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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1929)
Ubt»n, U Üetnonia NO. 2S VERNONIA. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1929 VOL. 7 Polluck Dinner Served By Women’s Relief Corps Vernonia Will Play Crawford Will Eight Farms Union Oil Co St. Helens Friday Best Boxing The John Butcher Relief Corp Meeting St. Helens Friday at Card Arranged Build Garage Get Telephones home, To Build Sub No. 49, met on Thursday at the the Vernonia team bucks Woodmen hall, for the purpose of up against an undefeated basket installing officers and to serve a Concrete Building To Be Rural Telephone Line ball team, and this will be the For Saturday Station Soon potluck dinner after the regular 100x115 Feet; Room To Schmidlin to City Limits game which practically decides just C. L. Tastevin Sales Mana ger, Surveyed Field meeting was adjoined. Officers installed for the coming year were, Nannie B. Hall, presi dent, senior vice president, Emma Weed, junior vice president Laura Sourers, musician, Mrs. Wm. Culver inside guard, Mrs. Johnson; outside guard, Mrs. W. O. Porterfield; Mrs. C. Morton, secretary; Lena Stanton, treasurer. Mrs. Emma Miller and Violet Miller were installed as color bearers in the first group with Mrs. Lizenberg and Mrs. C. Bennett, as color bearers in the second group. Mrs. May Mellinger, was installed as conductor, Alma Miller, patriotic instructor, and chaplin, Minnie Johns. Mrs. Lena Stanton acted as in stalling officer, and all members were requested to attend the next meeting on Washington’s birthday. Store Over 75 Car» Tearing down their present build ing and moving T. M. Crawford’s residence over fifty feet towards Bridge street, the Crawford Mo tor company will construct a large concrete garage 100x115 on Maple and Second streets, with the main entrance on Second street. Con struction is to start within 30 days. New Station Will Be In Operation The old Bafford residence purchas In Vernonia March 1; Two ed by T. M. Crawford will be torn 20,000 Tanks to Be Used down and the home now occupied by Crawford will be transferred Looking over a field last Nov- to the Bafford lot. ember for a location of a sub-sta- The service floor will be in tion, C. L. Tastevin, district sales front of the garage facing Second manager of the Union Oil company street with the show room on the of California, decided that Vernon corner of Second and Maple streets ia would be the city in which his and a Ford repair shop 33x70 feet company would build their first facing Maple street. large sub-station in 1929. United Railways Moves Latest equipment for handling Two 20,000 gallon storage tanks Roadmasters Office and repairing model T and A Fords will be constructed to handle the will be installed advises T. M. territory between this city and The roadmaster’s office of the Crawford and the building when just eash of Wilark, and to meet completed will cost about $13,500. with the Forest Grove division line, United Railway which has been lo- While the contract for building „„„„ as yet has ___ ___ ______ cated in Vernonia for the past five which not - been decided on. Construction will start within ¡years has been moved to Portland / has not as yet been released, Mr. C Crawford stated that local labor a few weeks, and with the excep- ] according to George Nelson, road- would be hired when possible and tion of the skeleton work of build- master. stated that he intended to ing the tanks, the other help will] Mr. Nelson has been connected also the storage section of the be hired locally, and a special crew with the Spokane, Portland and make new building large enough to store working for the Union Oil company | Seattle Railway since 1909 and is some 75 cars. will be on hand to handle the considered one of the best railroad Another example of his faith in technical end of the installation. I maintenance men in the Pacific About two or three of the em Northwest. He will visit Vernonia the future of Vernonia, Mr. Craw ford intends to construct one of ployes will make their homes in several days each week as con- the most modern and finest gar this city, this force will be the siderable construction work is still ages and service buildings in the in progress in this vicinity. local manager and two drivers. county. H. J. Smalley, agent of the Un ion Oil company of Calif., with Local Banking Concern headquarters at St. Helens, has Shows Increase In been covering the Vernonia terri- tory for the last three and one Total Resources half years, and is well known in this city. He has been with the Yesterday Chief of Police Jenkins Showing resources of $359,223.- Union Oil company for a number and members of his force, at Port 58 for the period ending Decem of years and it was partly through land provided an entertaining pro ber 31, 1928, the Bank of Ver his recommendation that his con gram at the Evangelical church nonia shows a steady increase in cern decided to install a sub-sta which consisted of musical numbers deposits for the last three years. tion in Vernonia. showing of colored slides and inter At the end of the year Decem esting talks on criminal organiza ber 31, 1926 the total resources tions in the United States and crim of this Bank was $280,760.09, and Moro, Mystery Man inals handled by the Portland police for the year ending December 31, Will Be Buried Alive department. 1927 the bank showed an increase Saturday in City At 7:30 a large attendance eager of about $56,000 in deposits, hav to hear the program crowded the ing $336,011.55 as total resources Moro, the mystery man, who is the church, and roundly applauded for the ending of that period. to fill an engagement at the Joy all selections rendered by Capt. R. The report of condition of the theatre Monday evening January IL. Crane and his quartet, which 28th, and will perform an unusual consisted of Captain Crane, Lieu Bank of Vernonia at the close of and spectacular feat by the way tenant Taylor, officers F. R. Burtch, 1928, showed some $359,223.58, of a publicity stunt, Saturday 26 G. N. Johnson and C. D. Lamb with showing the bank to be in a heal thy condition financially, with a when he will consent to be buried Mrs. C. D. Lamb as accompanist. substancial increase of deposits for alive, blindfolded, and broadcast Chief of police Jenkins, who is through a loudspeaker to those an old friend of Rev. Plumer was the past year. The Bank of Vernonia was the witnessing this feat, the sensations given a splendid reception before first institution or firm in this of a man buried alove. he deliverd his address, and with city to show faith in the future of The stunt will take place just the members of his party from Port city by building a beautiful east of the Vernonia hotel or south land was assured how the Vernon- our brick fireproof building at a cost of the skating rink, and at 2 p.m. ites welcome their presents in this of $22,000, which included furni Saturday 26, Moro will consent to city. ture and fixtures, and were very be blindfolded by disinterested instrumentaal in helping build up parties and proceed from in front Mayor Mills Appoints the business and residental section of Crawford’s garage and drive Boxing Commission of the town. through town stopping at the Eagle All of the officials of the bank office, then continue on to the Appointments made by the Mayor are well known and respected citi Vernonia Service station and re zens, the president, H. E. McGraw, turn to where the burial will take for boxing commission of Vernon and Cashier J. C. Lindley have been ia consisted of C. J. Nance, Dr. place near the skating rink. with the banking institution since J. A. Hughes, A. L. Kullander, ! Moro, is what he terms a pub same has been organized, and serv lic entertainer, but has received Lloyd Baker and H. E. McGraw, ed when Otto Galloway was presi Lloyd Baker as matchmaker, with favorable publicity for answering dent. questions of all sorts at his shows Geo. Ogg, custodian of the gloves. The directors, A. L. Kullander, such as he will stage at the Joy William Pringle, Sr. P. Bergerson, City Council Appoints theatre January 28. J. H. Bush, F. E. Malmsten and City Park Board H. E. McGraw, all of Vernonia are Vernonia, will no doubt be in man buried terested in seeing a R. M. Aldrich, Lee Schwab, Mrs. very active in the every day bus alive, not in work but in dirt, and Judd Greenman, Mrs. W. J. Good iness life of this city. Moro claims that this stunt seldom ing and F. E. Malmsten were re fails to thrill his audience. appointed on the City Park Board Wrist Broken While to serve for the year of 1929. Cranking Automobile First Meeting Held In New Cabin Mayor Mills and the city council The Tatapochian Camp Fire girls expressed themselves as well pleas held their first meeting in the new ed with the progress and improve John Marchel suffered a broken cabin, Tuesday evening. ments made in the city park dur wrist last Sunday while cranking Plans for finishing the cabin ing the past year, and it was de his car. Mr. Marchel is stenogra were talked over. Also, plans for cided that a re-appointment of the pher for the Eagle Lumber com future activities were discussed. present park board would be the pany and the accident will lay A list of prospective members logical course to take, judging from him up for a few weeks. A. R. Baird, L. R. Kern, Stan was made. Each person will be the number of improvements made ley Ramboski, Al Knight and "Dad” asked to join the group in the near in the past year. Knight attended a hockey game future. in Portland Thursday night. Marshmallows were toasted be- Professor Wilkerson Do L. E. Stephens cut his hand fore the fire as each girl chose a nates Flag to Scouts quite badly in the saw filing ma hobby. Following this, the meeting Presenting an American flag chinery Thursday afternoon. adjourned. Miss Lottie Conibear spent Thur Monday night to the local Boy Scouts just before the close of sday evening in Portland. Shell Company Changes Name Mrs. L. E. Stephens who has The Shell Company of California their meeting, as a token of esteem recently announced that its corpor- in which he regarded their organi been in Portland some weeks help ated name has been changed to zation, Professor Wilkerson, after ing to care for her father who is Shell Oil Company. The ownership, giving a brief talk, was warmly ill, returned home Thursday. Dick Kern celebrated his eighth officers, personnell, general policies thanked by Scoutmaster Doctor and location of its principal offices Cole and his Scouts and was re- birthday Friday afternoon at which of the corporation will remain un quested to remain for the remain- sixteen of his boy friends were Toasting marshmallows der of the meeting, so that he present. changed. could get acquainted with some of was one feature of entertainment. Miss Lillian England spent the the work which this troop was do- Foundation Started for week end in Cochran visiting the ing. Large Concrete Garage Stating that he thought every Harry Woodford family. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kern spent Levi Austin let out the contract boy who was physically fit and of for the building of his concrete age who was eligible for member Saturday evening in Portland. garage and work shop last week ship, should join, Mr. Wilkerson The O. E. S. social club will to the Acord Real Estate and remarked that it was wonderful Building company of Vernonia, for work which Doctor Cole had done hold a cooked food sale Saturday a 62x100 foot building located while acting as scoutmaster, and morning at 10 o’clock in the b<;:W just west of the Midway grocery. that he realized the wonderful ing formerly occupied by Mac’s Work on the foundation, is now start in Americanism, this training Pharmacy. Mrs. John Miller and children in progress, and Mr. Acord advises gave the scout. At the close of that this will be one of the most the meeting each scout thanked went to St. Helens Tuesday and _ and visited relatives. Mr. Miller and modern garages in the county hav Mr. Wilkerson for attending, ing a storage space, work shop, dis invited him to attend whenever be Lloyd Baker went in to Portland to see the fights. found time to do so. play room and office. Start Building Soon Chief Jen kit is Here Yesterday Gives Services Friday Ten families living along Beaver creek, will be given service Friday, when the Beaver Creek Telephone company connects up with the West Coast Telephone company, lines at the city limits of Vernonia. The length of the line is eight miles, ending at Schmidlin’s ranch and will give service to Gregory, Chas. Schmidlin, Brown, Crawford, Tomlin, McDonald, Condit, Frank Schmidlin, Holt and Uhlin, homes. The labor in building the line was done by the families along the new line, and financed b ythe same group. Local Men Attend Washington Co. Court what chances Vernonia has of win ning the county championship. Austin, high school coach has had the boys practicing long periods on basket shooting, which seem their weakest point, and an improvement in this quarters will have Vernonia in fine shape to hold St. Helens, the team which is considered as one of the fastest basketball teams in the league. Barely beating Rainier last week, the local team will have to show improved team work and action to take the rine away from St. Helens but the players of Vernonia are determined to win, and are very anxious to have a large turnout of the townsfolks on hand to support them in their critical game of the season. Lester Sheeley, Ellis McGraw, M. ■ Metsker Introduces Murray and Lee Schwab, drove to1 Two Bills in House Hillsboro, Thursday to attend a1 meeting before the Washington Salem, Jan. 17—Glen R. Metsker, county court for the purpose of of St. Helens, in Salem attending the completion of Washington coun his first session of the legislature ty section of Vernonia, Button, as Representative for Columbia Forest Grove highway, via the county, has been appointed Vice- Beaver Creek route. Chairman of the Committee on Ad Some five years ago the county ministration and Reorganization, and courts of Washington and Colum to the committees on Fisheries, Re bia counties met in Vernonia and peal of laws, and Commerce and entered into a gentlemens, agree While in Salem Mr. ment to construct both the Beaver Navigation. Metsker is living at the Marion Ho creek and Timber-Gales creek road, tel. to their respectives county lines as soon as funds were available. Johnson Smith Former State Penitentary Warden in Vernonia Former state penitentary Warden Johnson S. Smith who served as warden for the state institution under Governor Pierce, is in Ver nonia in the interest of promoting a lodge of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Smith who holds the title qf state deputy of the head council of the Modern Woodmen, is very anxious to.. ha,~ this city represent ed by his order, and before leaving will co-operate with citizens of our city who are interested in the start ing of a lodge of Modern Wood men. Mrs. Howard Christie To Handle Camp News West Of Keasey Northern Sport Is Enjoyed Here Carl Burgeson, Emil Messing, Cecil Bateman and L. E. Sesse- man, took advantage of the heavy snowfall, and Saturday these young bloods, were seen skiing down, Sword’s hill. All four men are great outdoor sports and welcome any opportun ity to indulge in any form of out door octivities. Mayor and Council Make Appointments At the regular meeting of the City Council Monday 21, the -fol- lowing appointments were approv ed. For city water superintendent, M. L. Gaines, for water depart ment collector, Lillian Washburn, health officer, Dr. J. A. Hughes, city attorney, G. R. Watts, deputy marshall, Jim Monger. Mayor Mills made the apopint- ments, and were seconded in a shrill tenor chorus by the whole council, with the exception of coun cilman McGraw who now assumes a bass, since growing dandruff catching feathers under his beak. Knight and Burbank Will Fight Main Event Brady Wants Action Record Crowd Will Bo Expected Seat* Are Arranged To Seat About Five Hundred Fan* Dove Knight back from winning his last battle at Umatilla declares himself in first class condition for his coming battle on Saturday night when he enters the ring to exchange punches with Jack Bur bank of Portland. Matchmaker Baker declares that fight fans, regardless if they have seen either men in action, will be unable to predict the outcome of thi? main event as both lads are top-notchers, and are anxious to mix as the winner of this battle, will no doubt get a chance to fight main events in larger cities. The semi-final to be fought be tween Dane Brady, local and Ed die Murphy, will be a match of cleverness as Murphy, a streak of lightning will meet a man who fights his kind of battle when meet ing up with Brady. Billy Owens of Vernonia who is pitted to meet Johnnie Ballister of Portland will enter the ring weighing 116, both boys are furi ous fighters and it is predicted that this may exceed even the main event when it comes to ac tion. Battling Topang, 118, Vernonia and Johnny Snell of Portland should furnish four rounds of eye bulging pastime for the fans as Topang needs action, and Snell has never as yet been known to pow der his nose in a ring, after the gong has sounded. Kid Nelson. 160, Vernonia and Jimntj Dunn, should furnish th,, slugging entertaainment, part of the program, in all the card is well balanced with plenty of speed and slugging evenly proportioned. Fight will start at 9 o’clock sharp. Services Held For Addie Orila Goodwin Mrs. Howard Christie, was ap Funeral services were held in the pointed field correspondent for Christian church Sunday by "Rev. camps and Keasey and circulation Teddy Leavitt for Mrs. Addie Orila representative for this vicinity Sat Goodwin who died at the home of urday. her daughter Mrs. W. V. Lindley. Well ¿nown at Keasey and the Mrs. Goodw'in had not been in the camps, the new correspondent pro best of health for some time but mises to increase the news from was ill only a short time before camps and Keasey, and also will her death. She was 79 years of strive to get a good many subscrib age and was born in Wisconsin. The ers for the Vernonia paper in this body was forwarded to Chewelah, territory. Wash., for interment in the family W. F. Reed Purchases Howard Christie who is in Ver plot. She also leaves a son E. L. Shipley’s Barber Shop Goodwin of Garibaldi who was in nonia a few times every week is refereing the high school basket Vernonia for the funeral. ball games and is an authority on W. F. Reed last Monday bought athletics in general. the Shipley Barber shop from Wes Former Vernonia Mer ton Shipley, and intends to remodel chant Dies at Roseburg his shop within the next few weeks. Auxiliary Meeting Held Well known in Vernonia, having Reed has resided in Vernonia for At the Home of Mrs. the past year, formerly working conducted a store in this city for C. J. Nance Recently for Shipley in the shop which he a few years, J. D. Reese died at Roseburg January 16, from an ill- Essie Nance, president of the purchased. ness of long standing. American Legion Auxiliary .held The deceased left Vernonia in the regular meeting of their unit Woodmen of World April, 1928, and with his family Monday at her home, due to the Co-operate With the located in southern Oregon where fact that the Auxiliary and Legion "Boxing Commission ' heD wcnt, in business for himself, club rooms were to be decorated and remodeled. So as not to conflict with the ,.?.ee8e leaves his widow and two During the meeting plans were Vernonia boxing c o m m i s s i o n - ’s ! ; children age 10 and 12 years, made for the St. Valentine dance smoker on Saturday, the Woodmen 1 . . ~. 7 .. on February 9, and arrangements Of the World will not hold a dance Local Chamber Installs made to secure best music obtain in their hall on that date as plan New Officials Today able from Portland. ned. The Vernonia Chamber of Com- Part of the evening was spent Mike Miller, prominent in Wood merce will have installation of of- in sewing for the disabled veterans men affairs, suggested these ar ficers today, at the regular meet- in Veteran hospital No. 77 at Port rangements and arranged for a ing held at the Horseshoe cafe. land. special meeting of the executive Those to be installed will be W. Mrs. Nance served chicken sand committee. W. Wolff as president, M. E. Moe, wiches, lobster salad, french pine vice-president; C. F. Hieber, treas apple fruit cake, and hot chocolate, The Jolly “500” club m»t at urer; Frank Hartwick and Mike and members present decided that the home of Mrs. George McKee Miller as directors. a motion be made that the regular last Thursday afternoon - and decid- i W. Wolff has apopinted Lee ---- ------------ , ------------ ------- . W. meetings be held every meeting ed to hold regular meetings everv I Schwab membership chairman, and night at Mrs. Nance’s home. second Thursday. Mrs. Wilma Babb he will also handle the collection Mrs. Nance vetoed this motion, won the prize for the high score I of dues. The chamber will shortly figuring that the attendance would of_ the afternoon. A dainty lunch-1 start their membership campaign, increase too rapidly to assist in eon of sandwiches, cake and coffee and will attempt to bring every consuming the chicken and other I was served. The next meeting will business man in Vernonia in on goodies. be at the home of Mrs. R. J. Hart, its membership roll. Auxiliary members reported sick were, Mona Lindley, now in hospital at Portland. Mrs. Fred Brewer and daughter were reported as doing fine and auxiliary were excited about re ceiving the latest recuit into their folds, Fred’s little daughter. The appeal of talking pictures equipped with vitaphone and mov ADELINE ORILLA GOODWIN to the public, has helped Jack ietone. Mrs. Adeline Orilla Goodwin 79 Bush owner of the Joy theatre to Sound reproduction has been so died suddenly of heart disease at decide that his theatre would short perfected that every variation in the home of her daughter Mrs. ly install sound equipment. film, be it ever so light, can W. V. Lindley last Thursday. The This will make the Joy theatre the says manager Bush, funeral was held Sunday at the one of the first picture houses in be detected those who have not yet seen Christian church and the body was the smaller cities of Oregon to ! and talkies, will be astonishel at the shipped to Chemelah, Wn. for bur fall in line. I progress made in sound production ial. She also leaves two sons, H. E. The demand for talkies is so 1 on th screen in the last year. Goodwin of Chemelah, Wn., E. L. 1 great, that theatre owners, see The best talkies to be shown, Goodwin of Garibaldi, Oregon and writing on the wall, and realize five grand children to mourn her , that it is just a matter of a short every effort as in the past will lorn. period that all movies will be be made to get first run pictures; Joy Theatre Will Install "Talkie” Mechanism Soon