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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1929)
THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 192» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON News of Schools cdy Listen • :>t I cover’s ir Radio The Timber Line Vernonia Team Meet Defeat at St. Helens Vernonia Hi Withdraws From County Debate League The Vernonia squad met their defeat of this season last Due to the postponement of i n;; at 10 o’clock third ■ly listened to presi- Friday night by the hands of the county debates until April, their skiiltul rivals of St. Helens Vernonia has withdrawn from inaugutal address by a score of 35-23 on the St. the league. Helens floor. The two teamax are composed irrt time that the The St. Helens Lions started of seniors and juniors who will ever heard a a steady stream of baskets that be busy at that time with class ; b oath of office, for the radio so Vernonia was unable to check. activities. Rather than attempt by the Hoffman At the end of the first quarter to carry too many activities at tiiey w-ould prob- the score stood 18-2 for the once it was thought best to with heard the in- Lions. The next quarter brought draw entirely. the score to 24-9 at the end ot Debating has always been en >ny. the first half. couraged by Professor Wilker In the third quarter Vernonia son and will be resumed next basketball team was lie Green, Della rallied and rapidly started their year if possible. >odin, Ethel Tous- score upwards. They were un Mildred Hawkins able to recover from the lend LINCOLN SCHOOL of St. Helens, but their score 't Tiiroop. In an arithmetic test given to the he iii wua still climbing when grade last week eleven whistle ended the game. i English class is tmlent ■ answered 50 combina- I uly the classic ’ ly in five minutes. In the fisst quarter, Archie | n he’ y Sir Wai- Adams was suosituicd oy Bodie The f-lt; combinations are the Hieber. the uouul line-up was work . i.en in the course of tudy for the first year’s work played. For a preliminary the second n arithmetic. The third grade had perfect Liams of Vernonia and St. Hel- ,ns played a spirited game. Here attendance all last week. again Vernonia met defeat by Mrs. O. F. Burke and Mrs. L. a score of 17-18. E. Miller visited the fourth At the first of the game, St. grade Friday. Helens left Vernonia in the dart, The i oilowing had 100 in and finished the half with : pelling all last week, Second score of 13-6. This, however rade, Bruce Holcomb, Jane did not discourage the boys ./ails, E.irsel Christianson. Third from Vernonia, and by a hare r.i le, Lawrence Bennett, Melvin Light in the last quarter, they Joeck, Leila Nelson, Mava Wil- recoverd the lead by one point am... Edith Mae Holgate, Wil out a well timed basket by St. ma Stolen, Mildred Woods, Helens left the score 17-16 ir mrtha Thompson, Margaret Sal- favor of St. Helens. The line . nonsen, Buster Nance, Alveda up was Bennett and Culver, for Littleton, Billie Carter. Fourth wards, Porterfield and Marshal, grade, Bonita Buffmire, Irene Hughes guards, and George, center.' On Thompson, Charlie Benson, Paul :i and Surgeon account of the absence of Ralph tdams. The honor roll for the six i. CG3 Vernonia, George during the first half, 1 Cl Oregon Morris Bennett was substituted. veeks period ending February Also Charles Melis substituted '3. First grade, Daniel O’Donnell, Jack Marshal at the half. larry Junior Culbertson, - •• • Fran- The boys have already start tue Fitzgerald, Ilarvey Holcomb, ed practicing for track. Although Ennis Allard. Second grade, . D. COLE Vernonia has had misfortune in Violet Johnson, Harold Burke. basket ball, Coach Austin ex Third grade. Buster Nance, presses high hopes for a win ueila Nelson. Fourth grade, ning track team. lean Lillig. Fifth grade, Ruth onia, Oregon lurke, Helen Holgate, Betty Lee. fl HURLEY and X-Ray ppointment. Of- nan Hardware. Oregon iHEELEY v-at-Law Oregon R. WATT -at-law ; Chamber Of L; nmerce ling und luncii- ond Thursday. . iY GRAVE I in granite nnd marble iluccd prices PARTICULARS 1 ament Works Main St., Hillsboro . d Delivery 'I Parti of Town QUICK SERVICE • Ph< no 293 * •■ Curly Buff mire TRANSFER u. A /r ct . < With INGLES From Junemore Sextet Wins From Serooks The Junemore sextet won the decisive basketball game from 1 the Serook sextet with the final score of 9-2, Monday afternoon. A series of three games was played, this giving the Serooks one and the Junemores two. The line up for the Junemores as Charlotte Green and Doro thy Holtham forwards, Vera Goodin and Zelma New centers. Mildred Hawkins and Ruth Lee, guards. The line-up for the Serooks wns Merle Mills and Nelle Green forwards, May De Ette Throop •mil Ethel Tousley center, Del la Cline and Catherine Malm ton guards. Some substitutes were made. Whan Allenlliii Smokers or Dances in Vernonia STOP AT Vernonia Hotel Under New Management Clean and Comfortable Rooms CENTRALLY LOCATED Manager, Mrs. V. H. Vahl LOOK Custom-built; nil electric 10 tube Radio-Phonograph combination. Uses screen-grid tubes. You have never heard i radio or phonograph that sounds as good. Long distance on ground alone. Volume» enough for an auditorium. Will sell at very low price sinc< 1 mil building another set. No trouble to show. DR. PASTO VERNONIA Essie Nance’s BEAUTY SHOP A'4» ‘ISintf, Sralp Treatment, Ma nn.uvr» and Facial* by Appointment Phone 222 Auto Tops, Curtains Cushions, Seat Auto, Sign and House Painting J. R. McKEE Builder and Contractor Vernonia, Oregon DR. HARRY A. BROWN . Eyesight Specialist Decorating, Tinting Calcimining Vernonia Auto Top & Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation freo Next door to Brown Fur Watch date of next visit niture. Phone 1021 —■—■—•— - VASHINGTON SCHOOL Veryl Fowler of Mrs. Rogers' oom has moved to Washington. The following in Miss Kauppi’s oom had 100 in spelling all last • eek: Andy Killian, Herman Ireener, Cecilia Gough. The first grade are studying Iolland and the Dutch people nd have an interesting sand able and panels on this subject. The second grade have com peted their health booklets. Louise Davis and Norman Jrowder of Mrs. Nelson’s room ad 100 in spelling for the six week period. Mary and Gertrude Hodge re- ■ntered the fifth grade after pending four months in Salem. The following had 100 in spell- ng last week, Billy Holmes, Jetty Schalock, LaVerne Bas- ett, Edison Aldrich, Takeshi higemoto, Arthur Froembling. ifth grade, Lillian Updike, An drew Donald, Eleanor Edens, Ioward McGilvray, Kenneth .ewis, Lucille Lindberg, Lolamae 'mith, Genevieve Alexander, tobeit Culver, Elbert Brock, "C McKee, Melvin Brown, Stan- •• Oversen, Earl Little, Toshi ugc, Annabel Heath, Helen Murrray. M rs. Helen Nelson was ill fuesday and Miss Louise Malm- ten substituted for her. Track work has been started. The honor roll for the six •veek period ending February 22, ! as fellows: First grade, Loren vostur, Wilton Rogers, Merle Tindall, Francis Childs, Willa Hue Godwin, Modiline Michoff. econd grade, Howard Rundell, lazcl Parker, Elmer Edens. '•’ourth grade, Willa Crowder, Leon Brock, Louise Crawford, ’auline Dial, Hilma Berg, Ches- er Hall, Leona Fetsch. Fifth n<!c. Toshi Kuge, Lolamae ' ¡a. Sc n A, Millicent Ratkie. ■ it 15, Marjorie Meeker, Reba Adams. I. irht A, Faith Hiatt, Margaret M'Donald, Gladys End, Helen criuiei. Oscar Ross, Donald thrup, lone Lindberg, Joy ¡ush, Mignon Depue. The Tick Took and Loyal 28 1 c clubs have purchased a set i phon c.aph records which are ■ ng u d to test the ability of he children in time, intensity! md pitch. These records are lighly recommended and valua-i >lc to the music instructor. Warren Gillham entered the' ’' l th Trade last week coming' from Idaho. Mrs. Nelson’s room purchased i cl >ck with the $2.50 they won it Parent Teacher meetings and i .• using it to learn to tell the time with. The first year French class have started on their readers ilong with their grammar. Monday afternoon students of the Oriole and Las Alegros glee brought some very interesting musical items to class. This Friday Della Cline and Frances L.-ippc are going to en tertain the Oriole glee with something of their own selec- tion. Last Friday Georgia Van Doren and La Velle ___ _____ Gosa play- ed a few selections on the piano for the Las. Alegros glee. The senior English class ia studying “The Tragedy of Mac beth," by Shakespeare. La Vello Gusa Editor à = Students To Entertain Oriole Glee Club Every Friday the World his tory class study world events. One half of the class recite on Friday and the other half recite the next Friday. Glee Club. Working on Mu.ic The Las Alegros glee and Oriole glee are working again on three-part music. At present they are studying, “The Bells of Youth,” by Oleyspeaks, and “My Little White Rose,” by Paul Bliss. H O L L V w o o D c A F E OUR MOTTO ‘Satisfied Customers’ Jack Nance employed as chef à Di siivibiitioh Without "Wctsfte/ One of Our Customers Who Drives a Car I “I like the location of your stores,” she said, “I am most always sure of a conven ient place to park and I save enough to go a long way toward paying the total ex pense of operating my car. Your men al- K Safeway Savings for Friday, Saturday, and Mon., Mar. 8, 0, II 0 Bulk Oil S Sugar § 100 $569 Gal. jug . $1.55 1 } $159 25 1-2 Gal. jar 79c 79c 5 57c I 3 Qt. jar ä $149 10 Egg8 Baking $ Powder [ Lima Beans Flour © I 'I C & 11 Pure Cane A pure vegetable oil Safeway Brand for salads, mayonnaise, Of Cane and Maple. cooking, etc. The maple flavor pre dominates. ..Fine Granulated.. bbag U,, bag Fresh Ranch Lb. Tin Pancake This is a pure cream of A fine quality of whole Tarter powder and con Maximum Brand, A beans. All cooked and tains no injurious in gredients. See the real treat fül your ready to serve. money back guarantee breakfast. 69c on each can. 6 Cans .......... Whole Baby Clams Q’Z. 43c $149 Spilds Shop to open soon on the corner of Bridge Street and Weed Ave. $273 1 Full Case Full Cream, made in 5 lb. Bricks. Half or whole. I 29c 39c lb. tin .... Yakima Netted Gems Lettuce Lge. Solid heads, 4-dz. size 3 heads 3 bunches Turnips Young, sweet and tender 3 bunches Carrots New crop from Calif. 3 dozen Oranges Size 288. Sweet and Juicy. Cheese Per Pound 29c 24 Can - lb. pkg. Young and Tender 12 Cans Schillings B. & M. Standard Size Cans Cans Corn Meal Electric Dunbars Brand. Extra quality shrimp, free from sand. Packed in one piece paper wrap ping and meats do not touch the can. Lb. Tin Flour Automotive ways load my purchases in my car for me so there is no work to do in shopping here. I am sure if more women who drive a car would try your stores once they would soon do all of their food buying at them.” Tomatoes 25c 25c 21c 35c Laundry Soap Safeway Brand, Carry ing a money back .Finest quality of coarse Blue Bunny Brand White Wonder. An all guarantee. $1 89 £ro.un<1 nr astern corn— Packed from field rip- purpose soap for kitch en or laundry. vp ^ mv _____ 1 »_____ A____ white or yellow. ened tomatoes. $7 49 9 Rice Blue Rose. Long Grain 10 Pounds ............ 69c 100 Lb. Bag .. $6 49 Assorted Preserves Vegetables Corn, Peas, Kidney beans, Kraut and To- matoes. All standard brands. 63c Jar ... 3 Tall cans Hamiltons Imita tion Vanilla Wafers 33c Fl avex A perfect flavor. Will not bake out. 65c 4 oz. Bottle 1 OZ. BOTTLE FREE Pineapple Tomato Maximum Brand of ex tra fancy sliced. Pack Genuine Sockeye Caught in the Icy wa For seasoning meats, ed in heavy syrup. No. tins. ters of Alaska. Packed fish, macaroni or spa ghetti, etc. when caught. 3 Cans .. 79c Tall Cans .. 33c Lge. Bottles Dainty 49c ed cracker. ? lb. carton ... $273 “ Can Case .... Red Salmon For cleaning, bleaching and deodorizing. Dunbars, Genuine That flakey tasty salt- Marasca Brand. Made from pure fruit and 4 Cans sugar. No pectin added 24 3 Pound Clorox Oysters Assorted 33c 49c 10 Bars 39c 3 Cans Lb. Bag Hot Sauce 59c 6 Cans 37c 12 Cans $298 Buller Safeway Brand Quality guaranteed lu,.............. 49c 2ib. Ron............ 97c All kinds of Safeway Market Savings for Auto Electric Repairing Friday, Saturday and Monday Pork Roast Shoulder Cuts. From Young grain fed pigs. Per Pound 23c Battery Sales & Service Finest open Kettle Rendered, At a Big Saving. 2 Pounds 31c 4 Pounds Store 225 Eastern Sugar Cured Hams. Real Flavor, Whole or Half. Per Pound 33c Pure Lartl 60c L. R. Beal Hams Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Pork and Pure Spices Per Pound .......................... 24c Vernonia, Ore Phone 741 M