Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 07, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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Q. G. Hall of Portland was a
Vernonia visitor Friday.
Albert Schmidlin from Brauns
was a Vernonia shopper Friday.
Miss M. Keehn journeyed to
Portland Monday.
Frank J. Peterson was a Ver­
nonia visitor Saturday.
Emil Norgorden and Harold
Shipley were in town Sunday.
J. W. Brown and Ralph Clem
^were in Portland Sunday.
Empty lard barrels for sale
at the Vernonia Bakery.—adv.
Berg’s orchestra, who furnish a business trip and while in the
music for the W. O. W. dances. city visited Mr. Kullander’s sis­
ter, Alma at the Emanual hos­
Mrs. P. L. McDuffee journey­ pital.
ed to Portland Sunday to visit
John Riley with the Froskist
her mother, Mrs. W. E. Bell, who
is convalescing from an opera­ Ice cream company, covered the
Nehalem valley last week, and
tion in the Emanual hospital.
make arrangements with the log­
Floren Mills, with
ging camps in this vicinity to
eering department of
install frigidaires for the handl­
spent Saturday in this city, and ing of Froskist ice cream this
attended the W. O. W. dance summer.
in the evening.
The Vernonia Bakery takes
H. J. Smalley, agent for the pride in making special cakes
Union Oil company of Califor­ for any occasion. Let them make
nia, with headquarters at St. your birthday, wedding or party
Helens was a Vernonia visitor c#ke. It will be of the highest
quality as well as beautifully
L. L. Morris left this city for
Klamath Falls Monday where he j
will make his home. Mr. Morris '
was a member of the local band
playing bass.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Russell from
Do not forget, this is Lent and
St. Helens were visiting in Ver­ during Lent the Vernonia Bak­
nonia Sunday.
ery has those delicious Hot Cross
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGraw buns. Enjoy this welcome variety
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart­ now while you can.—adv.
wick went to Portland Tuesday.
E. D. Lolley mechanic with the
Lloyd Baker and Pat Murphy Crawford Motor company has re­
went to Portland Tuesday to see turned to this city after a visit
in Weiser, Ida, where he attend­
the fights.
ed the funeral of his father.
Mrs. C. W. Royer and daughta’
J. W. Brown has been spend­
Welthy spent last week in Port­
ing the last few days in Port­
land at the bedside of Mrs.
A baby girl was horn tt> Mr. Brown who is seriously ill in a
and Mrs. E. c. Carrick Tuesday, Portland hospital.
March 5.
Mrs. Virgil Powell has as her
Bill Burt of Westimber, spent ~'ie<t h«r mother Mrs. Smith of
Saturday in this city visiting Portland. Mrs. Smith formerly
lived in Vernonia and is well
with L. G. Mecklem.
known here.
Bill Meyers motored to Clats-
S. P. & S. officials paid Ver­
kanie Saturday on • business
nonia a short visit during the
noon hour last Thursday while
Speck Ford, salesman with the on an inspection trip of the
Pacific Fruit company spent United Railways.
Thursday in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe
The United Railways have fur- and daughter Joy, motored to
nisned their semaphore in this Scappoose Friday and paid a
city with a new coat of paint.
visit to Paul Robinson former
owner of the Vernonia Eagle.
Jack Carkin motored to Camas
Saturday returning tu this city
The Cason Transfer company
Sunday evening.
hauled a truck load of cement,
flour and seed from Portland to
Mrs. S. Sales spent Saturday this city for the Vernonia Trad­
in Vernonia visiting bar daughter ing company Monday.
Mrs. Brady.
Emil Messing was in Portland
Ervin Kirkwood recently pur­ Sunday and called on Miss Alma
chased a Ford roadster from the Kullander, who will probably be
Crawford Motor company.
able to return home within a
Ean Hall purchased a Ford week.
Truck from the Crawford Mo­
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill,
tor company.
Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. R.
C. S. Hoffman motored to A. Space and and Mrs. W. H.
Portland Saturday on a business Hurley went to Portland Mon­
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bush mo-
tored to St. Helens Friday to
attend the basketball game.
O. D. McCabe purchased a new
Chevrolet coupe Saturday from
fthe Gilby Motor company.
C. Sundland garage owner at
Mist waa a Vernonia visitor Sat­
urday. Mr. Sundlsiad plays in
After March 1, the borrowing
value of your Adjusted Compen­
sation increases one per cent or
a total loan value of approxi-
mately 16 per cent.
R. Wehger Jr. member of Ver­
nonia post and employed by the
East Side Logging company, west
of Keasey was a Vernonia vis-
itor Monday.
18 is Legion day in
'‘Union Gasoline
La Société des 40 Hommes et have rendered services to their
8 Chevaux held their regular country.
monthly meeting following a
banquet at the Horseshoe Cafe
Floyd Weldon, Legionnaire of
Tuesday night, Chef de Gare
Hurley presiding.
The big Legion show directed
by Dr. Pasto, will be held in
the Legion hall Dec. 29-30, the
proceeds used to pay debts con­
tracted by the Post during their
welfare campaign this winter.
When desiring hospilization at
Veterans Hospital at Portland
get any offical of the American
Legion to assist you, such as fill­
ing out papers or giving any in­
Tires, Tubes and Accessories
Repair Woik Guaranteed or
Money Refunded
Telephone 1001—C. A, Barnes
Jack’s Tailor Shop
A ttuatesi K ent
Made for you
Hand Tailored nyataiiorwho
AU the music with
knows how
does the
w ■ ■ w and
MODEL 46, the new all-elec­
tric receiver. F ull - vision
Dial. Uses 7 A. C. tubes and 1
rectifying tube, with
power stage.
Remember January 1, 1930,
will be the deadline for filing
for the adjusted Service Certifi­
cate. See your service office
or some official of the Legion
and let him assist you in filing
for your certificate.
Mar. 8
Legion hall
Music by Jack Carlson’s
Blue Rose Orchestra
Benefit Legion Dance
H. A. Stohler,
Washington county bank at
Banks, was a Vemonia visitor
The Vernonia Bakery has for
sale a quantity of 100 pound
size flour sacks. These sacks are
sorted and are in geed condition.
brat! ng the 10th anniversary of
the Legion.
The auxiliary Unit of
American Legion will take part
in the program March 12, Cele­
brating the tenth aniversary of
the American Legion.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams
have moved into the Cleveland
house next to the Su Denis ho-
of Vernonia post attendest the Portland. Let’s go, and make it program at 1:30 p.m., the Doern-
dance in the W. O. W. hall Sat- a big day for Oregon, and wit­ becker hospital rpogram at 4:30
urday night
ness the dedication of the Vet’s p.m., the big 40 et 8 Banquet at
6:30 p.m.
E. G. Brown, who recently
Program on March 18 in Port-
was cited for bravery during the
Bring friends and buddies to
World war and will soon be land, big Legion parade starting the big open Legion meeting and
decorated with the distinguished at 1!»:15 p.m. the dedicatory I rally Tuesday. March 12, cele-1
service cross, was a Vernonia
visitor Saturday as the guest of
L. G. Mecklem.
Sergeant Brown, who is in the
coal business in Portland, and
lives in that city with his wife
and two children, is well known
among the ex-service men of this
Connie Anderson is chairman
of the Big American Legion
dance March 23, Connie promises
a big surprise in music and en­
tertainment for that evening.
Serving on this committee with
Connie is Z. Ness, Percy Hewes,
and Skinney Washburn.
$142.50 Complete
Phone 7F5I
MODEL F-2 (Electro-Dy­
namic) ipeaker. True to the
whole range of music. '
Judson Weed, G. A. R. veteran
a warm friend of the Legion-
naires of Vernonia post 119 of
the American Legion, has been
invited to be their guest at the
A dance under the director­ big open Legion meeting Tues­
ship of Connie Anderson, for day, March 12.
the benefit of the local post of
American Legion will be given
Saturday, March 23 in the Le­
gion hall.
Clarence Powell, Lee Davis,
E. M. Murphy purchased a Roy Nelson motored to Astoria
New Chevrolet coupe Saturday Saturday in the interest of get-
from the Gilby Motor company. ting some of Mr. Powell’s figntess
on the next boxing card at As-
w. Turner purchased a new toria.
Chevrolet truck Saturday from
the Gilby Motor company.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay have
leased the Grey ranch located on
The Vernonia Bakery has for the Rock creek road. Mr. Shay
sale a few sacks of dry bread is employed by the Koster Pro­
suitable for chicken or dog feed. ducts company at their camp at
Perry O. Mellinger purchased
C. A. Van Alstine is remodel-
a 4 door Ford sedan from the ing the store formerly occupied
Crawford Motor company Mon- by Kullander’s Jewelry store for
the use of Mrs. C. O. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hartman who will start a variety store in
are the proud parents of a baby the Van Alstine building.
boy who was born te them March
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crow
spent Saturday in Vernonia vis­
On Saturdays at the Vernonia iting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bakery, Cream Puffs, Chocolate Lange. Mr. Crow formerly was
Eclairs and Boston Cream Pies. employed by the O. A. L. com-1
pany in Vernonia and is now
working in their Portland office.
Ray McKillip, C. R. Berry,
Parker House rolls! The Ver­
Ernest Herman, Dick Twineham, nonia
Bakery has them as a
Z. St. Ness wer« in Porland special each Saturday at 15c per
dozen or 2 dozen for 25c. If
C. U. Enstrom, Oscar Enstrom you can’t come early phone your
and Otto Carlson left Tuesday order and have them' set aside.
for Mitchell, Oregon, where they
will begin a road contract.
For 5 years Dr. Luzader,
Dan Steiner made a trip to
eyesight specialist, has
Portland Wednesday of last week been making monthly visits to
to get the new Whippet demon­ Vernonia. His next visit will be
April 1 and 2, office at Kul­
Otis Hyland, Jim Lincoln and lander’s. Have your eyes
Bill Charlesworth motored
to examined.—adv.
Hillsboro Sunday on a business
Ed. Holtham spent Friday in
Portland and while in that city
Mr. and Mrs. E. Forguard of visited Mrs. E. Bell at the Good
Salem spent the week end-Visit­ Samaritan hospital and Miss
ing Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker Alma Kullander at the Emanual
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange. hospital. Mr. Holtham reported
both ladies doing fine.
Happy Thompson motored to
Ed. Bell motored to Portland
Portland the early part of the
week to bring back new Chevro- Monday to visit his mother, Mrs.
W. E. Bell in Emanual hospital.
let cars for delivery.
Mrs. Bell who is progressing
Elmer Hensley and Wm. N. rapidly from her recent opera­
Campbell have returned to this tion is expected back in Verno-
city after a three swaths stay in ■jpa.w jxau jo pod Xpea aqj utu
Wm. Culver, A. L. Kullander,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ritchey Jule Lindley and H. E. McGraw,
motored to Portland Sunday to motored to Portlani Friday on
visit »elation» and friends in the
Mike Miller drove to St. Hel­
ens Friday to attend the basket­
ball game between Vernonia and
St. Helens.
Comrade Weed has not been
in the best of health recently
but it is hoped he will be able
to attend and address the gather­
ing of ex-service men and their
friends on Tuesda ynight.
Judson Weed is the only sur­
viving member of the
Bucher post of the G. A. R.
chapter in the Nehalem valley,
and a charter member of the
Comrade Weed at all times is
very active in all patriotic
fairs, and interested in the
fare of al lex-service men.
’OME in and listen to Atwatar
4 .Cciit’snewElectro-Dyr.amic
C radio.
You’ll appreciate hishsbit
Smoke-Cured Hams
There is all the difference in the world
between the flavor of a real smoked ham
and one artificially cured. Ours have that
true smoked flavor that is so delicious and
tangy. Buy a whole ham and then you
have it when needed.
MODEL S3, Electro-
Dynamic »ll-in-ono
•et. Compact. Fits ao
1142.60 Complete
of perfecting a set befora put­
ting it on the market.
You bear all the deep low
notes—yes, indeed! But they
don’t intrude, don’t boora. You
merely know that when -he or­
chestra leader cal’s for the
drums, the tuba and the Lass
viol they respond with their
own true voices. Up and
down the entire musical >
scale, here’B natural re-1: 1
production of musical I
instruments and the hu-1
man voice. The moment \
you listen in — you’ll \ **
Vernonia Meat Market
Under New
The Vernonia Brazing & Machine
Works has taken over, effective
March 1, the shop adjoining the
garage. New equipment has been
added. General improvement.
Specializing in re-boring and
cylinder re-conditioning
Expert Mechanical Repairs
Special Battery Shop
On Seavice--We Excel
Brazing & Machine Works
Ed. Salmonsen
C. L. Bateman
know. Electro-Dynamic radio
without complications! One
switch turns it on and off. One
F ull - vision Dial »elects the sta­
tions. One cord to the lamp
socket supplies house current.
Compactness and beauty, too!
The table receiver is just the
right size for a small table, win­
dow ledge or bookcase. Or you
can have it in the compact con­
sole, or in beautiful wooden
cabinet»—all moderate­
ly priced. The tremen­
dous resources of At­
water Kent Radio, now
in more than 2,000,000
homes, make that pos­
CHASSIS —Thi. Is the
speaker without its,
ar fitted into fine furni­
ture -obinete.
See Hoffman about it.
It Pays*
Hoffman Hardware
Dr. Harry A. Brown
In Person
will give a
On The Human Eye
In behalf of Conservation of Vision
and Care of your eyesight.
Everybody invited
Admission FREE
Woodmen Hall, Vernonia
Friday, Mar. 8
7:30 P.M.