Thursday. Janü&fry 23. 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 1 UJ11R w a Mrs. Wayne Lappe, Society Reporter Phone 573 Teachers En joy Sleighing There is an old adage “Keep young with your children,’* which has been proved by the school teachers of the Vernonia schools. They have been sleigh ing and coasting during the evening since the fall of snow last Wednesday night on the St. Helens highway, Pebble Creek and Rock Creek roads. KITCHEN RECITALS riTT (By Mr». Mark E. Mo») Parker House Rolls 2 cups scalded milk s tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt 1 yeast cake dissolved in *4 cup lukewarm water Flour—about 6 V4 cups. Add butter, sugar and Balt to milk; when lukewarm adt dissolved yeast cake and three cups of flour. Beat thoroughly cover and let rise until light; cut down and add enough floui to knead (it will take about 2t4 cups.) Let rise again, toss on slightly floured board, knead, pat and roll out to one-third inch thickness. Shape with bis cuit cutter, first dipped in flour, Dip the handle of a case knife in flour and with it make a crease through the middle ol each piece; brush over one-hall of each piece with melted but ter, fold and press edges toget her, Place in greased pan, one inch apart, cover, let rise and bake in hot oven twelve to fif- teen minutes. As rolls rise thej will part slightly and are apt to lost their shape if hastened in rising. Parker House rolls may be shaped by cutting or tearing off small pieces of dough and shap ing round like a biscuit; place in rows on floured board, covei and let rise fifteen minutes. With handle of large wooder. spoon or toy rolling pin, roll through center of each biscuit brush edge of lower halves with melted butter, fold, press slight ly, place in buttered pan, one inch apart, cover, let rise and bake. Coffee • Cakes 1 cup scalded milk 4 yolks of eggs 3 eggs Mi cup of sugar 2 yeast cakes % teaspoon extract lemon 4 % cups flour Cool milk; when lukewarm add yeast cakes and when they are dissolved add remaining in gredients and beat thoroughly ten minutes; let rise six hours. Keep cool over night, in the morning turn on a floured board roll in long rectangular picee one fourth inch thick; spread with softened butter, fold from aides toward center to make three layers. Cut off piece sep- erately in hands and twist from ends in opposite directions, coil and bring ends together at top of cake. Let rise in pans and bake twenty minutes in a mod- erate oven. Cool and brush over with confectioners BUgar, 1 mola tened with boiling water to spread and flavored with vanil- la. Dutch Apple Cake 1 cup scalded milk 16 cup butter •6 cup sugar H teaspoon of salt 1 yeast cake 2 eggs 2\ cups flour. Melted butter f sour apples U cup sugar 2 tablespoons currants >6 teaspoon cinnamon Mix first four ingredients. When lukewarm add yeast cake, eggs unbeaten and flour to make a soft dough. Cover, let rise, beat thoroughly and let rise. Spread in a buttered dripping pan as thinly as possibly and brush over with melted butter. Pare, cut in eighths and remove cores from apples. Press sharp edges of apples into the dough in parallel rows lengthwise of pan. Sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon and sprinkle with currants. Cover, let rise and bake in a moderate oven thirty minutes. Cut in squares and serve hot with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored. Martin & Forbes LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granite and marble at reduced pricee WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Oregon Monument Work» Fourth and Main St, Hillsboro » behind the Laramore team Sun- Portland—School board open- Many Parties Formed I ed bids for construction Anri film For Skiing And Sleigh-dayMraft*™oo^ra p ' of new Brooklfn school build- . . , —- — ----- -. M. Ruhl, mg around Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Holyfield, 1 ing. I and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Olson I Crane—Oregon Oil company ' resumed operations is drilling I The cold freezing weather the were skiing down the streets Nehalem circle, Neighbors of for on on Culp place, 12 miles past two weeks has been the of the O., A. hill Sunday after You may have around A delightful affair was giv EVANGELICAL CHURCH your home some article Wood Craft held their installs- ■ wcst of this town, i en at the home of Dr. and Mrs. inspiration of parties sleighing, noon. Sunday school at 4:45, a. m. tion of officers January 16! 16 ‘ _________________ which at the present time ------------------------- Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Emil Mess- skiing, coasting and skating on M. D. Cole on “B” street Tues In the absence of A. C. Krause you have no use for, with Alice Mills serving as in . Bridge Enthusiast» ing, Tommy Bateman and C. Lone Pine acres pond day evening at which the host W. W. Wolff had charge of for which, at some time or stalling officer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick, R. Watt’s brothers from Canada and hostess entertained those Meet At Greenman’s the services last Sunday. The other, you had paid a con- Emma Miller was installed Miss Alma Kullander and Ever were seen skating on the Watt’s interested in the Vernonia siderable sum. pastor will speak at 11:00 a. Home Saturday Even ett Prickett enjoyed sleighing pond at Lone Pine acres. as G. N.; Alice Mills, P. G. N; Athletic club. Bridge and “500” That article may be use- m. Communion service follow Mrs. Strong, adv; Edia Parker,I were played by the guests dur- who someon e else, ful to ing the Bermion. I ng the evening. A delicious sup Mag; Nolls Brsdy, clerk; Er-1 Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman would be willing to pay Young people's meeting at ma Johnson, banker; Mildred entertained a number of their per was served late in the even-1 for sum you a reasonable 6:30 p. m. Chapman, F. B.. Marie Swimm, friends at bridge Saturday ev- ing. The invitational list it. The I. O. O. F. lodge meets I. S.; Hilda Keasey, O. S; Vio- ening at their home on the O. included Messers and Mesdames I May we suggest our clas- with us «t 7:30 P. m. The pas- let Miller, Ray Brady, Marie A. hill. sified ads? Judd Greenman, Frank Hartwick,' tor will speak on “The Good Mrs. C. J. Anderson received Elliot were chosen as managers They bring results, act E. Yeo, Edwin Condit, C. J: Samaritan.” with Ida Johnson, correspon- high score for the ladies and as your selling agents for Davidson, C. J. Anderson, R. Next Wednseeday, January a small sum, as low as 25c dent; Dorothy Tays, attendant. I W. W. Wolff, for the gentle A. Olson, A. L. Kullander, E. 29 at 7:30, p. m., Rev. F. B. for the first issue, not ex men. Bell, L. F. Austin, Thor Ro J. ceeding twenty five words Culver will preach and hold a The guests included Mr. berts, J. C. Lincoln, M. E. Moe and 15c each succeeding TIMBER quarterly conferenre. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mr. C. W. Reithner, Misses Doro issue. Mrs. Mertie Meyers has been and Mrs. M. A. Gregory, Rev G. W. PLUMER, Pastor thy Von Hoene, Rea Davis, visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W- and Mrs. C. E. Davidson, Pearl Krause, Ruth Taylor, Mel Kilburg and family for the past anj Mrs. E. A. Green and CHRISTAIN CHURCH ba Larampre, Marjorie King, coin Peterson Saturday. I and Mrs. W. W. Wolff. F. Claude Stephens, Minister I Charlotte Holts, Louise Maini The Reed Holding house is be- week. Oscar Schiffer and family Services for Lord’s day, Jan. '■ ster^ Della Cline, Alma li ul- ing remodeled at this time. 26. I lander, Myrtle Pye, Marie Kirk- Edward McMullin, who has had lunch with Emmett Schif Clatskanie Music 10:00 a. m., bible school, Patrick, Mrs. Alta Neal; Mes- been ill w;,th stomach trouble fer and daughters last Friday. | At Dance Here Next Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKnight topic for study: “A Christain sers Fred Spring, Wilfred lit- Tho- for the past week, is very spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.1 according to Christ.’ 11:00 a. m. mas, Wallace McCrae, Tommy tie better at this writing. Saturday Evening divine morning worship, theme: Brown, Lloyd Thomas, Everett William Pringle, Jr., drove to and Mrs. Riche. There has been three cases of ‘A Valley Full of Trenches.” Prickett, Robert Noble, Loel Astoria one day last week. The Merrymakers of Clatska- 6.30 p. m, Christain Endeavor Hieber, Loel Roberts, Arthur The pie social and entertain chicken pox and two cases of nie will furnish the music for societies. TWO of them and Green and Norman Green. ment which was to be held mumps in Timber and W estim- , the dance to be given by the ousy. 7:80 p. m. special music last Saturday at Natal Grange, ber in the last three weeks. I Vernonia Athletic club Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman night. The purpose of the dance and orchestra. Theme: “The re- o. . n i m has been postponed until a later ation of King David of bibical ^^dy, ^*U‘> Meets date on account of the weather. and daughter, had Sunday dinner , js to raise funds for the ath Isreal to the Church of Jesus' Today at Home Mrs. Harry McMullin spent part of with Mr. and Mrs. Burley Tall letic activities of the members Christ today. i Dave Marshall Saturday in Vernonia on busi- man and family I of the club. Volley ball, bas- Wival Gilmore and I „ ’ A hearty welcome to all com ness. ket ball and tennis are among Emerson called on. Emmett Schif ing. The Study Club will meet to , the sports of the club. Mrs. Wm. Pringle, Jr., is ser- Alas, by Some degree of woe, day at the home of Mrs. Dave iously ill at her home at this fer while he was sick. The officers of the club are The Nehalem river at Timber Dr. M. D. Cole, president; Tom We every bliss must gain; Marshall on the O. A. hill. time. is frozen over. The heart can ne’er a transport ' Brown vice-president, Mrs. E. The programme for the after- Lou Althus was in Natal last Mr. an Mrs. A. J. Riche spent know, i noon will be in charge of Yeo, secretary and C. W. week on business. Sunday evening with , Mr. , and That never knows a pain.— Mrs. Charles Richardson, the , . Reithner, treasurer. Miss Doro- the Baldrige called at Bud Lord Lyttleton. subject being “Evolution of Lincoln Peterson ranch Thurs- Mrs. Bill Huffman and daugh-' thy Bennett is director of la-[ | dies activities and Fred Spring ter. Group Life.” day. Mrs Ida Kilburg spent three for men. Swords Hill Popular days in a -------- Forest Grove hos- Carl Iler and his son Fritz- Fritz — — - With Winter Sport called to see Edward McMullin' pital last week with lumbago. NATAL Lovers This Week Thursday. | Emmett Schiffer has been Choose Their Own Music Miss imas Almond was absent home from the Clark and Wilson A number of Vernonia young According to an occupational con This community received woru from high school last week as camp for the past three weeks. folk braved the deep snow on Sunday of the death of Mrs. He has been sick with the flu. sus there are practically no women her mother was ill. piano tuners In this country. Much Sword’s i hill, Vernonia’s i Mt. Gladys Lane of Mist. Mrs. Lane Shady Lane was a Vernonia He is feeling much better. has been said about women forsak Hood and i indulged in winter nus been seriously ill for some Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman ing motherhood for careers, hut It visitor Saturday. ¡ports Sunday afternoon, Late time. She is the mother of three seems that most of them would jlllltzl lui II IJ t; I caliti _ Elmer Linberg and bUIIle some OLII" oth j and Mr and Mrs. Riche drove in the afternoon they roasted small children. rather take care of grand babies er hunters 1______ killed a brown bear to Forest Gr°va laat Tuesday’ than baby grands.—New Orleans vieners over the bonfire, I llie Mist Natal high school last week down on ' Johnson1 EImer W°,f *as ^en visiting i States. Those who enjoyed the af- bus was unable to travel Mon- i Mr. and Mr. George Wolf for ternoon were Miss Macile Ro- uay on account of the deep creek. W J M M 1 the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMul- Mrs clara stribich of Forest jerts, Violet Phelps and Doro- snow and the extreme cold. thy Holtham; Glenn Hawkins, , The Vernonia Laundry was lin were in Vernonia last Tues-' ! Grove spent ten days visiting Edward Roles and Loel Roberts. forced to use Curley’s transfer day to see a doctor. 1 Emmett Schiffer and family. John McMullin was a Mist Mrs. Fairwell and son went to deliver down the river and shopper Tuesday. Portland last week shopping. Ideas Slowly Accepted to the camps Monday. Mr. and Mrs. .R A. Vickes Indeed, what Is there thaj does ■ The ___ ’ Oregonian __ _ _____ delivery _____ , in Hot &nd cold water not nppear mnrveloiis whim It this community found it impos- have bought the former Mc- comes to our knowledge for the llrsi I Barrin place consisting of 40 rooms per time? How many things too. arc 1 sible to make Sunday deliveries. acres near Pittsburg and have Bob L,nsey went to Portland now at week looked upon no quite Impossible un Come On, Science, Helpt til they have been actually effected? 'Saturday, returning the same already taken possession. Every yenr year science enables us to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn —Pliny the Elder (A. D. 23-79). same day. get = __ there 2___ quicker. . ' *—• Now, If— If .1 it will Natural History. Three carloads of sheep were motored to Vernonia Friday to only provide something to do when do some shopping. driven through Natal on we get there. — Buffalo News. down Signifies Condensation the river. Traveling was made E. S. Biddle from Vernonia was “Tubloid" origlnnlly meant Passing of Horse Sense OF THE SPLENDID preparation of drugs In concen almost impossible for them on a business caller at Natal last It’s a good thing we have psy- week. facilities afforded by trated form. The term wits coined account of the deep snow. Noble Dunlap took a veal to chology to fall back on, now th:>t In Great Britain. Today the term Seward Hotel Miss Annie McMullin spent this bank. Wether horse sense has vanished. — Arkan Is used in America to designate Vernonia last week. sas Gazette. HOUSE OF CHEER your transaction is to something concise and condensed, the week end at Riverview w„th Miss Beatrice Perry and Mrs. such as tabloid newspapers and tab her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. TENTH AT ALDER deposit a few dollars Oliver Burris were Vernonia vi He Gets It John Estes. lold reviews. Oregon Portland or to discuss a deal The little a man wants here be Mrs. Nels Peterson is improv sitors on Tuesday. Excellent meals at pop- Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer low Is a little more than his neigh involving thousands, For World Happiness ing but is still in the hospital prices. Coffee shop. ular bor has — Chicago News. have purchased two more heifer A world full of happiness Is not at Portland at this time. you always receive Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. calves to raise. beyond human power to crente; the Elmer Linberg has been a No Doubt Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining courteous attention at obstacles are not Insuperable. The guest of his uncle Sidney Peter- Reed Holding was a Sunday room. Breakfast 25c and An architect could draw a model real obstacles lie In the henrt of this bank. caller at the Bud Baldrige home. city, but It would still be Imiter- up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. man, and the cure for these Is a son recently. feet when populated. — Toledo Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $1. firm hope, Informed and fortified by Blade. Yamhill Electric company’s thought.—Bertrand Russell. W. D. McNair, Manager spent Saturday evening at the W. C. Culbertson, Prop. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neu- light and power line extended Use for Cactus Thorns The Artful Dodger rer where they all enjoyed a into Parrett mountain country— Cactus thorns make serviceable “Always fnce the audience,' Is Sherwood Valley News. phonograph needles. the advice given by a famous tenor radio concert. Woodburn—Portland Gas and near Mist Grandma Parklsnon to those who are taking up sing Bat Unique ing. Those who have found It nec died Sunday morning after a Coke company will spend $30,- 000 on improvement essary to dodge now and again .long illness. The bat Is the only manini-d that non flv know how valuable this advice Is. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap town. and son Floyd were Sunday din- Fete Disposes net- guests at the home of Mr. “A man once bolted Ids doors and windows,” said HI l|o. the anti Mrs. Bob Linsey at Pitts- SPECIALIST sage of Chinatown, “and vowed he burg. Internal Medicine for the would dwell In secluded content A few Natal folks attended past fifteen years Then came a hurricane that tore grange and program held at off his roof.”—Washington Star. Birkenfeld Thursday evening. DOES NOT OPERATE Rae Taylor drove to Vernonia "Foreigners” in Polynesia A. F. & A. M. WOMENS RELIEF The Polynesians Imagine that Hu to do some trading Saturday. Will be at Benson Hotel Mon Vernonia Lodge No. 184 CORPS The county was busy with the sky descends at the horison and day and Tuesday, January 27, 28 A. F. & A. M. meets encloses the earth. Hence they grader for the last week trying Meets third Thursday of each at Masonic Temple, month at the W. O. W. hall. Office hours 10 sum. to 4 p.m. call foreigners “papalangi,” or to keep the highway cleared from Stated Communication “heaven bursters," as having broken Mrs. Lee Hall, president. snow and make it passable. TWO DAYS ONLY In from another world outside. First Thursday of each John McMullin called on Lin- month. Special called No charge for consultation meetings on all other Thurs- NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 1« ORDER OF RAINBOW Mellintin is a regular grad day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors FOR GIRLS uate in medicine and surgery most cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. Regular meeting second and and is licensed by the state of J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. fourth Mondays. Oregon. He does not operate Kathryne Malmsten, for chronic appendicitis, gall Recorder. Order of Eastern Star ____ stones, ulcers of stomach, ton Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. sils or adenoids. Regular commu American Legion He has to his credit wonder nication first Vernonia Post ful- results in diseases of the and third Wed 119, American You may depend on getting just as stomach, liver, bowels, blood, nesdays of each Legion, Meets month, at Ma skin, nerves, heart, kidney, blad good selections from our choice sonic Temple. second der, bed wetting, catarrh, weak and meats at the market and groceries All visiting sis lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg fourth Tuesdays ters and broth each month, 8 p. of the famous Monarch brand, as ulcers and rectal ailments. ers welcome. m. Connie An Below are the names of a Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. though you personally selected derson, Com- few of his many satisfied pa Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. mander. J. Covington, Adjutant them. tients in Oregon who have been treated for one or the other Pythian Sisters of the above named causes: Mountain Heart Vernonia Temple 61 meets Mrs. H. Blake, Marshfield. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Rebekah Lodge No. *43 Alfred Clemmens. Corvallis. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every W.O.W. hall. Chas. Desch, Portland. second and fourth Thursdays la MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. Mrs. J. Huntsucker, Toledo. DELLA CLINE. M. of R. A C. W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors You’ll be pleased with its sanitary always welcome. John Lucian, Echo. American Legion Auxiliary Marie O'Donnel, Vice Grand Bert Lampa, St. Helens. arrangements. Edna Linn, Noble Grand Mrs. Maybelle Snyder, Alsea. Meets second and fourth Myrtle John, Secretary. Miss Emma Turner, Mikkalo. Mondays of each month Della Cline Treasurer at the Legion hall. Mrs. John Van Pelt, Harbor. Mrs. P. Wideman. Prea. J. H. Wood, Eugene. Mrs. Jennie Woolery, Salem. 1. O. O. F. that KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Remember that date, ; consultation on this trip will be HARDING LODGE 11« free and 1 that his treatment Meets every Monday ! different. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night Married women must be halt Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis companied by their husbands ers welcome. itors always weleomo. ' Address: 4221 West 3rd St. James Nanson, C.C. H. E. Stevenson, N. O. Los Angeles^ Calif. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John G lamer, Secretary. Auxil.sry Moot» Monday The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Monday night at the home of Mrs. H. E. McGraw. Dr. and Mrs Cole Entertain — I Sell Through Classifieds N. of W. In stall Officers I ROOMS Nehalem Motel Bank of Vernonia Coming Io Portland Clubs antL IxMlije» the phone Our number Is 231 Have you visited our store? Vernonia Market & Grocery WE DELIVER À