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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1929)
’THURSDAY, APRIL 11, THRILL OF WINNING, BEST KNOWN TO VICTORS ( VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON 1929 Growing Beet* for Canning Oswego Lake. The junior Prom was better than any previous Considerable interest is mani- prom, and all the seniors seemed ested in Oregon at this time in Leonard Nelson drove to Med ie growing of beets for can-1 to enjoy it very much. Four — last Tuesday and on his re- ford members of the debate team were r ing purposes. An important con-1 turn trip his grandparents Mr. riderution is using the right num-, from the junior class. and Mrs. J. Nelson, who had ber of pounds of seed per acre. Now, as seniors, (you have been visiting _ there a few weeks This will vary of course with the probably guessed that this class drove home with him. distance between the rows. As is the class of ’29) we have a A surprise birthday party was a general rule, five to seven senior room, all by ourselves. Mr. Wilkerson has been our class ad given in honor of Mrs. Jack pounds are used per acre when visor all through high school, Klein, last Tuesday afternoon. the rows are 24 inches apat. and we appreciate the faithful Thirteen ladies attended and Thinning the plants is undesira help and advice that he and all spent a very enjoyable after ble from the cost standpoint, the other teachers have always noon. Dainty refreshments were hen-e the important of observing served. the thickness of seeding, says given to us. Mrs. E. R. Venable who has the experiment station. Our play this year will be “The New Co-ed,” and it prom-1 i been in Utah for the past few Plan to make e number of ises to be the best ever given.) weeks helping to care for her in returned home run-suits for the little runabout Our annual, too, is developing in valid mother, this spring, to be ready for the fine shape, and we think it will j , evening. very good. I Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kern and first warm days of sunshine. Ac All through high school our children drove to Portland Sur.- custom him to playing in the boys nave have taken day uuy» tancn u a leading part t,. j afternoon returning later in sun for short stretches at first I Make a shade hat to protect the ........ _ football, j the ’ evening. ................... in all kinds of * athletics, basketball, and track. The girls, I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and eyes. too, have been good in girls'' son Donald of Portland are basketball, and have taken a spending the week with A. F. prominent part in the girls’ ath- Knight. Mr. Gibson has been I very ill with pneumonia and letic club this year. There are twenty-eight seniors I heart trouble but is much .m- who will graduate this year and I proved. of these, ten are honor students.' Lon Knight who suffered a This is a new record for any! stroke some time ago is reported class, and one that will be hard as improving. to beat.—E.E. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baird drove to Portland Saturday even Pauline Cates, who recently ing and brought home with them left school on account of illness, Mrs. J. T. Brady of Vernonia who has been ill in Emanual is improving rapidly. Mr. W. Catherine, what is the hospital. Mrs. Brady is a sister of Mrs. Baird. Liberty bell? Ahlgren Little Mary Ellen Cath: The bell at the end of celebrated her fifth birthday the seventh period. April 8 with a party at which a number of her little friends The photographer from Port were entertained. land finished taking the pictures Westimber folks woke up Sun- for the annual Monday morning. day morning April 7 to find the ground covered with six inches of snow. Westimber From Page 6) he is ready to drop with ex haustion.—A.H. From Freshman To Senior In the fall of 1925, there were sixty freshmen from Vernonia, Mist, Natal, Keasey, and Pleas ant Hill, who entered the doors of Vernonia high school. These freshmen looked green, excited, and bright, as all freshmen are apt to do under circumstances, and, especially at first, tried to do all that the teachers told them They succeeded very well, and that first year they were allow ed two parties by Mr. Wilkerson, their class advisor. They had seven honor students. The next year, as sophomores, they gave the freshmen a very good initiation, and later gave them a party, The freshmen seemed to lose their revengeful feelings in the cake, ice-cream, and punch that night. That year the sophomores also gave a play, “Sunshine,” which was very suc- cessful. It is the only time that sophomores have given a play in this high school. Ths proceeds of play were given to the an nual. .,i the fall of 1927, these same students were sitting as juniors (g by the windows on the other side ft of the assembly room, and were H grazing upon the wonders of na- 'F ture outside. A play, “Smile, A) Rodney, Smile,” brought in a large sum of money which was housed to go for "Skip-day” to I SEEDS Whether you are planning your spring planting for field or garden, of grains, vegetables or flowers, you will only need to worry about the selection as the grade is the verv best, when you buy Lilly’s Seeds. FLOWER, GARDEN, GRASS, VEGE TABLE SEED GRAINS, FARM SEED Vernonia Trading Co. Cass Bergerson Lawns Need Fertilizer Most lawns need an occasional application of some good ferti lizer. One that gives excellent results, says the U. S. depart ment of agriculture, is a mix ture of 1 part of ammonium sul phate and 3 parts of cottonseed meal, applied at the rate of from 12 to 15 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The mixture should i be put on three times during thei giowing season. Cottonseed meal alone also is satisfactory, but is not as quick acting as when in combination with the ammonium1 sulphate. New Feature* For Seeding New features have been intro duced into seeding machinery now on the market says the IJ. S. department of ayriculture. Grain drills especially for wheat have an arrangement for plant ing the seed in furrows. The furrows seeding method tends to prevent blowing of the soil, holds snow and rain, requires less seed, and germination is more certain and more stools are formed. Larger grain drills for either tractors or horses, with as high as 28 tubes, can now be bought, and power lifts for rais ing the furrow openers can be obtained. Just Remembered wants a Comfortable CHAIR from Gordon’s M. Murray & Co. HOME OF CORRECT STYLE” Ladies HOSE Shoes and Slippers To Perfectly Match Your Other Suntan Newest and Styling Accessories Essential Quality Footwear for Girls and Wo Smartness NINE Classified Advertising First insertion, per word . . lc (No service less than 25c). Succeeding insertions, per word...... 6c (No service less than 15c) Black face headings, each word counts the same as two words. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. FOR RENT GOOD FARM, about 140 acres, THREE ROOM house for rent, 60 acres cleared, next to Ne- apply at 1162 State St. 361* inlem river, 4 miles from Verno nia on Timber road. For sale FOUR ROOM house for rent, modern in every way, can be $7,500, term*. Good for sheep, dairying or general farming. occupied May 1. L. Boeck. 362* See Jos. Scott, Vernonia, or LOST AND FOUND write W. O. Wilson, R.F.D. 2, Renton, Wash. 344* FOUND: Surveyor’s compass. EDISON PHONOGRAPH in good Owner may have same by call condition for sale, $36, includ ing at Eagle and paying for ad ing about 26 records. Mrs. M. vertisement. 352 D. Cole, phone 274. _____ 344 FOR SALE—Team of 1600 pound NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS geldings $260. 16 6-weeks old Notice is hereby given to the pigs $5.00. 22 Ten-weeks old pigs $6.00. Also 10 brood sows. holders of the following bonds of Write or see Omar Sheeley. tf. the City of Vernonia, Columbia county Oregon: FOR SAL E—Fairbanks -Morse Bond No. 2 of improvement lighting plant with 4-H. P. en district No. 2 dated May 1, 1926, gine, generator and 16 batteries said bond being in denomination Address Geo. A. Nelson, St. Hel of $600.00. ens, Oregon. 334 Bond No. 5 of Improvement district No. 3, dated May 1, 1926 FOR SALE—Smail farm 40- said bond being in denomination acres, good location with small payment. See J. C. Lindley at of $500. Bond No. 4 of Improve district No. 5 dated May Bank of Vernonia. 364 ment 1, 1926 said bond being in de FOR SALE—Choice dahlia bulbs. nomination of $500. Bond No. 2 Send for free catalogue. Chief of Improvement district No. 7 Dahlia Gardens, Clatskanie, Ore dated May 1, 1926 said bond gon,_______ ________________ 362 being in denomination of $500. Bonds No. 4 and 5 of Improve FOR SALE—Pop corn and pea ment district No. 8, dated May nut stand. Latest equipment. 1, 1926 said bonds being in de G. H. Garner. 351* nomination of $500 each. All of the above bonds being redeem FOR SALE—Columbia Portable able at the option of said city Phonograph with 12 records. on May 1, 1929. That pursuant New condition. Bargain trade ins to said option, said bonds will be on new PHILCOS. Try them all, redeemed within 30 days from then you’ll come back to Philco. the date of this notice, to-wit: Vernonia Service Station. 361 On the First day of May, 1929, FOR SALE or RENT, Harve upon presentation to the fiscal Christiansen place on Rock, agency of Oregon in New York creek road near high school. In City, to-wit: The National Park cludes 3 lots and 1 5-room house. For particulars write box 414, Vernonia or D. B. Jackson, owner, at Burns, Oregon. 363* Spring Coats and Dresses Men and Boys Hats Latest Design* For Men and Boys SHOES of a National Known Make Sold at a Surprisingly Low Price SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Columbia. Leona Pearl Thomson, Plain’ tiff, vs. Wayne A Thomson, De- fendant. To Wayne A. Thomson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: _ You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the ex piration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which said first publication is made and dated the 24th day of March, 1929, that being the time prescribed by the court in an order for publi cation of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer the complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint: to- wit: for a decree of absolute divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plain tiff and defendant, and for such other relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is published by order of the Hon. H. K. Zimmer man Judge of the Circuit Court the County Court Of the State of Oregon For Co lumbia County In the matter of the Estate of Robert R. Patrick, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Robert R. Patrick, deceased, by the County court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at his residence 626 First St., Ver nonia, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published March 14, 1929. Last publication, April 11, 1929. W. A. Harris, Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement In the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of Martin Tobin, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Martin Tobin, de ceased, has filed his final account in the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and that Monday the 22nd day of April 1929 at 11 o’clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the set tlement thereof. Dated and first published March 21, 1929. Date of last publication April 18th 1929. Frank J. Peterson, Administra tor. Professional and Business Directory FOR SALE—Rhode Island setting eggs; Hanchon barley. E. R. Treharne, harne Station. Red seed Tre- 368* For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. FOR RENT OR SALE—Modern five-room partly furnished MARK EVERY GRAVE house. Located on corner of Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices Weed avenue and Cougar street. Inquire at Eagle office.______tf WRITE FOR PARTICULARS FOR SALE—Baby chicks, Pul lets and Fryers. White Leg horn, Barred Rock and R. I. Red*. Sunshine Hatchery, Box 306, Vernonia._____________ 361 Statsmsnt of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., required by the act of congress of August 24, 1*12. Of Vernonia Eagle, published weekly at Vernonia, Oregon, for April 1, 1929. State of Oregon, county of Columbia, aa. Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared Mark E. Moe, who, having been duly sworn according to law de poses and eays that he is the publisher of the Vernonia Eagle and that the following is, to the best of hi* knowledge and belief, a true statement of the owner ship, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in th* above cap tion, required by the act ot August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, postal law* and reg ulations. 1. That the name and address of the publisher, editor, manag ing editor, and business mana ger is: Mark E. Moe, Vernonia, Oregon. 2. That the owner is: Mark E. Moe, Vernonia, Oregon. 3. That the known bondhold ers, mortgages, and other secur ity holder* owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: A. D. Moe, Hood River, Oregon. MARK E. MOE Publisher, Sworn to and subscribed be- fore me this 8th day of April, 1929. (SEAL) LESTER SHEELEY My commission expires Decern- ber 18, 1929. 355 HOME POINTERS Latest Styles in Bank. In case the holders of said bonds fail to present same at the time and place mentioned herein for the redemption there of, then the interest aforesaid will thereafter pay only the amount of such bond and the interest accrued thereon up to the said first day of May 1929. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on this 1st day of April, 1929. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, 353_______ City of Vernonia, Ore. DENTISTS—Cont. When bread is stale, but not too hard, it may ba cut in cube* snd friend in fat or baked brown in the oven, then stored in a tin container nutil ready to use in soups; or rolled to crumb* with a rolling pin for us* in frying fish, steaks, veal chops, chicken, or croquettes. The bread crumbs may also be soaked in milk and used instead of fresh bresd for apple Charlotte; a * used in making meat pies, balls, or sprinkled over cauliflower. When steaming a pudding, if the saucepan in which you are boiling potatoee is placed over the steemer, on* gae or electric burner will cook both pudding «nd potatoes. Candy pane are batter graaa- ed with butter, because some of the grease from the pan will stick to ths candy and will be tasted first when th* candy is eaten. PHYSICIANS DR. W. H. HURLEY Dr. R. I. Hall Oregon Monument Work* Dentistry and X-Ray Physician and Surgeon Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Hoffman Hdwe. Building Vernonia, Oregon EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Furniture NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Classified columns close at 12 o’cloch Wednesday noon. FOR SALE of the State of Oregon for the county of Columbia, duly made, dated, and entered March, 11, 1929. Lester Sheeley, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and Postof fice address Vernonia, Oregon. M14A26 DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist BEAUTY SHOPS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit HAULING Vernonia Office phone 891 Dr. J. A. Hughes Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 - -Oregon PAINTERS F. R. ENOS Painter and Decorator Vernonia Hauling and Delivery CONTRACTORS To All Partf of Town QUICK SERVICE Phone 293 J. R. McKEE Curly Buffmire TRANSFER •a PLUMBING ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric General Plumbing = Builder and Contractor LAWYERS Vernonia, Oregon Bafford Brother* General Plumbing Phone 223 Vernonia LESTER SHEELEY DENTISTS Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon M. D. COLE GORDON R. WATT Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon shi NGL e MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA Lodge and Club Notices This directory of Vernonia lodges and club* will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. A. F. 4 A. M. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Vernonia lodge 184, A. F. A A. M., meets at Masonic Temple, stated communications, 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Special called meeting* every 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Visitor* cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M., J. B. Wil kerson, Secretary. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors always welcome. Myrtle Johns, N.G. Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, Sect’?. Order of Eastern Star KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Nehalem Chapter 153. O. E. 3. Regular commu nication first •nd third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ter* and broth er* welcome. Mr*. Ramona Lindley, W.M. hirs^Grace^koberger, Secretary. Pythian Sister* Unsweetened canned milk give* better results than swnetshed «1 meats Vernonia if no fresh milk can be obtained. •very 2nd Tuesdays in Two tableap« W.O.W. hall. one cup of taf .. GOLE, M. E. C. M arjorie stitutad far er INB, M. of R. A C. della clini [I American Legion Vernonia Post 119, American Legion. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant HARDING LODGE 11* American Legion Auxiliary Meets every Monday ©Meets first end third at 8 P.M. in Grange Mondays uf each month at the Legion hall. hall. Ralph Clem, C. C. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. ___ Emil Messing, KRS Mrs. P. Wideman, Sac. ssquire Rank, Monday Night. © » I. O. O. F. Vernonia Chamber Commerce _______ — Vernonia Na. I.O.O.F. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Via- itors always welcome. Alfred Webb, N. O. E. N. O’Donnell, Secretary.