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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1929)
THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 192» cals Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers motored to Hillsboro Sunday. L. W. Baker is confined to his home with the flu. C. S. Hoffman is recovering from a recent attack of the flu. flour One hundred pound size i sacks for sale at the Vernonia Bakery.—adv. Mrs. Bert Hawkins left this cliy Thursday to visit relations at Fort Smith, Ark. C. W. Reithner was reported sick at home with the flu Wed nesday. Mrs. O. T. Bateman has as her guest Miss Agnes Warner of Arlington, Oregon. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hollyfield March 4. His name is Land Hollyfield. V RR NON LA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Mrs. George Ogg and son Ken ited frie'nds.ánd relatives in Ver neth spent the week end at the nonia Sunday. D. Nickson home in Portland. Harold Olsen, student at O. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Graven S. A. C., arrived in this city and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil VanAl- Monday and is visiting friends stine spent .Saturday in Portland. during his stay. ■■ ■’ . , >- Everett Carter purchased a Mrs. Alta Ifeii and brother, new Chevrolet coach from the Donald Northrop spent the week Gilby Motor company last week. end visiting relatives in Port land. The interior of the Vernonia Bakery is being re-decorated and- . Mrs. L. Bowman, Mrs, H. V: painted. Holcomb, Mrs. C. Nicar and Mrs. D. Marshall were in Portland Floyd Weldon of Westimber Monday. A attended the American Legion Have your eyes «examined,” dance in this city Saturday night. Dr Luzader, eyesight specialist, J. J. McGee and B. A. Vick- will be at Kullander’s on Mon rey from Missouria are in Ver- day and Tuesday April 1 and nonia on a business trip. quite ill with the flu. H. A. Wilson, E. Treharne, P. Fulton,. traveling freight Mr. and Mrs. H. John and Mr. agent of the Nerxharn'caseifici, und Mrs. E Snyder were in st.’ lines with héádgUartérs- al?-Port Helens Thursday and Friday. land was a •Vernohia ■visitor Mrs. E. Willard of Portland Monday. visited at the home of Mr. and .1 F. L. Weber-,'traveling freight Mrs, C. W. Lindsay. J. A. Lindsay and son Floyd and passenger- agent -of ' tire -S. - were ’ - - in Portland Sunday to see P. & S. Ry, 'With' hfeadtpihrters at Astoria was ’a'visitor in this ■ Mrs. Lindsay, she has been able to leave the hospital and is at city Tuesday? .z, • the home of her sister there. ■Gladys Krihick, Phyllis’ Nelson Mrs. Lindsay was in the hospital and Mrs. Tina Lilly"whi> áre ’at the .past nine weeks and her tending the . Nqrmai school . .»t . friends are all hoping that she Monmouth1' spent the..spring va will be back in their midst in the very near future. cation at their homes. Delmar Morton has been un- Veldon Parker and. Ward aide to-attend school on account Gooding who.: are . -attending. 0. of illness. S. C. L_. at ____ Corvallisspent -the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lindsay ‘i last -Wlek mith have returned after spending spring vacation »i ... their parents. ’ M. E. Carkin ’ several weeks in Portland during motored to Curley Buffmire purchased a Camas to spend the week end new Chevrolet, ton and one half Mrs. E. H. Condit,- Mrs. A-. the winter shut down. with his family. Mrs. A- C. Staley entertained truck from the ¿lilby, Motoy com L. Parker anl Veldon' ' Parker pany, which he -wiir use use' ¡, in his spent the week end in Portland. a group of friends at dinner Mrs. G. W. Johnson is confin- truck and hauling business. - ------ ------- ' Mrs. Condit ' returhed ' with • Wednesday. ed to her home for the past Hulan Thacker received a ’ Friday is y laat’;rhanCe to'"** Durant .......- week on account of sickness. severe cut on the chin when he You surely 'WiTi.'- want' Hot was struck by a limb while at W. O. Wilson of Renton, Wn., hLo nj delicious Hot Cross • D, r t^lem ____ from the Ver- I Cross bii-Good Friday.' formerly a resident of the valley noma Ral/a».,, - . .. buns on * Or- Work at the Koster camp Tues n'a ®afi*ry °r ypur . grocer on der them ----- ^. Thursday sure day. was here on business this week. !|'.? 1 hursday sure.—adv. i ¡either from - - your grocer or the •_ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett F. R. Enos is being employed Ji! i-f*ntry s*iety of »e I Vernonia Bakery,., or ,. you may drove to Jewell Wednesday re turning Thursday. decorating the Old Mill building Evangelical church will hold be disappointed.—adv. • in ivory and gold. Wm. - Prutzman has been on their regular meeting at . the The Garden club will meet in the sick list the past few days. - "-t- -^edneaday . after-. .the. Evangelical church.■ Tuesday ••"Mr.- and Mrs. T. D. Dennis M. Murray motored to Part-, land Monday on a business trip r>MriS DYirgil Powe11 and Mrs. I I evening at 7 ikO'.'- A -'program has and small daughter of Rainier returning to this city Tuesday. I been arranged'; arid 'it is hoped spent Sunday at the home of there writ; be a Sood ’atttri'-- ’Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Morton. Charles Duffy traveling pas- Lloyd Baker were Portland shop-! i , that senger agent of the N. P. Ry. pers Monday. Mrs. R. N. Hart dance of merifber'i’' is employed Jis stenographer by [MBg»\For B leats Dr.' LuZader, spent Monday in Vernonia. RIVERVIEW Gordon R...^hte attorney. eyesight . gpgcjafist, has C. A. Barnes who . recently ____ _ C. H. Schamen was home for Mr »nd Mrs. Harjy A. Wilsoh.Jf •en 1 making monthly visits to was sick with the flu is able who , do formerly,- lived in this city *e ernonia. His next .visit will be a few days last week on a va- to be about again. ri ’ a «•« ,.. — _ a _ wete v^n —W Portland, * April 1 and'^- office- at Kul- cation after being in Lewiston, Ida., for a year. Mr. Schämen Mrs. C. E. Richardson visited were V-ei*nonia visitors over the lander’s. Have--your ’eyes does contracting and carpenter in Portland from Sunday to week: end. examined. — adit. ‘ work. • ». >' » Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills went Speck Ford,, salesman for the \-Mrs. George Drqrjjaugh . and Special sale on lard barrels Facifre-Fruity Produce company daughter Maybelle ‘spent Thurs to Portland last Thursday. at the Vernonia Bakery at one with headquhrteMt at Portland, day evening with her^ sister Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker dollar each.—adv. spent Mondayr-'n»”thi^gly taking Bert McKnight at’ Forest Grovel and baby left Friday for their orders for his cothpa'ny. Mr. Drorb»ug|). attjjided. thp Ma ■home in Bay City, after several O. A. Anderson, who is teach Weeks stay with his parents in ing school in Vancouver, Wn., fcMv aitf Mra. -M. D. Nixon sonic lodge tb^re thaj - eyeniijg. Riverview. spent the week end with his moved to this city Monday. Mr. If you want Hot” C toss' buns Mr. and Mrs. Omar Spencer family here. Nixpn is the owner of the Ver for Good Friday,' March 29, ft and sons Jack and Omar Jr. of nonia Radio shop . on Bridge will, be necessary for you to or Portland were ove. Sunday and Dave Marshall, John Miller, street. • ... der ’ them as soon as you ftatf spent the day with Omar's mo Lloyd Baker and Richard Twine ham attended thè fights in " Rube • SèsSètaBrf,' -Who recently . ’ thia , either fronf ySuh grocer' 'or ther, Mrs. Sarah Spencer. Forest Grove Thursday night. ' underwent -an ’- open' 'ration' in • Av diwt. ffom , thp . Veynoiya .bak , B. T. Hall and Nannie Hall purchased together a 548-Egg toria, is »gain op in»,. Se job back ery.—adv. Master Incubator last week and N. A. Sprague, salesman from fir-rts-bläckÄHiith shop-on WeeiT expect to go into the chicken Honeyman Hardware company avenue. TREHARNE business. Mrs. Hall already has with headquarters at Portland Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staley one incubator of the same cap spent Tuesday in this city. > Pete Bergerson, county road master, made a trip Sunday to have had’a qew radio”-installed acity. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nelson mo,; OrencOj. looking .over tKe road in their home, • ’ Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg ’, tored to Portland Saturday, re situation and returned to this ^Jj(rs^3^A^-Morton^ias been drove to Portland and back Sat- turning to this city later in the evening. city Sunday evening. - • ■ f It Pays To Buy Genuine Ford Parts Don’t gamble when you buy Ford parts, Get the genuine, the same good parts from which your car was originally assembled. Then you are sure of sat isfaction. See us for the big and little jobs and for oiling and greasing. We’ll keep your car like new. ma Mrs. L. Schwab and sons Bobby and Melvin returned from a week end visit to Mrs. Schwab*» ilkesboro. sister at Wilkesboro. HZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZH IT’S HERE Sidney Berry and Percey Hewes motored to Portland Sun day, returning to this city the same evening. the new Roland Treharne, formerly of Vernonia and now living in Portland, attended the 1 Legion dance Saturday night. VIER Roy L. Kullander and family from Portland spent the week end at the home of A. L. Kul->’ lander. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Althaus and Carl Burgeson motored to Portland Sunday returning to this city later in the evening. ' Robert Hoffman, who is at tending O. S. C„ spent the week end visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman. CRAWFORD MOTOR CO Vernonia, Oregon I. XAMK L. E. Fredrickson is confined to his home with lumbago. Mr. Fredrickson is manager of thé Vernonia Garage. J. W. Brown went to Portland Sunday to visit Mrs. Brown, who is convalescing in the Good Sa maritan hospital. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Dennis and Mrs. McKee of Rainier vis- Complete >142.80 ¡9 HE deep, full bass that you like! A new "organ quality” in radio music! Now you hear the full range of an orchestra, in- •ludrng overtones and harmonics that give ?ach instrument its own individuality. ? This wonderful new AtwaterKenkiasimply .amazing in its ability to rq>nniucq every-, thing that make» music »o-satisfying when well.played or sung. No exaggeration, mind • fun {-no over-emphasis of theidwifofek at the ■ expanse oftbe high» no asttfioialify. Just T » MoreTacific Coast housewives use Sperry Drifted SnowTlour than use any other brand __ , & « Q • txnncm Dynamic. dnce i better Instrument. ‘He WsMnti We guarantee it. Come in anatrp if. : k ■ ■ Easy Terms . Sée Hoffman About It ---------- It Pays Hoffman Hardware RZNZNZMZHZMZNZNZNZMZNZMZNZMZNZNZNZNZN urday taking their little boy in to a doctor. Arthur Jacobs returned home from California, where he has been for a couple of months. Cleave Tisdale moved to Ver nonia Saturday over the Howell 6 Cline second hand store. Lee Hall went to Portland Monday. The Estes boys, Ole and Orel, are making preparations to take their parents to some other cli mate for their health. They ex pect to go as soon as weather is better. Elvin ano Clive Mills and Evan Hall went to Portland Tuesday to purchase logging sup plies for their railroad right of J way contract in Washington. Mrs. Bert Hawkins will start for Fort Smith, Ark., today to I visit her mother, Mrs. Dr. Miller, i who is 85 years old. Mrs. Haw kins has not seen her mother for 7 years. She expects to bring her mother home with her. Elsie Robins has returned home from Hillsboro, where she has been employed in the Jen kins home. Bert Hawkins will accompany Mrs. Hawkins to Portland Thurs- and have his eyes fitted glasses. TIMBER Misses Anita and Norma Schif fer of Timber spent one day last week visiting Mrs. A. R. Baird of Westimber. Quite a few of the Timber and Westimber children now have the measles. Mrs. Alberta Burgin was in Portland visiting last week. Mrs. Fred Davis went to Port land shopping last week. Mrs. Ida spent one week in Portland-, visiting friends. The Timber high school will give an interesting play called “Safty First” on April 12, at the high school. The Timber boys are now sup plying themselves with baseball material, and as soon as the weather improves will start team work. Full Cream Milk Milk is a splendid food for growing child ren especially if it is as rich in cream con tent as milk we supply. To get this better milk for your children just phone 471 and we will deliver it to your home each day. NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMEYY COMPANY Pasteurized Milk and Cream Vernonia, Oregon Phone 471 Rube Sesseman Is back on the job Blacksmithing Car Repairing General Rapair Work No Arrest« In 2 Counties The only two counties in Ore gon where arrests for game law violations were not made last year wefe Sherman and Wheeler. Coos with a total of 61 arrests stood highest on the list of coun ties and there was only one man arrested escaped conviction. Wheeler—Modern laundry will beestablished here soon. Ted Davenport Auto Repair Shop R. Sesseman, Blacksmith