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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1929)
THURSDAY, fTB 14, 1»»» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON Mr*. Society News E. couver, Wn., Miss Helen Bond I of Vancouver, Wn., Miss Alma Strode of Vancouver, Wn., and i Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Boeck, The Happy Go Lucky Cooking Sr. club . of ... Vernonia, was . , the first i t All the children of Mrs. L. A. were present._ which in werk 100 per cent. This club eluded Louis C. Boeck Jr., Otto with Miss Ruth Taylor as its W. Boeck, W. E. Boeck, Rich- W. Froembling, Mrs. D. Steven leader is composed of Ione Lind ard A. Boeck, Mrs. J. C. Bond, son, Mrs. M. Imbeck, Mrs. H. H. berg, president* Beth Davis, vice- Mrs. V. H. Creson and Hilda Hixson, Mrs. C. Royerm, Mrs. V. Van Alstine, Mrs. S. Smith, president; Margaret McDonald, Browning. Mrs. R. J. Hart, Mrs. S. Turner, secretary; Leona New, Mignon Mrs. G. Drorbaugh. PfPue, Betty Bennett, Dorothy Black and Joy Bush. Christian Church Local Cooking Club Win» Citation THE NEHALEM VETERAN Serve Chicken Supper Mrs. George Drorbaugh Entertains With Birth The ladies of the Christian day Dinner Recently Friend» Surprise Mrs. Louis Boeck Sr. church served chicken supper to In honor of her birthday, a about two hundred people last large number of friends surpris Friday evening. The ladies ap- ed Mrs. Louis Boeck Sr., at her preciated the splendid attendance. Members and friends of the home Saturday night. The early part of the evening church at Mist helped in supply- was spent dancing, and a bounti ing the chickens and other ful banquet was served at mid “goodes” for the supper. night by the hostess, and every one present enjoyed the evening. Church of Chriat Numbered among the guests Bible school at 10:00. Atten- were: T. H. Davis, T. L. Davis, j dance going up, 164 last Sun- Miss Romona Casselman, Mr. and day. Come next Sunday, You Mrs. R. L. Casselman, Ramond will enjoy Bible school. A class Casselman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles for every age. Swanson and children, Miss Ber Communion and sermon by Mr. nice Davis, Miss Faith Haitt, Mr. 11:00. Christian Endeav- UlUll, Virgel » irgr: Leavitt „ and Mrs. Elmer Hiatt, Davis, !or 6 3(): Evening evangelistic Hiatt .Cliff Hiatt, Golda 1 ____ _ beginning with orchestra -.J service k Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boeck and at 7:20. Splendid song children, Bernice and Elton, El concert Bible study 7:30 Thurs- rvice. la M. Abel, Hilda Browning, Z. s< I. Ness, Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. day. Willing Workers February 20, Boeck, Mr. and Mrs. Lisenby and Loyal daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. H*. Mrs. Leavitt, hostess. Creson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Gleaners class (young married Boeck Jr. and children Ruth and women) will entertain their hus- at a Valentine party Fri- Melvin, John I. Axdahl, L. 1 jr I bands — •• ..¡..I», ... — l . .. Hansen, Wm. E. Boeck of Port day night at the church parlors. land, Dudley Lynk of Vancouver, A splendid program of games has Wn., Mrs. J. C. Bond of Van- been prepared and they antici pate a good time. Pre-school children and mo thers will be entertained Thurs day afternoon from 2 to 4 by Mrs. Monger. Teddy W. Leavitt, Minister. Mrs. George Drorbaugh enter tained at a birthday dinner Thur sday at 5 o'clock in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Virgil Powell and Bert Nelson. A beautiful five layer birthday cake made an attractive center for the table. The evening was spent playing 500. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell and sons Delos and Melvin; Mr. and Mrs. George Drorbaugh and daughter May- belle. I Cason Transfer Local and Long Distance Entertains At A St. Valentine Party Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbert- son entertained sixteen friends at a Valentine 500 party at their home Friday evening. The house was prettily decorated in Valen tine colors and symbols with heart shaped candy favors on the tables. Mrs. Earl Smith won the ladies first prize and Ralph Clem the first prize for the men. A delightful luncheon of pink and white molded salad, stuffed celery hearts, hear shaped wafers olives and pickles, sandwiches and coffee and heart shaped French pastries on little doilies was served by the hostess. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Watt, Woodmen of the World Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Soden, and W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. Mrs. J. W. Aspland, Mrs. Char 655 meets every Wednesday night lotte Brady, and Ralph Clem. at 7:30, at the new W. O. W. hall. Visiting members welcome. H. A. Tays, C. C. Birthday Party In Honor H. S. STRONG, Clerk. Hauling Phone 923 Ottice In Workingmen’s Store Lodge Notices American Legion Clubs E. Y.o Reporter Society Camp Fire Girls Meet The Tatapochian Camp Fire girls held their weekly meeting Tuesday evening at the home of their guardian, Miss Hazel Malm- sten. The meeting was spent in prac ticing for the group’s part in the entertainment to be given in the near future. The adjourn ment came early in the evening. Women’» Missionary Society Hold Meeting The Women’s Missionary so- siety of the Evangelical church held their monthly meeting last Wednesday with 23 members present. The broadcasting pro- gram on "Friends in Africa,” was very interesting and enjoy ed by all. Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. A. C. Knauss and Mrs. Dave Marshall were the hostesses. The regular meeting of the Parent — Teacher association will be held in the Washington school Friday afternoon at 3:30. Mrs. George _ Ogg __ has been ill for the past few days. Mrs. E. E .Yeo Enter tains With Bridge Miss Pearl Krause, Miss Ruth Taylor and Miss Gladys Grant were entertained at a bridge game at the home of Mrs. E. E. Yeo last Thursday evening. Miss Grant had the high score of the evening. Salad, bread and butter, cake and tea were served by Mrs. Yeo. Rev. Leavitt Address Convention at Portland Mrs. Lloyd Baker and Mrs. Bert Nelson entertained at a birthday party Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Baker in honor of Mrs. Virgil Powell. Mrs. Bert Nelson won the prize for the 500. Mrs. Powell was present ed with a basket valentine by lit tle Arlone and ' Arlene Baker dressed in organdie dresses of American Legion Auxiliary orange and green. The birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Powell and Meet* first and third Monday* of each month salad, sandwiches, cake, coffee, date loaf and candy were served. at the Legion hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. The rooms were beautifully de M tb . P. Wideman, Sec. corated with valentines, hearts and streamers. 1. O. O. F. Those present were Mrs. P. Fetsch, Mrs. R. Babb, Mrs. H. e I * !•; No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth l.ursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors always welcome. Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. HARDING LODGE STAGES 11» Meets every Monday at 8 P.M. in Grange hall. Ralph Clem, C. C. Emil Messing, KRS Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. DELLA CLINE, M. of R. & C. A. F. A A. M. Vernonia lodge 184, A. F. A A. M., meets at Masonic Temple, stated communications, 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Special called meetings every 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Visitors cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M„ J. B. Wil kerson, Secretary.______ _______ Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mr^Grace^Ubegçr^ecretarjr Leave Keasey 4:40 p.m. 10:30 *-■>- and daily except Sun day* and 7:30 p.m. Saturday*. Leave via Vernoaia Forest for Grove Portland 7 :OO a.m., daily except Sunday*, 3:00 p. m. daily, and S:4O p.m. J! When or Where or how fire may visit you and de- stroy in a few hours or less the results of years of effort, none can tell. The safe way to protect yourself from such loss is through the use of various insurance plans we have for covering such loss es. The cost of tot al coverage is not high. Transportation Co. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis itors always welcome. Alfred Webb, N. G. F. N. O’Donnell, Secretary. Sat urday*. Ticket*, complete information, etc. of R. M. ALDRICH, Agt. F. L. Weber, Traveling Passenger Ageut Spokiae, Portlwl i 0 For Reliable Insurance Aircraft Locates in Oregon Breeze Aircraft Corporation moves from San Francisco to Portland and Beaverton, acquir ing $70,000 airport. Production of custom-built planes to start next month. St. Helens —Columbia theatre reopened. HOME POINTERS Meeting Held At Home Of Virginia Yeo The Bluebirds under the lead- ership of Mrs. Helen Nelson met at the home of Virginia Yeo last Wednesday afternoon. Plans for the next meeting which is to be a Valentine party were discuss- ed. Names were drawn for an exchange of valentines at this meeting which will be held Thurs day at the home of Esther Froembling. A letter was read from the Dornbecker hospital, thanking them for the scrap books which they sent before Christmas. Dixies and cookies were served by Mrs. Yeo. MILLER MERCANTILE CO. You Take No Chances When Trade at Miller’s Store Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Vernonia Fruit & Grocery Market T. Rennie, Prop. Telephone 862 Votnonla’s Leading Store STOP AT NEHALEM HOTEL Room and Board Mrs. H. G. Phelps, Mgr. < ( < Depend on Being Right West Coast Loggers In Vernonia For a new idea of how delicious pancakes and waffles can be / you just must try the improved Style, Quality, Price, You Can Mens heavy weight cotton union suits 98c Mens old Hickory Stripe Shirts ........ $1.00 Mens Blue and Gray Chambry shirts 75c Mens Heavy Blue Denim overalls .... $1.29 Mens Socks, colors black, gray, tan, 2 pair .................................................... 25c Mens Red Wrist Canvas gloves 14 oz 15c 20c Mens 3rown Jersey Gloves ..... $1.50 Mens Khaki Pants cuff bottom . 1*2 in. top West Coast Loggers calgked ............................................ $17.50 GET THE HABIT, TRADE AT MILLERS When Visiting c < Lt You Save the Difference Vernonia Post II Fraternal Office Phene 122 I St. Helens—Columbia county Building & Loan association, capitalized at $5,820, granted charter. Insure Residence Phone M2 Those present were Esther I of the palsy. Son, thy sins be Kiddle Introduce* Amendment Froembling, Doris Nixon, Ella forgiven thee. 11. Arise, and take To place motor vehicles by Pearl Savage, Betty Mae Austin, up thy bed and go thy way into themselves for taxation purposes, I La Verne Thompson, Juanita thine house. so that the age of the vehicle j Rev. Teddy Leavitt was a j Sturgill, Virginia, Yeo, Joyce Prayer: O, Lord our Lord, may be taken into account in j speaker at the convention of the Covert, Helen Barnes, Elizabeth Thou art mighty and able to fixing the tax, and the proceeds churches of Christ of Multnomah, Wall. save to the uttermost all that be applied exclusively to highway Clackamas, Columbia and Clatsop come unto God through Thee. work, if desired, is the purpose counties, meeting at the Kern What things are better than of the constitutional amendment Part Christian church, Portland Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and silver? introduced by Senator Kiddle of Entertain at “500” gold on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Answer, read—Prov. 16:16. Island City. If passed by the Leavitt spoke on the topic “Mak Legislature this would be voted ing Disciples.” Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson en upon by the people at the next tertained with four tables of 500 election. It is understood the at their home Saturday night. Popular Young Matron measure harmonizes with Gover Mrs. H. W. F oembling won the Honored With Shower first prize for the ladies and P. Many housekeepers find their nor Patterson’s idea of giving Fetsch for the men. A dainty shortening becomes rancid soon the owner of the old car some Mrs. George Currie nee Helen lunch of salad, sandwiches and after the container is opened.' benefit from license fee reduc Van Doren, was the recipient of I cake was served. Those present This can be prevented if the can tion. many beautiful and useful gifts, I were Mr. and Mrs. McNight, Mr. is kept dry, tightly covered and received at the home of her and Mrs. H. W. Froembling, Mr. in a cool place. Oregon Livestock Statistic* Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. and Mrs. P. Fetsch, Mr. and Mrs. In making meat cakes from Value of all livestock in Ore C. Van Doren of this city, Sun Dan Nelson, Mrs. Cecil Nelson, day afternoon following a dinner Mr. and Mrs. G. Drorbaugh, Mr. hamburger, a good practice is to gon increases $8,065,000 in 1928, given in her honor. and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. R. J. I flour the bread board and roll being reported by federal sta ' the meat to the desired thickness, tistician as $S1.974,000 against Those present were Miss Bet Hart, Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. then cut with a biscuit cutter. $76,909,000 at beginning of 1928. Powell. Those present reported ty Van Doren of Portlnad, Ore Celery may be prepared for Gain amounts to 14 per cent. that they had a very pleasant gon the brides uncle Richard use several days or hours before Major gain is in cattle. Number Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur evening. using if washed well, cut in d< ' of these remains stationary at Henges of Vancouver, Wn., Mr. sired lengths, and put in closed 673,000, but value rises from and Mrs. C. C. Van Doren, Mr. CHRIST FOH ALL—ALL FOR CHRIST $33,334,000 to $40,417,000. Milk jars in a cool place. and Mrs. W. L. Van Doren, and Brushing potatoes with a small cows and heifers gain 3000, - 8 "'A Ail daughter, Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. < • amount of fat before baking from 259,000 to 262,000. J. L. Timmons, Miss Isabell Cur Number of sheep increase from *■«■*,**. «matt wa*, ***-*■!■ 11*: im will keep the skins soft. rie. The newlyweds received j To slice hard-boiled eggs per many gifts from friends and re ‘ BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER fectly, a good method is to dip 2,359,000 to 2,501,000 head, and value from $26,443,000 to $28,- lations out of town. ’/ parents mill huoe their children memo. a knife in boiling water and 733,000. Hogs decrease from The bridegroom is employed ,<** a Bible »election each week. it will prooo wipe it dry. Fresh bread may also 270,000 to 256,000, and their at the Oregon American Lumber 3 pricelee» heritage to them In after year». be sliced this way. value from $3,297,000 to $2,711,- Jeaua, Friend of the Helplea* company mill, having worked in A few slices of lemon or a 000. Horses and mules estimated this city for the past four years. Mark 1:40, 41. And there came small bag of spices cooked witn at 181,000 against 191,000 at a leper to him, beseeching him, j ■ sweet prunes will improve their beginning of 1928 and value de Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange en and kneeling down to him, and flavor. Oregon prunes have a clines from $12,392,000 to $11,- tertained a number of guests saying unto him, If thou wilt, tart flavor naturally. 768,000. Sunday afternoon at a card party thou canst make me clean. 41. Rinsing the hands in cold wa- at their home. And Jesus, moved with compas ter immediately after paring on- Those present were Mr. and sion, put forth his hand, and ions will remove all odor. I Mrs. H. E. Stevenson, Mr. and touched him, and saith unto him A large vegetable brush is Mrs. Lamping, Mr. and Mr3. Fred I will; be thou clean. very convenient for sprinkling * Piggard and children. Mr. and Mark 2:5, 11. When Jesus saw clothes. The moisture is spread Mrs. Archie Lisenby, Rhoda Bell, their faith, he said unto the sick evenly and easily. Case Fest. During the later part of the evening refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. I Of Mr». Virgil Powell American 119, Meets Legion, and second fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant. THREE < A S p e rry-q u a 1 i t y prod uct r very recently arrived at your grocer’s r * 1 DOD SEEDS A piece of ground, some good seed, fresh air, exercise — and high hopes. ARE THE BEST Gordon Hats A little time, some Sunshine and Moisture they’re alive. Radio’s Headquarters EXPERT RADIO REPAIR MAN AT YOUR SERVICE—Call 1161 A Million Thrills for the Millions Now everyone canhave a genuine Sparton Equasonne A promise fulfilled. A golden voiced Sparton EQUASONNE in strument within the means of mil lions! To the radio world, which re cognizes Spartori’s revolutionary EQUASONNE circuit as the great est radio development since A. C. reception, this announcement of Model 930 is of vast import, and music lovers who have hoped and expected to own a Sparton EQUA SONNE “some day” will receive it with even greater amazement and delight. It makes that “Some day” NOW. Worthy of its name is this latest addition to the Sparton line—a true EQUASONNE with all the amazing qualities that have made Sparton the sensation of the radio world. Exr* tations justified because of care in purchasing seed with a pedigree. 1 GOOD RESULTS Harvest—Satisfaction, an abundance of freth vegetable*, and "nod health. iN YOUR OWN GARDEN fDependabk&veryvhevB Sparton Radio--“Rlchest Voice” VERNONIA GARAGE Next to Hy Van Hotel L. E. Fredrickson, Mgr. JlndMo.lOf c/lsXYoiar ‘Dealer NO BETTER SEEDS AT ANY PRICE