miles from this city next regular session in May. to the state highway system Portland Union Stockyards Co.; This match is being fired by It is estimated that it will __ _ amounted to over $3,000,000 a C. S. Ronald, Marshall-Wells Co.; all colleges and universities of functions, and especially ia not will be completed about May 4. capable to accommodate crowds . thousand _______ year. The greens are coming up in take two hundred fifty Tom Reed, Reed Brothers; D. A. the United States. which attend their social open (By Mrs. Sarah A. Spencer) months of the year for learn- good shape and the balance of dollars to complete the remaining In introducing the editor of Shindler, D. A. Shindler Brass affairs. the fairaway will be completed gaps and make what necessary the Oregon voter, Mr. Mielke re & Bronze Works; H. W. Shields, ing and teaching. What a great change has been changes and betterments in the ferred to him as the man who S. Some of the teachers who within the next few weeks. i P. & S. Railway; E. R. Wig made in the schools and school taught in the old log Many Cases During May Pipe line around the course present grades as will comply carried more figures and statis- gins, i Wiggins Co., Inc.; Charles buildings since my children at house following Mr. Weed, school is now being layed, and within with the state highway specifi tics in his head, than any man 1 F. Walker, Northwestern School | were: For the Circuit Court tended school in the old log Mr. Jackson, Horace Spencer, a week or two the lawn mowers cations. This estimate does not i of Commerce; S. F. Woodbury,| school house many years ago. Miss May West, and Miss Love will be busy clipping the first include paveing but surfacing in Oregon. Mr. Chapmans talk was follow Woodbury and Wheeler; Edward I Members ot the Hillsboro St. Helena, April 23.—The The log school house, , which is' lace. The last three named batch of grass on the new course. with standard water-bound mac ed by a musical selection by Mrs. N. 1 Weinbaum, ~ a May term of the circuit court Portland Chamber Commercial club will give shown in this paper, was built! eachers boarded at our house ” —*■ ’ ’ in the new club adam. The grade from Vernonia W. W. Wolff, who sang, "Trees,,, of Membership minstrel at the Timber dance < Commerce; J. C. Wright, As will have a full docket and it ia during the year of 1881, the during their term of teaching, is steadily increasing. to Apiary would not exceed three and "Mighty Like a Rose,” and toria, 1 S. P. & S. Railway; F. L. hall tomorrow night. likely that some of the cases will cracks between the 1 logs were and Miss Lovelace was teaching and one-half per cent and would received a tremendous ovation Weber, The minstrel which proved a have to be carried over until 1 Astoria, S. P. & S. Rail filled in with moss, and the when the picture was taken, Mr. have a curvature and allignment from the delegation. Chas F. « way. big success at Hillsboro is com the June term when Judge Zim large chimney which was built ¡Jackson was boarding at the that would permit speeds much posed entirely of members of merman will hold an adjourned from sticks and clay was perch scholars homes and would go in excess of the present limit the Commercial club, and the term of court. At thia term will ed on one end of the building. from house to house probably under the state law. Home Demonstration Rebekah Lodge To proceeds wil lhe used for cam come up, in all probability, the At Christmas in the year of covering every scholar’s home The board set the membership paign work for the club during case of the state vs Carl Shel Agent At Local High Sponsor Dance At 1881, the community Christmas during the term. dues at a dollar per year and the year. ton, negro, indicted for the mur Interest is being displayed by will start a drive to secure mem tree was inside of the school School Next Friday The last teacher to teach in the W. O. W. Hall May 4 der of W. A. Ramsey, negro house where presents were dis old school was Miss Viola Mills. members of the local scout troop bers along the route from Junc foreman of the Tom Johnson Baseball Team Dance of the trip this June 15, to the tion City to Kelso. It was esti tributed to all, and following a The names of the pupils and near Yankton. Miss Kathryn M. Didtal coun Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge pot luck supper was served to teacher in this picture are. Mis:« Summer camp at Sand Lake, mated that each chamber of com Big Success Saturday ranch Shelton was captured at Car agent, No. 234 will sponsor a benefit the many who attended the pro- Lovelace, Guy Mills, (present Oregon which is located between merce on the West Side highway ty home demonstration rollton, Ky., about ten days ago Tillamook and Neskowin. gram. should subscribe and secure as will be at the high school sew dance at the Woodmen of th The dance sponsored by the and district attorney John L. mayor of Vernonia,) Bill Mel ing room Friday, April 26, at World hall, Saturday, May 4. Scouts from the Portland, Mc ! Vernonia baseball team last Sat- many members as they have While I am relating about the linger, Josh Rose, Bert Mills, The music will be furnish« ’ urday night was attended by Foote and Archie Leonard, in school house I will attempt to Jim Emmons, Perry Mellinger, Minnville, and Vernonia troops members in their various com 10 o’ clock a.m. until 3:30 p.m. spector of the Portland police to give free sewing lessons and will encamp at this location. by Walker Bros, orchestra an I mercial organizations, this would large hall full of baseball department, explain where th:s building was Wm. Mellinger, Bert Hosford, are now enroute be exclusive of the smaller instruction to all who wish to with a splendid dance floor suc.i 1 oosters and dance lovers. located. It was built and stood Clarence Palmer, Omar Spencer, attend. as the Woodmen have it is pre-1 The music was furnished by from Kentucky with the prison towns along the highway. one half mile from Vernonia, on Bertha Gillihan, Edna Mills, Columbia County Po A pot luck lunch will be serv dieted that a record crowd will | Dickson Commander orchestra, a er. Taylor White, Shelton’s al the. Rock creek road, and some Eva Mellinger, Nellie Emmons, mona Grange Meet leged accommplice in the brutal attend the Rebekah dance, ed at noon. new orchestra for Vernonia murder, confessed the crime and of the split-out boards of which Martha Peck, Delia Ivery, Clare Nature Hike Planned the floor was composed of can Lavender, Oval Spencer, Lena which made a decided hit with Walker brothers are The instruction will be on pat- well I___ Columbia county Pomona is now serving a life sentence By Campfire Group tern alteration. still be seen laying beside the Tucker. A few visitors 4ho were [grange will hold their next reg known and were made famous a those attending. in the Oregon penitentiary. road where this log school house present when this picture was ular meeting with Beaver Homes few years back by playing old The proceeds of the dance will The Lolila Campfire group mat once stood. time dance music over the radio immediately be expended for taken, are Mrs. Hosford, Stella Grange, Saturday, May 4, 1929. new equipment and barehall suits limber High School On Sunday, services and Sun Hosford, Annie and Sally Camp The time and place for the an at the cabin Thursday evening U. of O. Chooses and at big dances. of last week. Joy Bush and day school w»s held in the old bell. and to get the diamond in shape To Give Play Friday nual lecturers conference will be Dorothy Black acted as hostesses. Vernonia Boy As As school house, where settlers from for the coming season. School was next taught in a decided at this time, and it is to A nature hike was planned for False Fire Alarms mles around attended to wor building fashioned after a wood be hoped that all our lecturers Timber, April 23.—A play sistant Instructor the meeting this week. Wafers Last Sunday Evening Woodcraft Sponsor Dance ship. sponsored by the Timber high shed, and soon later the school will make an effort to attend and punch were served before Mr. Peck was appointed the i was held in a building which Pomona. The Neighbors of Woodcraft school will be given tomorrow the girls went home. Burford Wilkerson of Vernon- An alarm sounded at 7 o’clock will sponsor a dance Saturday, night at the Timber dance hall. first superintendent of the Sun ‘ had been originally intended to Secretaries are asked to The Nawakwa Giris initiated ia who is attending the Pacific Sunday evening and was April 27, at the Woodmen hall, day school with C. Plowman as be a dance hall, and was located Pomona reports aa soon as send “Safety First," the name of pos Frances Bergerson into the group University at Forest Grove was answered by the local fire de the dance to start at 9:00 p.m. the first preacher to conduct the where Mellingers Hardware store sible. the play will include in its cast at their regular meeting last recently notified by the Univer partment found that a discon services at church, and follow is now located. Good music has been obtained students of the Timber school, week. The girls are planning sity of Oregon faculty that he nected stove pipe in a room of for the dancers. ing the resignation of Mr. Plow who have been coached by the A short time later a school G. W. Sitts was honored — - some outdoor work now. at a had been selected aa student as the Alexander apartments has man, Mr. Burlingame was ap was built near the high school birthday dinner and party at his professor of the eehool. sistant instructor in the chemis caused all the excitement, when pointed preacher. Judson Weed is now located, and was later home last Sunday. A number of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewer and Miss Ruth Taylor and Mias try department of the University the smoke going out of an open taught the first school, which in sold and a laundry started op relatives were present. Mr. Sitts daughter. Nancy Ann left Wed H. Field berg purchased a 4 Gladys Grant spent last week of Oregon, starting the fall window caused neighbors to send nesday for Portland, whgre they door Ford sedan from the Craw» the year of 1881 consisted three erations in the old building. I was eighty-one years old. end in Portland with relatives. term. in the alarm. expect to locate for the present ford Meter company. HelpStateChamber 3 Shows Sunday 250 Witness Play Bowling Alley To Open Soon Vernonia Boy On O.S.C. Team Pioneer Recalls Days Of Old Log School Near City Hillsboro Club At Timber ,25 th Scouts To Camp During June