Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, February 21, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, FEB. zi,
Society News
Mr». E. E. Yeo
Society Reporter
Residence Phone 582
Office Phone 192
The Free Mission
The guests matched broken Camp Fire Girl«
Parent Teacher Ass’n.
Mrs. Monger Entertain«
Vernonia Bhoppers Monday.
day night, winning a beautiful remain for a few days visiting
valentines for partners in a
held in Brown’s par­
Jim McMullin visited his fa­ log cabin quilt.
friends and relations.
Change Meeting Date lors Services
Meet In Cabin thers
heart game. Mrs. Mitcham serv­
every Sunday at 10 a.m.
Grandpa McMulin last Wed.
Mrs. George Jones returned to
Fred Miller has been absent
and 2 p.m. Bible Btudy, song and
At the regular meeting of the testimonies.
Parent Teacher association held
All Gods people ^invited. Good
in the Washington school it was
decided to change the meetings singing, bring your bibles, paper
from twice a month to only once and pencils. Tell your friends and
a month on the first Monday neighbors of the old time faith
evening in the high school audi­ and come and enjoy His presence
torium at 7.30. The treasurer with us.
Whether you are well or dick
reported a balance of $27.98.
Two bills were ordered paid, and Jesus is passing by.
O. Btenerson, Evangelist.
the minutes of the last meeting
• approved.
Mrs. E. E. Gamer announced Study Club Meets at
t*e coming of the county demon­
Mrs. Greenman’s Home
stration agent on Friday Febru­
ary 22 and made a special ap­
The Vernonia Study club met
peal for as many as possible to
attend this free demonstration of at the home of Mrs. M. D. Cole,
sewing. She stated that if there Thursday, February 14. The
is not a good turnout this time meeting was in the form of a
Miss Miller will confine her Valentine party and after a short
services to other parts of the business meeting games were
county where they are anxious played, prizes being won
to have her. She will help to re­ Mesdames, Marshall, Knauss and
model clothes as well as make Greenman.
new ones and will be in the high
Former members were guests
10 of the club. A very enjoyable
school sewing room from
o'clock to 3:30 Friday.
tune was had, after which de­
The resignation of Mrs. D. C. licious refreshments were served
Cason as chairman of the pro­ by the committee.
gram committee was accepted and
Mrs. O. F. Burke was appointed Mrs. B. Hopkins
to have charge of the program
Receives Gifts At
for the next meeting.
Mrs. Gough was appointed
Birthday Party
chairman of the social committee,
Mrs. Helen Nelson’s room won
Mrs. B. Hopkins, manager of-
the $2.50 for the best attendance the Vernonia Fruit store, return­
at the meetings in January. The ed to this city Sunday after
jirt clubs had a splendid exhibit spending a few days in Portland,
of paintings on display in the where she had been visiting her
room where the meeting was held. relations.
The next meeting will be held
During her visit she attended
Monday, March 4, at 7:30 in the a birthday party at the home of
high school.
her son-in-law, given in honor
of herself, and son-in-law, Tom
Loyal Gleaners Entertain Rennie. Many beautiful gifts
At St. Valentine Party were received by Mrs. Hopkins
and Mr. Rennie, and over 75
The Loyal Gleaners class of guests attended the party, which
the Christian church entertained was enlivened by an orchestra
their husbands at a valentine composed of Mr. Rennie's friends.
A bountiful banquet was serv­
party at the church Friday. Ap­
ple pie with home made ice ed following the concert.
cream and coffee was served.
The evening was spent playing Willing Workers Meet
various games. The orchestra At Home of Mrs. Leavitt
were having their regular rehear­ <
sal and played a number of se­
The Willing Workers of the
lections. Among those present Christian church met at the
were Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Roberson home of Mrs. Teddy Leavitt for
Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight, Mr. and their regular meeting as this
Mrs. J. Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. would be the last time that Mrs.
A. Lolley, Mr. and Mrs. T. Leavitt would meet with the
Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Graven, ladies. During the afternoon Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Leavitt was presented with a
Mrs. R. Charlesworth, Mr. and beautiful name quilt. This quilt
Mrs. Frank Mills, Mr. and Mrs. is made of red and white blocks
J. Monger, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lind- with names embroidered in white
Guy on the red blocks and in red on
say, Grant Thayer and
the white blocks. The quilt has
288 blocks and many of them
Church of Christ
have two names. The names are
* Bible school ft) :UO, missionary largely those of the members of
talk by Mrs. Ruy Charleeworth. the church and their families
Exercise by the Loyal Tots, Mrs. and friends.
Monger teacher.
The names were all written
Communion and farewell ser­ Matt Gibson and embroidered by
mon by Mr. Leavitt. Christian the ladies of the church.
Endeavor 6:30. Evangelistic ser­
Mrs. Leavitt expressed her ap­
vice opening with orchestra con­ preciation of the beautiful gift
cert at 7:20.
and stated that it would be a
Bible Study Thursday 7:30. wonderful keepsake having so
Loyal Gleaners Wednesday club many names on it that have
February 27.
meant so much to her during her
The Leavitts wish to express a stay in Vernonia.
hearty appreciation to the people
A handkerchief shower for
of Vernonia for their loyal sup­ Mrs. Leavitt was
a feature
port and many kindnesses shown of the meeting, also
Mrs. Leavitt
during our ministry here. May served a George
God bless yoti.
salad in the form of a hatchet,
Teddy W. Leavitt, Minister. wafers, cookies and tea.
* ________________ _
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. tank will be constructed at Sell­
Preaching 11 a.m. by Rev. H. wood Park.
Schuknecht of Portland.
Both young people’s societies
will meet in their rooms at 6:30
p.m. and Reverend Schuknecht
will preach again at 7:30.
The prayer meetings and Bible
study will be held as usual on
Wednesday at 7.30 p.m.
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Jim
Monger entertained the primary
class, “The Loyal Tots’’ of the
Christian church at a valentine
party at the church. The after­
noon was spent playing child­
ren’s games. In one corner was
a postoffice where each child
went and received a valentine.
The luncheon consisted of jello,
valentine cookies, oranges, sand­
wiches, candy hearts and cocoa.
Those present, both children and
mothers reported a very delight-
ful afternoon - had been enjoyed
by all.
Those present were Barbara
Dustin, Dorothy Austin, Evelyn
Miller, .Junior Meyer, Ruby Tayes
June Wood, Douglas, Eddie and
Junior Culbertson, Fern
Cecilia Gough, Opal and Delores
Graven, Mary, Teddy and Don­
nie Leavitt, Faye and Billy Jack-
son, Margaret Mortimer, Mrs. J.
Monger, Mrs. W. W. Jackson,
Mrs. J. Austin, Mrs. Tayes, Mrs.
C. Dustin, Mrs. Leavitt,
Graven, Mrs. F. W. Gough, Mrs.
H. Culbertson, Mrs. Myers and
Mrs. Miller.
?.ocal K. P. Lodge
Purchase New Lantern
Harding Lodge 116 of the
Knight of Pythias, recently pur­
chased a new lantern which will
be used in all degree work ad-
vises Ralph Clem, C. C. of the
local lodge.
Monday night the 3rd degree
was conferred upon C. C.
Schreder in the K. P. hall.
Card Parky at Home Of
Mrs. Mabie Gibson
A card party was given at the
home of Mrs. Mabel Gibson Sat­
urday night, in honor of friends.
Those attending were, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack "Martin, Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Sheeley, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Washburn, and the host and
A radio concert was enjoyed
by those present, and a delight­
ful luncheon served a midnight.
Vernonia Folks Visit
Masonic Home At
Forest Grove
Sunday was Columbia county
visiting day at the Masonic and
Eastern Star home at Forest
Grove. After inspection of the
home Rev. George Magwood of
Scappoose conducted the services.
Those attending from Vernonia
were Mr. nnd Mrs. S. A. Morton
and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. D.
McPherson, William McCormick,
and Emil Messing.
ed a dainty luncheon on paper
plates decorated to represent
valentines with red paper edges
and fancy paper doilies.
The lun-
cheon consisted of heart shaped
sandwiches, red heart cookies,
fruit salad and punch.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Mitcham, Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Martin, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Gibson, Miss Thelma Spen­
cer, Miss Charlotte Green, Miss
Ethel Tousley, Miss Pauline
Cates, Miss Delphine Cates, Miss
Polly Mitchell, Miss Maybelle
Drorbaugh, Miss Edna Mitcham,
Neal Bush, Bodie Hiebei^ Jowel
Lloyd, Jack Ozment, Larry Mar­
shall, Thomas Mitcham, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Mitcham.
Happy Go Lucky Cook­
ing Club Entertains at
Home of Miss Taylor
Miss Ruth Taylor entertained
the Happy Go Lucky Cooking
club at a party at the Austin
apartments Saturday afternoon.
The Happy Go Lutky club was
the first 4H club in the state to
complete their work 100 per cent.
The afternoon was spent playing
games. Jello, wafers and punch
were served. All the members
of the club were present. Ione
Lindberg, Beth Davis, Margaret
McDonald, Leona New, Betty
Bennett, Mignon DePue, Dorothy
Black and Joy Bush.
Bridge Club Meet At
Home of Mrs. Black
The bridge club met Tuesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
A. J. Black. Mrs. R. A. Space
won the prize for high score and
Mrs. F. M. Ruhl the consolation
prize. A dainty luncheon of
salad, wafers and coffee was
served by the hostess. Those
present were Mrs. M. Grunden,
Mrs. 11. A. Space, Mrs. J. C.
Lindley, Mrs. K. A. McNeill,
Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. A.
J. Hughes, Mrs. G. Pasto, Mrs.
F. M. Ruhl.
Birthday Party In Honor
Of Mrs. Ella Abel
A surprise party was held last
in honor of Mrs. Ella Abel to
celebrate her birthday Tuesday
night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kolbe
from Bridal Veil, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest from Wilark and Mr. and
Mrs. E'rnest Thanem of Bridal
Veil were among some of the
guests present.
A large birthday cake cleverly
designed whs cut. during the ban­
quet, and served among , the
Mrs. William A. Mitcham en­
tertained at a valentine party
for her dauhter Edna at her
home last Wednesday. The rooms
were decorated with twisted rolls
of red crepe streamers and red
hearts. The evening was spent
playing games. Neal Bush won
the prize for the T game. Polly
Mitchell and Bodie Hieber made
the most solem living valentines.
Bodie Hieber won the thread and
needle game.
■¿•WK □
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
New Model
Vernonia Fruit &
Grocery Market
T. Rennie, Prop.
The Philco “Neutrodyne-
Plus” Radio, famous for vast distance
range, split-hair selectivity and superb
tone—NOW greater rhan
Electro-Dynamic Speaker
8 tubes, including rectifier.
NewTypeElectro-Dynam ­
ic Speaker.
Push-Pull Amplification.
No Aerial Needed
A new song from Dixie
hear them at
Mac’s Pharmacy
FULL- length
Louis XVI csbinst
of high-grade construc­
tion and elegant finish.
Matched walnut panels.
Contains the 8-tuba
(Including rectifier)
Philco Receiver; power
supply; built-in aerial
and New Type Electro-
Dynamic Speaker.
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon at Noon TODAY
St. Helens—Bids opened for
improvement of Church Street.
A New Stock Of
For the little girl
And Complete New
Stock of Modern shapes
and Designs for Ladies
Mrs. Handley
■ ■■
a-.............. .■===1
Lodge Notices |
All-Electric ; entirely dry.
Exquisite Console Models.
Neu trodyne-Plus.
W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No.
655 meets every Wednesday night
at 7:30, at the new W. O. W.
hall. Visiting members welcome.
H. A. Tays, C. G.
IL S. STRONG, Clerk.
New Philco
T Faw Down an’ Go Boom”
’’Sweethearts on Parade”
T’U Get By”
’Texas Quickstep”
Eat at the
New Brunswick
This Week
from school the past week on
account of illness.
A surprise party was given
Friday night in honor of Mrs.
E. R. Vinable, about 14 ladies
L. R. Kern spent Saturday in
Portland, returning to this town
the following day.
Mrs. D. C. England and sons,
David and Donald spent Saturday
in Portland visiting and shopping.
Mesdames- Kern, Garske and
Baird journeyed to Hillsboro
Wednesday afternoon on busin­
Woodmen of the World
Mrs. Wm. A. Mitcham
Entertains At a Val­
entine Party Recently
r Who has not desired to visit
Much of the excitement of
making such a trip will be ex-
perienced by members of the
Evangelical Sunday school in the
next ten weeks during which a
contest is being conducted for
the purpose of increasing atten­
dance at services.
The Sunday school is divided
into two groups, and “mileage"
on the trip is earned by bringing
in new members, more collection,
attendance, etc. The two leaders
designated in the contest are
Marshall Malmsten and Norman
The contest starts at the open­
ing of Sunday school February
24, at 9:46 a.m. and will be com­
pleted by May 1. A similar con­
test was held last year which
proved successful, according to
Rev. G. W. Plumer, pastor.
Mist Friday for a visit among her
The Tatapochian Camp
—r Fire
"."’I Wililam Pringle Jr. was a Ver­ friends in this valley. Mrs. Jones
in the^ cabin'TnZltv7^“?!!no'?^ Via t0L M°nd*y- »,
a • had been gone from Mist for
in their cabin, Tuesday, February! Edward McMullin shopped in
several months.
Vernonia Thursday.
Mrs. Wililam Keaton has been
Each girl described a certain
Miss Beatrice Perry was a Mist >n the sick list for the last few
city in the U. S. and told all visitor
about it. The pantomine was re­
Work will start soon on the
Dr. Ball from Clatskanie at-
hearsed. Entertainment was pro­ water pipe line, the survey hav-
tended Vera Jones during her
vided in the form of a portable ing been completed
Saturday. recent illness.
phonograph. Sandwiches and hot This line will supply the
The “Jolly 20,” met at the
chocolate were served before the school
and Grange hall also home of Mrs. Jesse George last
meeting adjourned.
several homes in this district Thursday.
with spring water.
A valentine lunch was served.
Bluebirds Attend
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap the tables were beautifully de­
Valentine Party an<* 80n Floyd attended Sunday corated with favors in heart
school at Mist Sunday.
shapes, at the place of each guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin After the banquet games were
The Bluebird group under the
leadership of Mrs. Helen Nelson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. played, and before the meeting
adjoined it was announced that
met last Thursday at the home Bridges Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding the next meeting of the order
of Esther Froembling for a val­
entine party. A number of the were Vernonia visitors Saturday. would be held at the home of
Mrs. Marie Holmstrom was a Mrs. Wm. Keaton Thursday, Feb-
girls were dressed in lady-bug
ruary 28.
costumes. The afternoon was Vernonia shopper Saturday.
Oliver Burros visited Grandpa
Wm. Bridges journeyed to
spent playing games. Valentines
Portland Monday morning.
were exchanged. Dixies and heart McMullin Sunday.
Miss Alice Rumbough was a
Marian McMullin was a guest
cookies were served by
Froembling. Tuesday the group guest over the week end at Mil­ Monday at the home of the Dc-
Reck girls and spent the night
met at the home of Mrs. Nelson. lie McMullins home.
Mrs. James McMullin called on at their home.
They decided to make health
posters nt the next meeting and Mrs. Lee Osburn Thursday.
Mrs. W. R. Johnson visited at
Oliver Burros and
Beatrice the home of her daughter Mrs.
planned to weave baskets soon,
All the girls were present Mrs. Perry motored to Vernonia Mon­ Chas. Sundland Monday.
Nelson served cookies and or- day.
Ernest Lane recently purchas-
Lincoln Peterson was a Ver­ ed a Ford car from William
nonia visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer
Mrs. Devine visited at the home
“500” Club
Portland Tuesday
_ _ . . motored to
w roruanu
luesuay to of Mrs. Ernest Yocum last week.
Home Or Mrs. o. omitn attend the funeral services of
A new phonograph for the Mist
j Mr. Neurer’s mother who passed school was received last week,
Tho Jolly “500” club met atlawa.v Saturday at t her home in and is enjoyed very much by the
the home of Mrs. S. Smith Portland.
Harry McMullin was a Mist
Thursday afternoon. Four tables
Mist was well represented at
of “500” were played.
the Natal Grange pie social Sat­
was a caller urday night, many folks from
The first prize of the series
was won by Mrs. G. Drorbaugh at the home of,Mrs. Earl Holce this vicinity attending.
Consolation prize received by
Mrs. Murray. A lovely luncheon
was served by the hostess, Mes-
Timber and Westimber P.-T.
dames, R. B. Hart, V. Powell,
A. held their regular monthly
Murray, R. Babb, G. McKee, B.
G. B. Lowden visited Fri­
Thursday February 14,
Nelson, L. Baker, M. Miller, G. day Mrs.
at the home of Mrs. Carmi- meeting
and celebrated Founders day
Johnson, D. Stevenson, D. En- chael.
with an interesting program,
sely, I. Davidson, T. Turner, V.
Dave McMullen and family which was enjoyed by a large
Van Alstine, —
• - G.
- —
P. —
Mr. crowd of members and friends
baugh were those who played spent Sunday at the home of _____
and Mrs. Wililam Bridges.
of the organization.
and enjoyed the afternoon,
J. O. Libel and family from
After the program refresh­
The next meeting Will be at
Birkenfeld spent Sunday at the ments were served, consisting of
the home of Mrs. T. Turner.
home of Ed Reynolds.
sandwiches, coffee and a huge
Bernard Dowling and William birthday cake, made especially
Keaton journeyed to Clatskanie for this occasion.
Saturday for a shopping tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Versteig
The Natal Grange held the
Mrs. L. B. Eastman and Mrs.
first of a series of entertain­ Devine visited at the home of small son, has been quite ill in
ments and pie socials last Satur­ Mrs. Dowling Saturday after- the past week, but is reported
I to be improving the last few
day evening, and a good crowd noon.
1 days.
turned out for this event.
Mrs. Noble Dunlap
____ r 'held
___ the
Mr. ciiiv<
and .......
Mrs. Allen Knight
Dave McMullin made a business lucky number at a drawing and journeyed
to Portland Sunday,
trip to Birkenfeld Thursday.
party at the Grange hallSatur- where Mrs. Knight expects to
Reed Holding was in Vernonia
Thursday on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson
and son Richard journeyed to
Clatskanie Monday.
Bob Lindsey was a Vernonia
visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn were
At last, a Dynamic Speaker
that gives you the high notes as well
as the pleasing Iowa No unnatural
rumbling; no blurred tones. Speeo*
o/ear end d/ef/not. And tremendous
volume without distortion.
Free Home Demonstration
American Legion
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
Don’t Miss These Bargains
Ladies’ fast color print House
Dresses and Aprons
More Rayon Dresses to close
out at $1.95
Men’s heavy Sweaters and
Boys’ Blazers and Sweaters
Men’s Cotton Unionsuits
Come In —Hear It — No Obligation
Heavy Canvas Gloves
Veronia Service Station
West Coast
Var notila*»
Loading Sforo
Agent For Whippet and
JVilfye Knight
American Legion Auxiliary
Meets first and third
Mondays of each month
at the l.agion hall.
Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pre«.
Mrs. P. Wideman. Sac.
1. O. O. F
246 meets every Tuesday night
at 8 o’clock, in Grange hail. Vis­
itors always welcome.
Alfred Webb, N. G.
F. N. O’Donnell, Secretary.
Mountain Heart
Rebekah Lodge No. 243
No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every
second and fourth Thursdays in
W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors
always welcome.
Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G.
Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec.
Meets every Monday
at 8 P.M. in Grange
Ralph Clem, C. C.
Emil Messing, KRS
Pythian Sister«
Vernonia Temple 61 meets
every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in
W.O.W. hall.
DELLA CLINE, M. of R. 4k C.
Ä . F . A A. M.
Demonstrations Gladly Given
The New
Vernonia Post
119, American
fourth Tuesdays
each month, 8 p.
m. John Hay,
Vernonia lodge 114., A.
F. & A. M., meet« a*
Masonic Temple, stated
communication«, 2nd and
4th Thursdays. S
called meetings
1st and 3rd Thur
Visitors cordially welcome.
Macpherson, W. M., J. B.
kerson, Secretary.________
Order of Eastern Star
'Nehalem Chapter 153, O. B. ft.
Phone 7F5I
month, at Ma-
sonic Tempi«.
All visit!«« ab-
ten a«d Wrifc
era weleoan*.
Mr». Ramona Lindley, W.M.