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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1929)
Mr.. E. E. Yeo Society News : Society Columbia County Lecturers To Meet At Clatskanie February 11 Leavitt, Mrs. Greta Olson, Mrs. Rose Stankey, Mrs. Juanita Tim- mons, Mrs. Estella Monger, Mrs. Orpha Charlesworth. The Columbia county lecturers conference was held at Scappoose Saturday, February 2 with Mrs. Sheats acting as chairman in the absence of the regular chairman Mrs. C. Becker. Mrs. Sheats will act as temporary chairman until the regular election of officers at the next meeting which will be held at Clatskanie February 11, when work pertain ing to the years business and the election of officers will be held. At the Clatskanie meeting lec turers from different sections of the Northwest Will be present to discuss problems with the members and Mr. Farmer, National Grange lecturer will lecture in the after- nooon and evening at Clatskanie. Mrs. Geo. Nelson urges that all Columbia county lecturers be pres ent at this conference at Clatska nie February 11 and wishes every member to be on hand to assist in the reception committee to greet Mr.Framer and other lecturers com- ing from other counties. Rev. Plumer To Preach at Home Sunday Tatapochian Camp Fire Girls Hold Meeting THREE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19*9 Intending to go to Literal this week for a series of sermons, Rev. Plumer has changed his plans on ^account of the epidemic of scarlet fever which prevails in the town of Literal and will occupy the pulpit of the Evangelical church Sunday. Christian Reporter : Clubs : 500 Club Meet At The Home of Mr*. Roy Hart The Jolly 500 club met at the home of Mrs. Roy Hart last Thurs day afternoon. Two tables were in play. Mrs. T. Turner won the high score for the afternoon. A dainty luncheon of sandwiches, fruit salad, cake and cookies was served. Those present were Mrs. V. Powell, Mrs. B. Nelson, Mrs. R. Babb, Mrs. T. Turner, Mrs. S. Smith, Mrs. Lloyd _ Stavenson, ' Mrs. Baker, Mrs. D. Johnson, Mrs. G. McKee. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Sam Smith next Thursday. Church Bible school 10:00. The goal of 150 set for last Sunday was ex ceeded by four. Let’s keep climbing. Communion at 11. Oscar Cooper, pastor of Christian church at Bea verton is expected to preach the morning sermon. Christian endeavor at 6:30. Orchestra concerts begin ning at 7:30. Special Boy Scout sermon by Teddy Leavitt at the regular evening service. The Boy Scouts will be present in a body, with their scout master Dr. M. D. Coje. Bible study Thursday night 7:30. Orchestra rehearsal Friday 7:30. The Loyal Gleaners cass will en- tertain their husbands at a valen tine party next week. The time and place will be announced Sunday. Friday, February 8 the ladies of the church are holding a real chicken supper at the- church. Tickets are 50 cents. Teddy Leavitt, Pastor. The Tatapochian Camp Fire girls held their weekly meeting Tuesday evening in their cabin. The meeting was called to order by the president and plans were discussed for the groups part in the big Camp Fire program to be Women’s Benefit Associa given soon. After the business meeting had tion To Meet Feb. 13 adjourned, the girls toasted sand wiches over the fire and discussed The next meeting of the Women’s various present-day topics. Benefit association will be held Feb ruary 13 at the home of Mrs. Over- Loyal Gleaners Meet At son instead of at the Grange hall. Home of Mrs. J. Timmons Plans will be completed for a cook ed food sale to be held February The Loyal Gleaners class of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. Juanita Timmons Wednes day, January 30. New aims for this year were discussed. Collection was taken up for a potted plant to be sent to Mrs. Beulah Lindsay who is ill at the St. Vincents hos pital in Portland. The class has taken it upon themselves to decor- ate the church during the month of February. Those present at the meeting were Mrs. Nola Brady, Mrs. Muriel Knight, Esther Mrs. J. W. Brown En tertains Bridge Club Residence Phone 5S2 of the American Legion Auxiliary are preparing for the St. Valentine masquerade ball to be held at the Legion hall tomorrow night, accord ing to Mrs. W. B. Lappe, who is handling the publicity. Final details were planned out at the meeting of the Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. L. Washburn Monday night. Some sewing was also done for the veterans hospital. Light refreshments were served. Auxiliary To Hold Mas querate Dance Saturday : Fraternal Entertained at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Leavitt and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heath were entertained at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolley Sunday in honor of the birthday of Frank Heath. Twin Fir Service Station Telephone 1001—C. A. Barnes Forest Grove—Plans completed for erection of large rabbit houses in this community. Blue Birds Hold Meeting At Home of Lola Smith “Union Gasoline” and Tire«, Tubes and Accessories Repair Work Guaranteed or Money Refunded How “Grand” 1* Your Car? The Blue Birds met at the home of Lala Mae Smith. The officers that were elected at the last meet ing took their respective places. The reports from all the valentine party committees were given and aroused. The party is to be at the home of Lola Mae Smith. Evelyn Shipley is reported on the sick list and Cecile Powers was absent. The bridge club met at the home of Mrs. J. B. Brown Tuesday after noon. Mrs. K. A. McNeil received the prize for high score and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl the sonsolation prize. Stuffed olives and nut bread sand wiches were served. Those present Hold Council Fire were Mrs. R. A. Space, Mrs. F. M. The Nawakwa group of Camp Ruhl, Mrs. M. Gründen, Mrs. W. A. Harris, Mrs. G. M. Ogg, Mrs. K. A. Fire girls held a council fire at the McNeill, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. cabin Tuesday evening. After the ceremony plans were discussed for A. J. Black. selling candy at the theatre Mon day afternoon and evening. Light Local Masonic Temple refreshments were served by Shelby Holds Special Meeting Caton and Dorothy June Wolff. A special meeting of Vernonia Lodge 184 A. F. & A. M. was held Thursday starting at 4:00 p.m. at which time Master Mason Degrees were conferred upon Lesley H. Mc Cormick and W. E. Bell. Luncheon was served at 9:30 p.m. A large attendance was present with members of other Masonic temples on hand from Cottage Grove and Portland. Office Phone 192 In thieves’ parlance, the word “grand” means a thous- and dollars. worth from Automobiles “one grand” to “five grai ind” are their favorite plunder. How much easier than com mon burglary it is to get away with several thousand dollars ot booty in the shape of a fast motor-car. Before your new automobile is ever left at the curb, you need a Fire-and-Theft Policy. We can give you quick service. i Lodge Notices Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s in W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE, M.E.C. DELLA CLINE, M. of R. & C. Insurance Of All Kind* Jos. Scott Phone 965 Bridge St. 683 Vernonia On Display Today Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec ond and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors al ways welcome. Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING New Spring Hats MRS. HANDLEY LODGE 11« Meets every Monday at 8 P.M. in Grange halL Ralph Clem, C. C. Emil Messing, KRS Woodmen of the World W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. 655 meets every Wednesday night at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. Visiting members welcome. H. A. TAYS, C. C. H. S. STRONG, Clerk. Members of the dance committees » A. F. & A. M. Vernonia lodge 184, A. F. & A. M., meets at Masonic Temple, stated communica- tions, 2nd and 4th __ Thurs- _____ days. Special called meet ings every 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Visitors cordially wel come. F. D. Macpherson, W.M., J. B. Wilkerson, secretary. American Legion Vernonia 119, Poet American Le gion. Meets second and fourth Tues days each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant. Tudor Sedan $638.00 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem nt O. E. 3. American Legion Auxiliary All equipped, spare tire and bumper de livered at Vernonia. Meet, first and third Mon day. of each month at the Legion Hall. J. Nance, President. Wideman, Secretary. Prompt, Conrteous Ford Service Crawford Motor Co 153, Regular communi cation first and third Wednesdays of each month, at Masonic Temple. All visiting sisters and brothers wel come. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Grace Reberger, Secretary. n ■1 When you bring your Ford car here for ser vice, you are always sure of prompt, courte ous treatment from men who know their business. Our mechan ics are specially train ed and our new precis ion service equipment duplicates factory man ufacturing methods. Only genuine Ford parts are used and all labor is charged at low flat rate. Chapter I. O. O. F. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night | at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis itors always welcome. Work in the 3rd degree Tuesday, Dec. 11. ALFRED WEBB, N.G. F. N. O’Donnell, Sec. 1 gg 11