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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1929)
VERNONIA TWO Society News Mr.. E. Society EAGLE, VERNONIA. OP ECON THURSDAY, Clubs E. Yw Reporter Residence Phone APRIL 11 1929 Fraternal 582 Office Phone 192 j Evangelical Church Mrs. Martha Christie was ill National Commander McNutt ty Lauder. Jack Carlson’s Blue Study Club Meet at | Camp Fire Girls Dan Nelson Honored Vernonia Library Stock Remember Sunday school be Ruse orihestra will furnish the wdl be the guest of the Legion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Home of E.S. Thompson Of Books Increase By gins With Birthday Party Hold Slumber Party H. Harold Christie during th» of Oregon April 24-25. at 9:45 a.m. At 11 a.m. music. Donations and Purchase the pastor will speak on “Keep the past week. She returned to At Home Saturday At Camp Fire Cabin t The Study club will hold their ing our Offering Clear.” By action of the department regular meeting this afternoon The Young people’s societies The Vernonia library board Mrs. Dan Nelson entertained Fourteen of the Camp Fire executive committee, the follow- the home of Mrs. E. S. Thomp- are continually adding to the will meet at 7 p.m. Mrs. A. C. at a party Saturday evening to at __ __ program _ __ is in charge girls with their guardian Miss ing railroads have been desig- son. The books in the library. A recent Knauss is the leader for the honor the birthday of Mr. Nel-I o{ Mrs'.' Dave’Marshall and ~w711 Florence Santee held a Blumber nated as the official route for addition includes a Webster’s In Senior Society this week. --- Tu. . ................................. son. The evening was i spent be on “How to Arrange a Gar- party at the Camp Fire cabin the Oregon delegation to the ternational Dictionery. Mrs. Fred At 8 p.m. Rev. F. B. Culver, playing 500 the prizes being den Color Scheme." Saturday night. The girls all _____ ....... national ___ convention at Louis- Rainey recently donated the fol presiding elder of this district, won by Mrs. J. E. Covington brought their blankets and spent ’ ville in _____ August: : S. P. & S. to — lowing: “Practical Child Train will have charge of the service. and H. W. Froembling. Refresh the night in the cabin. Saturday Spokane, Great Northern to St. ing” by Ray C. Berry, volumes Communion will be held after ments were served by the hos Local Ladies Guests evening they toasted marshmal Paul, Milwaukee to Chicago, and 1, 2, 3, and 4; “Tut, Tut, Mr. the sermon. tess. Those present were Mr. and lows before the fire and Sunday Pennsylvania to Louisville. Of Mrs. Ed. Stevens Tutt” by Arthur Train; "Canoe Monday evening at 8 o’clock, Mrs. W. H. Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. morning had their breakfast be Boys and Campfires,” by W. Rev. F. B. Culver will speak J. E. Covington, Mr. and Mrs. At Timber Thursday fore returning to their respective The Auxiliary unit will short Graydon; “The Squire’s Darl again and hold the Fourth Anthony Buckly, Mr. and Mrs. homes. I ly start on their annual poppy ing,” by Bertha Clay. Quarterly Conference. At this Bert Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. sale, the funds to apply for wel- Mrs. Bert Nelson, Mrs. Virgil Other books which have been time a May delegate will be Drorbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. H. . W. Powell, Mrs. S. Nelson, fare and hospital work. Through- Mrs. purchased by the library board elected to attend the annual con Froembling, Jack Exdall. George Drorbaugh were guests out the nation. and have arrived within the last ference, which will meet at Se of Mrs. Ed. Stevens at Timber, two weeks, “Penelope’s Prob- attle, Wash., May 1. Thursday. A three course lun lems,” by Castlehun; “The Girl All these services are open to Local W. B. A. Members Department announces the cheon was served at noon and Philippa,” by Chambers; “Toil- the public and they are heartily new arrival to the Legion post the afternoon was spent play Attend Portland Rally ers of the Sea,” by Hugo; “Lit invited to attend. families in Oregon. On Tues- ing 500. E'auntleroy,” “Tom tle Lord day, March 26, a second post School Days,” by Brown’s The Forest Grove post of the in the city of Portland, Rose Seven W. B. A. members went Hughes. Melvin Powell Seventh American Legion sponsored a City No. 35, was organized with to Portland Thursday to the W. Camp Fire Girls Clean carnival dance at the K. of P. headquarters in the W. O. w. Birthday Celebrated by B. A. rally held by Portland Re- Cabin to Oil Floor hall Saturday , many Legion- hall on East Alder street. Friends at Big Party view No. 3. naires from Vernonia attend- There was a very interesting ing. meeting held at 1:30 p.m. before j A number of the Camp Fire In observance of the death Melvin Powell celebrated his the school of last instruction. A girls cleaned the cabin __ or Marshal Foch of France the seventh birthday with a party ba„ t wa8 held at 6:1B week so that the floor could be The local Legion post will American flag in the meeting K bfif the evening oiled. This work is being done sponsor a dance tomorrow night BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER Saturday April 6. A beau iful _ rooms has been draped with birthday cake was decorated in/ by Farl Smith. under the management of Scot- ’/ parent» will have their children memo. crepe for a period of 30 days. pink and white. Easter decora- gram* 4 „ .. ,iee a Bible »election each week, tl wlH pmoe tions including rabbits, chickens, Annie Reynolds, assistantj » pricele»» heritage to them in after year». _ pink - and - white _ . I 1 __ _ and eggs with supreme medical AvnvMsMA«» examiner, WHS | guest of honor. Those going Christ is the Door baskets were used. Melvin re John 10:9, 10, 11. I am the ceived a number of beautiful from Vernonia were Mrs. Hix door: by me if any man enter gifts. The afternoon was spent son, Cora Lange, Dolly Steven Helmie Kauppi, Lillian in, he shall be saved, and shall playing games. Those present son, go in and out, and find pasture. were Helen Tisdale, Lucille Mil Barnes, Helen Imbeck, and Nona 10. The thief cometh not, but for ler, Kathleen Terrian, Joy Wil Imbeck. Some of the members had not to steal, and to kill, and to de lard, Arlone and Arlene Baker, stroy: 1 am come that they might Ruby Tays, Kenneth Ogg, Ger taken the degree of fraternity have life, and that they might ald George, Charlie Koto, Rus sc it was _ given to Mrs. Cora have it more abundantly. 11. I sell Miller, Charles Tays, Hilton Lange, Mrs. Lillian Barnes, Miss Helen Imbeck and Miss Helmie am the good shepherd: the Baker, Melvin Powell. good shepherd giveth his life for Mrs. Vera Willard and Mrs.1 Ka u ppi. the sheep. Lloyd Baker assisted Mrs. Virgil I Prayer: In Thee, O Lord, do Powell in entertaining the chil I put niy trust: let me never be dren. put to confusion. With whom shall it be well? Vir«. A. Barney Is Answer, read Romans 8:14. THE NEHALEM VETERAN St. Helens Friday morning. Wauna was declared the win Mr. and Mrs. Waldron Hyat; ner for the second time of the Stewart Trophy which Vernonia i and daughter Mary Louis spent: the week end at Willamette captared in 1926. Oregon where Mrs. Hyatt is re- Th« local post of the Legion, maining tor the week. in a membership drive, is ap A. R. Lundeen spent the week pealing to its members in good end at Westport, Oregon. standing to bring in a new mem Dudley Nickson went to Port ber each to put the post over by land to attend the opening base April 23, to show National Mc ball game. Nutt that Oregon still leads in Mr. and Mrs. Lou Althouse membership. spent Sunday at the H. Christie The Legion post have donated home. the use of the dance hall to the baseball club, for a benefit dance. Portland Post No. 1 and its Auxiliary have chosen Dewey May Yates, secretary of Port land unit as their candidate for Rose Festival Queen. Service Station “Union Gasoline” KEASEY Mrs. Jim Hunt has returned to Portland to be with her daughter Frances who is slowly recovering at the Dorenbecker hospital. ■ nd Tires, Tubes and Accessories Repair Work Guaranteed or Money Refunded Telephone 1001—C. A. Barnes LOOK INSIDE A Honored at Shower Mrs. Frank Hanson Entertains In Honor Of Daughter of Mich. Mrs. Frank Hanson entertain ed at an "At Home” Tuesday afternoon, with her daughter Mrs. Frank Mahrle of Jackson ville, Mich., who is visiting her here on her honeymoon, as the guest of honor. During the after noon Mrs. C. E. Richardson and Miss Van Doren gave readings by Longfellow. Daffodils were used for the decorations and the color scheme was carried out in yellow. A buffet luncheon was served, the refreshments being ip the form of moons and half moons. Mrs. E’rank Hanson was assisted in the serving by Mrs. Pearl Mc Cabe and Mrs. W. ’ Van Duren, Guests present were Mrs. Frank Mahrle, M rs. Judd Green- man, Mrs. M. I). Cole, Mrs. Carl Davidson, Mrs. . C. L. An- derson, Mrs. Ira Mann, Mrs. E. B. Miner, Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. Pearl McCabe, Mrs. C. E. Richardson, Mrs. M. Gründen, _____ f Mrs. W. R. Meyers, Mrs. R. A. Olsen, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. C. W. Reithner, Mrs. Grant Thayer, Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. Chris Nicar, Mrs. II. V. Holcomb, Mrs. W. Van Doren, Miss Van Doren, Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. J. E. Covington. The reception wns given by Mrs. Hanson to introduce her daughter. Card Party SATISFACTION Mrs. O. T. Bateman entertain- ed at a shower Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. A. Barney who left Saturday for Portland where they will make their home in the future. The afternoon was spent playing cards. Mrs. Barney received a number of beautiful and useful gifts, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bateman. Those present were Mrs. C. Barney, Mrs. C. L. Bateman, Mrs. C. New, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. H. Fogel, Mrs. Dolly Steven son, Mrs. Mike Miller, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. E. Wil liams. Miss Georgia VanDoren, Miss Zelma New and Mrs. Irma Johnson sent gifts but were un able to be present. Radio LAUNDRY ( Mrs. A. C. Knauss Honored at Party Mrs. A. C. Knauss was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday luncheon and handker chief shower at the home of Mrs. W. W. Wolff yesterday noon. Invited guests were Mrs. A. C. Knauss, Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. M. E. Moe, Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. E. M. Bleile. WORK You may not “know” Radio but you can appreciate solid, dependable, well-engineered construction. Look inside of a Majestic Receiver—look inside of any Radio shown you— before you buy. As the dealer demonstrates a Majestic Radio, you’ll be delighted with the magnificent reproduction—amaz ed at the beauty of the cabinet—but we want you to thorough ly examine the inner construction which gives to Majestic its dependability and long life. Vernonia Laundry barely hear it! The cost of the materials in Majestic—Mighty Monarch of the Air—is greater than in any other Radio receiver! You can prove this to your own satisfaction by personal examination. Tonight It was erroneously stated in the Eagle last week that a card party would be held by the Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge of Vernonia on April 10 at 8:30 p.m. in the Woodmen hall. The card party will be held at that hour tonight. Prizes will be awarded to the winners, and all are invited to attend. All-Steel, Completely Shielded Chassis Model 72 Beautiful diamond Louis XVI walnut matched oriental cabinet walnut, with having doors of genuine in laid marquetry border. Instrument panel also of dia mond matched oriental walnut framed with butt wal nut and bird’s-eye maple panel. Seven tubes, complete Bluebird Group Sell Tickets For Operetta At Treharne Wed. The Bluebird group under the leadership of Miss Louise Sim mons went out to Treharne to sell tickets for the operetta Wednesday afternoon instead of holding their regular meeting. Mrs. Alta Neal who is in charge of the ticket sale accompanied them. Mrs. P. Wilkerson Honored By Pythian Sisters Local Lodge At the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters held Tuesday evening Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson was presented with a Past Chief certificate for service rendered during the past three years as mistress of records and corres pondence. The state convention of the Pythian Sisters will be held at Garibaldi April 12 and it is ex pected that a few of the local members will drive over. GENERAL £& ELECTRIC Refrigerator When the proud owner of a General Electric Refrigerator takes her friends in to see it, the first comment is apt to be “Why it’s so quiet you can barely hear it.” The unique construction of these refriger ators has established a new standard for quiet operation! This design, however, accom plishes something even more important. It makes possible the top-unit arrangement — a distinctive feature found only in the General Electric Refrig erator. Placing the unit on top tuakv» it possible to enclose all the machinery in an her» metically sealed steel casing. There, always oiled, it remains sa*e from dust and difficulties. No one can tinker with it- no one ever needs to. Quietly, economically, the General Electric Refrigerator give» you the perfect refriger ation that doe. away with food spoilage and safeguards health. A small amount down. Con veniently spaced payments can be arranged for the balance Come in today. C. F. Hunter COLUMBIA UTILITIES CO. Vernonia ly shielded, using R. F. L. balanced circuit. Majectic Super-Dynamic Speaker—Volume control in- stantaneous in action. Single dial tuning d*1QQ «p 1 »J »7 COMPLETE You Can Not Buy a Better Radio Set at ANY Price Including the inspection» of raw materials, inspections of each part, inspections of the assembly as each part is added, every Majestic Receiver represents 992 in spections. Regardless of price THERE IS NO BETTER RADIO SET! Let us demonstrate Majestic “Mighty Monarch of the Air 99 In Vernonia Only at Mac’s Pharmacy BOXING ■ ■■ SAT. APR. 13 0:00 P.M Hall Vernonia