Society News CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. E. A. Laird Entertains At Shower Mrs. E. A. Laird entertained at a surprise shower Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. A. B. Lee. Mrs. Lee was the reci­ pient of many beautiful and use­ ful gifts. Mrs. Laird served a dainty luncheon consisting of sandwiches, cake and coffee and was assisted by Mrs. Clem Bart­ ley. Those present were Mrs. Keen, Mrs. L. R. Norris, Mrs. C. D. Norris, Mrs. E. B. George, Mrs. R. L. Stubbs, Mrs. Riley, M « Louise Simmons, Mrs. O. IL Graves, Mrs. Lee Ilall. Mrs. Clem Bartley, Mrs. W. H. Froembling. Mrs. Leon Hollyfield and Mrs. I Phil Taylor sent gifts but were unable to be present. C. E. at Timber Gives A Hard Time Party Bible school at 10 a.m. The lesson will be The Future Life, present for Our aim is 225 Ea. ter. A photographer will be present to take the picture of the school. Everybody welcome. Easter sermon at 11 by Rev. Curtis of Forest Grove who will supply for us in the absence of a regular minister, We are plan­ ning on Easter program to be given at 7:30 p.m. Junior and International Chris­ tian Endeavor at 6:30. Orchestra at 7:15. Eastern Star To Hold Parties The Eastern Star Social club will hold the first of a series of three card parties in the Ma­ Both sonic temple April 10. bridge and 500 will be played and prizes given at each party ami a grand prize for the series. Clubs Mr., E. E. Yeo Society Reporter Elsie Duncan Observes Birthday Anniversary Saturday afternoon Elsie Dun­ can gave a little patty, the oc­ casion being her seventh birth­ day. The following little girls were present, Charlotte Ann Cov­ ington, Geraldine Savage, Erma Kent, Florence Anderson and Jean Page. The afternoon was spent in playing games, The jumping ropes came in for their share of attention, Erma Kent won first prize in the flower guessing con­ test with Florence Anderson tak­ ing the consolation. Jean Page was awarded the first place for having most nearly placed the rabbits ears in the correct place, Erma Kent being the farthest away. A large birthday cake, brick ice cream, candy and oranges were served as refreshments. Elsie received many lovely pres­ ents and regretted to see her guests depart after such a pleas­ ant afternoon. Taken To Hospital Westimber, Mar. 25.—Mrs. James T. Brady of Vernonia was taken to the Emanual hospital in Portland Monday of last week, where she underwent a major operation. She is reported to be getting along nicely. hostess. Those present were Mr. and Mis. C. L. Bateman, Mrs. B. E. Youmans of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. W. Briot, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barney, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fogel, Walter Reid and O. T. Bateman. Hold Shower in Honor . Bluebirds Plan Easter Mrs. Hyatt at Keasey Hunt Sunday Afternoon Keasey, Mar. 26 —A stork shower was given in honor of Mrs. Waldron Hyatt Thursday. Twenty friends from Keasey, Camp 2, Inman Poulsen; and the headquarters camp attended, The hostesses for the occasion were: Mrs. A. R. Lundeen, Mrs. O. R. Young and Mrs. W. G. Christie. Many beautiful gifts were given Mrs. Hyatt. A very delight- ful lunch was served after the shower. The Bluebird group met at the cabin last Wednesday afternoon and planned an Easter* hunt which will be held Sunday at the home of Ramona Casselman. Some of the members handed in their Easter stories and the rest were to be turned in at the next meeting. They also discussed a name for the group which was to be definitely decided at the meeting yesterday. Catholic Church Easter mass will be said here at 7:30 a.m. Sermon on the “Res­ Surprise Mrs. Wallace Mrs. O. T. Bateman urrection of Christ.” Confessions Timber, Mar. 26.—Th" Christ­ In Honor of Birthday Hostess At Card Party will be heard before the mass ian Endeavor gave a hard time commencing at 6:30 a.m. party a week ago Friday night ------ I Jos. I*. Clancy, Pastor. Mrs. O. T. Bateman entertain­ Root and at the home of J. E. " ” Mist, Mar. 25.—The ladies are ed at a 500 party Wednesday sister, with an attendance of 25. planning on a sur rprisc for Mrs. evening in honor Miss Agnes Pythian Sisters Held Largo Stock Lillies Received Miss Root entertained by having E. T. Wai lac e t today, the oc- a lot of interesting games. Al J. C. Lincoln received a large Warner of Arlington who is visit­ casion being ber birthday. 2nd Card Party Tues. A dainty bave stock of pot lillys Tuesday from ing her this week. large number of guests luncheon of sandwiches, coffee holi- Hillsboro for the Easter celebrate Baker—Baker White Pine been invited to help The Pythian Sisters held the and cookies was served by the ' days. Lumber company changed bands, i h<* event_ m a proper way. t second of their series of card parties in the W. O. W. hall Tuesday evening. There were light tables of 500 and four La Velio Gosa News of tables of bridge. Mrs. J. E. Editor Covington had the high score Vernonia Schools for bridge of the ladies and L. F. Austin of the men. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Watt had the high scores for the 500. “ In Cherry Time ” To Be Typewriting Prizes Several Alumni Visit Diplomas For Seniors This was also the third an- Presented Soon Awarded Four Students High School niversary of the Vernonia Tem­ Have Been Ordered ple of Pythian Sisters and a Levi Austin, coach of the large birthday cake was cut so Typewriting prizes were award-! i Several of Vernonia’s Alumni The diplomas for the seniors junior play, states that the jun- that each piece had a candle on were ordered this week. '1 hey ed to Norma Anderson, Betty , visited the high school last week. ior class play, “In Cherry Time,’’ it as a favor. A delicious lun­ Spencer, , and Among these were Pyhllis Nelson, are in book form with silver Culver, Thelma will be given in a few weeks, cheon of molded salad, sand­ covers and coral lining, the class Charles Melis before the assem- who is now attending normal at will be given April 5, at the Joy wiches, cake and coffee was serv­ bly Monday, March i 25. Monmoth; Gladys Krinick. also colors. Certificates were awarded1 u Freshman at Monmoth and theatre. The cast is working very ed. 'there are twenty-eight seniors make has been diligently, and 'hope to in tne graduating class, and they Norma Anderson, and Charles I Amy Hughes, who th a- play a big success. The are all working hard to put over Melis for making a net t rute of studying music at the University cast of characters in this -three City Library Receives the last of their four years in 30 words a minute with less than of Oregon the last two years. act comedy are: Aunt Margaret Many Book Donations Veldon Parker, high school with a “bang.” 'their five errors; a bronze pin was Russell Mills, Grant, Dorothy Throop; Ethel awarded Betty Culver for typ- and Ward Gooding, Oregon State record has been very good and The following books have been Grant, Charlotte Green; Cherry they are holding it to the last. ing 45 words a minute with less students, were ulso our visitors. A • ams, »Catherine Hoffman; donated to the library during than five errors; ami a silver Russell is studying vocational ed­ pin to Thelma Spencer for typ- ucation, Veldon .engineering, and Connie Trimble, Zelma New; Flossie Barnes, Dorothy Holtham; grade had 100 in spelling all last Jack and Myrtle Ozment ing 53 words a minute with less Ward chenticnl engineering. Vinie Jackson, Editli Mae Linsay; week. Raymond Ross, Ellen Row­ Leave For Arizona Jack We der, Neal Bush; Chippy lands, Howard Rundell, Elizabeth Five Students Deliver lie,ide: ••.on, Bodie Hieber; Sam­ Schalock, Catherine Trude, Halco my ( In is, Billy Culver; Joseph Yokata, LaVerne Bassett. Jack and Myrtle Ozment who Speeches Before Meadows, Howard Lee; Fritz Hazel Chapman of the fourth left school lust Friday, March Coach Optimistic Over I Student Body Koogel, Stanley Goner and Tug grade has had 100 in spelling 22, have moved with their par­ I gl< s, Dwight Gt: ag.—C.H. every day for four weeks. ents to Standard Arizona where frack Prospects For A\ 45-minute program was The Easter bunny seems to Mr. Ozdent will be employed in This Season given last Friday before the i LINCOLN SCHOOL have visited the fourth grade the sawmill. high school student body. It con- The first grade are making room already as each window Jack and Myrtle entered high On the first good day sisted of five interesting speeches I booklets of home life this month has a nest of Easter eggs, school in the middle of the first Austin n namely: “Theodore Roosevelt,” i which will include work in his- The indoor balls that were semester of last year’s school begin tr hygiene, language and purchased by the fourth grade term. Jack passed with his class­ ichool 11 a suitable Georgia Van Doren; “Woodrow ' tory, Wilson, ” Luella Williams; ’What geography. | prize money arrived Monday, mates and this year found hi ground t on, the boys Thomas Huntley who was in ' much to the pleasure of the pu- place in the senior room. Myrtle all went the grad"* tli • Constitution Means to Me,” also completed her work for last school ground. They started out Norma Anderson; “Value of a the first grade has moved to pils. I Lolamae Smith, Annabel Heath year and passed into the junior with a few tryouts in the liun- High School Education,” Leonard the cast side of town. Boyd llixson was absent all and Elizabeth Teorge returned class. dred yard dash in which Glen Hall; and “Improvements of Ver­ last week with flu. to school after a week’s absence. They were well liked by theii Hieber showed his skill, We ex- nonia,” Howard Lee. Helen Terry of the second These programs are given ev­ Frances Bergerson, Lillian Up­ classmates, the other students, pect a lot from Glen this year and the faculty; and it was with in the line of sprints. The next ery two weeks in order to give grade has moved to another part dike, Ralph Covert and Bryon Fielding of the fifth grade are class- thing we tried was the much regret that their shot. . th“ students an opportunity to of town. Bonita Buffmire is spending a absent this week. mates and teachers learned that Oliver Mellinger proved best, He practice public speaking. week in Medford. The following in the fifth at so near the end of the school will undoubtedly make many I The following had 100 in spell­ grade had 100 in spelling. Helen term, they would have to drop points for us this year. In the High School Grounds | ing last week. First grade, Bes- Murray, Elbert Brock, Eleanor high-jump all our hopes lay in out. I sie Bell, Franque Fitzgerald, Edens, Elizabeth George, How­ It is not known whether or Gloyd Adams. He showed grea4 Greatly Improved | Harry Junior Culbertson, How- ard McGilvray, Joe McKee, Ken­ not they will be enrolled in improvement by jumping 4 feel Improvements on the grounds ard McGraw. neth Lewis, Lucile Lindberg, another school this year. 10 inches with his clothes on. Second grade, Bruce Holcomb, Leone Mills, Lolamae Smith, Mel- In the javelin, Neal Bush and of Vernonia high school have Arthur Hixson came out a close gone on by leaps and bounds ' Earsel Christensen, Jane Watts, via Brown, Stanley Oversen, Senior Class To Select | Francis Davis, Montana French, Toshi Kuge. tie at about 110 feet. Howard during the past school year. One of the first improvements Jack Sheeley. Perry Ozment has moved to Leo and Jack Marshall ran Play This Week Third grade, Harold Davis, Arizona. their customary- mile. Howard was the new cement walk which Boeck, Leila Nelson, The eighth grade purchased shows groat improvement in hi was built around the entire block. Melvin The senior class will select a stride and pace since last year. This walk is safer and more at­ •Gordon Warner, , Wilma Stolen, two indoor baseballs for the play this week ami will begin re­ Glen also ran the hurdles and tractive than the wooden one Modena Hall, Mildred 1 Woods, school. hearsals as soon as a sufficient the quarter mile. If the turn which formerly took its plnce. I Bertha Thompson, Margaret Sal­ Last week the eighth grade number of copies of the play tan out continues as good as it was The lawn, which before the monsen, Buster Nance, Alveda presented Mr. Condit with a be secured. term began in September, was I 1 Littleton, Billy Carter. framed picture of the class which the first night we will have good Several plays have been read chance to win the district cham­ a hard, grassloss expanse. now Fourth grade, Alice Hoffman, is to be left in the school and and discussed but none consider­ pionship for the third consecu­ gives the school the appearance Delpha Killian, Irene Thompson, is now hanging in the office. ed suitable has been found. It tive year. This year we will of a well kept estate. Vashon Hall, Charlie Benson, E. II. Condit was ill with flu will be necessary to select one take in the state meet also.— Recently the attractiveness ol* Iral Aldridge, and absent from school Tuesday. Boon, however, owing to the fact Arthur Hixson. the grounds has been further in- Fifth grade, Ruth Burke, Thel­ that the time is so short in creased by the planting Alumni Graduating _ of ma Lincoln. which to prepare it for presen­ Finish Text Book Soon shrubbery, under the supervision Burford Wilkerson and Robert tation. Della Cline Returns Hoffman, former students of The economics class will finish of Mr. Johnson of Mist. The class hopes to make this the work in the text book in The students and faculty, as Della, ('line, who has been ill Vernonia high school will have play the last and best of three about two weeks. Then, they will well ns the town-folk, may well for over two weeks, returned to completed their course in chem­ it has given. try economics hooks by other lie proud of the appearance of school Monday. She is still weak, istry this spring. Burford authors. There are nbout forty their high school, and may look but she is glad to be back. All attended Pacific university Junior Class Planning students in the clns sthis year. forward to seeing the grounds the students who have been ill Robert, Oregon State college which is an exceedingly I arg» further beautified as these shrub­ are returning and settling down the last four years. Program For May 1 Lawrence Dickson, also I number. It is made up of sopho bery grows and perhaps flowers in earnest to make up their back ire planted.—Myrtle Hall work. student at O. S. C. and About the first of May the mores, juniors nnd seniors. Al alumnus of this high school, junior class will give a program though economics is a subject Talk To Seniors WASHINGTON SCHOOL finish his course in pharmacy in in the high school auditorium I for lipper classmen, the sopho Starting in the near future following in the second June. honoring the senior class that is mores find it interesting. each teacher of the high school leaving this year. This program will visit the senior room and will probably be the last one to Graduate May 17 give a fifteen minute speech to May 17 is to be the Inst big the students of that class. These be given this school year, and will be a farewell to this class ' day of the seniors high school talks will be given about one by the juniors, who will super­ | carers this year. On this even week apart, nnd everyone is sure vise and provide for the pro­ ing the graduation exercises will they will prove quite beneficial Evangelical to the pupils.—C.H. gram with the rlass talent. C.II. tike plnce in the - church. I 1lie l imber Line Bruce McDonald, chairman of the high school board, who was n the Elanual hospital for about en days, is home much improv­ ed. ♦ ¿ THURSDAY, MARCH 2S, 1»1* VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO 7* I«*' ’01« -j LITHE SHEPHERD * KINGDOM COME J Taken from the famous story by Harold Bell Wright. At the Jov Theatre Sunday, March 31 PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL The fidlowing pupils received I heir Palmer Method buttons in Mrs. Patrick’s room: Elmo smith. Dean Holt, Dorothy Webb Florence Harvey, Raymond Jus- tice, nnd Alva Larson. The merit buttons, Wilma Glassner and Dorothy Webb. Progress pins, Verla Mounts. Visitors for the week in the school were Mrs. Sidney Raker, Mrs. Houghtaling, Mrs. F. Lines I and Mrs. Ayers. Byron Bennett and Edgar Craw ford are to attend the damatory r contest from Pleasant Hill school next day. The pupils in the lead in ferent class in the arithmetic drill are Mariam Houghtaling, sixth irrade. Jeanette Johns, seventh grade and Edgar Craw­ ford, eighth grade. Raymond Thacker is back at school after a week’» absence. Fraternal Residence Phone 582 Office Phone 1*2 brate the tcntii anniversary which displaying of a beautiful pair of the last two weeks. By O. F. will be in April. An interesting pillow slips made by the women Burke, “Bill Hunter,” by David feature of the meeting was the of the corps.___________________ Manning; “Ridgeway of Mon- tana” by Wm. M. Paine; “Gems of Promise,” by Emart Kins- burn; “South American,” by Nel­ lie B. Allen; “Winning of Bar­ bara Worth,” by H. B. Wright; "A History of the American Na­ tion,” by Andrew C. McLaugh­ lin; “The Doctor,” by Ralph Connor; "Corporal Cameron,” by Ralph Connor; “John Stand- on of Texas,” by J. McCulley; "Life of Crochett,” by E. S. Ellis; “Personal Equation,” by L. McTurnan; “Personality of 59c House Dresses the Teacher,” by C. McKenney; "Country Life and the Country 59c House Aprons ...................... School,” by Mabel Carney; “Sun­ day School Selections,” J. H. 59c Ladies Silk Under garments Betchel; “A Short History of Ancient Times,” by P. V. N. 50c Ladies Silk Rayon Hose .... Myers; “General History,” P. V. New Physical Geo- N. Myers; 25c Mens Silk Rayon Socks .... graphy,” R. S. Tarr; “Lessons in Physical Geography,” Chas. R. 5c Sewing Silk, per spool ......... Dryer. By Mas. Carl Gibson, “Bran­ Full Complete Line of Rubber Aprons 50c don of the Engineers,” by Har- 4u Hindloss. Easter Goods: Bunnies, Baskets Eggs Miss Lois Malmsten, “The Zane Lone Star Ranger,” by Stamped Goods and a Full line of D. M Grey. C, Thread The library board has purchas­ ed the following books which ar­ rived Saturday and are now on the shelves. “Magic Garden,” “Sorrell and Son,” “Tappan’s Burro,” “Top of the World,” “Wings,” “Story of the Three Bears,” ‘Jack and the Beanstalk,” “The Three Bears,” “Child’s Garden of Ver­ ses,” “Tales of Alhambra,” “Don Quixote,” “Five Little Peppers,” “Arabian Knights,” “Under the Lilacs,” “French Twins,” “Dutch Twins,” “Oregon Trail,” “Jack and Jill,” “Moby Dick,” “When Patty Went'to College,” “Mary Marie,” “Barberry Bush,” “Man of the Forest,” “Wallflowers” “Captain Blood,” “Westward, Ho,” "Burns Selected Poems,” “Webster Man’s Man,” “Desert Valley.” Thoi^as Gift Shop These are not specials but the regular prices Corps To Celebrate Tenth Anniversary The John Bucher Women’s Re­ lief Corps met at the Woodmen hall Thursday, with 23 members present. The corps voted to cele- MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Oregon Monument Works You’ll Smile, too, when you have us put your car in repair Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Pari iridar Are Enjoying Our Special Dinner Served 5 to 8 p.m, at the Horseshoe All Night Service All the work is done by an expert mechanic All Repair Work Guaranteed Garage Repair Shop Storage TED DAVENPORT Put Your Loose Change Away It is truly surprising how fast your savings account bal­ ance will mount, if you put just your loose change in the bank. Many people have adopted this method of saving and they are more than pleased with the results. Bank of Vernonia Vernonia, Oregon A