THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, FIVE /ERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON | uates’ school for further informa- Geo. Keller, who has been ill fog Bread. So we tell you again and | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills and Newspapers of United I tion when the card is presented up- some time is much improved and we can prove it to you if neces-. family from Vernonia were Sun­ States Showing Steady ton application for a position. This is expected back for work, this sary, that you will go a long ways j day guests of the Chas. Sundland Improvement, Says Dean I information will always be furnish­ week. to find bread better or even as[ family. ed by the schools, and in this way Mrs. D. C. England and children John Schippy was a Portland vis­ I good as Mother’s Bread and that University of Oregon, Eugene, a more accurate estimate of the spent Saturday in Portland. applies to our entire line of twelve itor a couple of days last week. Mrs. L. E. Stephens has been in Mrs. Frank Jamerson and small Jan. 14—Newspapers of the United | applicant’s ability can be obtained, Betty Sipes typhoid different kinds.—adv. i Portland the past two weeks help- daughter passed through the village States ire better today than ever it was pointed out. fever, but is not seriously ill. — Graduates degrees in journalism ! ing to care for her father, who is last week on her way to Portland. before. They are more intelligently Mrs. Chas. Hansen was a Clats- written, more honest, more inde­ were also discussed, and it was very ill. >- Baby chicks cost less than hen- Too Many Logs at Mill Mrs. A. R. Baird and little niece kanie dental visitor one day last pendent, and more prompt than I agreed that of a minimum of 21 hatched chicks. See J. H. Sell.—adv. week. ever before. These are conclusions | credits of graduate courses requir­ j Evelyn Barzu visited Thursday and Keep Camp Closed Down attend Larry Marshall is able to Mr. and Mrs. James McMullin reached by those professors of ed for the master’s degree at least Friday in Vernonia with Mrs. school again. in the United States j one half shall consist of graduate i Baird’s sister, Mrs. J. T. Brady. Keasey, Jan. 14.—L. A. Young are spending a short time on their journalism i work in journalism, and that this Baby chicks from Sunshine Hatch­ ; was at camp last week and he said ranch here, they have been making who have done extensive research I graduate work shall include not into the field of journalism, it is ery are all first quality birds. , it was indefinite when the Inman- their home in Scappoose. Rainier—Construction of the new less than two years courses offer­ J. H. Sell, Vernonia.—adv. A. E. Jones was called down declared by Eric W. Alien, dean ed primarily to graduated students shingle plant started. I Poulsen camp would start, as they of the school of journalism, who from Vernonia Thursday to see his many logs at the mill. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff spent have too just returned to Eugene after evclusive of research and thesis Kinton—Installation of electric and Mss. T. L. Gosa and brother George who is seriously has the week end visiting friends and two Mr. daughters attending the twelfth annual con- requirement. lights in this town under consider- ill. drove to Portland relatives in Portland. vention of the American Associa­ I The session, held at Ann Arbor, ation. Saturday to see a show, returning tion of schools and departments of Michigan, was attended by repre­ Mother’s Bread is an all around Sunday. sentatives of 40 institutions in Hunting Without License journalism. Waldon Hyatt drove to Portland quality loaf. Ask for it by name. the United States, Dean Allen, be- C. E. Gray was arrested in Scap ­ Establishment of a permanent Friday to bring his wife and —adv. DR. W. H. HURLEY heading the new Research poose last week by Game Warden National Research Council, which sides daughter home. Council, continues as one of the Dean Allen will head, was made Mrs. B. F. Rogers returned from Brown for hunting without a Dentistry and X-Ray Mrs. Thos. Pettijohn and sons Monmouth Tuesday and reported visited with her daughter in Port- license. He was fined $25 by John at the conference. This body, which five members of the National Evenings by appointment. Office Council for education for journal ­ that her father is improving. L. Storla, justice of the peace. Mr. is composed of the men most prom­ ism. over Hoffman Hardware Co. land last Sunday. The Keasey club met at the home Brown points out that licenses pur­ inent in education in journalism, Vernonia, Oregon Boston Cream Pies, cream puffs will direct and encourage research chased before any hunting is done and chocolate eclairs every Satur­ of Mrs. T. L. Gosa Thursday. Two never cost more than $3.00. in this professional field. Other Timber Sewing Club day at the Vernonia Bakery.—adv. ladies sang solos and the rest of members of the council are Direc­ the members spent the afternoon Meets Next Wednesday tor W. G. Bleyer, University of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss went sewing. Light refreshments were GORDON R. WATT Wisconsin; Dean Walter Williams, to Portland Wednesday on bu*- served by the hostess. University of Missouri; Director Timber, Jan. 15.—The Sewing Sam Warn returned from Kelso iness. Attorney-at-law J. W. Cunliffe, Columbia Univer­ club will meet next Wednesday at A and Seattle and is staying with his baby daughter, Mrs. C. E. Devaney. Petershime-hatched Buy sity; Professor J. O. Sommons, the school house. Joy Theatre Building “Riley the Cop” chicks, They are huskier chicks, Syracuse; Dean E. M. Johnson, A pie social will be given by the Vernonia, Oregon Farrell Macdonald, starring in (Minnesota; Dean A. L. Stone, Mon­ bigger egg layers. See J. H. Sell. Timber Sewing club girls January Seven New Candidates “Riley the Cop,” comes the tana. —adv. 25. theatre Saturday. It is hil- Take Degrees at Grange Joy The greatest progress in research Mrs. Kilburg had three girls in Mrs. A. Webster has charge of arious comedy directed by John M. D. COLE Ford. David Rollins and Nancy that has been made up to this to visit her last Monday evening. the St. Denis hotel during the ab- Natal, Jan. 14.—Natal Grange Drexel have the romantic time is in the history side of Earl Bloomberg left Timber last sence of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cleve­ leads. held their business meeting Satur­ Louise Fazenda is seen opposite journalism, Dean Allen reports, and Wednesday. He is working in Dentist land, who are in California. day evening. Seven new candidates the star. it is upon the results of this that Eugene. Every Saturday at the Vernonia were given first and second de­ Vernonia, Oregon the opinion on modern newspapers Mrs. Kilburg had company from j Bakery Parker House rolls at 15c grees, then coffee, sandwiches and is based. The “Golden Age” of Vernonia last Sunday. “The Red Dance“ per dozen or 2 dozen for 25c.—ad. cake were served. journalism popularly thought to Miss Marlys Hefner spent last The penal salt mines of Czarist Miss Beatrice Perry was a shop­ Russia are graphically pictured in have existed five or six decades Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Veal and per at Vernonia Friday. Films, “The Red Dance,” star­ ago, is a myth, the research has Anita Schiffer. family returned Wednesday from Lincoln Peterson called at Grand­ Fox Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richee went ring Dolores Del Rio, which is com­ shown. Some of the researchers a visit of two weeks with relatives pa McMullins Thursday. Electrically entered upon their projects be­ to Portland last Saturday. ing to the Joy theatre Sunday. at Cottage Grove. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and lieving that papers of today were Mrs. Alberta Bergin returned Hatched below former standards, but found, Sunday evening from a trip to The Parent Teacher association Floyd attended Sunday school at i “The Lone Star Ranger” Mist Sunday. during their investigations that Portland. will hold their regular meeting Fri­ Tom Mix in “The Lone Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer Ranger such was not the case, except pos- j Mrs. Baty and day afternoon in the Washington ” Monday. Also “The ( bought the Martin Tobin place last sibly in the field of editorial writ- one day last week in Portland. school at 3:30. | week which was sold by the court tery Rider.” ing, which has not yet been The Willing Workers will meet to close the estate. investigated. 4 Varieties—Hatched Weekly “The Air Cirrus” Mrs. Knight and Son Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullin and at the social rooms of the Christian “Papers of today are by no , “The Air Circus” was shot at Visiting in Portland church January 23. Mrs. J. L. Tim- daughter Mary have moved back heights averaging 14,000 feet with­ means perfect,” Dean Alleri said, Guaranteed Pure Bred on the old place here. mons will be the hostess. I a single mishap to the airships “But they are better than ever J. H. Sell Mrs. Allen Knight and little son William Pringle Jr. is home from out before. This is the conclusion Box 306—Vernonia Veda Webster has returned to the hospital and is improving very in which they flew. The exçiting reached after careful investigation went to Portland Thursday for a scenes of this production are to high school here. She has been at- nicely. ten-day visit with relatives. shown at the Joy theatre Tues­ of the detailed facts. tending Jefferson high school in Mrs. Bob Linsey was a Vernonia be Research into all phases of day and Wednesday. Portland. visitor Wednesday. journalism will be encouraged by Frank Peterson, Richard Peter- the council, and the results will be A nine and a half pound baby made known as fully as possible, it boy was born Tuesday, January 15, son and Nels Peterson were Clats­ j was stated. a. to Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McGregor. kanie callers Thursday. Fritz Eiler is working for Reed The association at its meeting His name is Rob Roy Junior. Holding, logging at present. also discussed issuing cards to The Filipino orchestra will fur­ Lincoln Peterson drove to Clark- Miss Bessie McDonald was elect­ graduates of schools of journalism, nish music for the 7:30 Sunday ( Wilson camp Sunday. ed president of the library board as a response to a request received evening service in the Evangelical Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn called at the regular meeting of the from the American Society i of at Vernonia Monday. church. board Monday night. Miss Hazel Newspaper Editors for • doser co­ Bill Culver was a Nataal bus­ Malmsten was elected secretary and operation, Among the important Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wridge iness caller Monday. things on the proposed card will Mrs. Marie Moe, treasurer. are the parents of a seven and a Ed McMullin was injured by a be a request to send to the grad- half pound baby girl who was born timber which struck him on the Notice—Books must not be re­ Sunday January y3. back and shoulders at the Reed turned unless the librarian is pres- ent. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holding place logging. MARK EVERY GRAVE Bill Meadows was a caller at Brewer, in Portland, Monday, Jan- Memorials in granite and marble the home of John McMullin Thurs ­ uary 14, a girl. Mr. Brewer states Roseburg—Over $3,000 will be at reduced prices that mother and daughter are do­ day. expended for the construction of WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were ing splendidly. six cabins at local auto camp. in Vernonia Wednesday to take Oregon Monument Works Medford—Arrangements com­ Mrs. Ben Bennett entertained home their new Ford car, a closed pleted for installing electric lights Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Miss Gladys Grant, Miss Ruth Tay- cab pickup model. at new airport. lor, Miss Pearl Krause and Miss Miss Inez Armond was a Ver- Melba Laramore to dinner last nonia shopper Saturday. Thursday. Bob Linsey is recovering from his recent illness and is able to Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Burke and be up and around again. family motored to Clatskanie Sun- Mr. and Mrs. W. Haitt and day where they visited Mr. and children spent Saturday evening Mrs. M. T. Parker who formerly with Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin. lived in Vernonia. Elmer Linberg spent several On account of the absence of a days with his uncle, Lincoln Peter­ number of the officers-elect "last i son. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were Saturday, the installation of of­ is proving intensely popular in Vernonia as a ficers of the Vernonia Grange has callers at the home of Mr. and 1 been postponed until January 26. Mrs. Bert Eastman Thursday. good economical all-round automobile. We re­ Carl Eiler has been laid up with Charles Hasbrook of Marshall, lumbago for the past week. fer you to those using them for recommendations Okla., and A. C. Atkins of Cin­ cinnati, Ohio, visited their sister Wm. Keaton Has Narrow Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson over the Escape When Lights Fail week end. Joy Theatre BABt CHICKS Library Notes THE NEW WHIPPET DAN Mrs. F. Graven recently fell over Mist, Jan. 14.—Wm. Keaton had a rug and broke her leg. She was a narrow escape from what might taken to a Portland hospital, Mrs. have proved a very serious injury Graven was packing her trunk pre­ if not death on Saturday night. pacing to leave the following day He had been to Vernonia and was for the east to join her husband. returning home, when almost to Mist, his lights went out and the >*3F^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, car headed for the ditch, he not eyesight specialist, has been being able to see in the darkness making monthly visits to Vernonia. of the fog. His next visit will be Feb. 4 and 5.' He felt the car going and tried office at Kullander’s. Have to jump, but it went over so quickly he found himself-* under- your eyes examined.—adv. neath the over-turned car. He was The Vernonia Bakery has for sale able to drag himself out just as it a quantity of 100 pound size flour settled down, crashing the top and, sacks. These are sorted sacks and, breaking the windshield, besides [ each one is whole and in good other damages to the car. Mr. Kea­ shape, Many uses are found for ton was not seriously hurt. The car' these sacks and they sell at 10c was pulled out by Mr. Bridgers’ each. Get yours while they last.— I truck Sunday. Mr. Dowling driving Adv. it. The O. E. S. Social club will Mr. and Mrs. Jesse George’s son hold a cooked food sale in i the building formerly occupied by and family from Texas arrived here Sunday for an extended visit with r Mac’s Pharmacy Saturday. i Com- his parents. If they like it here in mittee in charge of the sale are Mrs. L. H. Cates, chairman; Mrs. Oregon they will make their future A. J. Black, “ Mrs. A. Childs, Mrs. home here. The Sunday school library arrived H. E. McGraw. All donations last week, 24 new books. should be in by 10 o’clock.—adv. Mrs. Jim Jones and Mrs. Ed. We tell you that Mother’s Bread Reynolds visited with Mrs. Molly is good and that its high quality Wright on Thursday. is not duplicated even in larger The Chas. Sundland folks spent cities like Portland. Proof of this Friday evening at the E. T. Wallace comes to us every few days. For home. instance a certain lady has return­ Mrs. Earl Holce called on Mrs. ed to Vernonia afer buying in Eastman one day last week. Mrs. Ed. Reynolds is out to Clat- Portland for over six months. Presumably she knows good bread skanie staying with her sister, Mrs. and she tells us that while in Aldridge and helping care for their Portland she bought many different brother, Geo. Jones, who was kinds of bread but that she never i taken very ill Friday. found any so good as Mother’s A. R. Melis is reported to be ill. STEINER Agent for Whippet & Willys Knight A Checking Account With This Bank Is a Business Recommendation One of the best business recommendations you can give to any business concern in this com­ munity is the fact that you have a checking ac­ count in this bank. They know that we do not carry accounts unless they are sponsored by responsible men. Better get this recommendation behind your name as quickly as possible. BANK OF VERNONIA