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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SIX I The Timber Line New« of Vernonia Schools The Pupils , From the Country English Teacher In High School Speaks To Senior Class La Vello Cosa Editor Junior and Senior Class Junior Play Proves *'■ ' ” Huge Success Attend Road • Meeting ¡ At Joy Theatre A profit of approximately There are about eighty pupils who take advantage of the free Professor Wilkerson excused. ninety-seven dollars was realiz Miss Flossie Perce, English | transpor|.a^jon offered them to the junior and senior classes| ed from the junior play, “In teacher, in the V ernonia high an(| from school. The question from the high school Monday Cherry Time,” presented at the school spoke to the senior class arjses: ft jg worth while to have afternoon so that they might at Joy theatre Friday, April 7. last Friday, llei subject was; (his expense of providing free tend the road meeting held at The play was given before a “The Material L cd in Building transportation for the country the Joy theatre. packed house and proved to be a Character.” pupils? We should say, “yes.” | The students were accompan a huge success. The cast had them These pupils are of a high stand- She began by telling ied by Miss Flossie Perce, Miss been practicing for several week» understood I ¡ng in our school both in their fí€ that although Ruth Hickman, and Levi Austin. and each knew and acted His that they had quite a “standin” studies and activities. They come part well. Those who attended reported teacher she did with the intention of deriving with the Engii Those who attended have re that they enjoyed the talks of to their abil- the greatest benefit from the not attribute peatedly expressed their appreci- the speakers very much. Because ;eacher, but to opportunities offered them. This ity to “kid” t ation of the play. y have always they prove by their grades earn the busses leave at 330 o’clock, the fact that A matinee was given Friday many students had to leave be [Hired of them, ed in their studies. Many of these done what was ‘is the way to pupils are on the "Honor Roll.” fore the meeting was adjourned, afternoon for the grade school “This,” she sa children. n” in life.” It costs them a little more ef The senior English class has gain your “st The proceeds of the play will been studying "The fort; therefore the best keep up Life of he things that She said that be used for the Junior Prom, Samuel Johnson, ’ a the search for knowledge and prominent [ensure is the give her most Tickets were given to the writer of the 18th century. Students have graduate with honors.—G.A.C. fact that students to sell and before Fri- The students have been giving day* night about give her happin * and friend- $138 had been three minute talks in class on turned in. trap, that they I ha e been court- Some Causes For :ilv and nave al- his life. eous and friend K*Jf ways sho1 ;n a SC irit of cheer- Failures in High School They are Edith Ludwig, 1 cooperation. One of the most important Why I Am Attending ginia Yeo, Ruby Condit, Doris These things have not been questions before educators today Nixon, Norman Crowder, Virgin High School ne grudgingly ' or for effect,” is the cause of the failures ia Henderson, Louise Davis. e said, “but ; you cannot help among high school students. For a girl high school is one The following in the fifth are making Each semester a large percen of the finest things that life of- e fact that you j in yourselves.” tage “flunk out” and all of them fers her. We little realize that grade had 100 in spelling last week. Annabel Heath, Byron She then dis -<ii -< d materials are not freshmen. a few centuries ago there were Fielding, Elbert Brock, Eleanor us ed in characti or building. One of the first causes is the no schools or colleges for wo Edens, Elizabeth George, How “Dependability is very good lack of ambition and desire to men. Education for girls and ard McGilvray, Joe McKee, Ken rial to put into any charac- do better. The student says, women was thought unnecessary. neth Lewis, Lucille ] Lindberg, One’s word to do or not “This is good enough to get by,” But now we have come to realize Leone Mills. Lolamae Smith, d< 3 a thing should be as good and that is all he cares for. He the vital importance of educa Lililan Updike, Robert . Culver, tion for every one. promissory note, ” she said, a . does not realize that an edu- Tashi Kuge, Walter Barnet, i another quality I ration will benefit him therefore We attend high school so that Mary Hodge. The Happy Go Lucky Cooking make up a good he does not try to acquire one. we may become educated, that bluff the we may better understand things club received their achievement is just as bad to He just tries to let one s act jns be deceitful as I teacher into giving him a decent that go on around us. This does certificate this week. This not mean that we wish merely tificate is given to each one’s speech, It does not matter grade. that that completes their work weather it be in business or in Then there is the pupil who book learning. It means ¡ichooi work, the same motive has no interest whatever in there is a broader meaning for per cent. The Sunbeam Bakers club prompts the actio school work. He comes to school the word ‘education’ than just Our association der their leadership have complet ; imperative because it is his parents’ wish book learning. Moral courage in a strong characti . One should or because he is too lazy to work with the students alone is worth ed their work 100 per cent. The live for right pi ciples, and and school looks easy to him. the time we spend there. Then members of this club are presi "no” when i In this frame of mind he learns there are the teachers, they are dent, Dorothy June Wolff; vice- should be able to s it is necessary and then stick to iittle or nothing for he does not our models and we work and president, Sara McGee; secretary, study to bring ourselves up to Faith Hiatt; Tessie Bacon, Al care to work at his studies. their decision. There are a group of students the standard they set for us. It berta Veal, Rose Sitts, Gladys Courtesy, of C< ourse, should End Verda Chapman, Margaret! not be slighted, On? should be who carry »besides their regular is they who encourage us in de Nelson. equally courteous to all whether work, a number of outside ac- feat, and urge us on to higher things. Alvin Hohstadt has entered they are their p< r.-onal friends tivities. A medium amount of In school we lay the founda the seven A class from Kansas. outside work is a good thing and or not. The Washington school is tion for our after-life. Here we Poise and good manners are stimulates a students mind but first learn self-restraint, We working on wood work and mak from his enthil to the building of too many detract learn to do things not only for ing mechanical toys, bird sticks a strong i ' ■ .ice , for we all studies and as a result his grades our own good but also for the and bird houses. admire the : er: on who can al- are low. good of others. The Girls* are club have been The most necessary item to ways s y and do ¡lie right thing Th>‘se are some of the things studying some problems in dress at the right time, the one who good grades is application. If a that keep us in high school: our designing. Each girl made one at ea ? in whatever pos- pupil does not apply himself he a.- sociation with the students and plate in colors. matter teachers; a desire to learn, that will never succeed no 11 lie is Two Red Cross portfolios )tism a id je.»lousy, selfish- how brilliant he is. The fresh we may ge better prepared to were mailed this week. One was men may not know how to con- and s’ ubboi nncss, retalia- take our place in the business of sent to Freiberg Germany and tion, and di: for personal eentrate but they can acquire the world; and a desire to better the other to Vienna, Austria. this by a little practice. A appearance should be avoided, ourselves, mentally .through our “The mo imp» tint thought student must learn to depend on studies, associations, and activit Violet Kuhm of McMinnville himself in high school because I wish to leave with you is ies; and physically through our high school visited her cousin college he is left on in his own school athletics.—S.T. this: That ¿ou are the architect Merle Mills at the local high and muster builder of this struc- resources. school a few days last week. Educators are trying to solve ture. You c?.n have the sort or Miss Ruth Hickman personality and character you de- the problem of failures and they “The moment, you resolve to sire. Your tho if'.’it make or un- are finding as a result of their Addresses The Señor take hold of life with all your make you, and nobody on earth researches these items as a few Class might and make the most of can change > you un un'e-s you wish ;»!' the causes.—E.C. yourself at any cost; to sacri* M iss Ruth Hickman spoke to fice all lesser ambitions to your him to. If u put out of your the senior class in the senior one great aim; to cut loose from mind all idle, unkind, and un- LINCOLN SCHOOL Mrs. R. I. Hall visited I the loom Monday at 12:45 on “How everything that interferes with wholesome thoughts and en ter To Produce a Successful Life.” this aim; to stand alone, firm tain only thoughts of kindness, third grade Friday. Miss Hickman said that it in your purpose whatever hap- Fred Erven is back after a success an d nobi i i ty, if you isn’t luck but its largely indi pens, you set in motion the di place before your mind an ideal week’s absence with flu. vidual effort which produces a vine inner forces the Creator John Hohstadt entered and keep it there you will be- successful life. One must he able has implanted in you for your come that ideal. No pc rson can fifth grade from Kansas, to make decisions when he meets own development. Live up to Dorothy Dalton entered bn consistently calm ai obstacles, and to make them your resolve, work as the Cre fourth grade this week who doesn’t con i: font wisely. One of the successful ator meant you to work for the Seattle and Eva Hohstadt kind thoughts. Charact« elements of private life is friend perfection of this plan and you result of one’s thoughts, a Chatopa, Kansas. Palmer Method awards were ship. To secure this element one will be invincible. No power on thought is the unseen force received this week in the third must be a friend. One must be earth can hold you back from to shape.” grade. First Palmer button, Law- informed on current affairs, and success. rence Bennett, Wilma Stolen, have a mental interest in them. “It matters not how straight Billy Fogel. Second Palmer but She also stated that everyone the gate, ton, Modena Hall, Melvin Boeck, should have a good hobby. She How charged with punishment Boyd Hixson. Merit button, spoke of many more elements the scroll Leila of both professional and private why Bonnie Jean Thompson, I am the master of my fate, life, and finished her talk by re- I am attending school. The Nelson. I am the captain of my soul.” The following had -00 in spell citing the following verse: first and most ini reason “Be whatyou can, b that I intend to co to college ing. First grade, Daniel O’Don Thrill of Winning "Be what you can, (possible; ' 1 if a col- nell, Kenneth Britton, Franque Best Known to Victors Shine like a glow worm, loe»' (’ducation be impossible, niy Fitzgerald, Howard McGraw, Ar No one knows the thrill If you can’t shine like a star.' high . ( bool educat on will never thur Williams, Ennis Allard, winning until he has t|ie theless always be a benefit to Eunice Russell, Ilarvey Holcomb, I perience himself. At the begin rip * future lite. Why be one Virgia Killian, Mildred Fred-; WASHINGTON SCHOOL Honor roll for six week period. ning of a mile run, for instance, of the com:non laborers when erickson, Melvin Rose, Harry Jr. I Mrs. Rogers’ room, Dorothy Wil the runners are tense with ex there i.; such a wonderful chance Culbertson. excitement to got an education in ouy pub- Second grade, Josephine Mur-’ son. Mrs. Nelson’s room, Elmer citement, and this lie schools? Then there are the ray, Francis Davis. Michener, Lawson Smith, Betty- carries through the entire race. In the mile, more than in most Third grade, Bertha Thomp Mao Austin. which I Mrs. Collie McGee substituted races, one has more time to nd in which I son. Fourth grade, Bonita Buff for Miss Kauppi last Thursday think of his chances of winning v<> part. Last, lit she went to ............ Portland to or losing. The more competitors .............. »...».... * tlm least, is mire, Delpha Killian, Elsie Brun- when — Vashion attend the W. B. A. convention. the more thrill it is to win. finn attending ton, Iren«» Thompson, the third Once a runner gets in the chr i.iting with my Hall, Burton Miller, Charlie Ben-j Seven pupils in I grade have not missed a word he forgets how tired he is 1 w students.— son, Ted Davis. J 5 (Continued on Page 9) it, p. Fifth grade, Maxine Scribner, in spelling for the past 6 weeks. Distribution ‘Without Waste Let me put all your parcels in one bag The Safeway Man is glad to offer such assistance every time ha a need for it. He is glad to suggest the little feature items you may have over looked, things that make th. food money go farther and bring new treats to your table. Safeway Savings lor Friday, Sat., and Monday, April 12, 13, and 15 Butter The Boy Scouts of Vernonia need Scout manuals and other scouting equip ment. For the three day duration of this ad we are giving all of the profit on but- ter to the Vernonia Scout Troop, The more you buy the more you help. I Pound 2 Pounds 98c Fresh Ranch Eggs Standard Size 55c dozen ■q Toi lei Tissue quality Crepe. $ Fnest Füll 1000 sheet rolls. IK] 6 39c Rolls Matches 6 Box 19c Carton .......... Salmon Fancy Red Alaska Sockeye. Packed when caught. 2 Tall 55c cans . This extra fancy quality of high polished long grain rice. Cans 49c $289 Made quality broom double 89c Euch Tomato Soup For cleaning, bleach ing and deodorizing. Campbells Brand The quality brand 2 Bottles ................. 33c that’s always depend- able. Citrus 49c 6 Cans Coffee Safeway Brand 35c LctlUCO Large Krisp Heads, 4 doz. size 3 Heads for New Potatoes Fancy quality 3 11)S, New Peas Sweet, Tender and Well filled 2 Poilllds Celery Large Bleached Bunches Per Blllich . Bananas Golden Solid Ripe Fruit 3 I’oUIlds Spinach .... 3 Pounds Home Necessities Baking Powder Schilling Brand. Read the money back guar antee on the can 39c Can ... Shell Handy Oil 21c Per Can Shell Furniture Wafers Polish A Van Camps pro That tasty crisp salt duct packed in toma ed cracker. Packed in Pint Bottle to sauce with pork. air tight cartons. 29c 2 lb. Carton ......... 29c 19c 31c 10c 25 c 19c Salad Oil This is a pure vege table product for making dressings, Mayonnaise, cooking, etc. Qt. Bottle 79c Mi gal. Jar Dainty Whole Beans 33c 45c 23c l/2 Pint Gallon Jug............ $ 144 Crux The Margarine of Quality Spounds 98c Shell Maximum Brand Does not spot or Slightly Broken, and made from the finest streak the finest ma- irregular slices, Pack quality of red field terial. Non explosive. ed in a good syrup. ripened tomatoes. 23c Per Can No. 2 i/o tins. 53c 59c 3 Cans $163 Pure Cane Dry Cleaner Pineapple Cans quarters for Fishing Tackle, baskets A veritable paradise for fishermen when preparing for a trip 59c $143 8 Bars 3pound8 3 Bottles ..... Raisins Rubber 29c Each 41b. Package .......... Sugar Fine granulated 100 25 lb. bag lb. bag $5 69 *’53 Flour Thompson’s Seedless Aprons Best grade of cut re Packed in economical f fugees. Made from pure gum 4 lb. packages. 43c rubber. Cans ....... Fishing Season Opens April 15 That old reliable powder that has stood the test. Fruit and Vegetable Features {¡String Beans \NGLERS Washing Powder suit the most particul ar taste. The favorite in the Buy them for the kid dies. 49c home. 1 Pound 1 lb. Cans Clorox Fig Bars Tomatoes Our choice Brand Standard Pack in No. 21/2 large tins. from finest White Wonder Brand. of green whist For all laundry and straw, Five household purposes. tie. 10 B„.......... 33c 49c 10 Pounds ........... 69c This is an extra fancy 2 lge. Packages quality of high grown 100 lb. sack $629 coffee. Blended to Ivory Soap 3 Pounds Safeway Brand Straight grain will strike anywhere and no afterglow. Soap Brooms 27c Safeway Brand or Crown 49ib. bag.... $189 4 sack bbl......... $7’49 Market Savings for Friday, Sat. and Monday Si afeway ’ Bacon Backs Pure Lard Fnest Quality of Open Kettle rendered Lard. A fine value, J Pounds ... 49c Sugard Cured light weight bacon. No rhine. An unusual value. Per Pound 25c -'S Al so a full line of equipment for ALL SPORTS IN SEASON Tennis :RNONIA’S LEADING Baseball SPORTING GOODS STORE Meili Hirer Hardware Kraut Pork Roasts Enjoy the last of the Kraut season with Libby Nationally Known Kraut. 2 Quarts for 25c Best Cuts of Shoulder from Young grain fed pigs. Per Pound 25c Store No. 225 Vernonia, Oregon Phone 741 ¡8 J s