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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1929)
rlURSDAY, FEB. VERNON A EAGLE, VERNONi/», ■.■ne.uON FOUR Tintinna Eagle Issued every Thursday___________ $2.00 per year in advance Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. ADVERTISING RATES—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 25c per inch; local readers 5c per Tine; legal notices 5c per line; classified Jc per word. MARK E. MOE.................................................... Editor I.l- E SCHWAB ................ Advertising Manager MRS. E. E. YEO......................................... Reporter WHEN YOUR BOYS REACH 12 YEARS OF AGE When boys become 12 years of age, every par ent wishes them boys to be well behaved, good boys, respect their parents and have a sincere, true, loyal love for their country and flag, and that is why parents want them to be Boy Scouts. The past week, Boy Scouts throughout the United States celebrated the 19th anniversary of their organization. No worthier society for the wel fare of youth exists. Taught, by public spirited, clean cut young men, the teachings of these boys are the noblest, highest, and cleanest. The spirit of America is well represented in the boys who belong to this organization. How seldom we hear of any boy brought into the juvenile courts, having previously belonged to some Boy Scout organization. Watch these boys as they go through life, en ter high school and go to college. Notice what clean cut youths they are. We have numerous examples here in Vernonia. Well mannered, courteous and respectful at all times,. It is little wonder that parents seem to glow With pleasure when their boys enter a Boy Scout troop. How could they be otherwise, if they live ac cordingly to their oath which is: On my honor I will do my best— 1. To do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law. 2. To help other people at all times. 3. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Every real scout lives his pledge, and what a pleasure and privilege it is for parents to look for ward to the time when their sons will enlist in the world’s largest boys gang, the Boy Scouts. A STOP SIGN NEEDED An engineer of the United Railways was in the Eagle office last week and asked that an appeal be made for the erection of a stop sign on Bridge street at the railway crossing. “These gray hairs,” he said, pointing to his head, “are not the results of age, but of anxiety caused me on 12 different occas ions by careless automobile drivers at this crossing.” When asked wlfich type of warning he approv ed of most, he stated that the stop sign is the best. The bell which rings would be poor here because of so much switching being done and the fact that the train often stops so close to the crossing that the bell would be ringing continually at times. He stat ed that the gates would also be impracticable for the same reasons. But the stop sign would soon establish a precedent and all who cross this place often would expect to come to a hault before cross ing the tracks. The city council will surely save some lives if they pass an ordinance requiring all motor vehicles to come to a full stop before crossing the tracks on Bridge street from either direction, and this should be done at the next meeting. It was founded in 17 ¡0. Part of 1836, the Alamo fell. The mas- try conditions have been prevail- the roofs have faller off but a sacre was complete. Not a Texan ing in Oregon, says the experi- ment station, vegetable growers chapel is still intact, and relig was spared. After the victory of San Jac-1 are not unmindful of the ious services are held there twice a month. A large tower still re into, on April 21, San Antonio that March usually brings some mains, with a winding stairway ceased to be the capitol of a sood weather sufficiently warm (By A. D. Moe) on the inside. On the north end foreign republic, and when the to warrant transplanting of early San Antonio is an interesting of the building are beautiful Republic of Texas was establish cabbage and lettuce to the and attractive city, claiming the carvings, which took the artist ed in 1836, it became the capitol ground. Therefore plants are now being grown of these vegetables largest population in the state, many years after the completion of Bexar. with a view to having them ready and it is certainly growing very of the mission. San Antonio was an important fast. Many new office buildings Like all cities on the Mexican I military city during the Mexican to set out just as soon as weather are under construction, while a border, San Antonio has its us war, the Civil war, and was made and soil conditions permit. Plants number of modern buildings have ual supply of Mexican residents the greatest center of the United of each vegetable will stand light recently been finished. Many and quite a few negroes, but States during the World war, frost. tourists from the eastern and they live and do business mostly when eight camps were built, middle states spend their win in separate sections. TREHARNE and were later made permanent ters here. It is handy for those San Antonio has owed allegi establishments. in the states north of Texas and Mr. and Mrs. A. Koplin left San Antonio is a commercial the warm weather and sunshine ance to six flags, whose followers for Portland Monday. most of the time are big attrac have bequeathed to the city a city of the first magnitude, the Mr. and Mrs. U. Thacker and tions. We spent three days here unique history, sparkling with largest city in Texas, the Gate- family returned home after a and had nice warm weather part valiant deeds and stirring adven way to Mexico, and a city whose week’s visit with Mrs. Thacker’s future is destined to be com- of the time, but a little rain ture. French explorers, making their mensúrate with its illustrious parents at Buxton. cooled off the air and obscured Wm. Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. the sun at times, while the last way inland from the coast, first past. An authentic estimate of P. L. Larson and daughter Shir night we were there a Texas looked down from the hills into its population in 1929 is 305,- ley drove to Portland Wednes Norther had reached the city. the valley of the shaded San An 000. San Antonio’s water supply day to visit Fred Powell at the derived from 19 artesion wells vis,t ¿re“ V That day we were reading of tonio river, beside which ran the is of an average depth of 1200 feet. St' Vl,nc^nt hospital. _ severe cold in the middle states, Camino Real, that ancient trail Fred Powell who had The flow exceeds fifty million I r............... ----------- ---- the mis- ---- with temperature down to 50 from the City of Mexico, used gallons daily. Analysis reveals; forJu"e fal> ,tw° w^ks ag0 by the Indians for hundreds of below in Montana, while we I ni all' aI>d . - - 1 - *W° ** were having it near 75 above. years before the coming of the that this water is free from ! PIace" is reported to be doing impurities, very low in mineral 1 The cold wind, however, brought white man. be used with nice>y at the hospital in Port the temperature down to freez In 1731 there arrived in San content, and can L _ ___ ___ land. ing, and we saw thin skims of Antonio fifteen Spanish families every assurance of absolue free Frank Smith has been on the ice in water pools the next morn sent out from the Canary Islands dom from any contamination. sick list the past few days. In fact, this water never sees ing. These Northers happen sev by the king of Spain and the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Voshell eral times during the winter and colony was officially recognized the light of day until it flows have returned home after several from the tap. generally sweep down to the as the first civic settlement in weeks visit at Deer Island and southern end of Florida and Tex Texas, under the name of San Columbia City. TIMBER as, extending far south into Mex Fernando de Bexar. Thirty years Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bennett and ico from this country. They only later it was made the capitol of children, Laurence and Ralph last two or three days, then the Texas. The Robinson family of Tim- were visiting at the C. W. Ben- warm summer weather comes For nearly a century, San An her spent the week end in Port- nett home Sunday, C. W. Ben- back. tonio was the center of the con land. net has been quite ill the past Mr. and Mrs. Riche drove to week with Yellow Jaundice and We went out to Kelly Field, flict between the Royalists of one of the largest airplane fields Spain and the Mexican Revolu Vernonia Sunday returning to complications of influenza. in the United States, and watch tionists, and Military Plaza was Timber in the evening. M. It. Johns returned to his The baby girl which was born home at Hover, Wn., after a ed the flying soldiers going tne ofifeial execution place for through their drills with 15 satisfying the whims of the gar to Mr. and Mrs. Stickel of Tim weeks visit with his brother M. ber two weeks ago died Sunday J. John. planes in the air. There is also rison commanders. a smaller field where beginners Encroachment by the French morning at Dr. Via’s hospital at Mr. and Mrs. Curtis John and are started. Fort Sam Houston into the territory which early Forest Grove. daughter visited at the home of is a large army post with 20,000 explorers had claimed for Spain, The 8 months old baby of Mr. Mr. John’s parents over Sunday. soldiers. Some of our Hood led the viceroy at Mexico City and Mrs. Chenoweth of Timber Mrs. Earl Snider is visiting River boys were located there to send an expedition northward was taken to Dr. Via’s hospital relatives in Portland the past for a short time during the war. for conquest and settlement, and in Forest Grove last week. week. Timber grade basketball team Many of the temporary build in 1718 the first permanent set Mrs. Carl Jensen who suffer- ings erected at that time are tlement of the Spanish in Texas defeated the Vernonia grade ed a broken leg several weeks still in use, while others are be was made, when fifty persons ar school team by a score of 12 to ago is able to bi about again. ing torn down as fast as new rived at the head of the San An 10, last Friday evening. Mrs. Lesta Garner and her mo- permanent buildings are finish tonio river, and established San For the first three quarters, ther Mrs. J. Weed visited 'Mrs. ed. Antonio de Valero, later known, the struggle seemed even, both C. Uhlin Monday. Another interesting place i teams fighting to gain the lead, is as The Alamo. J. A. Lindsay left for Portland Resolved to hold this immensej which eventually turned in favor Monday to see Mrs. Lindsay who Breckenridge park, with an area of 363 acres, and contains the territory against all intruders, I of the Timber team. A return has been in the hospital the past famous lily pond and sunken King Ferdinant II of Spain, en1 match will be played Wednesday two weeks and has recovered garden, municipal golf course, couraged the Franciscan Monks afternoon at 'limber. from the operation sufficiently polo field, tennis courts, rifle to establish the Missions to be The Timber high school bas and is able to be taken to her range and bathing beach. While used as churches for converting ketball team, and the Vernonia sisters home in Portland. we were there a polo game was the Indians, and forts in case of grade school team played a prac Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staley are going on, and also a golf tourna attack. x tise game at Timber last Thurs staying on the J. A. Lindsay ment. San Antonio has 52 parks Meanwhile there were arriving day, the local team winning. The place during Mr. Lindsay’s ab and plazas throughout the city. in San Antonio such lovers of Timber team expect to play sence. Another interesting place was freedom as Stephen F. Austin, Banks Hi and Forest Grove _ high the Buckhorn curio store, for- Sam Houston, James Bowie, Ben within the next two weeks. Wage earners who cannot col ~ ~ Richie lect their wages are intended to merely the famous Buckhorn 'Milam, 1 Milam, “Deaf” Smith, F. W. W. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. saloon. The owner, who recently ■ Johnson, J. W. Fanin, William drove to Hillsboro last Saturday be aided by House Bill 173, in passed away, devoted a lifetime1 Barrett Travis, Edward Burleson, night returning to this city Sun troduced by the, house committee to the collection of horns and ‘ Davey “ Crockett, and many others day. on labor and 'industry. It em mounted horned heads of ani of frontier fame whose presence Refreshments were served by powers the state labor commis mals from all over the world. meant trouble for any tyrant. the Christian Endeavor boys and sioner to prosecute wage claims The entire walls of the large Enraged by the acts of Santa girls at the home of Mr. Root through the courts. store are full of these wonderful Anna, the first revolutionary of Timber people after return exhibits. There are also over 30,- meeting of Texas was held at ing from the basketball game St. Helens — Columbia theatre 000 rattlesnake rattles, all ar Bexar, and as soon as an army last Thursday. Barber shop redecorated. ranged in pictures or words. A large attendance at the could be organized, the Spanish The Alamo is situated in the garrison was attacked, and San Christian Endeavor meeting last Sunday night at Timber enjoyed center of the business district Antonio was freed. The Mexican armies under the a feed, Marlys Hefner the leader and open to visitors. There is at of the local Christian Endeavor a large collection of old relics leadership of Santa Anna, inside the building, with pictures once set out to punish the re group furnishing a splendid bellious Texans, and on Febru on the work being done by and articles for sale. San Jose mission is a few miles ary 23, 1836, began the Siege organization. Colonel out of the city and said to be of the Alamo, when Transplant in March the oldest and one of the most Travis and his 182 Texans faced In spite of the fact that beautiful missions in America. 5000 Mexicans. On March 14, 1920 San Antonio An Interesting City Now is the time for new Floor Covering We carry a full line of pretty, patterned floor coverings at very reasonable prices For results see Gordon Anything in the furniture line Gordon Furniture Co Baker ’s Place Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarets Candies, Soft Drinks Pool Tables This is the time of the year when the right kind of oil in your engine is most important. Cold weather is hard on a motor at best, and it is doubly so if the motor is not being perfect ly lubricated. Drive in and let us fill your crankcase with the right oil. It may save you dollars in repairs. VERNONIA BRAZING & MACHINE WORKS « New Philco Console an exquisite Louis . xj L XVI cabinet of thor- oughly high-grade con struction and elegant finish. Walnut panels carefully selected for beauty of grain and ex pertly matched. Contains the 8-tube (including rec tifier) Philco Receiver; power supply; built-in aerial and New Type Electro-DynamicSpeaker. Vernonia Variety Store Also other hand some furniture models-— come in and see them. A FEW EVERYDAY PRICES Cigarettes, all brands, 2 for 25c Kolex .... 35c New Model ALL-ELECTRIC RADIO The Philco “Neutrodyne-Plus” Radio, famous everywhere for vast dis tance range, split-hair selectivity and superb tone—NOW greater than evert Greater power, greater response, even sharper tuning. And, in exquisite furni ture at surprising low prices- Less Tubes 8 Tubes, including rectifier. New Type Electro-Dynam ic Speaker. Push-Pull Amplification. No Aerial Needed All-Electric; entirely dry. Exquisite Console Models. Neutrodyne-Plus. with NEW TYPE Electro-Dynamic Speaker At last, a Dynamic Speaker that gives you music as it really is—high notes as well as the pleasing low«. No unnatural rumbling; no blurred tones. Speech clear and distinct. And tremendous volume without distortion. Startlingly true to life! Free Home Demonstration EASY TERJIS, If flrri* to Bu* Come In—Hear It—No Obligation Vernonia Service Slaation B. W. Johnson, Mgr Agents for Nehalem Valley