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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1929)
‘‘-’’«e. llcrnonia F* VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1929 VOL. 7 I JI NO. 27 Teacher A***n. Celebrate Bank Officials Parent Celebrate County Grange Scout* To Anniversary Anniversary Crawford Week Chamber After The 34th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of Vernonia will To Let Bids More Members Assist Farmer founding of the National Congress Holds Meeting hold The their weekly meeting Friday of Parents and Teachers was cele night instead of the usual Monday brated at the regular meeting of to celebrate National Anni For Building At Scappoose night With Farmer the Parent Teacher association held versary week which at a given President and Committee Cooperate in the high school Monday even hour throughout the country every scout attending his meeting will renew his Boy Scout pledge. Good Attendance In Entire Some 19 years ago Sir Robert Baden Powell, founded this order, which today is recognized as one Session of the outstanding worthy youth orders of the world. Sunday evening special services will be held at the Christian church by Rev. Leavitt in honor of the Boy Scouts and their anniversary week. Scoutmaster Cole requests that as many scouts as possible be Prominent Grange Official» Addre»» present at the services. Increase Membership Roll By First Drive. Who Is In Market For Good Stock. ing. The program opened with a French song by Miss Hickman’s Noble Dunlap Draw* Plan*; class. Mrs. Teddy Leavitt gave a most interesting talk on how the Work to Start Soon association came to be formed. She Thirty minutes after F. W. Boe- spoke as follows: W. W. Wolff, C. F. Hieber, and Frank Hartwick started the ball sei, proprietor of the Cream Top “February 17 is the birthday of rolling in the membership drive for Dairy at Warren, phoned Ellis Mc- the National Congress of Mothers, the local Chamber of Commerce, Graw, president of the Bank of which 34 years ago saw itself the Tuesday by signing up a large num Vernonia, that he had a few ex- forerunner of the National con ber of the merchants in their first ceptional good jersey calfs for sale. gress of parents and teachers, which Victor Bergerson’s truck was on the brings together more than a million Residence To Bo Moved Soon drive of the year. Numerous other membership road towards Warren, through the men and women to serve and to Old Bafford House Will drives will be held in an effort to snow to pick up this stock. work for the children of the nation. Immediately after receiving the It was founded by Alice McLellan Be Torn Down, bring every merchant and represen tatives of commercial houses into phone call from Boesel, Ellis Mc- Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst Large Crowd at Meeting of Vernonia Man Arrested the ranks as members in good Graw called Bergerson who he knew and its original aim was to secure was in the market for Jersey calves control over influences outside the Pomona Grange Noble Dunlap who is drawing up For Issuing Bad Checks standing of the chamber. President Wolff, expects a record and regardless of the condition of home that touched our youth and the final plans for the new con- T. A. Jeppson of Vernonia was turnout for the meeting and lun the roads Victor Bergerson started to carry mother love and mother Crete garage for the Crawford Mo- thought into all that concerns or tor company advises same will ba arrested Monday by constable E. cheon at the Horseshoe cafe to the motor to pick up the calves. Victor and Elmer Bergerson have touches childhood in the home, delivered to Mr. Crawford (By Lillian Daniels- Franks and charged with the crime day and judging from the large at ~ next of obtaining money under false tendance at the last meeting it is about 30 head of good calves which school, church or state. week. Columbia county Pomona Grange pretense January 5. they expect to raise for Nehalem As soon as weather permits, the “The organization expanded rapid estimated that about 35 should at Valley dairy business. met at Scappoose Saturday with The complaint was filed by H. tend. ly and in 1907 the name was Crawford residence will be moved as hostess, and H. Hixson, who had a writ of ar Armstrong Grange changed to the National Congress from its present location, and mov Lester Sheeley, Emil Messing, of mothers and teachers. In 1924 ed to the Bafford lot, and bids will in spite of the disagreeable weather. rest issued and placed in the hands Frank Hartwick and E. S. Thomp Highways Almost Clear constable Franks who returned son will report on their trip to it was changed to the present form, be open for the building of a large ed Of Heavy Snows the attendance was very fair, about of with T. A. Jeppson in custody. J the National Congress of parents 100x115 concrete garage on Second Highways are now being cleared i and teachers and for the past three/ and Maple streets. 100 being the average for the day. I In Justice of the peace P. Hill Salem Monday attending the legis lature in the interest of the new Only three officers were absent, the court, Jeppson after hearing the short route from Portland to Clat of the snow between Vernonia and years the conventions have been Mr. Crawford advises that where St. Helens, and this city and For held in conjunction with the Na ever possible, local labor will be chaplain and treasurer, Jennie and complaint read to him by the court sop beaches via Vernonia. est ~ Grove and regular busses of used, and all material used in the R. N. Lovelace being unable to get Ian(1 bel"F instructed as to his tional Educational association. the transportation company are back bt» he waived, examination. “The purpose of the organization construction of his building to be out on account of the deep snow. rl« Bail on regular schedule. was fixed at $1000 in de Camp Fire Girl* Will purchased in this city. but in 26 years, as grange members Throughout the heavy snows, is to promote child welfare in Work on tearing down the old Present Pantomime very home life; to secure more adequate this is only the third meeting that fault of which he was committed little delay occurred in time laws for the old and protection of Bafford residence will start next Brother and Sister Lovelace have to the custody of the sheriff of The Loila Camp Fire group running of the busses from this will week. Columbia county to appear before missed. present a gypsy pantomime at the city to Portland via, St. Helens or women and children. To bring into the grand jury. closer relation the home and the Joy theatre Monday night when Forest Grove, although lighter cars the Reports from all subordinate Three other checks issued on the that parents and teachers M. A. Gregory granges, except Vernonia, were Bank of Vernonia, in which Jepp- special picture “Chang” will be were used the latter part of the school, shown. Ushers and ticket takers week in order to make connections may cooperate intelligently in the Returns To Vernonia read, and also fine reports from son had no account were put in training of the child; to develop will be dressed as gypsies and there at other points. M. A. Gregory, who formerly our four juvenile granges. Gain is circulation. between educators and the general lived in this city where he worked will be singing and dancing and shown in membership in five of the public such united effort as will for the Oregon American Lumber special music. The bluebird group Berean Class Installs granges during the last quarter. secure for every child the highest company, has returned from the will present an exercise, “The Mak The financial condition of all grang- j New Officers at Banquet advantages in physical, mental, east where he had been employed ing of the First Flag.” es is very good. Beaver Homes has in New York as a salesman for a The Loyal Berean class of the moral and spiritual education, a fund started for concreting the There will also be a special mat “In the home there should be wholesale lumber concern. basement of their hall, and install inee Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock Christian church held a dinner and trained parents, alive to Mr. and Mrs. Gregory will make ing a furnace. Warren has a good when the same program will be installation of officers at the church intelligent, building fund started. Deer Island i The following issue of the Eagle given. The proceeds will be used last Sunday. The following officers their responsibilities and in the their home in Vernonia, where Mr. oificeJ off tbe press as an eight to complete the Camp Fire girls were installed as follows: George school there should be competent Gregory will be employed in the officers u.e are all i “ very pround of wil1 their new regalia, and have a live colo"ln standard size newspaper. Stanton, president; Frances Mc well trained teachers. There should big mill. cabin. This change will improve the legislative committee. Beaver Valley The Nawakawa group of Camp Nutt. vice president; Edna Owens. also be organized facilities for the has' 10011» of th» P^sent paper to > a Fire girls will sell candy at the secretSfy, La Sesseman, treasurer. education of parents and such re Appleton Bro*. Purchase has recently installed a lighting 1' Miss Frances McNutt sang and cognition of the profession of par system and other granges are active | Rleat extent, theatre both afternoon and evening. Large Truck Line accompanied herself on the guitar. enthood as shall influence men and and >\'s quarter all committees | Purchasing the Auto freight Interesting talks were given by each women to fit themselves by study should do good work. The juveniles 1 Auxiliary Committee* Resolution On New Road of the members present. Mrs. Teddy and training for this most import lines, which run between Portland are all busy and getting ready fori Preparing For Masquer Salem, Appleton Brothers, own- Passes House at Salem Leavitt, the teacher of the class ant field of public service, the de and the year’s work. ers of Portland Vernonia Truck velopment of the coming genera acted as chairman. ade Dance Tomorrow Attending a session of the legis .Several resolutions were adopted. I line with headquarters for the local It was decided to hold a cooked tion. One opposing the creation of any | The St. Valentine masquerade lature February 4, Lester Sheeley, food sale in the old Mac’s Phar run at Vernonia, are now one of “ The best way we can honor the building code or any inspection or ■ dance, sponsored by the Vernonia E. S. Thompson, Frank Hartwick macy next Saturday. All the ma founders of this organization is the largest independent freight auto for regulation of buildings in rural dis-1 Unit of the American Legion Aux and Emil Messing, represented Ver terial for this sale is to be made every member to work to make our companies in the northwest. tricts. One opposing the proposed iliary to be held at the Legion hall nonia's interest in the proposed new by the members of the class. The new line taken over by Ap local association a bigger and bet dairy law that would apply the Saturday night, promises to be one short cut road between Portland The dinner was in charge of Miss ter one with far reaching influ- pleton Bros, will be known as “Ap rules and regulations now govern-1 of the largest attended dances of I and the Clatsop beaches via Ver Kauppi, Miss Gavena Charlesworth ences.” pleton fast freight," and S. A. ing the dairy herds kept under arti the season. nonia. Appleton, junior partner of the con and Miss Garner and consisted of The 84 candles on the large birth- ficial conditions in or near Port Mr. Sheeley seemed very much roast meat, brown gravy, beans, cern who spent Friday in this city Prizes for the most attractive day cake were lit by Mrs. Franklin advised that within the near future land to the dairy herds or barns costumes will be awarded, the music impressed with the consideration wild blackberries and cake. Malmsten and Mrs. Judd Greenman kept on the farm. One favoring the J will be furnished iuIllloIlcu by Harry O. Mc- given the resolution, which passed his company plan to cover a large cut the cake. passage of the Klamath memorial ------ Bee’s 'trombone Aerial proportion of the state with fast ---------- - "" — —„1 orchestra, the house Monday. Pupils of Mrs. Nelson ’ s room by the Oregon legislature. A reso from Portland. The resolution requested that auto freight service. p — sented an exercise, “ The Making I lution extending an invitation to Intending to purchase new trucks Fitting hall decorations have been the state highway commission choose' of the Flag, ” with Betty May Aus the instructors of the Smith-Hughes ¡nstanej* a new state highway route to the for their new line, additional stor tin as Betsy Ross; Doris Nixon as vocational agriculture, to hold their | Mesdames Al Ritchie, Curley coast via Vernonia, mostly on ac- age freight terminals. Mr. Appleton Sally Brown; La Verne Thompson stated that his company was now 1929 session in Rainier, was passed. Buffmire and Clarence Nance have 1 count of the conjested condition on as George Washington; Ella Pearl The zone spelling contest will be Also one to petition the Columbia handled the advanced sale of tickets. the Columbia river highway, and equipped to give as fast a freight county fair board to allow any and stated that the proposed route held in the Washington school Fri Savage, Helen Barnes, Elizabeth j service that could be obtained any Wall, and Juanita Sturgill as the all florists and bulb-raisers to ex would be 40 miles shorter between day, February 8 at 7:30. There will where in the state. hibit at the fair and on a par with Vernonia Men Purchase Portland and Clatsop beaches, than be no charge for admission but a soldiers. This was heartily applaud ed as was the recitation, “ The In collection will be taken to help other branches of farming in regard Old Mill Building by the Columbia river route. Local Railroad Man to premiums. It was also pointed out in the pay expenses and to buy awards dependence Bell.” by Norman Crow Injured by Fail at Salem for the winners, Schools in this der. Monday, Mike Lynch and Mike resolution that the proposed new James Kelly, our fire insurance At the close of the meeting, cake While on his way to work in include, Vernonia, Kist, agent, was present and gave a few O’Connors of Vernonia purchased route would be much cheaper to zone *..................................... Mill building from Earl build than along the Wilson river Beaver Creek, Pleasant Hill, Keasey, and coffee were served to the large Salem last Thursday, where he was moments talk on the condition of the Old Rock Creek, Mist, Birkenfeld, Ker crowd present The next meeting employed by the Oregon Electric route. fire insurance. Master Warren Lyle of Vancouver Washington. will be held in the Washington Railway, as locomotive fireman, In 1923 Mr. Lyle built the Old It is the popular sentiment of ry and Natal. Young spoke of the lecturers’ meet Mill The winners of this zone will school Friday afternoon, February Walter Hill of this city fell on ing to be held at Clatskanie Mon room building and installed a pool the people of this vicinity to have be held in St. Helens next Friday. 15. the slippery _ pavement, . breaking , _ a placing his brother to man- the road go through this city, how day, February 11, with the national bone in his left hand. lecturer, Brother Freeman, in age the business, but soon after ever, no particular route to follow Mr. Hill who has made his home Amateur Movie League charge. The Columbia county lec wards sold his interest in the pool was suggested leaving the decision City Water Te«t Show* in Vernonia for the past two years, turers will hold a short meeting that hall business and resumed his for up to the highway engineers. Being Organized Here To Be In A Condition and is a member of the local Le day also, to elect officers and select mer occupation as railroad engineer The hygienic laboratory report ______ __ is to „ __ _ a movie club gion post had been firing on the the S. P. & S. Railway. Vernonia have a date and place for the 1929 con- for Lynch New Currency To Be of the is to be called the “Amateur runs through Vernonia, until the vi WIV test LC3l of Vernonia vernvilia city water waver | which IS and O’Connor, ference. Released About July l.from the state board of health de- .------- Movie ------- League.' considerable property in „—Dr. George Pasto camps shut down, making it neces The lecturer had the following plan on remodeling the partment show the water to be in has a movie c camera and projector sary to discontinue log runs. The new paper currency the size I a condition. program, and it was enjoyed by all: building, installing a new -“--I—I which will be used to take and of which will be 6 5-16x2 11-16 is' M. L. Gaines water superinten-1 present these photoplays. Club Flag salute, and America, sung by installing sky lights. Well Known Couple Mar to tu be released July 1, 1929. the Grange; Scotch Fancy, dance dent advises that standard me- > rnernners members will finance tne the buying tt o v.—v the ovo.tuo.u win nnance Duymg ried in Portland Friday The U S. Bureau of Engraving thods of the American Public Health o f films and expenses will be di- and recitation by little Miss Fannie Legion Club Room Improved Eva Doud former Vernonia girl and printing is now printing the association were used in testing this' vided among those who take part McPherson, Mrs. Magwood at the The club room of the American new currency at the rate of several’ water which showed no bacterial | in the photoplays. Some ararnge- and Lou L. Althous of Vernonia piano; address by Ed. Weist of I count, or to be safe for drinking ment will then be made so that were married in Portland Friday. Scappoose; recitation, Ava Nelson; Legion hall is now resplendent in million dollars a day. new dress of driftwood gray, and For the present the couple will The currency now in use will! purposes. address by Rev. Magwood; song, these photoplays, all of them come Moonlight . Mr. Niblock; talk, George Nelson; has been equipped with sturdy, but eventually all be replaced by this I The test was made January 25. dies, will be shown for a small con- make their home in the I" apartments of this city. graceful, seats for the members of new size. Although the new notes | - two songs by Vera Peterson; '"talk sideration and the players then re- ’ •*— i :— —i AAuxiliary, who will be smaller in physical dimen Mr. Althous, salesman for the on the telephone, Lililan Daniels. the „ L^>°n a"d imbursed. Any money left over will I local sions their purchasing power will Popular Mechanic To branch of the Shell Oil com- eii’ * The two addresses by Mr. Weist and be used to buy more films and Open Garage in Vernonia supplies. pany has been with the Oil company Noble Dunlap did the carpenter not be lessoned. Mr. Magwood were very interesting since the branch was started in The notes will be issued in the Working two years as head me orvk m makin« the seats, a large and were much appreciated by the , , Y desk* a serving counter, and cup- following denominations, each of chanic for H. H. Hixson, stage Vernonia. Grange. ; boards, while J. C. Henderson fin- which will bear the portrait of a lines, Ted Davenport, will start in Hollywood Cafe Opened The grange legislative committee' ished the interior with stains and famous American on the front. The business for himself and open a In Vernonia Recently Mis* Murray Compliment* met at recess and adopted the fol- j varnish. The Auxiliary is now plan $1 notes and notes over $100 are garage and repair shop today, in Work Of County Nurse Opening the Hollywood Restau-1 « lowing resolutions, "The Columbia ning to hang appropriate drapes to have ornamental hacks, all other!__ _______ ___ ___ ______ _________ the building at the corner of Weed “Disagreeable weather and dan County Pomona Grange is opposed over the windows, which it is be- notes are to have the engravings and Maple street, next to Rube Ses-! rant for business February 1, H. to the repeal of the Columbia River lieved will complete the appearance of buildings on the backs. ! seman blacksmith shop, facing the | Schmidler, proprietor who previous gerous roads are no obstacle to the to coming to this city operated a routine work of Miss Nettie E. Al- Fish Bish Wheel bill which has been of the interior to the satisfaction The new currency will have the S. P. & S. depot. declared by the supreme court of anc pleasure of all who view it, pictures of the following presidents: The garage and work shop will __ 1 cafe in Portland, advises that he I ley, Columbia county health nurse," the United States as constitutional." $1, Washington; $2, Jefferson; $5. be 38x80 feet, and Mr. Davenport had been attempting to get the states Miss Elisabeth C. Murray, “Columbia County Pomona Grange Mr. and Mr*. K. Perdew Lincoln; $10, Hamilton; $20, Jack- advise* that the latest equipment right location for a restaurant in ¡county school superintendent. "Prob- I ably there is no other county in is opposed to . the issuance of any. son; >50, Grant; $100, Franklin; will be installed to handle all kinds this city for months. Honored at Reception $500, McKinley; $1000, Cleveland; of motor car repairing. With Mr. Schmidler * is his sister- ' Oregon that has such an intensive more state highway bonds.” in law, Miss Miolette Heyras who i health building program. The im A reception was held last night $5000, Madison; $10,000, Chase. The Grange gave a rising vote will manage the counter and table munization against diptheria by of thanks to the business men of at the Vernonia hotel in honor of Mrs. Agnes Roach part of. the establishment. , mean* of toxin anti-toxin is one of __ _____ ___ r _ in ______ _ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perdew, new- The popular books for children Scappoose for _____ their ___ help making I her many project*. The pupil* of Passes Away at Houlton the 'session so pleasant and the ly married couple, who are spending this week are: Pollyanna, E. H. Sacred Program February 17 I Vernonia and Birkenfeld are due Mrs. Agnes Roach, mother of Mrs. Spyri; Italian gifts of ice cream and cigars. A * few days visiting with Mr. Per Porter; Hidi, J. tn receive ... their ” Thur»- Mrs. W. W. Wolff, leader of theiU ----- third ------ “shot --------- —— Twins, Lucy F. Perkins; Uncle Charles D. White, passed away at vote of thinks was also tendered dew’s father, Nat Perdew. choir, has announced day and Friday. ___ | Houlton January 29, at the age of i Evangelical Armstrong Grange for their bounti-| Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Vahl acted Tom’s Cabin, H. B. Stowe; Laddie, ___ ________________ : will ___ “Each day finds Miss Allay in a sacred musical program ful hospitality. The next meeting as host and hostess, serving a boun- Gene Stratton Porter; Daddy Long 76. Mrs. Roach had many friends in’ ¡that be presented at the church ; Sunday different community ‘carrying on,* hrs. • aoacn nao many inenoa mi — K . — ------- ' i a with will be with Beaver Home* grange, | tiful feast which was enjoyed by Legs, Jean Webster; Robin Hood, a • _ - a _ • a-ramlaui Fakmara 1*7 Iva Ttlaaa nf a v«rv definite Dianned roal. • * » May 4, the first Saturday. Grange .the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. K. McFadden; Toby Tyler, James Otte; Vernonia having spent * few month*, evening, February 17,jn place of with * vey stm closed in due form by Worthy I Perdew, Nat Perdew, C. McKfllip, Master Vo—g____________________ nod “d Mrs. VahL To Hire Local Labor Finances Good Shape < Eagle Will Spread To Eight Column* Hold Zone Spelling Contest Tomorrow I