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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1929)
EIGHT AGAIN THURSDAY, llARCH 7, ISM VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Reithner’s Steps Into Style Supremacy iu Vernonia First Spring Showing Now Ready displays the same character of sparkling fabrics and distinctive styles in Dresses, Shoes, Silks, Coats, Hosiery, and Prints that is typical of the year 1929 bridge which resulted in Mrs. gradually moved towards Sharp having a fractured skull. tropiep, while the forests around She was taken to St. Vincents the poles disappeared and ice hospital Sunday night. Latest re- fields began to take their places. ports were she was doing fairly For thousands of years this snow well. and ice aicumulated. The great Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gosa were weight of these enormous iie Vernonia visitors Monday even fields caused the thin crust of ing. the earth to settle onderneath Mr. and Mrs. Dean Duvall, them, To make room for the Mrs. Carl Devaney, Mrs. Thomas I mass that settled, large qoan- Pettijohn and Mr. Pernie of tities of the molten interior Keasey attended the Pythian Sis were forced oot in other zones through numerous craters, which ters card party at Vernonia. Carl Amato who has been ill threw great quantities of smoke at his home in Forest Grove re and ashes into the air. Thus we turned to the Oregon-American come to the ice age where :ainp Sunday. clouds of smoke and ashes from Mrs. Lou Althous and Mrs. H. thousands of volcanoes envelop- Harold Christie and daughter ed the earth and reflected most Frances journeyed to camp with of the sun’s heat. This caused Mr. Althous Friday. In the even a still lower temperature on the ing Mr. and Mrs. Althous had earth and the ice caps from the dinner with the Christie’s at north and south crept toward Keasey. the tropics. During the several Mr. and Mrs. George Gosa of thousand years of this period Seattle, Wash., visited at the i man lived as a fierce savage, home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gosa i i some tribes on the expansive ice of Keasey. fields and others in the cold Mrs. Ralph Swager is visiting waste of the south. As the vol with her brother and sister-in- canoes subsided the ice fields law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebo retreated and in their place -the forests of the temperate zones of the Inman-Poulsen camp 2. Al. Acheson was a Vernonia sprang up. We find evidence of visitor Monday evening. these old ice fields in the glac Inman-Poulsen Lumber com ial deposits which extend from pany plans to resume logging op New York entirely across the continent, and in the Eastern erations Monday. Mrs. Carl Lebanon and son Hemisphere across northern Robert were Portland visitors a Europe and Asia, few days this week. We have now come to Mrs. Dudley Nickson escorted present age and regard her husband to camp Friday re earth as in its prime. Will turning to her home in Portland next age mark a decline or Saturday. « man be so far developed George and Charley Struger he will be master of the earth’s were visitors at the home of Mr. I destiny? It the earth still los and Mrs. Devaney Saturday. ing heat or is the enormous Mrs. Ralph Morris and son pressure caused by gravity an Harold of Camas, Wash., are vis- endless source of heat for the ¡ting at the home of Mr. and interior? Is the sun really cool Mrs. Estes of O.-A. camp. ing off or is it receiving con John Axtell has returned to stant energy from the countless Inman-Poulsen camp. number of meteors which hurl Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dukes themselves into it daily, creating are visiting at Kelso for a few enough heat to make up for the days before camp starts. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Warner have returned after a few days visiting relatives and friends. creek smashed into a car at the Mile bridge. None of the occu pants of the cars were hurt, and cars were little damaged. A shower was held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hall Friday, many beautiful gifts were receiv ed. Those present were Aunt Sally Spencer, Ella Cline, Rhoda Hall, Elsie Feilberg, Bessie and Oleava Norris. Nannie and Molis- sie Hall. Mrs. R. Hall, Gertrude and Isola Hall, Gertrude Kirk, Rilla Snyder, Martha Mills, Ione Justice. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler I visited their relations Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler at Trenholm over the week end. Many a man has died with a Aunt Sarah Spencer is talking smile on his lips, who has been about taking a trip to Honolulu a veteran ol' two wars and three after receiving a letter from her wives. daughter Oral and granddaughter Helen Spencer who report the from Les S'heeley returned country beautiful and a wonder the Salem Saturday. This is ful and a wonderful trip going second time Les made the grade, over. probably the third time he’ll not Paul Driscal has purchased a be so lucky. ranch on the Stony Point road, and will move on his place with Advertising if life golf: the in a short period. more you do of it the fewer Mrs. Loyd from Riverview is visiting in Hillsboro, where her strokes it takes to win. sister-in-law is sick. Some day Dove Knight may be raising boys, and we predict KEASEY some Bad Knights and loss of sleep for Dove. The Women’s club of Keasey met Thursday, February 28, at This preaching trading at home the home of Mrs. Wilkinson. doesn’t seem to be very effective Most all the members were pres to some, when they even go out ent. Some very interesting sub of town to buy their dogs. jects were read and discussed at this meeting. Delightful refresh If your wife makes a bet, and ments were served after the if she loses, you are to receive meeting. some biscuits, don’t you cheat a A 500 card party was held at wee bit so she wins? the home of Mr. and ’ Mrs. — Eu- gene Sharp of Inman-Poulsen Soon Emil Messing will again camp 2, Thursday evening. There e a Robbin, and this time were eight tables, Ernest Benni:; s’il believe him. took high prize for the men. and Mrs. Jake Warner took high Is it true the reason flies can’t prize for women. Refreshments see very well. They leave tehir were served afteh the playing. specks behind. Mr. and Mrs. II. Harold Chris tie and Frances and W. G. Chris We understand that Bill Fol- tie and infant son Calvin return ger can raise a loan from Mc- ing the same evening. Graw any old time, which makes Sam Warner has returned to us remember that both these Inman-Poulsen camp to his work babies served in the same out- Mrs. Eugene Sharp and her fit together over seas, so Bill daughters Dorris and Patricn sure must have the goods on Jean, Mrs. Ben Stoops spent a Mac. few days with Mrs. Stoops mo ther at Mist. Returning Sunday Many a man shaves himself their car wrecked at the mile to save two bits while his wife spends a few bucks in a beauty parlor. Monkey "Biz” Many a guy with a slick tongue, bad it coated after a bad night. Three big men lost their jobs March 4, Roy Allen, Red Car roll and Calvin Coolidge. Now that the Stampede season is drawing near, the bull slingers are taking in the slack. The best fish story yet, C. Bruce broke his hand recently from pulling in a big Bteelhead. This radio craze shouldn't get the best of a guy, so that he’ll come home and address the Misses an. ‘‘His loud speaker." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE A BARGAIN—2.7 acres of land, dwelling house, old laundry building, between Rock creek and high school. Would make a dandy chicken ranch, or a good garden, plenty to fix up with. Will make good terms, half down and rest like rent. Mrs. P. Bergerson. See Mrs. J. E. Tapp. 304* The morning paper stated that UNDERWOOD Typewriter for sale, in good condition. Phone moonshine killed a cow, which makes us believe that the human 283, Mrs, F. Hartwick. 271’tf who indulges, passes beyond this BUYERS NOTE—It will pay stage and gets petrified. you to consult me before you buy, as 1 have the cream of the After lustily singing “Home Sweet Home,” at the parties, properties listed exclusively with some folks go out of town to me, too numerous to advertise. Jos. Scott, Realtor, 963 Bridge buy their supplies. street. 311 Question is often asked, why FOR SALE—3 room house and girls leave home? One reason lot, good location, one week why many of them leave, is that only, $210, cash, See Scott. 311 their parents decline to obey FOR SAI.E—Nice 4-room house them. well built and nicely furnish It is claimed that freedom of ed, close in. Cash or terms. For 311 speech is not allowed in this particulars, see Scott. country, how about at a base- FOR SALE or rent ranch. Also ball game? sell equipment and stock. In- quire of Carl Iler, Mist, Or. 312* Evolution Of the Earth Described This age was marked by the cooling off of the earth to such in extent that the interior had very little effect at the surface and plant and animal life depend ed wholly on the sun for heat and light. Most of the animals I Big Price REDUCTION Edison Mazda Lamps Rose Hotel Formerly Commodore Hotel on Rose Ave. Six Lamps 50 Watts $1.20 60 Watts $1.20 Buy Now day or week Asp and Plumbing & Electric Shop Mr». M. Elli«, Prop. "I’ll Get By” er Big Rock Candy Mountain” "Where The Shy Little Violets Grow” "I’m Wild About Horns on Automobiles That Go 'Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta’” Brunswick Radio BRUNSWICK RECEPTION a Triumph of Musical Quality Here is a highly perfected seven tuhe set, sold al a price everyone can afford. PHILCO All Electric RADIO Superbtone MAC’S PHARMACY Authorized Brunswick Dealer Greater Power Greater Response Clear and Distinct An Alaskan Picture CSÀMCtKE BROWN* At Vernonia Service No Rush or Worry After Breakfast You Can't Tell About Fires Jos. Scott Brunswick Records Reasonable Rates RIVERVIEW FOR SALE—Team of 1600 pound geldings $250. 15 6-weeks old Mr. and Mrs. Herman Greener motored to Clatskanie the later pigs $5.00. 22 Ten-weeks old part of last week and while in pigs $6.00. Also 10 brood sow«. that city visited Cliff Orwig and Write or see Omar Sheeley. family. Mr. and Mrs. Hines of Valsetz, Oregon were back in Riverview the early part of this week look ing over property. Mr. Hines is thinking of locating in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay have moved from the Crowley ranch You never know just to the Grey ranch taking a long where or when a fire will start or how much dam lease on the property. age it will do. L. J. Reagan of Laurel Miss., You may be particular passed away at Selma, Ala., Feb ly careful to protect your ruary 18. The deceased lived in own property. But—do Vernonia two years ago, and as you know that everyone sisted in building the O.-A. mil). else in your neighbor Mrs. T. H. Throop celebrated hood is just as careful? You can't afford to her birthday Saturday, March 2, leave it to chance. There’s and was surprised by a large nothing more “catch group of friends and relations. ing" than fire. Adequate Those present were Mrs. E. L. fire insurance in a good, Derebery, Mrs. H. Greener and sound company . . is your son Herman, Mrs. May Mellinger safest protection against and daughter Velda, Mr. and fire. We can furnish it. Mrs. Robert Spencer, Mrs. E. Foust, Mrs. Nannie Hall, Dortha Insuraace of All Kinds Maydelt, Rachel Throop, Anna eluding Life Lindtsrom, Ben and Elmer Spen cer, Sarah Spencer, Via Throop, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Throop. A potluck dinner was enjoyed by Hl Bridge St. those attending. Sunday Mr. Voahell of Beaver Joy Theatre DELTA ‘HEEL Sunday was not always so for-1 chasms jumped and more trick tunate in her parts, however. | riding and thrills crammed into Although a good dencer, she still one picture than ever before. recalls the painful dance re “Excels Baggage” hearsals she had to undergo for the filming of “Hula.” Behind the scenes in America*» “I was required to dance a vaudeville theatres, one of th» real Hawaiian hula and, for two months before the picture most interesting locales in the was started I spent two hours world is protrayed accurately daily under the supervision of for screen purposes for the first an expert. It was difficult for time in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’» the first two weeks. “Excess Baggage,” which shows “The Upland Rider” Tuesday and Wednesday at the A new twist and phase in the plot of western pictures in the Joy Theatre with William Haines way of supplying extra thrills as the star. The picture follows the adven- is promised in Ken Maynard’s latest western feature. “The Up tures of a vaudeville troupe both land Rider,” the Charles R. Rog on the stage and ehind it from ers production which comes to Los Angeles to New York City with occasional sidelights into the Joy Theatre on Monday. This added stunt is a cross the movie colony of Hollywood country horse race in which riv- and the NVA Club in New York climbed, (the home of the big time vaude swam, ville entertainers). MODEL5KR Hot and Cold water in all rooms 50 Watt« 20c 60 Watts 20c Carton Prices a girl unwittingly tricks the man she adores. “Me, Gangster” When Fox Films “Me, Gang ster” comes to the Joy Theatre Saturday, motion picture fans will have a novel experience, for that picturization of Charles Francis Coe’s story of gangsters, one of the most thrilling yet to come to the screen, has been made without the aid of machine guns, murder, hand-to-hand con "The Faker” flicts between gangsters and po “The Faker,” a Columbia pro- lice of any other ingredient »s- duction which is to be at the ually associated with pictures of Joy Theatre tonight and tomor- that type. row is a screen novelty that "Rad Hair” stands in a class by itself. The Swimming scenes in “Red luxurious and weird backgrounds! Hair’ required no particular of seaside resorts, country es i practice for Clara Bow. She is tates and bizarre seance parlors | a good swimmer and well ac- afford opportunity for gripping | quainted with deep water. The drama, uncanny phenomena and star of “Red Hair,” which will a poignant love story in which ' come to the Joy Theatre on amount lost by radiation. These are just a few of the more simple questions which we will have to answer before we can make even a good guess as to what will follow this age. (END) OSIERY When the Vernonia Laundry Station AGENT Does Your Work QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE Just Phone 711 player the Joy Theatre Sun. and Mon., March 17 and 18 Vernonia Laundry K. Inouye The Station of REALSEfiVICE