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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO spentf Ross Duncan and family Sunday at the home of Elvin Mrs. Minnie Malmsten was Mills. Mr. and Mrs. H. Feilberg drove rushed to the Portland Sanitar ium Friday on account of illness, to Portland Sunday to visit Mrs. where she will probably undergo Feilberg’s mother, who is under going medical treatments in a serious operation. Al Ritchie is one of the few C. C. Bruce returned from Portland. C. C. Bruce drove to Port- veterans in this vicinity who was California last week where he has been visiting his sister Mrs. land Thursday returning to this gassed in the World war, and is L. C. Rickett at Los Angelos, city Friday. Mr. Bruce reports not drawing any compensation and remarked that he preferred that during his absence the pipes from the government. Oregon climate to California in his home froze, and it was necessary to have plumbers make Doc. Hughes was attached to climate anytime. one of the first units of the med Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quick repairs. and daughter Velma of Nampa, E. E. Mills made a quick trip ical corps of the 91st division to Idaho are visiting at the home of to Portland and returned Friday arrive overseas. Mrs. Quick’s sister, Mrs. Cleave to get repairs for his catapiller A live Legion post means but Tisdale. which broke down during the The Quick family intend to lo afternoon. Mr. Mills is log one thing, and that is, some cate in this vicinity if Mr. Quick ging on the Sarah Spencer place. dozen members are on their tip can locate work. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hyland of toes, giving a day or more a Mr. and Mrs. I’urcel Cline and Treharne visited with the Lee week pepping things up and do Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance spent Hall family at their home in ing all the work, which should be evenly divided between some Sunday at the home of Muri Riverview Sunday. 290 members. But let six of these Cline at Riverview. The W. R. C. will meet in Mrs. Vivian Cleveland of Seat live wires burn out, which is the tle, Wash, is keeping house for the forenoon on February 21, present condition of the local in their hall. All members are post, and few will be found to Evan Hall. Mrs. Loyd and son Jewel mo urged to bring their lunch and volunteer for the honor of keep make it a potluck affair. Some tored to Hillsboro Saturday and ing the wires humming. spent the week end with Mrs. of the members will celebrate their birthday and Washington ’ s Loyd’s brother at that city. The local high school basket Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler and birthday will be observed. ball team neeus the support oi Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler the American Legion, in atten Clarence Fowler visited their parents at Treharne, Mr. and drove to Laurel, Oregon last dance to help them carry on to Mrs. D. R. Fowler the later part week to visit Carl Fowler’s bro the county championship. of the week. _______________ ther, Arthur Fowler. The family returned to this city Sunday. Ex-service men interested in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker's the welfare of veteran organiza- infant son is quite ill with the tions throughout the state, should flu, but last reports have the consult the “Citizens Veteran” child as improving. in the Sunday Oregonian each Miss Wilma Goldear of Bay week. City is visiting her sister Mrs. Henry Parker of Riverview. The American Legion airport Bud Rose’s young son fell 1« now without a plane. Cecil against the hot stove in their Bateman and others who owned home last week and severly the plane disposed of it on ac burned his face and body. count of the lack of support re ceived from those who seemed most interested when the idea New Chevrolet Truck of an airport was originated. Riverview THE NEHALEM VETERAN Business & Professional Directory Causes Interest Here Dr. J. A. Hughes Phyiician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Evenings by appointment. Of fice over Hoffman Hardware. Vernonia, Oregon LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Chamber Of Commerce The latest dope from head quarters the new veterans hos pital in Portland will be dedicat ed March 18 instead of February 22. Pacific University, Forest Grove, Feb. 8.—Class elections held this week give Burford Wil kerson of Vernonia the office of treasurer of the seniors. Mr. Wil kerson is always active in campus affairs, figuring in forenscis and dramatics and having previously held office in the class of ’29 as well as in Gamma Sigma frater nity of which he is a member. The Oregon-American I,umber company is one of the few or- ganizations of its size in this state that has always taken a keen interest in the welfare of veterans of the World war. Partner In Riverview Grocery Well Known In Spokane Country Not taking to talking about himself, but getting hold of a book of who’s who in the Spokane country a few years ago an Eagle reporter learned that M. G. King partner with Mr. Heath in the Riverview Grocery, had been principal in the largest business college in Spokane, and was also rated as one of the best public accountants in that district. Mr. King returned from a trip to Spokane last Thursday visit ing old friends and relations. The Riverview store has with in the last year built its store from a modest shop to one of the largest and most progressive stores in this vicinity, having a large trade in Riverview and Vernonia proper. to feed some 250,000 tn >ps over copy tendered to our sister. Hazel Thompson, Pearl Mc in France located in i ìe Tout Cabe, Rose Schultz, committee, sector. Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge Bill Fulger and Ellis McGraw No. 243. served in the same outfit over seas. Clipping« From The A suggestion for the local Le In Memoriam Helen Duggens gion post: Assist to build a com Beautiful life is that whose munity swimming pool this sum- span so spent in duty to God mer. and man. Beautiful calm when the course is run; Beautiful twi A few legionnaires of Vernonia light at set of sun; Beautiful post who served with the Can death with a life well done. itdian forces during the recent Whereas: It has pleased God war: George Ogg, Scotty Lauder, in his all wise providence to re Jack Carkin, Dudley Nickson, move from this earthly sphere, every one seeing real action at Helen Duggens the mother of our the front. dear sister Irene Spencer. Resolved: That the removal of Earl Shay saw so much action such a life leaves a vacancy and during the war that he still shadow that will be deeply real craves action, and referees the ized by family and friends. fights at .the local smoker. Resolved: That Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge No. 243 of Mike Lynch will resume his' which Mrs. Irene Spencer is a work at camp, when the I.-P. I member desires to extend to her, starts logging soon. sympathy in her great bereave- --------- ' ment. Al. Kullander after the Armis Resolved: That a copy of these tice was signed, was attached to resolutions be spread upon the a bakery unit which turned out records of this lodge, a copy over 100,000 loafs of bread daily. printed in the local paper and a To All Part« of Town QUICK SERVICE Auto Tops, Curtains Cushions, Seat Our Buying Affiliation Means a Saving For You Annette Beauty Shop Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Decorating, Tinting Calcimining Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 — Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Vernonia Auto Top & Paint Shop Johnston-McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA Essie Nance’s BEAUTY SHOP Marcoiling, Scalp Traalmant, Manicuras and Facíala by Appointment Phone 222 J. R. McKEE Builder and Contractor Vernonia, Oregon DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit UNDERWOOD Typewriter for sale, in good condition. Phone 283, Mrs. F. Hartwick. 271’tf FOR SALE—Hotel Vista, Verno nia, $1000 down, balance like; rent. Box 22 or phone 1052. 281 • FOR SALE—Team of 1600 pound Geldings $250. 15 6-weeks old pigs $5.00. 22 Ten-weeks old pigs $6.00. Also 10 brood sows. Write or see Omar Sheeley. tf LOST LOST—Black bill folder, con- tains cards and papers. Finder please return to J. Gilpin at 281 Skaggs store. LOST—Rat terrier pup. Black and white with white button on tip of tail. Reward. T. C. 281 Johns. LOOK Tyrman 8-80 Super Custom-built; all electric 10 tube Radio-Phonograph combination. Uses screen-grid tubes. You have never heard a radio or phonograph that sounds as good. Long distance on ground alone. Volume enough for an auditorium. Will sell at very low price since I am building another set. No trouble to show. LOST—Small pair horn rimmed glasses. Leave at Eagle office. 281 DR. PASTO Jack’s Taylor Shop Special Made- &□() Ril to-order SUITS Modern equipment for cleaning dresses and suits M. E. Carkin Brunswick announces Drastic Price Reductions Play« Records by Electrical Reproduction. Tone Quality is Magnificent, Com plete light Socket Operation FOOD MEN FOLKS ENJOY Auto, Sign and House Painting FOR SALE Home Grown Potatoes Quality Unsurpassed £4 Efi nor ruit SATURDAL ONLY IM bWl. OTHER SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Cpnid and look them over RIVERVIEW MERCANTILE Members of affiliated Buyers East End of Mile Bridge Next door to Brown Fur niture. Phone 1021 FINNEY OF THE FORCE M'SrtQ tlNMtV1 'OMEAhS « Ri .qNWñ AuW LüRU MV UH MV By F. O. Akundcr iwvtS- Oi SFE Wf LAO HAS Uktt CQACF 1M» cause there are now so many styles of glasses that any person can select a style which is be coming to his particular tzpe of features. You who. use.glasses: How long since you have had your eyes examined? Eyes change constant ly with the years, the same as all other structures of the body. If every person would have bis eyes examined at intervals not exceeding two years, we would not have nearly as many half blind elderly people. Correct glasses throughout the productive years of life go far Please turn to page 8 $175.00 W e Fix ’Em Up Phone 293 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER suit in more or less facial dis figurement and this disfigure ment will be permanent. Today there can be no objec tion to wearing glasses on ac count - ot their appearance, J»e- MODEL P-14 WAS $450 NOW Oregon Monument Work« Hauling and Delivery Eye Strain Impairs Health and Vision to health cannot be expected un less any existing eye strain is relieved. The trained optometrist able, with his instruments, look hiside ef the’-'ey» ' and” if he discovers any diseased con dition of the eye, or any indica tion in the eye of systemic di sease, he will report his findings to the physician Who is treating the patient. The diagnosis of defective vis ion is an exact science. After a thoro examination, the opto metrist is able to say positively whether or not glasses are re quired. If glasses are needed no other thing will take their place. Glasses are indicated in cases of mal-formed yes,- mal-attach- ment of muscles and old sight. Since the need of glasses is due either to the shape of the eye ball or the age of the patient, it stands to reason that such a condition cannot be helped or corrected either by medicine or any system of ocular exercises or gymnastics. Ocular exercises have their place and are used in selected cases by all well trained practi tioners, but these exercises do not take the place of glasses when needed. The Better Vision society heartily indorses the remarks of Dr. Morris Fishbein, regarding the quacks who reap a rich har vest by advising their dupes to practice ocular gymnastics and throw away their glasses. Many persons have been taken in by these specious theories and have in some cases suffered per manent and irreparable injury to their eyes by throwing away their glasses. Any person who claims to have some unusual human ills, may be looked upon with suspicion, be cause every ethical practitioner is in duty bound to give to the profession at large, the oppor tunity to use any new method. Probably 75 per cent of ser ious eye diseases are caused by neglecting to use correct glasses and even tho this neglect may not produce any diseased con dition, it is almost certain to re- The electric Brunswick Panatrope Norblad Escape Injury Driving to Olympia A. W. Norb lad, president of the Oregon senate, had a nar Regular meeting and lunch row escape from injury or death February 8 while driving to eon every second Thursday. Olympia, it was learned. The automobile in which he was rid ing skidded on the icy highway MARK EVERY GRAVE near Tenino, turned completely Memorials in granite and marble about and landed in a ditch. at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Scappoose Register Gene Shipman will receive hos pitalization with the Veteran’s A clipping from the Scappoose bureau in the next week or so. Register, dated February 1, the paper owned and edited by Paul Fred Brewer is another vet, Robinson, former owner of the whose victory medal is covered Vernonia Eagle, pays Vernonia with stars showing numerous en the tribute as follows: We have gagements. been contradicted but still insist that Vernonia is the best town serv- Slim Jackson must have in Columbia county, and the best from ed in the cavalry judging town for its size in the North the number of mules Slim rides west. The Vernonia Eagle next when talking. to their big mill has done much for the town and is constantly Remember continuous progress heralding the good points of its is one of the great American city to every corner of the state. principles and every Legion post should make it a point of honor Card of Thanks to be in the front rank of its We wish to express our thanks community’s advance. and appreciation to our many friends and nieghbors for their many deeds of kindness they be In Memoriam John D. Reese He is resting today in Gods stowed on us during our recent wonderful love. Resting free illness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Bleile. from all sorrow and care. Hap pily waiting and beckoning us on to that bright happy home over there. Whereas: A great sorrow and sad loss has come to Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge in the pass beloved brother John ing of our ...................... . It is estimated that even a D. Reese, who quietly entered moderate degree of eye strain his rest on Wednesday, January robs a person of 25 per cent of 16, 1929. his nervous energy. There has passed from our People go about their work midst a life beautiful in tender and play, carrying this excessive sympathies, a soul of courage, overload, until some part of their honor and loyalty. And his mem internal economy breaks down ory will ever be held dear tho and then spend years getting his voice is stilled. back to normal efficiency, when, Mountain had they consulted their opto Resolved: That Heart Rebekah lodge No. 243 of metrist and procured glasses to which he was a member extend I relieve their eye strain, they to the bereaved family their would have saved themselves deep sympathy and love in their months, perhaps years of misery. Many physicians insist that deep sorrow. Resolved: Further that a copy certain «lasses of sufferers have of the resolutions be spread up their eyes examined and any ex on the records of our lodge, a isting defect-corrected with glass copy printed in the local paper es before they will undertake and a copy tendered the bereav- to treat them, because the train ed physician knows that a return ed family. Hazel Thompson, Pearl Mc- Cabe, Rose Schultz, committee Mountain Heart Rebekah lodge No. 243. THURSDAY, FEB. 14 the Electrical Brunswick Panatrope MODEL P-13 WAS $600.00 NOW $195 Electrical Reproduction Including Magnetic Pickup.—Volume Control and Power Amplifier Never Haa the Electrical Type Brunswick Panatrope Been Offered at So Low A Price “HEAR THEM AT OUR STORE” Mac’s Pharmacy But This Was •’s