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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1929)
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TWO La Société des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, held their regular meet ing at the Horsehoe cafe follow ing a banquet. Chef de Gare Hur ley, presided. < 1 ______ a Next regular Legion meeting Ver- Frenchy La Rocque, Legionnaire nonia Post Tuesday Feb. 12. of Vernonia Post is now living at Vernonia Post Legion Club rooms Glasco, Kansas, attending an avia have been remodeled. tion school. Harry Zimmerman has been trans- Thomas P. Graham former mem fered to Cochran from W estimber ber Vernonia Post is now married where he is employed by Wheeler and teaching school in Portland. Logging Company. THE NEHALEM VETERAN George McGee, member of Ver Vernonia Post of the American nonia Post, is city manager of Hills Legion is to sponsor in the future a boro. Past Commanders Ball, in honor of PaBt Commanders, Carkin, Folger, McGraw, and Hurley. Business and Professional Directory Dr. J. A. Hughes Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 ■ Oregon Over ten veterans of the World war, from Forest Grove attended the smoker in Vernonia at the Legion hall, Jan. 26. Harry A. Wilson, Legionnaire of Vernonia Post, comes down from Camp McGregor occasiona)ly to visit Vernonia. Two years ago today Vernonia Post had 247 members Bigned up for 1927. J. B. Hammond formerly a mem ber of Vernonia Post is now living in Prescott, Arizona. Ex-service men, remember the Auxiliary St.Valentine dance in the Legion Hall Saturday Feb. Sth. M. D. COLE New Veterans Hospital in Port- land to be dedicated Feb. 22nd. Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Legionnaire Ellis McGraw, is the youngest bank president in Oregon. DR. W. H. HURLEY On account of the Wheeler Lum ber Co. shutting their mill down for a short period at Westimber, members of this Legion Post from Westimber, do not attend the regu lar Legion meetings, but instead are living in Portland until the mill re opens. Dentistry and X-Ray Evenings by appointment. Office over Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia, Oregon LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon It is estimated that over 70 ex- service men of the World war are employed by the Oregon American Lumber Company in Vernonia. Bert Hawkins, member of Ver nonia Post was a captain in the en- absence. Mr. Koplin has been quito wick, "is that it will be just as easy to service as was the four. ill since Christmas. S. A. Morton motored to Van- Thia is due to the foresight of Comrade Walter Hill of Vernonia couver on I business the first of the Chevrolet engineers and the care Post recently suffered a broken Treharne, Feb. 7.—Mrs. J. A. ful testing which is given each hand, from a fall while going to Lindsay underwent a major opera week. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Morton were feature of design before it is put work in Salem, on the O. E. Ry. tion at the St. Vincent hospital in pleasantly surprised Saturday even- into production. Chevrolet engineers Portland. She is getting along very ing when Mr. and Mrs. Al Webb test every feature of the ear three The Legion is keenly interested in nicely and will be able to leave the and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albin ways: the Boy Scouts, and all Legionnaires hospital in about a week. Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. First—With a view to economy should whenever possible attend a Prutzman and Doris Timme came of production. This test necessarily Mr. and Mrs. Uhlin Thacker were1 in for an evening of 500. Refresh keeps the car simple in design. Scout meeting and see what splendid work Comrade Doc. Cole is carrying called to Buxton on account of the ments and luncheon were served at Second—It is tested from a illness of Mrs. Thacker’s father. a late hour. on as Scoutmaster. standpoint of use by owners. This Mrs. L. Grenia has been quite Mrs. Howard Allen has been second test is conducted at the ill and was removed to the hospital quite ill and was taken to Portland great General Motors Proving Cuts Off Thumb and Finger I in Portland last week. for treatment. Ground at Milford, Michigan, where Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baslington Mrs. Wm. Prutzman and six-cylider Chevrolets were run over While Chopping Wood were entertained at dinner and 500 Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Al Webb motored to a million miles before they were Tuesday evening at the home of Portland Sunday. announced to the public. Timber, Feb. 7.—Mr. Shewey of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett. The third test which the Chev Timber cut off his thumb and first J. A. Lindsay returned from Service For Chevrolet Six rolet engineers give every feature finger while chopping wood last Portland Monday after spending a is the ease with which it can be week. week there wih relatives. Frank Hartwick local manager of serviced. The Timber-Westimber school bus Mr. and Mrs. M. J. John return Then, if every design feature was unable to run last Friday on ed home Monday from Portland Gilby Motor company announced account of weather conditions. where Mr. John has been very ill that he is in a position to give the passes all these three tests, it is The county road grades did the past month. — same prompt and efficient service put into the hands of the public. This extraordinarily careful policy on the new Chevrolet six as he has splendid work last week in Timber Frances Morton has been quite always given on previous four-cylin on the part of the manufacturer grading the snow out of the road ill with tonsolitis. der cars. is to a great extent responsible for as in spots the snow measured 24 C. C. Brooks returned to Van “The remarkable thing about the the economy of upkeep which Chev- inches and it was barely possible couver after a few days visit with new Chevrolet six,” said Mr. Hart- rolet owners have so long enjoyed. for a while to travel on the roads. friends here. The Vernonia truck line gave Mrs. F. H. Lines is staying with fine service, although it took them Mrs. A. Koplin during Mr. Koplin’s eight hours to make the Timber A pie social was given by sewing club girls two weeks which proved a success and sewing club girls believe every one present received their quoto of pie. Mrs. Alberta Burgins was ill Sat- urday and unable to be at the of fice. Muriel Shiffer came home from school sick Monday, but is now able to attend school again. A Parent-Teachers meeting will FOR SALE be held at the school house Wed UNDERWOOD Typewriter for sale, nesday afternoon at Timber. in good condition. Phone 283, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richie of 271*tf Timber intend to go to Hillsboro F. Hartwick. Tuesday. FOR SALE — Sewing machine. In Anthony Kilburg has been ap- quire at 956 Weed avenue. Price pointed manager of the basketball $15. ___________ 271 team of Timber. Mrs. I. Kilburi will start clerking TEAM FOR SALE OR TRADE— in the Kilburg store of Timber will take two cows or Chevrolet J Tuesday. touring in trade. Edwin Siedelman, Mrs. Ida Kilburg spent three Vernonia, on Pebble creek road. days in Portland last week. 244* Miss Louise Kalish of Timber During the coining year, we want to give you graduated from the Forest Grove FOR SALE—Team of 1600 pound even better service, better meats, better at high school this mid-term. Geldings $250. 15 6-weeks old tention than we have in the past. Should The Westimber mill started ap pigs $5.00. 22 Ten-weeks old pigs eration again last Monday. you consider, at any time, that you are not $6.00. Also 16 brood sows. Write or see Omar Sheeley. tf. getting all that you expect, tell us and the gineering corp of the A. E. P. Mrs. J. A. Lindsay In Portland Hospital ADVERTISING In 1929 We Want to give You even better service FOR SALE —— Fully guaranteed I piano in storage in Vernonia vicinity. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Terms. Free delivery. Write Tailman Piano Store, Salem, Ore- i gon for fall particulars. 253 GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law matter will be quickly rectified. Vernonia Meat Market MISCELLANEOUS Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon FOUND—Fountain pen. Owner may have same by calling at the Eagle office and paying the cost of this advertisement.______ 2716 Vernonia Chamber Of Commerce Regular meeting and lunch eon every second Thursday. LOST Sunday a small brown coin purse containing a $10.00 gold piece and othur small pieces of money. Finder please return to Eagle office. Howard. 271 MARK EVERY GRAVE WANTED—Young couple wish to rent small furnished house or apartment. Reply M. G. Eagle of fice. 271* Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Received Today full complete line of Floor Coverings It will pay you to see us before buying GORDON FURNITURE CO Oregon Monument Work* Fourth and Main St, Hillsboro 2 Good Selection« on every Recocd Hauling and Delivery To All Parts of Towa QUICK SERVICE Phone 293 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Panatropes • Radio • Records • Paoatrope-Radiolas MAC’S PHARMACY Ted Davenport will open his Annette Beauty Shop Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving. Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Garage, Storage and Repair Shop Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Shingle Co VERNONIA Essie Nance’s BEAUTY SHOP Marcelling, Scalp Treatment, Manicure« and Facial« by Appointment Phone 222 J. R. McKEE Builder and Contractor Vernonia, Oregon DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit Oregon-American Lumber Co. the public fO(|ay Specializing in re-conditioning of cylinder and all kinds of repair work Shop and Garage located next to R. Sesseman Blacksmith Shop, facing depot