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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1929)
» THURSDAY, FÊB 14, 19» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNC____ WW New» of Vernonia School» * 4 Vernonia Beat* Kelso In Exciting Game The first round of the debate teams will be March 27 and the second round will be April 10. Each school will have two teams. One affirmative and one negative with three members on each team. The constructive arguments will be eight minutes and each team will have one rebuttal speech of six minutes. Each school will select two judges, one travels with the team and one remains at home. The county superintendent of schools shall apopint the third judge for each debate. The debates are to be held in the afternoons at 2 o'clock p.m. or therabouts. The team winning the most debates will be the champions. But in case of a tie the team having the most points will be cham pions. March 27 Vernonia aff. vs. Rainier neg. at Vernonia. Rainier aff. vs. St Helens neg. at Rainier. Clatskanie aft?, vs. Vernonia neg. at Clatskanie. St. Helens aff. vs. Clatskanie neg. at St. Helens. April 10 St. Helens neg. vs. Vernonia aff. at St. Helens. Clatskanie neg, Rainier aff. at Clatskanie. Vernonia neg. VS. St. Helens aff. at Vernonia. Rainier neg. vs. Clatskanie aff. at Rainier. The fighting squad of Vernon (By L. Austin) ia high, playing the true blue Many thousands of yssr «lapse team from Kelso, led the pace to in reaching the next age when victory Saturday night in one of we find the earth sufficiently the most thrilling games of the cooled that the crust will sup season. port small mountains. These con The first minutes of play, the tinue to appear in large groups local squad set a pace which the with their low peaks only a Kelsonians could neither check short distance above the surface nor equal, Although Vernonia of the water, while the bed of kept the lead, the game was • the seas settles in weak places tight from the start to the finish, to fill up the space left by the but the local boys of V.H.S.1 upheaval and gradual cooling of lived up to their reputation and the interiorThus we find land our expectations. appearing and the turbulent wa A good crowd of our Vernonia ters dividing into the sea. There Timber Wolves supported the is no life or soil on the rocky game and boosted for V. H. S. land, and the sea is still rocked Each point made by the local by violent storms and upheavals; team met an excited roar of en but if we look closely we will thusiasm and satisfaction. see a minute scum on the water The line-up for the game was in places. This is composed of Bush and Berg, forwards; Archie tiny bits of protoplasm and rep and Gloyd Adams, guards; and resents the first life we find on Harold Nelson, center. the earth. It is known as the If the boys keep up their little “Moneron" and is the an fighting spirit it . is expected cestor of all our plant and ani that they will have a good chance mal life. for the county chamiponship. After several thousand years Vernonia has not lost a game scene meets our eyes. this season, and it is up to all another continents have appeared, of us to see that the boys have The are very low, and we find the best of chances by doing all they soil formed by the rapid erosion we can to support them. of the last period whose violent storms and changing tempera School. Dismissed Monday tures disintegrated and decayed Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock the exposed rock of the lot the high school and grammar mountain peaks. The air is schools were dismissed so that very warm and laden with the students could attend the bon dioxide, which causes moving picture “Chang" which muchroom like vegetation to was given at the Joy theatre. spring up over night It is dur- The Camp Fire girls had ing this period that we find the charge of the theatre and 60 giant ferns with other rank per cent of the proceeds were tropical plants growing in the for the Camp Fire girl’s cabin marshes for the soil is washed fund. constant into the lowlands along The ushers were dressed the sea by the almost constant gypsies. There were two downpour of warm rain. The put on by the girls. rank growths become top-heavy All the students reported that and fall over only to have other» they enjoyed the show very springing up from their prostrate much. trunks and filling the marshes hundreds of feet deep,with their Gladys Garner and Veda carbonateous bodies. It is the re Web.ter Sing mains of these deposits which Gladys Garner and Veda Web- üb the great oil fields and ster sang “There is Heaven in beds of the present. my Mother’s Arms,’’ and Joy (To be continued) Ball and Inez Allman sang “If You were here Tonight," before Lincoln Schoo! the Las Alegros glee class, Fri- day afternoon. The following had 100 in spell Due to illness of members of the Oriole glee class, there was ing. Second grade, Harold Burke. Third grade, Lawrenc» Bennett, no program given. Leila Nelson, Aubrey Fitzgerald, Portland — Plans proposed for Mava Williams, Edith May Hol $50,000 addition to Mount Ta gate, Wilma Stolen, Bdnnie Jean Thompson, Bertha Thompson, bor Presbyterian church. Buster Nance, Alveda Littleton. Fourth grade, Bonita Buffmire, I Delpha Killian, Jean Lillig. Fifth grade, Hilton Baker, Montora Corey, Sylvia SesMman, Betty Lee, Maxine Scribner, Ermea Thompson. Bernice Roee has entered the fifth grade. Mrs. D. O’Donnell visited the first grade Monday. Mrs. D. M. O’Donnell and Mrs, Burke visited the fifth grade last week. All the rooms have valentine boxes which will be opened Thur sday afternoon. Mias Charlotte Hilta, Miao Ruth Taylor, Miss Pearl Krause, W E. H. Condit and W. Thomas st tended the teachers institute at St. Helens Saturday. All parents and friends are cordially invited to attend the high school program which is to be given in the auditorium Fri day, • February 15, at 1 o’clock. The program is expected to be very interesting as well as edu cational. “Union Gasoline” and Tires, Tube, and Accet.orie. Repair Work Guaranteed or Money Refunded Telephone 1001—C. A. Barnes Evolution Of The Earth I» Described Miller’s Barber Shop Bobbing -m . FIVE _ . I • rup, Vernon Bronkey, Joy muj Bush, uuaii, Ed. McMullin and Harry Me- Mildert! Nutt, Melville Malmsten., Mullin were at Mist Tuesday. La Velie Goaa High school and business certi Reed Holding has begun log- Editor ficate, Mignon Depue, Alice 1 ging again after a shut down of ( Watts, Nasseen Murray. I three weeks on acocunt of weath- ' er conditions. For some reason the radiators William Pringle Jr. was in at school and in the school buses Vernonia Tuesday, Timberline Changes have become very popular. Lincoln Peterson drove to Ver- Staff This Week The students of the World his- nonia Monday. tory class give reports in class ___ ____ Mrs. Lee _______ Osburn was a Ver- A new staff for the Timber concerning Bryd’s expedition atlnonia visitor Monday. the South Pole. line was appointed this week. , Mr. and Mrs. R. Lincoln of The students on the new staff I Portland spent Sunday at the are as follows: Bill Culver, The game between Vernonia Lincoln Peterson home. sports editor, Della Cline, sen and Clatskanie which is to be Mrs. Burris and Miss Perry ior reporter, Mildred Tousley played on the local floor Friday, were Vernonia shoppers Thurs- junior reporter, Inez Allman, February 15, will be the last day. 4 sophomore reporter, Polly Mit game played in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin chel freshman reporter. It is hoped that all the town spent Sunday evening at the The new staff is appointed will turn out for this game as home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake every semester for the purpose well as the high school students. Nenrer. of giving all of the students a George Taylor was a Saturday chance to try their ability at caller at the home of Grandpa Pleasant Hill School news writing. McMullin. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Duke Florence Bradley and Marian v WASHINGTON SCHOOL were dinner guests Friday even Houghtaling have received their! ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rogers first grade have Palmer Awards and Ione Lines Jim McMullin called on his made Lincoln booklets and are received the Progress Pin. Several of the pupils of the! father, Grandpa McMullin, 1 Mon- writing their first stories. ___ _______________ r ... a .. r\.. school are preparing for the De- day. Mrs. Ray’s first grade observ clamatory contest. Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle ed Lincoln’s birthday Tuesday Maurise Mowe was ill Monday Jr. drove to Birkenfeld Monday with interesting stories about Lincoln. Their sand table is also and was unable to attend school. on business. Fritz Eiler and Reed Holding about Lincoln. Those receiving 100 in spelling The following in the second for the week in Mrs. Patrick’s were Vernonia callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Were grade had 100 in spelling last room were: Dean Holt, Mary week. George Stankey, Vivian Treharnc, Ruby Mounts, Wilma in Clatskanie on business Tues Laird, Ramony Ross, Elian Row- Glassner, Dorothy Webb, Elmo day. Nels Peterson and Noble Dun- lands, Howard Rundell, Elizabeth Smith, Marvin Myers, Arlie Mor Trude, Kiyoko Kuge, Halco Ylka- ton, Chester Weinecke, Alva Inn were Mint callers Wednesday. William Culver was a Wed ta, Lucille Miller, Edison Aid- Larson and Byron Bennett. The pupils who attended the nesday caller at the home of rich, Takeshi Shigemoto. Jake Neurer. The second grade wrote stories Zone spelling contest at Vernon Mr. Green was a visitor at ia Friday night were: Doris Tim about Lincoln Tuesday. the home of Carl Eiler Wednes- me and Francis Runkle eighth The third grade made valen day. tines Tuesday. David Machen is grade, Lorraine Lines sixth, and Frank Peterson and Richard Dorothy Webb from the fifth back after several weeks absence grade. Peterson were in Vernonia Fri- with flu and tonsilitis. day. Those in the fourth grade who Western Union Give. Bonus had 100 in spelling last week are Natal Grange Will Give Close to forty thousand em- Rose Young, Wilburn Marks, Series og Entertain of the Western Union Loda Davidson, Pauline Dial, Hil- ments; Start Saturday ployees Telegraph company, including ma T Berg, George Crawford, messengers, will share in the dis- Leona i Fetsch. In arithmetic: Natal, Feb. 11.—Natal Grange Hazel Chapman, Rose Yana met Saturday evening for the tribution of approximately $1,- Edith Anderson, Rachel Throop, regular business meeting. Not a 500,000, the amount set aside Hazel Ross, June George, Elma very large crowd turned out on from the company’s 1928 earn ings for the Employees Income Little, , Wilburn Hall, Ramond account of bad weather. Participation Plan, according to Hall. The Grange decided to give a Loda Davidson has returned to series of benefit parties and en an announcement made yester school and Ramona Casselman tertainments to raise funds for day. The distribution will bc- made on Valentine’s day and has entered the fourth grade. remodeling the hall and necessary every employee who has been Some very interesting compo repairs. The first event of this with the company nineteen sitions in the life of Lincoln series has been scheduled for months or more will be eligible were read in language class Saturday night, February 16, to share in the fund. Tuesday by the fourth grade. which will be a pie social and The employees of Western Un Nearly all of the rooms have benefit dance under the manage ion have been paid more than large valentine boxes which oc- ment of the home economics com $15,500,000 under the income cupy a place of honor in the mittee and social committee. Ev participation plan since its in- rooms and are rapidly filling. ery Granger is cordially invited The Happy-Go-Lucky cooking to attend. Natal members may club of Vernonia was the first invite friends and relatives, ac 4H club in the state of Oregon cording to recently adopted rules to complete their work 100 per of the Grange. cent this year. The boys’ basketball team were Doris Merryfield and Bertha defeated by a team from Timber Holding called on Millie, Annie, junior high school and tenth and Marian McMullin Sunday. grade Friday night here by a Lee Osburn attended a skat score of 12 to 10. The Vernonia ing party down the river Satur team included Vernon Bronkey day. 4; Arthur Nanson, 4; Junior Aldrich 2; Oscar Ross and Le Roy Christianson. Bill Culver and Tord Berg of the high school were the referees and Morris Graves was timekeeper. Anohtre game was scheduled against Timber on their floor last night and Friday the team will journey to Clatskanie. The following Palmer Method awards have been received. Pal- method button : Sara McGee, Edna Williams, Edmund Roedig- er, Joe Benson, Margaret Pawell. on Your Lights Merit button, Marian Covert, Wilma Alexander, Arnold Counts, Rose Sitts, Perry Ozment, Ruby See Our Stock Of Palmer, Amy Purney. Progress pin: Marjorie Hol tham, Louis Graven, Malden New, Elizabeth Old, Benji Wil kerson. . Improvement certificate, Mary Brunton, Grace Mills, Verda Chapman, Melvin Chapman, Don ald Holtham, Arthur Nanson, Bernice Miller, Margaret Nelson, Harold Bergerson, Irene May, Louise Whitsell. Students certificate, Thelma Johnston, Hsrvey Edens, Wil- Phone 193 liam Tisdale, Helen Scribner, Clyde Sesseman, Donald North- The Timber Line Debate Schedule Outlined Seivica Station ____ CON Hair Cutting Shampoos MIKE MILLER, Prop. Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Daily Service EagUak Class Study NtwWT The senior English class have begun to study ths “Literature and Life, Book Four”* by Green law Miles. Thia week they are studying old English literaturs which is about the old folk tales of our ancestors, the record of a prim itive civilisation and the lots of heroic deeds and of song. Presemte Black Board The school board Trucks leave for Portland 10 a.m. and connect with » *. Appleton Fast Freight Portland to Salem Operated by Owners Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Tel. office, 1041-Freight 342 f LINDSAY LUMBER COMPANY TREHARNE Phone 7F5I We Can Save Yon 3 Per Cent Salem, Feb. 14.—Whether or not Oregon shall endorse the child labor amendment to the fed eral constitution will be the sub ject of discussion at a public hearing to be held in the state house, Thursday night, February 14. fVCHICM tte right start! Every extra chick you rake means dollar« In your pocket. Our customers r:u.^ more of the choks they buy becauce we furnish them in « Iiv-*u-Gro Starting BwoJer. Start your chicks right and you will raise more of them. Let ue give you our prop, oeition to raieeyour chickainaI.iv-«n-GroBtart- ing Brooder. Write, or come to our hatchery and see bow different chicks «re when sorted right Hemrmber I every extra chick means money toyot Write fur illustrated caulog, or visit us. Wo can supply Hatching With Hen« Expensive From a farm management standpoint the general farmer in Oregon cannot afford to take time to produce baby chicks from a common flock of hens, believes the experiment station. Hatcher ies specialize on high producing while the farmer special izes on his general farm work. J. H. Sell 306—Vernonia In 1929 We Want to Give You Even Better Service During the coming year, we want to give you even better service, better meats, better at tention than we have in the past. Should you consider, at any time that you ar^ not getting all that you expect, tell us and the matter will be quickly rectified. VERNONIA MEAT MARKET Garage, Storage, and Repair Shop New Edison Lights Aspland Plumbing & Specializing in re-conditioning of cylinders Carbon removed from motor | Ef) by carbon burning process... n JI b OV presented black Las Al.gro« Glss Club Working on Mnsio The Las Alegros glee and the Orioles are working diligently on the pieces “Wind Music" by Ira B. Wilson and “To Greet Spring" by Mendelssohn. The students in tend to sing these eeleetions at the program Friday at 1 o’clock. The debate teams ere working on their speeches and expect to heve^hemflni4>edMr«lj^MOB. Square Deal Service Station All Repair Work Guaranteed “SHELL OIL” Tlres, Tubes and Accessories J. H. Stubbs, Prop Regular $3.75 to $4 Boots and Galoshes while they last $1.49 Mr. Cream Producer « I Check with every can Gorrect weigh and test guaranteed Just come in and see for yourself 51c PER LB. BUTTERFAT M. Murray & Co. 5lc FOREST GROVE CREAMERY 51c , » At the Capitol West Coast Telephone company rebuilding Gresham telephone system. Gresham — Pairview country club building modern club house about two miles from here. Ted Davenport MI m Hasel Malmetes, the com- mercial teacher with a board to use for typing. auguration in January 1920. The announcement of 1928 follows closely th-- announcement of a two million dollar wage increase which was granted to employees, effective January 1, 1929, and which was in adaition to various individuai wage increases grant ed at the same time. I