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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1929)
fill 2 2 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SEVEN 33 Something New and Different Ä d* • AT THE ONE STORE IN VERNONIA WHERE YOU CAN BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE a b Jeslyn Gold Bond Afternoon Dresses ÂXÂÎS$2.50 ea REITHNER’S fi-E-2 Dr. George Pasto went to Port Two prominent business men, land Wednesday. Ed. Holtham and M. Murray, claimed Monday that business Albert Schmidlin from Braun* was improving during the past spent Tuesday in Vernonia, shop week. ping. Lloyd Baker, matchmaker of Fred Brewer drove to Portland Mother’s bread is a quality Vernonia boxing commission, at- Sunday to visit Mrs. Brewer loaf through and through. Ask tended the Legion smoker at St. for it by name.—adv. Helens last Friday. Fred Tooze Jr. of St. Helens was a Vernonia visitor Friday. Earl Shay, sold his home at E. F. Huber purchased a new Ford roadster from the Craw Port Angelos, last week. Mr. Shay Mrs. Chas. Bergerson is con ford Motor company Wednesday. has been considering buying a fined to her bed at home with home in this city. the flu for the last few days. For sale—Hotel Vista, Verno For the Valentine party you nia, $1000 down, balance like Jo*. Scott, real estate and in rent. Box 222 or phone 1052. will want specially decorated surance agent of Vernonia, was —adv. 282 cookies and cakes. Let the Ver nonia Bakery make them for a Portland visitor Sunday. G. W. Nelson, roadmaster on you.- idv. Mr. and Mrs. C. Reithner the United Railway spent Mon Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Critchlow journeyed to Portland Thursday, day in this city. of Dallas visited Mrs. Critchlow’s returning to this city Saturday. Don’t Forget! On Saturdays at brother, Harry Culbertson and Alice Corey spent the week end ths Vernonia Bakery, Parker family Sunday. in Portland visiting friends and House rolls special at 15c per Jack Carkin drove to Camas dozen or 2 dozen for 25c.—adv. over the week i end, and reports relations. Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Tom roads in Washington county in Mr. and Mrs. James Gilpin and son Junior drove to Port Crawford will journey to Port good condition but Columbia land Sunday. Mrs. Giplin will land and spend the week end in county roads very icy. spend a few days with friends that city. Joe R. Routsong who is in the * Alma Kullander who is conval Frank Crawford drove to Port building business at Hillsboro, escing in Emanual hospital, Port land Wednesday and will return was a Vernonia visitor Monday, land, is reported as improving to this city with a new Ford car staying with his old friend C. A. for the Crawford Motor com- Van Alstine of this city. rapidly. pany. Mrs. Collie McGee left for Roy L. Kullander of Portland Messrs Routsong and Van Al Sheridan Sunday where she will was here Friday visiting his bro ther A. L. Kullander, returning stine were friends in Oklahoma spend a few days with her over 25 years ago, where both parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coyle, to Portland Friday night. gentlemen ran ranches and later formerly of this city. Miss Evelyn Olson, of St. Hel went !nto the oil game. The Vernonia Bakery has for ens has been added to the sales Malted milk sponge cakes sale a quantity of the large 100?' force of M. Murray & company, made by the Vernonia Bakery pound size flour sacks. These starting Monday. do not get stale. They are still sacks are sorted and each one is N. S. Rogers of this city is at good when two and three weeks in good order. Our stock is get tending the university of Wash old. Try one, only 20c.—adv. ting low so get yours now.—adv. ington at Seattle and making Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Cecil Urie, Virgie Urie, Mrs. his home with his family in that Imbeck and daughters Helen and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Culver, A. city. Edith drove to St. Helens last C. Alexander and Dr. J. A. V. R. Spencer, who owns the Saturday to visit Mrs. Imbeck’s Hughes went to Portland Sunday Spencer barber shop, was a brother, John Bert. and visited Miss Alma Kullander Portland visitor Sunday, visiting at the Emanual hospital. D. McDonald, proprietor of the Mrs. Spencer, who is staying over The Pythian Sisters are giving McDonald hotel who has been ill the week end with relations. for the past week is up and the first of a series of bridge R. V. Maier, of the General around again. and 500 partied at the W. O. W. Electric with headquarters in hall February 26 at 8 p. m. Mrs. F. Hageman and Mrs. Prizes will be given and refresh Portland, waB a Vernonia visitor Thursday, consulting with G. W. Ira Hatfield of the Oregon Ame ments served. Everybody wel- Ford, of the Columbia Utilities rican camp were in town Monday come. company. Mr. Ford and Maier at and stayed at the McDonald F. W. Weldon, salesman for tended the Chamber of Com hotel. p. J. Cronin, distributors of merce luncheon and meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Porter- Sparton Radio company, was a ?R. L. Casselman has moved to field drove to Portland Wednes Vernonia visitor Friday, taking the Esen Johnson ranch which is day to attend a convention of over business with L. E. Fred located on the North end of S. | the Christian churches. rickson, of the Vernonia garage. Malmsten ranch. A new water „ „ „ . . system will be installed advises Mrs. B. Hopkms, manager of Don’t overlook the birthday of Mr. Malmsten. Vernoma Fruit store, spent the father, mother, brother, sister or week end in Portland visiting re- sweetheart. Nothing is more ap Elmer Spencer and son, Dud lations. Mrs. Hopkins whose for propriate than a beautifully de ley, have located at Klamath mer home before coming to this corated cake. Let the Verribnia Falls, where the father is work country was in Bradford, Eng Bakery make it for you just as ing in a saw mill, and Dudley land. A copy of the Eagle is mail you want it.—adv. clerking for a wholesale grocery ed to her relations in England McDonald & Thomas, well each week. concern. known in this city and now owners of the large grocery store at Treharne, are planning to remodel their store, also in stall an electrical refrigeration plant and ice cream parlor. il cals v' Vernonia Cabinet Shop Cabinets Built-in Windows UUlll ill Door Fr^mgS —“If it’s made of wood—we can build it.” —Let us figure on your windows and doors. Geo. H. Stankey Phone 273 For One Week Only Your choice of 9x12 $ Gold Seal Congoleum rug Pabco Rug, 9x12 for [BROWN FURNITURE CD.f CT If ASSOCIATED 1 rUONITUPFI TREHARNt GARAGE & REPAIR SHOP OPEN DAY AND NIGHT M. F. Dooley, Prop. Expert Repair Work ♦ Blacksmithing See us for repair work on your car.—All work Guaranteed SHELL OIL AND GAS” Between Saturday* is a long time to wait for those delicious cream puffs, chocolate eclairs, and Boston Cream pies but when Saturday cornea get them while you can at th* Vernonia Bak ery.—adv. Carmichael girls Saturday. Ain Wallace has built a large bird house during the cold and snowy weather, and keeps a gen erous supply of grain and crumbs in it. He says that five young quail have taken up residence in the house as well as many others who came there to feed, Choir practice will meet at the Carmichael home this week. Mrs. Roy Huse is visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl Holce. Mrs. George and her daughter- in-law were callers at the Chas. Hansen home Sunday. Joe Checmonick has had guests from Longview for a couple of weeks J. H. Mier and son Ed. were visiting in Mist and vicinity last week. The Vernonia-Mist high school bus is in the garage for repairs, and the students have been go ing to school in private cars owned by Mr. Sundland and Miss Johnson. George and Dave Banzer were out to Clatskanie shopping Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Enneberg were up on the burn visiting re latives several days last week. Quite a number from here went up to see the basketball game at Vernonia Saturday evening. Ed. Mier is going back as storekeeper down at Jewell and Merl Tiderman is taking the mail route again between Birkenfeld and Clatskanie. Joy Theatre “The Rough Rider*” Theodore Roosevelt means something to every one or us; to men and women in far cor- ners of the globe, who regard him as the ideal American, the exemplification of the vitality, energy, humor, high purpose and fearless sincerity of our new world. “The Rough Riders” at the Joy theatre Saturday night and Sunday matinee is a human story, so human that it hits something inside of you and makes you say: “This is real.” A story that leaves one breathless with laughter, that brings a catch to your throat with its pathos, that makes you feel that you, too, were one of those who went through the trials and tribulations of tltis wild-west regiment in a misman aged war, glad to do it all and more too because of T. R. “The Cardboard Lover” When it was announced that Marion Davies was to appear in “The Cardboard Lover,” the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture, which will be at the Joy thea tre Sunday night only. “I understand you are making a picture called ‘The Cardboard Lover.’ Now, Miss Davies, I haven’t any cardboard lover, but I used to play with paper dolls, and they are nearly the same, 6 yean Dr. Luzader, eyesight specialist, has been making monthly visits to Vernonia. His next visit will be Kullander’*. Have your eyesETA March 4 and 5, office at Kul lander’*. Have your eyes examined.—adv. so will you please send me a T. Graves, Mrs. Lines and Mrs. nice bi picture of you and your E. E. Yeo. lover. Thank you very much.” Before the spelling started, She got the picture. “America” and “Oregon, My Oregon” were sung and the glee “Manhattan Player*” clubs from the Washington school February 18 at the Joy thea sang beautifully a number of sel tre. Return engagement of The ections showing great credit due Manhatten players, present “The their instructor Mrs. H. M. Smith- Watts Family,” a dandy comedy The county contest will he h.-ld of home life, a feature picture in Rainier tomorrow night. comedy and The Mystery Rider. “Moran of the Marines” Hot Stuff!—One hot water bottle may be pleasant company on a cold winter night, but six of them are certainly a crowd on a hot summer day. Richard Dix found them so, at any rate, during the filming of some scenes of his new Paramount picture, “Moran of the Marines,” to be shown at the Joy theatre Tues day and Wednesday. EVANGELICAL CHURCH G. W. Plumer pastor. The Sunday school meets at 9:45. Preaching 11 a.m. Theme Victory Over Sin and the World, or “Human Desire for Liberty.” Young people meet at 6:30 p. m. Rev. G. W. Plumer expects to leave for Liberal, Oregon, Mon- day, February 18 to hold ■ series of revival meetings, ha will be gone about 12 days. A special sacred musical pro gram will take the place of the regular Sunday evening sermon at the Evangelical church next Sunday. Rev. G. W. Plumer will give a short addres on the “Pow er of Music.” The musical part of the program will be under the direction of Mrs. W. W. Wolff. The program follows: “Fond Memories,” instrumen- tai by Miss Louise Malmsten, “The voice in the wilderness, >» ’ solo, Mrs. M. E. Moe, “Give Glory and Strength,” chorus by the choir; “Recessional.” solo, W. W. Wolff; “Roses of Picardy,” violin solo, Miss Charlotte Green; “My - ...... Feet - Shall - Stand - - Within Thy Gates,” chorus, choir; “I Love A Little Cottage,” duet, Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe; “Oh, Eyes That are Weary,” solo, Mrs. W. W. Wolff; “The Power of Music,” sermonette, Rev. G. W. Plumer; “Poor Man’s Gar- den,” solo, Mark E. Moe. Pleasant Hill School Note* Pleasant Hill was the only school in zone 1 that sent con- testants to compete against Ver- nonia in the zone spelling con- test held last Friday in the Washington school. The Vernonia contestants won in both the fifth and sixth grade division and seventh and eighth, the winners being Benji Wilkerson and June Michener in the former and Leila Beveridge and Beth Davis in the latter. The contestants from Pleasant Hill were Lorraine Lines and Dorothy Webb, and Doris Timme and Francis Runkle. Mrs. Dan Nelson pronounced the words for the first division and O. F. Burke for the second division. Th» judges were Mrs. FEEDS Stop and consider quality when raising baby chicks Chinese Riot At Radio Concert “Chinese curiosity in a loud speaker that was meant to attract the passerby to a radio store de monstrating the new Sparton Equasonne did its job well in Shanghai recently that the police had to be called out to disperse the unruly crowd that had gather ed,” writes P. F. Baillct, Sparton Radio export manager. “It is a national trait among the Chinese to closely inspect and investigate anything that is new and strange to them. Con sequently, a strange black horn emitting Chinese singing and the oriental music gotten out of a flute, one-string fiddle, cymbals and trap drum was indeed a hap pening worthy of closer scrutiny. For a brief time, the Chinese passing the shop had difficulty in tracing the source of the music since the reproduction was so perfect. But when they spied the horn perched up over the door, the boldest of them scaled up its front for a closer view. In self defense, the dealer tuned the new Sparton Equasonne to its fullest volume, taking the mis chievous coolies by surprise and causing them to jump down. “The entire occurrence was so strange and so entertaining to the Chinese that a tremendous crowd gathered, blocking both sidewalk and street. A traffic jam of such proportions resulted that the municipal police had to be called out to dispel the mob.” “Radio,” says Mr. Baillet, “has been slow in developing in China because of governmental interfer ence, most of the broadcasting stations being used for military purposes. However, in the treaty ports, broadcasting is carried on by foreign electrical importing firms. The programs consist of music, singing in Chinese, Eng lish and French, weather reports and other features that typify the American broadcasting station.” The Feeds handled by us are mixed by the largest and most experienced manu facturer’s in the country, During the cold snap Use BRICQUETS All Heat No Ashes WE DELIVER Vernonia Trading Co Fest Furniture Company Next To Postoffice New and Second Hand Furniture and Stoves See Our Prices” for Satisfactory results The Hollywood Cigars, Candies, Soft Drinks, Pool and Snooker Most men one reason are mighty why we tobacco. This particular about their carry such a big stock care to keep it in perfect condition at all and use is utmost times. XHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH The Choicest Meats H. E. McGraw, Tom Crawford, and Lester Sheeley drove to Portland early Monday to meet with the state fish and game com mission regarding a fish hatchery for this vicinity. C. W. Dysinger, salesman for Goodyear Tire & Rubber com pany of California, was in Ver nonia Monday talking business matter* over with Frank Hart wick, manager of the Gilby Mo tor company. MIST With the thermometer at five above the weather ha* been ideal for skating and large parties have been taking advantage of the skating on the old river bed down by J. Banzer's place. Jona, the Salvation army man, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mr*. A. R. Mali*. Mrs. Wm. Meadows called on Mr*. Schlippy Saturday evening. Wm. Bridgero is confined to the house with a bad cold. Jim Spike wae a Clatskanie visitor Ssturday. Mr*. L. Carmichael had the misfortune to fall on the ice Thursday and bruiaed her face quite bedly. Pete Benzer was an Astoria business visitor one day last week. Jeaee George and Clatskanie shopper* Mr. and Mr*. Lee Osbourn were Mist shopper* Saturday. Owing to auch cold weather not many from the village at tended the Grange meeting at Natal Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Keaton gave a card partr to eevsral of their friend* Wbdneeday evening Just Phone 721 for < Wholesome Meats and Dairy Products GROCERIES THAT PLEASE We Deliver Nehalem Market <Sc Grocery With the Best You Get the Best It is truly surprising what a vast difference there is in the reception you get from one radio and NOW OPEN another. With an Atwater Kent your range of Rose Hotel volume of the tone exactly as you wish it. May foi mer!y Commodore Hotel on Rose avenue Hot and cold water in all rooms Reasonable rates day or week M* Bill«, Prop choice is almost unlimited—the quality and the we invite you to “listen in.” The new 1929 Dynamic • . • . See Hoffman about it 7C It Hoffman Hardware Vernonia NXNXHXHSMXHXHXHXHZHZHZHZHZHZNZHZHZHZH