Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 23, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    Thursday. January 25. 1929
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon
Page Four
prospectors had a severe trip
this time.
Several roofs in this vieta­
ity have yielded to tile weight
of snow allowed to gather up-
An! Other Thing,
on them and a disfigured build-
Th * fellow who falls In love and
ing has been the result. The
Excerpts from the Nehalem1__
last returns report J. K. Bin-
■ t.—Chicago N»'s.
Journal published in Vernonia son’s new barn wrecked from
40 years ago. From the issue this cause.
of January 21, 1890.
Nehalem river is reported
1 2 3
Personal :
frozen over.
Four feet of snow at Mis-
W. A. Woods of Clatskanie
5 6 7 8 9 10
has taken up a ranch on crooked hawaka.
County Official
12 13 14 15 16 17
Elmer S. McNutt readied Ver­
19 20 21 22 23 24
nonia last Wednesday evening
Member of National Edi­
after a long disagreeable trip
26 27 28 22 30 31
torial Association and Ore­
over the mountains from Cor-
gon State Editorial Associa­
Thos. Pettijohn was in
Extension of large scale co­
In cooperation with
the surveyors' camp Saturday operative marketing to Oregon
$2.00 per year in advance
Issued every Thursday
U. S. Public Health Service
and reports the pack trail open under the provisions of the new
Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post
through to Mishawka and the federal marketing act will be
office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879.
force is now working on the ! assisted by the Oregon state
Collaborating Epidemiologist
college to the extent that pro-
Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch;
______ _ who
___ __
for sev- posed organizations are deemed
C. F. . Knowles,
Pneumonia Prevention
legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding
insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c.
Pneumonia is the most im- eral years past has been post-1 sound in plan and management,
cause of death in Ore- master at Mist has resigned his! This was the decision reached
position and Chas. Jones has by the combined agricultural
gon. Deaths for 1928 totaled been
....... EDITOR
690 which was an increase from cancy. appointed to fill the va-. staff of the institution called
together by President W. J.
60,6 in 1927. The high incidence
Mr. Knowles made an effi- I Kerr to consider the future poli­
of pneumonia in Oregon indi-
“Applesauce” is a true American product.
cates that measures are needed cient postmaster and had the cy of the institution in the face
Those who distribute it as a rule are of the sure-step­ to prevent this disease. While it confidence of the patrons of of the altered agricultural mar­
office. His resignation was keting situation nationally. A
ping type, rather proud of themselves and upon relating; is true that there is no specific the
means for preventing pneumonia made necessary by the increas­ definite statement of purpose
some of their conquests or powers, to their meek listeners! there is no other disease which ing cares of his farms, he hav­ was adopted unanimously while
bring down on their heads the popular, now rather old ex­ can be as easily prevented by ing two to look after, as he the county agents and other
i the application of a few com- found he was unable to at- field men were on the campus
pression of “Applesauce.”
I in conference.'
'mon aenae measures. The pub- tend to both.
A wonderiul word, to express in a sure swift way, the lic must be educated regarding
Mr. Jones his successor, is the1 The college will extend its
sentiment of any who rather doubt the veracity of a story general measures likely to limit proprietor of one of the stores educational work in cooperative
spread of respiratory infec­ at Mist and is one of the oldest marketing and provide more
and still a word which usually brings forth much merri­ the
settlers in the Nehalem valley _ technical organization assistance
ment and leaves a warm glow rather than a feeling of dis-j j Pneumonia is a germ infection and is well known to all the as fast as resources will permit.
like as if one had bluntly said. “I don’t believe a word of but it is by no means always patrons of the office and will
the same germ. The existence doubtless make an
of organisms giving rise to postmaster.
So, long live “Applesauce.”
broncho-pneumonia is maintained
Croa, of Snow Protected
There was another pleasant
by transfer from person to per­ gathering at L. Magoon’s resi­
A I resldi-i.tlal proclamation set
""--- -----
aside l,32(i acres of land in Holy
son. The respiratory tract is dence last week.
Just when we were ready to compare the mild climate the usual channel of infection.
national foreet of Colorado
John VanBlaricom ran one Oross
protect the ramous cross of snow
of Vernonia with sections in California famed for their Particles of sputum expelled by tine of a pitchfork through his to
Holy Cross mountain Is a peak In
sneezing or talking foot Saturday morning while Colorado
F limate, “it happened.” And we feel better when our coughing,
which takes Ils name from
cantaminate the air about an pitching hay.
a gigantic Greek cross formed by
toyai Portland papers give spacious space with glaring infected individual, . This gives
crevice« on the side
Part of the lumber for the
headlines and clear cut pictures showing long lines of cars
«lanKer of droplet new store across the creek is of the luouutuln. The cross Is vis
The inhalation of ma­ on the ground and work will be­ Ible for miles around and Is an ob­
blocked by snow drifts on the roads not far from Los An-' terial
which through drying has gin as soon as the snow leaves. ject of considerable public Interest.
—Pathfinder Magazine.
geles We feel much better.
contaminated the air is also a
John Campbell of Rock Creek
source of danger. Transfer may
Reason for Goodness
mke place by contact with moist
Beckie, usually a lively tot to
Again we met a homely man, who boasted about his sputum 1 or utensils used by in­ notary public, has receieved his
Absolute seal and is now ready to trans­ whom keeping quiet was a stranger,
kid being the best looking kid in town and forget to men­ fected
had been wonderfully repressed at
, cleanliness should be secured in act business.
the day's session of Sunday school,
tion that the youngster looks and favors his wife.
Thursday last the snow went and
■ I the sick room. Fresh air and
when It was over her apprecia­
sunshine limit the danger.
tive teacher expressed approval by
. ,4- *1z-v 4- ! v to nt t on par- of the warm rain and the creeks saying;
“Beckie, dear, you have been
Hot air blowers are in demand, the cold days, during prevent l,roplet infection,
• -
®i tides of sputum expelling dur- and river rose several inches. a very good little girl today.”
the period when shortage of blow torches is noticed.
was the solemnly assent­
| ing coughing or sneezing should There is little danger of very
be caught in a paper handker­ high water this year, unless a ing reply. “I couldn’t help being
I got a stiff neck."—Brock­
chief or piece of cloth placed in very heavy warm rain occurs. good.
Whir« Friendvhip Ceases
ton Enterprise.
Doesn’t Worry Them
A clever young advertising ex
Dumb animals have ns much trou­
pert, asked whether the men she ble ns men. Theirs Just seems less handkerchief or cloth should be their work on Pebble creek yes­
Lake of Vast Depth
met seemed to resent the competl- because It doesn’t bother them un­ burned. Regulations forbidding terday having secured some
In the heart of Inglelmrongh.
tlon of wonien, answered: “It’s til It happens.—Snn Francisco expectoration should lie enforced specimans of coal which is ahead one of the highest peaks of the
If Chronicle.
largely a question of salary,
of anything yet taken out. Mr. Pennine range, a subterranean lake
‘ •at all times and in all places.
you got less than $5.000 a year you
Tupper succeeded in running the of tremendous depth has been dis­
are a nice girl and a great help to
Theri’s No Arbitration
some other condition, most of­ shaft some fourteen feet fur­ covered. It lies 600 feet below the
them. But the moment your salary
Much Of the divorce evil also Iff ten a cold but not infrequently ther, although greatly hindered the surface and Is SOO yards tong.
goes above $5,000 look out. That's
So fur it has been Impossible to find
where friendship censes. Then due to the fact that married couples some other disease such as meas­ by the snow and water.
its depth. Plumb lines have been
you stop being a nice girl and be­ fall to agree on Is criticism les or whooping cough. Pneu­
dropped from a raft, but none
come a competitor."—Boston Globe. and Is fault finding.—Des monia is given an opportunity vicinity of the mines is from have touched the bottom.
Moines Register.
to develop most often through one to four feet deep and the
Odd Rainfalls
a neglected cold or through at-
Gett'ng Better and Better
Goldfin rain, yellow rain and
I tempts to resume one’s usual
“showers of sulphur ■” ’ occur now
__ ­ | habits of life to® soon, before
and then. A shower of this sort national diet becomes more more
| complete recovery from some
sent scores of frightened peasants tional. our public heiillb work
Into the churches of Luxembourg a effective.—Woman’s Home Com- | other illness.
Prevent colds and thereby
few years ago. as they feared tlmt panion.
prevent most of our pneumonia.
It forboded punishment for the nu­
Can’t Be Ourselves
Go prepared for changes of tem­
merous sins which doubtless they
hnd on their consciences. These
Human beings would act more I perature. Protect yourself prop­
yellow rains are due to the pres­ human If they were left more alone erly against cold weather. When
ence In the upper air of large quttn
and not hindered by too many false exercising out of doors be sure
titles of pollen of certain pines and teachings.—Woman’s Home Com­ that you add additional cloth­
fir trees.
• »
ing to put on as soon as you
Stop. If you get wet and are
Top Old Plaything
It', an Unpopular Sport
There are many references to the
Poverty Isn’t so had. provided the unable to change clothes keep
top In classical literature. There effort to make ends meet can he exercising until you are able
are several words In Greek for thought of as a «port, rather tliau to change. Remove your wraps
I -uiooj uubm u jaiua noX usuai
tops; one for the whipping or peg a barilshlp.—Toledo Blade.
They Still Practice
'Few women are good speakers.**
asserts a reader. But that does
not deter them.—London Tlt-lllta.
Excerpts From
Nehalem Journal
Of 40 Years Ago
College Adopts
Marketing Plan
State Board of Health
Wholesale and Retail
top, another for the humming top.
These words are found In the writ­
ings of Homer. It Is claimed that
tops wore known In England ns
early as the Fourteenth century.
World’, Biggest Monitor
The hugest of all the dinosaurs
were the an uropods, giant vegeta­
rians walking heavily on nil fours,
with plllar-llke legs, long, snakc-llke
necks, far-reaching tnlls. and a
brain weighing less than a pound to
govern a body with an estimated
weight of 40 tons.—American Mag
Meaning of Carnival
Carnival really moans not a fes­
tival but the putting aside of meat,
according to Good Ilonlth. It de­
rived Its present meaning from be­
ing used to name the last day be­
fore the abstinence of Lent, that
Is the day when meat was put aside.
Select large oysters for single
fries. Drain them and look over
carefully for bits of shell. Have
finely sifted stale bread crumbs
seasoned with salt and pepper.
Dip the oysters in a well beaten
egg to which 1 tablespoon of
There still lingers in the minds cold water has been added and
of many Oregon taxpayers the
mistaken idea that they are an­
nually assessed for the carrying
out of the work of the state
game commission, according to
Harold Clifford, state game war­
den. On several occasions com­
plaints have reached the office
of the commission to the effect
that taxpayer’s money was be-,
ing wasted by various activities
in the propogation and protec­
tion of fish and game.
“Not one cent of state reve­
nue goes into the treasurery of
the commission,” says Mr. Clif­
ford. “Our main revenue comes
through the sale of licenses.
The sportsman annually pays for
his license and that money, in
its entirety goes into the game
protection fund.
" ’ Where arrests
are made and convictions ob-
tained one half of the money
from fines Roes in the treasurey
of the county in which the ar­
rests were made. The other half
goes to the commission. Thus it
may seem that the commission
takes from rather than adds to
the load of the taxpayer.”
Taxpayers Do Not
Pay For Game
Commission Work
roll them in the seasoned
crumbs. Place the oysters on a
pan or board to stand until the
bread and egg coating has har­
dened. Fry in a wire frying
basket in deep fat, hot enough
to brown a bread crumb in for-
ty seconds.
Dy No Means
When a man’s temper is hnd, snvs
an eastern psychologist. he should
banish the household glooin b.v tell
Ing a Joke. What usually happens
when a man's temper Is bad Is that
his wife tells him he Is a Joke liut
this doesn't flood the home with
sunshine as much as might be ex
peeted.— I tetrolt News.
Fresh Air Important
Bad air Is narcotic poison, To
sleep In a room that hasn’t n current
of air moving about is to Invite de­
pression. ill-health and grayness of
complexion. Proper ventilation tn
the houiw I, Important. Years ago
there existed an Idea to Sb« »ffevt
that night air was poisonous. That
was silly bunkum.— Exchange.
FrcliGc Author
Alexander Dumas the older, an-
thor of “The Count of Monte
Cristo.” Is supposed to have been
the most prolific writer who ever
lived. He told Napoleon III Unit
he had written some 1,200 volumes.
One set of his works, which pur­
ports to be “complete," contains 277
volumes.—Pathfinder Magazine.
Artistic Sign Paint-
J. C. Henderson
Phone 1021
Trailing Co.
Cass Bergerson
Paint Shop
Not High Climbers
The biological survey says
chipmunks do not climb to the tops
of trees as do squirrels, but they
do climb up 10 or 15 feet.
First and Last
II Is mighty hard to matte
spendthrift undi'rstntid that
make money last he must make
first.—Louisville Times.
Twenty States in Brazil
The Republic of Brazil consists
of twenty states, one territory and
the federal district.—Providence
Led in Broadcast Advertising?
WEAK Is held to bo the first sta
finn tn the United Stales to radio
cast advertising matter. This was
done In the latter part of 1922.
Horn-Rimmed Glasses Old
Just a Suggestion
A writer suggests that Inventors
should produce a method of shaving
In one minute. Instead of ten. One
Idea Is to run quickly round the
face with a blowlamp.—London
Something In Their Favor
Love and honor are old-fashioned
things, hut they never bring you to
the point where all depends on the
testimony of an alienist — Snn
Francisco Chronicle.
The first hornrimmed glasses
were produced by British makers
and wore worn ns long ago ns the
Sixteenth century.
Llxr or Bachelor
If you hear n man any he always
has bls own way you know he lies
or else he's a hachelor.—Atchison
County Mall.
Two Great Powers
How Huddle Originated
The two powers which. In my
opinion, constitute a wise man. are
bearing and forbearing.—Epictetus.
The football expert who Invent­
ed the huddle probably got the Idea
from observing four feminine hends
grouped over a bridge game.—Ar­
kansas Gazette.
The mnyflower Is the official
flower of Massachusetts, mnile so
by an act of the legislature.
Stato’a Official Flower
Delivered To
and Called
For At
Trucks Leave Vernonia
9 A. M. Dally
W. A. Davie, Local Manager.
Res. 1052
Office Phone 1041
Portland Vernonia Truck Line
For Freight Orders
Neither Are Shock Absorbers