Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 04, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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family motored to Rainier Sun­ Motor company. J. S. Cooper
day to visit with Mrs. Murray’s has handled the books of the
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Motor company for
Mrs. Ada Thomas and Mrs.
Clarence Coyle, who formerly M. Ellis.
the past two years.
Perry B -mus of Kelso have been
resided in this city, spent Friday
visiting at the Ernie and Roy
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Roberson
in Vernonia on a business visit.
Card Party April 10
Bemus homes at Camp 2 Inman-
went to Portland shopping Fri­
The Mountain Heart Rebekah Poulsen Logging company.
Laster Sheeley spent last Fri­
Miss Nettie Alley, Columbia day returning by way of St. lodge of Vernonia will give a
Mr. and Mrs.
day in St. Helens on business.
county health nurse, visited the Helens where Hamp competed in card party on April 10 at 8:30
local schools last Thursday.
in the county declamatory con­ p.m. in the Woodmen hall, where spent a few days of last week
Floyd Weldon of Westimber
in Portland.
500 will be played,
spent Sunday in Vernonia.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Barney spent
Mrs. Ernie Bemus, Mrs. Ada
Prizes will be awarded to the
P. H. Peterson from Oregon winners, and all are invited to Thomas and Mrs. Perry Bemus
Easter in St. Helens visiting Mr.
Gordon R. Watt motored to Barney’s brother J. W. Barney. American Camp No. 2, west of attend.
Hailed at the home of Mrs. Estes
Oregon City Tuesday on bus­
Keasey, spent the week end in
at the Oregon-American camp.
Jack Bush, A. L. Kullander, this city taking in the smoker
Legion Dance April 12
Miss Frances Hunt who is at
and Jule Lindley motored to the at the Legion hall Saturday
Under new management of the Do. renbecker hospital is
C. W. Reithner and son, Ralph Wildwood golf course Monday. night.
Scotty Lauder, for the American greatly improved according to
journeyed to Portland Tuesday
Legion, Jack Carlson’s blue rose latest reports. She is suffering
Lester Sheeley left for Port­
for a few days stay.
The Crawford Motor company orchestra will furnish music for from heart trouble.
land Saturday on a business trip through their salesman, W. A.
Bill Morton of O.-A. camp was
White Leghorn pullets, first returning to Vernonia Monday Hodge, sold a new Tudor Ford the Legion dance on Friday,
April 12.
in Vernonia on business Friday
come, first served, at the Sun­ afternoon.
sedan to John Reynolds, an em-
Hitting the bull’s eye the first evening and returned to Keasey
shine Hatchery. J. H. Sell.—adv.
Mrs. J. W. Brown has been ploye of the Koster Products shot as a hit with the dance later where he spent the night
lovers who patronize the Legion at the Harold Christie home.
Mr. and Mr». Frank Roberson moved from the Good Samaritan
hospital to the home of M. L.
dances, a demand for the return
Mr. and Mrs. Frye have mov­
Peters 1236 East Broadway.
a few days in a Portland hos­ of this orchestra decided Mr. ed into the house vacated by the
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay, and pital has again returned to Ver­
Mr. J. S. Johnson of camp 2,
son Micky, and Mr. and Mrs. nonia, after a spell of illness. the next big dance on the 12th.
Dove Knight motored Friday to Mr. Fredrickson is manager of
Inman-Poulsen spent a couple of
Ball Club to Give Dance
days at the home of Mrs. J. L.
' Umatilla.
the Vernonia garage.
The Vernonia baseball club 1 Campbell Jr. after a short dis­
Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Edward Condit, principal of will give a benefit dance on cussion of topics of interest to
of Portland spent the week end Vernonia grade school, purchased Saturday night, April 20. The ■ the won.en there were two read­
in Vernonia visiting Mr. Kullan- a new Durant “60” Saturday club plans in this manner to ings and two solos given. Mrs.
der’s brother, A. L. Kullander. from C. A. Barnes, Twin Fir raise a little money to start E. J. Fairhurst gave the readings
them off on the right foot. Here­
C. A. Messing of Portland Super Service station, agent for tofore the team has had nothing and Mr~. Dean Duvall gave the
solos. Delightful refreshments
brother of Emil Messing, and the Durant cars in Vernonia.
to start with and usually finish­ were se: ved and the meeting was
formerly residing in Vernonia,
Mrs. M. L. Ratcliffe traded ed with the same amount or as
spent the week end in this city. her ranch located on Stony Point happened last year with less. 1 enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Hunt of Camp 2 Inman-
Walter Novinger was employed road for the modern house on However, with a little surplus 1 r>nnl»en returned yesterday from
by the local store of Skaggs
Portland where she has been vis-
Safeway as clerk, starting on Lanway. The Ratcliffe family of the season and with plenty • wi h Miss Frances.
his new duties Monday.
Mr. .nd Mrs. Carl Devaney
B. E. Jolley and family arriv­ finish stronger than it ever has. visited at the home of Mr. and
Otis Hyland and Bill Charles- ed in Vernonia this week from
i Mrs. H .rold Christie Monday
worth motored up the Sandy Alturas, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Jol-
f evening
Sunday and were enagaged all ley, who formerly lived in this
city, are visiting with their
day in catching smelt.
Mrs. Carman Linstrom of
daughter, Mrs. W. Sheeley.
Forest Grove was in Timber
The Lester Miller family have
N. Soden and J. W. Brown, Sunday spending the day with
moved to Treharne where Mr.
Miller is employed in the Lind­ motored to Portland Sunday. the Schiffer family.
Mrs. Alberta Burgin went to
While in the city Mr. Brown
say mill.
visited his wife at the Good Hillsboro last week.
Mrs. A. E. Banks and Mrs. Samaritan hospital and returned
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman,
H. E. Day of Los Angeles are to this city Monday.
and Ray and Anita
visiting their sister Mrs. J. M.
drove to Portland for the even-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick ing last Sunday.
attended the wedding of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman
Mr. and Mrs. M.
Hartwick’s brother John, Satur­ drove to Vernonia to the doctor
daughter Joy motored to Mult- day night, who was married at last Monday.
, nomah Saturday to visit relations Belmont Presbyterian church in
O. S. Schiffer and Mrs. Con­
! and returned to this city Sunday Portland.
ley of Timber attended a gun
! evening.
shoot last Sunday at Hillsboro.
Charles T. Early and Ray
Nick Roth of Timber who has
Mrs. E. Kullander of Inde- Early spent Monday in Vernonia
1 pendence visited her daughter going over plans for the con­ been in Cockran for several
Miss Alma Kullander at the home struction of their new garage weeks has returned to work in
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander and work around the Vernonia Timber.
Your wife will
Mrs. Cecil Newman of Timber
Service station.
operated the telephone office one
be es p e c i a 1 ly
C. W. Williams, chief rail and
A. L. Kullander and J. C. day last week.
material clerk with the engineer- Lindley motored to
Emmett Schiffer and family
proud of a Bank
| ing department of the S. P. & S. Friday morning, returning later invited their friends to a chicken
Ry. was in Vernonia Tuesday in the evening with Miss Alma dinner at their home last week.
book of her very
I on company business.
Kullander, who has been con-
1 Mrs. John J. McGhee and chil­ valescing in the Emanual hos-
own, so why not
dren and Mrs. B. A. Vickery pital.
children have arrived from
Frank 1 Hartwick, manager of
give her one? A
Missoula, Mont., and are staying the local branch of the Gilby
at the Hotel HyVan.
checking account
Motor company and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick Thompson, salesman for the
enables her to
motored to Banks Sunday to same concern motored to Camas
spend the day with Mrs. Hart­ Monday on a business trip for
keep an accurate
wick’s folks, Mr. and Mrs. W. the firm.
G. Walker.
Jazz Lewis and family have
record of her
to moved to Vernonia from Port­
William Culver motored
Wildwood Golf course Monday land. Mr. Lewis is employed by
household expen­
to engage in a few games of the United Railways aB conduc­
golf with Portland friends of tor and will have charge of the
ditures with but
helper engine which is stationed
in Vernonia.
little effort
L. W. Baker, who had been
Mr. and Mrs. Curly Buffmire
confined to his home for the
past week with the flu, has re­ and daughter Bonnie returned
covered and is again able to be from their trip to Medford and
Marshfield. Mr. Buffmire de­
in his place of business.
livered a truck load of horses
H. Bennett, engineer on the which he sold to a farmer in
United Railways will make his Medford.
headquarters in this city during
J. S. Cooper and L. White, of
the period that he runs the
the accounting service company
helper engine.
spent Monday in this city post-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray and ing the books of the Crawford
and J.
Roberson went
Dainty Luncheons
The most delightful meats for any party
or luncheon you may be planning. Prompt
and careful attention will be given to a
phone order to 231, telling us what you
wish delivered.
Vernonia Meat Market
Culver & Company
Wholesale and Retail
Phone 231
4^fe>For 5 years Dr. Luzader,
'■QP’“eyesight specialist, has
been making monthly visits to
Vernonia. His next visit will be
April 1 and 2, office at _Kul-
lander’s. Have your eyes
('rawford Motor Co
Dealers in Fords
Phone 611
Demonstrations Gladly Given
To avoid losses of chicks from
gapes, keep them away from
turkeys; the turkeys may show
no signs of the disease, but they
can pass it on to chicks with
fatal results to the latter. Gapes
is caused by a parasitic worm
that gets into the chicks’ wind­
pipe, and the male and female
worms have the curious habit
of attaching themselves so firm-
ly to each other that at first
sight they look like a single
worm with two heads and two
necks. It is pretty dififcult to
extract the worms and it is bet­
ter to put your faith in preven­
tion. Put the chicks, as soon as
hatched, on clean ground, and
keep them away from turkeys
or ground occupied by turkeys.
Adult chickens seem to be im­
mune from gapes.
Bank of
A merica ’ s
First Timepieces
For Your Garden Work
TIMEPIECE out of the earth’s dim past! Long before Columbus
discovered the New World an American Indian carved the Aztec
Calendar Stone—America’s irst accurate timepiece.
Centuries lapsed betweei. the making of that Calendar Stone and
the beautiful Hamilton pictured above. In that span a tradition has
grown up around the mak lg of fine American watches. Par-famed
men—Robert Fulton, Paul Revere, Eli Whitney, Peter Cooper and
many others are part of thai tradition.
When you are ready to plan your garden,
may we suggest that you drop in and see
the wide variety of seeds we have, also
the many handy garden tools that will
lighten your garden work.
in 5c, 10c, and 20c packages
Small Flower Garden sets
Shovel, Rake, Hoe, all for
See Hoffman About It!
It Pays!
Salesman for
She Will Be
A. R. Lundeen spent the weeki
end at Westport.
Barbara and Dorothy Fair­
hurst of Portland spent the Eas­
ter vacation with their grand­
parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fair­
hurst at Keasey.
Miss Doris Eymes spent Easter
Sunday with her mother Mrs.
Carl Lahman.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Acheson and
family attended the fights in Ver­
nonia Saturday evening.
W. A. Hodge
A Book
Proud of
Today we are proud to : how the Hamilton Watch—the first and
foremost of modern Ameri an timepieces. It is the product of the
best in American skill and < rafrsmanship and artistry.
As in Overalls-so in everything
Real Values
Overall values are a barometer by which
to judge the value giving of a store. We
are proud to have you judge us by the bar­
gains we offer in overalls. Come in and
see for yourself.
Miller’s Great Western, Union-
made, heavy weight blue denim
Full cut, plenty of pockets, well made and
cut to fit, waist or bib.
Femoma’s Leading Store
We know that the peop e who make Hamilton« know every tiny
part that goes into their bea tifully designed cases. For years we have
seen them serve their owne; long and faithfully.
Look in our window and
Then come in and let us s!
watches. Slip one into you
delighted to see how smart
see a replica of the Aztec Calendar Stone.
ow you our varied line of fine American
pocket —or onto your wrist. You’ll be
:hey are.
And the price? We firr ly believe there are no watches in the
whole world that give you i lore watch value fix your money.
Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler_____
'm your