A Tl roughout The Year, Make I Attend Basketball Game At It a Habit! Boost For Home Tomorrow Night; Vernonia Support High School. Vernonia, Oregon Thursday, January 23. 1929 Volume 8 State C. of C. To Make DataSurvey Pilot of Passenger Plane I I Killed in Calif. Sunday I There will be a joint meet- Well Known in Vernonia ng of the American Legion and American Legion And Auxiliary To Hold Joint Meet Feb. 11 Some Classes To Start Today Student« of the Depart mental and Mil« Kirkpat No. 25 Books In Library Jerry Williquette Receives Big Check From Government New Boards ¡Are Picked By Council Harry Williquette, who sev eral months ago won his case ricks room in the Washing Auxjiary at the Legion hall against the U. S. government ton school are to return February 11, at 7:30. A big Basel Russel Assisted In Dedication of Local Air for due disability compensation. to school today, Thursday, time is planned by the com- received • wire from Senator port in 1928. Handled Plane Here, Taking January 23. appointed by Legion Board Hold Election Steiwer at Washington, telling Appointments Are An- Will Cover All Counties I .nittec The third, fourth and many for short trips. Known as careful pilot. Commander Connie Anderson. ■ him that t a check was being, 1 rs /-• -i Of Officer» fifth grades in Lincoln In Oregon After the business session, a mailed him irn for »6000, and that nounced By Council school are also to resume txla/s a 1 “““■““ dance is planned with a feed i>e was also entitled 4 to monthly . ' Basel Russell, aviator who and Rave many exhibits of dar- their studies in school to- important lost his life Sunday evening ¡«g flying, besides taking manyj to follow. Many liability compensation of some day, January 23rd. subjects will be up for discus when the passenger plane that from this city as passengers »58.00 I All classes in both the sion. he was piloting between Agua that day.. Mr. Will ’ iquette has been em- Washington and Lincoln Is doyed by the Kullander jewel- Lester Sheeley and C. F. Circulation for 1929 Mrs. Leona Wideman, presi Caliente, Mexico and Glendale It will be remembered by the Valuable Information Gained school will return to school I dent of the Auxiliary requests ones who • rode with Russell, Increase 8675. Shows y store for the past year. Calif., failed and dashed to the By Survey This Sort Hieber Appointed On tomorrow, Friday, January that all members of that orga earth killing fourteen passen that he gave exactly the kind 1928 2086 Over 24. Park Board Help All Counties nization be present. gers and two pilots, was well of a ride desired by his pas- School io the Grange New Herd Inspector the sengers and Dr. Hurley, who At a regular meeting of and At the regular council meet Portland, Jan. 21—New known in this city, among Le- hall will not start until Move« to St. Helene ing held at the city hall Mon- Vernonia Library board held complete facts and data surveys Loyal Gleaners | gionaires, with whom he be- served as commander of the Monday, January 27th. Monday evening of last week, 1 day evening, several appoint of Oregon’s 36 counties and ! came acquainted when the Am- local Legion post during 1928, Hold Meeting at recalled Tuesday, that Russel an election of officers was helo Dr. F. G. Rankin, who has ments for 1930 were made by 922 cities and towns will be was dedi- crican Legion airport Home Mrs. Timmons cated in 1928. . accomodated many who wished with Mrs. Gordon Watt being been appointed herd inspector Mayor Mills and confirmed by compl ?ted during 1930 by the Uses Denatured elected president, Mrs. E. S. for Columbia county for the the city council. Oregon State Chamber of com I To insist in the dedication to get thrills from their first areoplane ride, and very pa- Alchohol for “Chaser” . Thompson, secretary, Mrs. M. coming year, moved into the Mayor Mills named Judge The Loyal Gleaners of the merce. according to announce of the local airport, Basel ar- ———— | E Moe, buyer of books and Mrs. county Inst Saturday and is lo Reasoner as recorder, G. Watt ment made by R S. Hamilton, Christian church met at t..v rived in this city from Port tiently explained all details of After watching, for several Frank Hanson and Mrs. Eddie cated at St Helens ready to city attorney; Harry Phelps, president of that organization, heme of Mrs. Waunita Timmons land in charge of a plane be- aviation to those who questioned library assume his duties. completing the here today. Completion of the Monday where the organization i long'ru. to Mrs. Edith Foltz, him, the day he flew from the seconds, a stranger headed to- Bell t city marshal, Jim Monger, depu new airport. wards the S. P. & S. depot and board, surveys is a part of the state outlined their 1930 program. Dr. Rankin comes from Clat- ty marshal; Marion Gaines in doing strange antics, Marshal It was shown in the annual lop county where be has been charge of the city water depart Following the meeting re- wide* program of “Build Ore Phelps investigated and was report that not alone Vernonia in partnership with his brother ment; Miss Merle Mills, water ( Postal Department gon,” being conducted by the freshments were served. 4 H Clubs Listed in time to prevent Gus An but hundreds from the sur- for the last two years. collector and Dr. A. J. Hughes State Chamber this year. Those at the meeting were Decide In Favor One Hundred Per-cent just derson, of Portland, who gave round.ng countryside had taken City health officer. The. data compiled will serve Mesdames Knight, Lolly, Brady, He was formerly a resident Village Delivery his occupation as stevedore, tak advantage of the library and of Colorado, where he gradu Mrs. E. S. Thompson was Already 4H clubs are sending as a basis of publication of Olson, Stevens, Currie and Tim-1 ing another swig from a bottle . were patrons. ated from the Veterinary de . elected a member of the library . ......___ Emil .. .................... literature and national adver mpns and Misses Joyce Knight, Postmaster Messing o re- _ >n their returns. The Columbia of denatured achohol. The board spoke their appre partment of the Colorado Agri- . board. The park board for 19- tising on the state. Industrial Kathleen and Marjory Lolly. [ eently received a letter from A. County Milk Goat club led by Anderson, surprised that the 130 will consist of Lester Sheel l r_ Alma Logan, has seven drinking of this beverage was ciation of the council and may cultural college. facts and data surveys of the I Coleman, f.rst C„;^. assistant postmas- __ Mrs. or for their friendly attitude __. -1 at _ ,--- ey, Mrs. Judd Greenman, R. M. ter general, D. I m meln^ers: Joe and Johanna Kol- larger cities of the state will -- Washington, --------- __ o *. ---- prohibited in Vernonia, re- of _ the __ city fathers toward the j Aldrich, C. F. Hieber and F. E. investi-l 1 lcr> Clyde Talbot, Lawrence marked that he had just a^iso be made in cooperation . regarding the recent investi- d ; library board, who had always 1 Malmsten. with the local chambers. I gation by the postal department. Longen, Emma Koller, Mary this for a chaser, and left it use up allowed any appropriation re- I Mr. Gaines, superintendent of ' Longen and John Koller. i Í 'ISPS ior city delivery for Vernonia. “Every phase of the state to the marshal’s imagination just quested for additional books and e the city water works was given Miss Ruth Taylor ’ s Nimble UlloUB Quoting the letter: “ As a re Chamber’s activities in attract how strong the original drink ! repairs. EjitCxlCS Jr IF© a raise of »10.00 a month which j suit of the recent investigation Thimble club has Dorothy Black, had been. ing settlers, tourists and in : brings his salary to »135 and ■ The report for 1929 showed at your office, the department Nasseem Murray, Louise Whit- vestors to Oregon is based on The two cases of the State : has decided to authorize the seH> Helen Scribner, Alice Watts, Tried in the court of judge 8,675 books having been in cir- ‘ 1 Miss Mills, water collector was facts and accurate information of Oregon vs. Oliver Hollings- Friday morning being excep- a]Bo given an increase in Bal Reasoner, Anderson was found ( culation during the year, an in- of village deliv- Martin Middlebrook, Hazel Ross establishment and by bringing all the data wortli and Gene Carter for the tionally cold for Vernonia, lit- ary of »10 a month making lier guilty and fined »30.00. (crease of 2,086 over 1928. June George. about Oregon up to date we possession of intoxicating liquor ery service when you report . tie Arlone Baker, 5, daughter wage »50 per month. Those registered as borrower: >f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker, ( hope to strengthen and increase in this city on New Years eve, that street signs, house numbers' Both clubs won certificates of A motion was made by Coun E. M. Murphy Case \ and mail receptacle have been i achievement. of books were listed as 829, a stood too close to the stove, activities,” our results and were dismissed by Justice Ful- provided and when the post of-' cilman Tapp and seconded by -------------------------- substantial increase over the Appealed To The Hamilton, said. so close that her night dress McGraw to allow city marshal lerton several weeks ago. | fice is moved to larger quar-‘ Robert John« Leaves Supreme Court Previous year as it showed 247 was caught in th« draft box Phelps Forms for the surveys are to attend the police One of the defendants in thia ters. When the requirements; i new patrons of the library. now being completed. A corps case claimed that the evidence Scotland. Will Arrive and in a fraction of a second, school at Willamette university are met and larger post office The report of Miss Martin, of workers are to be employed seized by the officers was taken1 Home In Two Weeks E. M. (Pat) Murphy was sen-| librarian, showed 1,216 books in the child was enveloped in which will be held February 3 quarters are available, advise j to collect and correlate the in unlawfully and through the at-|Vn fenced to one year in the state ' flames. | to 8 inclusive. The next council .„ bureau Dureau and anQ orders oraers will wlu be' this the library, of this number 268 formation. Mr. Baker hearing the childs meeting will be held February torney demanded return of the issued authorizing the establish- , Robert Johns of Treharne who Penitentiary by Judge zimmer- had been added in the past Hie cir- ei*y, ran Into the room and tore 3. .. * . _ x-jr ¡evidence. This motion was al-jment of village delivery service i departed from hi« home Thanks-! man at tbe 8ess’on court at St. Helens, Mon- year, 167 books purchased by the flaming garment off his Unload J Cars Ul lowed by Justice of Peace Ful-1 to become effective approxima- i giving day for a trip to Scot- ■ the board and 10,1 donated. ■ land, wrote to friends at Tre- Ws January, 20. daughters bgdy. New Clover Seed Sheep Here Sunday lerton and thereafter District tely ninety days later.” A motion for a new trial was The most popular authors, as ! harne that he was leaving Ed- Arlone'« entire left aide ___ is • Attorney Foote requested die? | Reaches Oregon i ou mads on December 21, after ( taken from the librarian ’ s re i inborough January 18th anu in- severely burped, but quick re Three car loads of sheep con missal of’ both cases. -• - IM issiondry ’ Society I tended to be here within the Mr. Murphy was found guilty port showed, Zane Gray, Peter lief rendered saved the < child ' The first carload of pedi- signed from the Portland stock --------------- —— by the jury, but the motion B. Kyne, Gene Stratton Perter Christian Church Hold next few weeks. from carrying any scars. greed Ohio hardy red clover yards to E. D. Timms at Bir- Scappoose Union was denied. I and Kathleen Norris in the lead. Silver Tea’ Program Johns visited his old home Mr. Murphy’s attorneys ap- seed has arrived and is being kenfeld, were unloaded in this ap-l The two who borowed the ______ _ ' and relatives during his stay in High Lead Confer prepared for distribution to far city Sunday morning and driven1 pealed the conviction and sen- ! ar g es t number of books during Columbia County ence In Basketball The Missionary Society of the ^col!and- mers under a carefully planned /!nwn river to a ranch near the I tence to the supreme court of. pagt year Were Milton Keer Pomona Grange To j system intended to insure great- Christian church held a silver, ~ Banzer place at Birkenfeld, I state of Oregon and w ft o borrowed 234 and L. the the ho E. Meet Birkenfeld Feb. 1 est benefits to Oregon’s clover With a set purpose, to win tea in the church parlors for the Scappoose Delta where they will be kept and 1 defendant was admitted to bail1---- ---- o. the Columbia county high school benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Bair- Lands Very Productive in the sum of »1000 which was Miller, 225. I seed industry. fed a’or the winter and jix As more demand de for the new The Columbia County Pomona I posted and the case is now Throughout the past six 1 basketball championship, S. E. ley who are returning to their Scappoose delta land farmers pending in the supreme court. City Without Water Grange will meet with Winema seed exists than there are sup months, several cars of c sheep ____ Bryant’s boys from Scappoose mission post in the heart of have contracted with the Bar grange, No. 652, at Birkenfeld, plies available, the seed will Several Hours When have been unloaded in this city , look like the best bet to be the darkest Africa. The parlors were very color berry Packing company to plant parceled out under seal and and driven toward the Birkenfeld i l®30 I high school basketball Home Ben Smith Machinery Breaks Saturday, February 1, 1930. be fully decorated with seven tea 78 acres of beans this coming Secretaries ar« requested by only to growers who agree to territory. * champions. Destroyed By Fire Lillian Daniels to send their inspect fields for volunteer clo “Slim” Backlund, captain of tables arranged and decorated selason. Those interested espec- to represent as many different ¡ally are Martin Hoven, Wednesday Morning On account of some disorder Pomona reports in ample time ver before planting, and final E. E. the Scappoose team, who ran _____ i wan tr with the city pump and water Have 60 Members Wist, Loren Johnson, Albert certification before harvest. for this meeting. a score of 17 points against countries. The farm home and buildings ' system> , the city was without Farmers can obtain such in In Chamber-Commerce Clatskanie ,ie last week, is the Each waitress was dressed ac- Johnson and Delta Farms. Representatives of the Califor belonging to Ben Smith, about water from 10 a. m. Wednesday spection from the county agents ■ 1 most* dangerous threat facing cording to the country repre- Three Link Club until early in the afternoon of nia Conserving company of San four miles from this city on or from college extension spe At the completion of its first I Vernonia tomorrow, when our sented by her table. Give Dance Feb. 8 cialists in counties without coun Those in costume were Mrs. Francisco are negotiating also the Forest Grove road, burned the same day. membership drive the Chamber. team faces these huskies who Grade and high school stu ty agents. The seed may be ob of Commerce will report today are playing such steady basket- Veal, representing Africa; Fran with delta land farmers for an to the ground e-rly Wednesday ces McNutt, Mexico; Mrs. J. acreage for the growing of cu- morning. All equipment in the dents were dismissed at noon The Three Link Club will tained through any local deal at n >on having 60 members in ball this season, L. Thomas, India, Mrs. Stevens, cumbers. The average selling milk house and household effects! most of the students receiving sponsor a dance at the Odd Fel ers or through the Portland good standing for the first quar- Undefeated, Scappose, if Japan; Mrs. R. A. Olson, China J price of a ton — _ instruction that they would be lows hall Saturday, February 8, Seed Co., Portland; Burlingame of cucumbers is were lost. ter of the year. they win from Vernonia tomor The fire is thought to have notified later when to return with music furnished by a local Seed company, Forest Grove and The Chamber of Commerce row evening, should have no Mrs. Caton, Ireland Mrs, Wm.' »37 and the product grew suc- Holland and Mrs. cessfully last year in small quan- originated from defective |as Professor Condit and his orchewtaa the Jenks-White' Seed company meet.ng will be held today at trouble sailing through, for ev Charlesworth, I .----- 1---- t Indians. _ j , ---- | tities. staff had insufficient lnforma- Knight American chimney. Daunsse previouslv given by of Salem, which three dealers noon, at the Masonic social hall ery other team in the confer tion when school was dismissed A continuous program was " al- are handling the shipment at with luncheon served by the ence has been defeated this just when the water service the Three Link club hav« furnished throughout the after cost. year. waye proven successful. Eastern Star social club. would be resumed. noon. The starting lineup tomorrow High school students will re Following is the program: Woodburn—Portland Gas and evening against Vernonia may sume their studies today. Vocal solo, M'ss K rkpatrick, 4 Coke company will spend »30,- consist of, Grewell, G., Micheck, accompanied by Miss VonHoene 000 on improvement in this G, Tufts, C; Backlund, F; Ham Piano and vocal solos, Mrs. Stan Editor Of Timberline town. lin F. and Roberts S. ton; steel guitar and song, Fran Plana To Improve The ces McNutt,; Reading, Mrs. H. Veal; vocal solo, Marion Lindley, High School P*ge piano duet, Helen Chariesworth •hampionahip. and Marion Lindley,; reading * Charlotte Green, edlto* ef Hie While coach Austins men are fee «»defeated Scappoose meet Mrs. R. A. Olson,; Negro spi- Timberline, the Vernonia high considered the lightest team in Mhaol basketball team high ritual, Mrs. Veal; Vocal Duet, school news department pub Friday evening January, the league, this being the same Mrs. . J. L. Timmons and Mrs. lished in the Eagle, recently re here rep they held in football, like th« high school gym. Knight; Reading, Edna Owens,; turned after attending the 14 a« Old timers remember that in emergencies was the only re-1 Weather interference post that sport they are considered Chorus, “Chinatown,” in panto tenth annual high school con 1923, a cold snap was ex liable, safe source of travel, the poned the St. Helena Helen* game just as speedy as any county mine and costume,; “Our Task” ference at the University of perienced here and in the val railroad officials having sen^ The national accident ‘mor scheduled for last Friday to be high school team and with the Oregon and brought back many ley, probably just as severe as snow plow over the line early Alice Hoffman, Velma Veal and tality rate is generously swelled played here and arrangements exception of the Raineir game new ideas about improving the that since last Sunday morning Sunday morning clearing track Helen Chariesworth,; Patriotic by the railroad t grade-crossing have been made to play the St. have performed with credit. heading, Helen Chariesworth, ; Timberline. A record turnout from towns when it registered 14 below. Between 1919 and 1926 the an of all drifts in cuts and cross vocal duet, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Helena game later in the sea folk« is expected tomorrow ev The paper will have an un son. nual average of deaths at high Natal reported 14 inches of ings. I Olson,; vocal duet, Mrs. Stevens usually good makeup and should way grade-crossings was ap snow Sunday morning and still Upsetting the dope, Scappoose ening to witness the Scappoose- The Oregon American Log- and Ray; short talk on Africa receive honorable mention at looms up as ths logical win Vernonia game. proximately 2,000. The railroads below cold, even registering 11 ging company was scheduled to missions by Mrs. Veal, next years’ conference. must immediately themselves zero Tuesday morning. ner of the Columbia county bas start logging operations last -------------------------- since they have be absolved Miss Green is considered by ketball ehampipnship, by virtue places river in ] The Nehalem Monday but will be shut down Hold Grange Program made every possible endeavor the newspaper staff, as the most of beiag the only team in the indpfpnifplv until weather con- a . n« ■ * ■ > • is frozen over and snow drifts indefenitely con to reduce danger. At Birkenfeld Jan. 16 efficient editor the high school conference remaining undefeat have made the roads in many ditions improve. The motorist must assume the has ever appointed in charge of ed, and with the championship ( places nearfy impassable. The Oregon American mill Birkenfeld Jan. blame. Until he forsakes the no 22—Many the Timberline. they will also win the Vernonia It is a certainty that homes closed down at 9 p. m., Monday tion that a minute gained is Eagle silver trophy. Scappoose in Vernonia were not construc and will be down indefinitely | | from the Mist and Natal dis- worth the risk of a lifetime beat Clatskanie last Friday and weather, until the cold weather breaks, j tricts attended the Birkenfeld ted to stand such lost, the figures will continue and program here on if they win from Vernonia will which has been experienced in It is impossible to convey the I 1 Grange ' You have an old radio I Thursday of last week. to mount into horrible thou have three games to their cre the past week and practically logs up the slip to the saws on ! set, you want a guitar. sands. In this instance we are dit with no defeats. 33 percent of business houses account of the ice in the pond. Someone else has a gui masters of the situation. If and private homes have ex- Many farmers from the valley Hieber undergoing an opera tar and wants a radio we choose to be careful and peri need trouble with their wa are hauling feed from Vernonia' tion recently in Portland, will spread the doctrine of safety set. The two of you ter pipe system during the cold trading company by sleds to| be unable to play for the next we can make the grade crossing ought to get together in Mike O’Conner has re-op«ned ' snap, many hardships being ex- feed their live stock. tw0 weeks, and Coach Austin1 as safe garden path. his bowling alleys to the public our “For Sale and Ex peri need from broken water The outdoor sport lovers will either use Abie Bennett ori after several mosths shut down. change” column. You’ll pipes and flooding of rooms. were quick to take advantage Bill Culver to fill Hiebers’ place. I both be pleased, just as Several Attractiva prize« are Sunday afternoon, a portion of the recent snows and skiing The Vernonia Athletic club The regular local lineup for’ being offered by Mr. O’Conner tomorrow evening should see I scores of others are sat of the Pastime card and lunch sleighing and taboggan parties will give a dance Saturday even for the highest score made end Bush, Adams, George, Berg end isfactorily making use room was flooded, due to a were quickly organized. ing January 25 at the American Watch out for the ing each _week. of this classification in bursted pipe in the above apart-1 In every neighborhood, the Legion hall, with music to be either Bennett or Culver. ments. Bennett Variety store . thoughtful peofle have scatter furnished by the Clatskanie Mer- our classified every The alleys, as good ns any Vernonia io tied for second youngsters-enjoying also had trouble. ed food in cleared places for rymakers. in the county, are of standard place with Rainier and St Hel week. The storm for a day or two i the starving birds and birds The proceeds derived from their winter sports Brunswick make and kept in ene and a win from the strong parrlyxed business and crippled who had been deceived by the the dance will go towards pay perfect condition at all times, Scappoose team tomorrow even traffic and S. P. 4 S. stages unusually mild weather and did ing off the debt on the Ver and have been a conree of plea ing will undoubtedly place the > were discontinued. The railroad, not consider their annual south- nonia tennis court at the city sure to those bowlers who play local hoopetera tn the swim for 1 games on these alleys. as is usually the case in all i ern trip, are being fed by all. | ¡park. another erack at the county Will Start ---------------- -- ** aw Has 1216 Volumes Socn Dismiss Local '<?• Only Few Changes Night Dress Undefeated Scappoose High School Basketball Team Plays At Vernonia Tomorrow Night Registered 14 Below Here Early Sunday Morning; Mill Down Until Weather Breaks ETERNI is a long time...! ¡Dance Legion I Hall Saturday Bowling-Alleys Open to Public I Vernonia