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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1929)
THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 112» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FOUR IImunita Eaglr Issued every Thursday___________ $2.00 per year in advance 4 i A ■'iD 1 wus golns t0 mnke /\ such an Impression ou those / \. stuck-up easterners !” Portiu covered her face ADVERTISING RATES—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 25c and wept. per inch; local readers 5c per line; legal notices 5c per line; “There’s more at stake than your classified 1c per word. reputation with Eldridge and bls MARK E. MOE...................................................... Editor wife," rejoined Robert Anthony, with LEE SCHWAB........................ Advertising Manager energy. “You obey the doctor’s or MRS. E. E. YEO........................................ Reporter ders and you’ll come out of this with your health unimprlred. If you don’t do as he said and stay In bed another MUCH TO BE GAINED week—well, you know whut muy hap pen. Got everything you want? I Those dairymen who attended the meeting con wish 1 could get a nurse or a cook or ducted by the county agent and the extension service something. But they're not to be per suaded to come out here to this half specialist at the Grange hall Friday learned much to desert because of those enormous their benefit. But many were not there. wages they get In Rocky Hill. Well, While it is quite probable that Mr. Nelson’s talk | I hate to leave you. But I’ve got to. 1 don't believe they’ll get here before on feeding of dairy cows was not quite new to those tomorrow at the earliest, his Nibs and who attended, it is certain that Mr. Jamison’s address Nlbbess. They'll Just have to put up was instructive and interesting to all who heard it. with old Ben’s cooking, I guess. Salt pork and hominy three times a duy'll Contagious abortion is all the more dangerous to a dis do 'em good !” trict than some other diseases. The milk is still suitable Portia let out one small pink ear for consumption and still the quantity is decreased so to receive his parting subite and then tntr the unfathomable much that the profit due the dairyman for his efforts descended depths of her woe. is never attained. She was a good housekeeper. A The problem is of importance to the whole valley, graduate In domestic science with hon she did not know what she was for it is an economic question, and the solving of it i ors, doing. Out here eighteen miles from in the near future is of great importance. Not until this I any town her house had an “air.” becomes an area comparatively free of this disease, will I Awnings she had bought with her llttls pigs’ money. Candles about In dairy farming here take its proper strides toward be groups after dark—not horrible, coming a great industry. smoky kerosene lamps—cast their /Because there are so few districts in the state free glamorous light over the low, wide open to the loveliness of tlie from this disease, this is a goal well worth working for. house, plains night after being closed all day Animals sold from free areas bring higher prices than to the heat and glare of the Texas sun. elsewhere, which is sufficient reason for striving to It took brains—brains and muscle to achlevi them. And ..ow when Bob's make the Nehalem valley a free area. “backer," the great Eldridge was com- At no other time will it be easy to make this a g for Ills first visit from Philadelphia free area, because more cows are being brought in all with his society wife—to be compelled by a silly fall from a kitchen stool to the time, and most certainly some of them are afflicted stay In bed for two weeks was a good with this disease. For their own benefit and for the deal for an ambitious husband-adoring benefit of their neighbors, all persons owning cows are young woman to stand. did not hear a car come gently urged to have them tested at once to determine if they to She a stop beside the east porch. Mis have contagious abortion. It takes time to eradicate the erable and disappointed, self-pitying disease, but it is not hard and the wages of the effort and apathetic she lay and endured hours. Perhaps she slept. will be larger bank accounts. "Your lunch Is served.” Startled and Incredulous Portia lift The latest definition of a hick town now making ed her tear-stained face. Was she She tossed brown curls the rounds is: “A hick town is a place where a man dreaming? from over her eyes and stared. may take a nap in the middle of the afternoon without “Lunch?” she questioned stupidly. losing any business.” But like most jokes of this nature “Yes, ma'am," answered a thick-set woman with a wide kind face, a fresh heard so far it will not bear analysis, as it was designed rosy skin and twinkling blue eyes. to fit a certain individual and may be answered by the Portia Taunton glanced at the tray In the strong hands of the aproned maxim: “Two swallows do not make a summer.” figure beside her bed. Croquettes, golden and crinkly ; biscuit, marma Early Planting Helps Gooseberries Oregon State College lade and tea Invited. She raised ber Late winter or early spring has Plans 2*Year Courses been found the best time for eyes to the kind face above this per fect lunch. Tears of happiness blind planting gooseberries. Early plant Hereafter high Bchool graduates ing will determine whether or not ed her. “Oh, who are you?" she gasped. who plan to operate farms or be the plant will make a good growth "I am Elsie," the sturdy creature come homemakers, but do not care during the summer. Late planting lor the full degree courses in agri does not give the plants time for replied. "Oh, why—" Portion gulped—"Bob culture or home economics, may developing the root system, thus must have found you at last. I am obtain intensive practical training retarding the growth. so glad. Could you stay a week, do in these two schools through two- you suppose? I have some terribly year courses just approved by the Cold Snaps Affect Sheep stylish and Important company due regents of Oregon State college. Special care with Oregon sheep Details of the new plan are being flocks is advisable when sudden any minute," she said tremulous with worked out for submitting to the cold snaps occur, says the experi hope, incredulity and desire, “and state board of higher curricula, ment station, as a break or weak they have simply got to be Impressed, whose approval is necessary before spot in the fleece will result if you see, for Bob’s sake. I thought I was going to show—” she was once the courses may be offered. the vitality of the animal is inter more her Impulsive, frunk self— The aim of these new courses rupted by insufficient feed or ex "show that swell eastern society is to allow the students to get brief cessive cold. A little extra care queen we're the right kind, that I'm a practical training in subjects ap given promptly when cold weather help to Bob, you know, and he’s worth plicable to home and farm life, comes will pay good dividends. backing—and how—” without forcing them to take the “Yes, na'am,” the guttural voice full four years of work which sympathized. "Just don’t worry. I would fit them for a large number stay von veek, maybe t’ree veek. I of occupations. Credit acquired in cook to blease de so stylish frau I And the short course may later be ap now you will blease eat.” 1st «Spins, o, pa—rsteUS: wss plied on degree work, if the student IV—S b » Sos f After lunch—she had been subsist so desires. BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER ing on Old Ben’s and Robert’s culinary Unanimous opposition to any If parent» will haoe their children memo ntrocltles for a week now—she essayed tampering at present with the mill- rise o Bible »election each Week, It will prove a few orders with regard to her be age bills which support higher edu a priceite» hetilate la them In of let year». loved menage. cation in this state was the stand “Please have the house entirely taken by the college board of re Christ Declareth Who Are Blessed Matthew 5:3-9. Jesus said: Bless gone over by tomorrow, early, Elsie,” gents in its January meeting. A change now, in view of present ed are the poor in spirit; for their’s she said. "I’ll make out the menus. state finances, is unwise, they felt, is the kingdom of heaven. 4. Bless Mr. Taunton will send a truck In to even though the income from the ed are they that mourn: for thy town for what we need. You do real millage tax has not kept pace with shall be comforted. 5. Blessed are ize, do you not, Elsie, how Important the increase in state property nor the meek: for they shall inherit the It Is that everything should be per with the growth of this institution. earth. 6. Blessed are they which do fect?" “But, yes, ma’am.” With 249 new students entering hunger and thirst after righteous Portia had a little bell and she used 1 at the beginning of the second ness: for they shall be filled. 7. Blessed are tbe merciful: for they It not by any means infrequently. She term the total of full time students on the campus has increased to shall obtain mercy. 8. Blessed are told herself she was going to get ber 3715 for the year, reported Presi the pure in heart; for they shall money's worth out of this strapping dent W. J. Kerr. Including the see God. 9. Blessed are the peace strong creature. She’d impress that summer session, this number is makers for they shall be called the society queen In one way or another. children of God. But his Nibs and Nlbbess did not I swelled to 5133. PRAYER: Father, may love, joy, appear the next day. Nor the next ' peace, long suffering, gentleness, nor the next Take Scion Wood Soon goodness, faith, meekness and tem "You'd think,” Portia complained ’ January and early February is perance bear flower and fruit in with frankness to her maid, "You’d the best time to select scion wood our lives. think even rich people could be con- i for top working fruit trees, as the To whom should you commit your siderate, wouldn't you? But of course : wood is best if taken from the way? Answer, read—Psalm 37:5. a frivolous delicate society queen tree while entirely dormant. It wouldn't realize what a visit from her may then be stored in a cool place Evangelical Church to a poor woman would mean. Did ! until later in the spring for use The Sunday school will Study at you close the doors, Elsie, and pull after the danger of serious freez 9:45 a.m. “Christ the Saviour.” the awnings away down? Go and pick ’ ing wenther is past, but before the The young people's societies meet buds start to break. Most fruits ing at 6:30 p.m. will be lead by up that thread. It'a annoyed me long are best grafted a little early than Paul Bleile, subject, "Seeing the enough. Elsie, wouldn't you hate to live the life of a social butterfly?" a little late, finds the Oregon ex Good in Men Everywhere.” “Oh, but yes ma'am, I say I hate periment station, although walnuts The pastor will preach at 11 a. it I Me—I like vorki" succeed best when grafted about m. and 7:30 p.m. The Filipino or "And she’ll be supercilious and dis the time the buds are opening. chestra will play at the 7:30 p.m. agreeable or else silly and vain and opening service. helpless. Well—1 wish she'd hurry Efficient Foods For Dairy Next Wednesday evening Jan and come and get It over with. Did Milk products are efficient foods uary 23 Chief of Portland Police you polish the silver, Elsie?" for poultry. If buttermilk and skim Jenkins and his quartet. Captain "Yes, ma'am.” milk are produced on the farm, no Nelea will lecture and give pictures. “Elsie?" better use can be made of them "Yea, ma'am." than feeding them to the poultry Condon—*20,000 issue urged for "If theae people are Impressed and I flock. construction of city hall. we get this water control plan acroaa ' and get awfully rich here In thia half- Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. 1 desert will you come and work for us? I I’m going to have ten children, you know. I am Rooseveltlan.” “I tlnk I like do dat thing, ma’am. I It may be I vork for you den.” I The days went happily by, Elsie working, Portia commanding—unstlnt- I edly. Robert was rarely In the house. Never had be seemed so busy. When I he came to the invalid's room bls stay was brief, bls face flushed, his eye •sparkle. And then the doctor came and pro nounced her well. She wui up and dressed almost before lie had mouuted and ridden away. She hurried to the kitchen. Elsie was making biscuit. Oh, the house did look perfect. And there was everything Imaginable cooked and waiting on tbe pantry shelves. “Elsie,” she cried breathlessly after a glance out into tbe glaring hot day. “You may go. Right away. There’s Ben with the truck just starting for town. Hurry.” Elsie took off her apron, climbed stolidly up into the truck. "Well, Elsie,” called Portia, “I’m sure you know I am very grateful. You are rather an extravagant cook, but you’ve done really well considering every thing. Good-by I” “Good-by.” Well, that was over. Perhaps though, she had better count the sli ver spoons and the linen napkins. At about sunset—the spoons and napkins bad answered a unanimous present at roll-call—she heard the soft sound of tires on sand, the purr of a motor. Ah I At last I The Eastern ers. She slipped into her prettiest house dress, ran a comb through her brown curls and was on the porch when a huge blue sedan drew up and stopped. Robert was on the front seat with a substantial man in a perfect motoring cap, his “backer,” It was to be hoped. Robert alighted, followed by his guest who smilingly and In most friendly fashion shook Portia's extend ed hand. She turned eagerly Inter ested, welcoming eyes upon the sedan, the door of which Robert was holding open. Mrs. Paul Eldridge was slow In descending. Portia advanced with both bands outstretched. But the smile died on her lips, her hand fell and stiffened at her side. Elsie!” she groaned and would have subsided in a heap on the porch floor but that tbe silk-clad arms of Mrs. Paul Eldridge went about her. A hand patted her slinking shoulders. A kind voice murmured: "It was such fun, dear child. Such ■ fun I But can you ever, ever forgive I me? If you only know how I have 1 enjoyed It all, how I needed Just the sort of vacation it was! My father and mother were Kansas pioneers and I have been homesick for the old life —for months. I am so grateful to you!” “Oh, but 1 was so perfectly horri ble!" moaned Portia. And then everybody laughed, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eldridge, Robert—and Portia Taunton, the last somewhat hysterically. And then came the gut tural voice of "Elsie.” “I like blace for mein man, too, von, two, t’ree veek. He goodt vorker.” them Tn operation.' * We Immediately draw specially deep breaths In order to restore the carbon dioxide content of the blood to tbe proportion permitted by this spot in the brain, which Is called the resplra tlon center. Since this small but Important area of the brain Is Infinitely sensitive to minute variations of the carbon diox ide content of the blood, we cannot voluntarily bold the breath long enough to cause death.—Illustrierte Zeitung, Leipzig. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible School 10:00. “Christ The Saviour” Lk. 15 and Roman 5. Special number after the open ng song. Be on time. Communion t id sermon 11:00. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Special evening services 7:15 eight-piece orchestra, and special topical sermons. Evangelistic. These special Sunday night services are drawing good crowds. The orches tra, under the direction of Ray Charlesworth, give a splendid con cert of fifteen or twenty minutes preceding the song service. Ladies Aid will meet in the church parlors Wednesday the 23. Mrs. Timmins hostess. Bible studies in the Book of Revelation Thurs days 7:30. Teddy W. Leavitt, pastor. Out of His Jurisdiction Nick and his baby brother were both products of St. Vincent’s hos pital, while little Dorothy Ann. next door, was born at tbe Methodist hos pital. One day a little friend was ad miring the baby and wishing she bad one. Nick, feeling he had pretty much of a pull at the hospital, said he could get one for her, as all he Connacher Residents had to do was ask sister and slie Return After Holidays would give him one. As an afterthought, he said; "What Connacher, Jan. 9.—The holiday do you want, a boy or a girl?” She replied, “A girl.” He said, "I sorry, festivities are over for all of the you haf to gc to the Mefodls."—In residents at Connacher. All the for mer families have returned to camp dianapolis News. after the Christmas vacation and are preparing to again go to work. No Comparison at All Mrs. Fllmfan—That actor makes The Chas. Hampton family of more money than the president of a Treharne have again moved to Con railroad. nacher. Mr. Hampton has been an Her Husband—Sure I But then you employe of this company a greater must remember this bird can do stunts part of six years. on a moving train that'd make the Edward Benson, wife and president of any road dizzy. daughter returned after spending ten days in Portland with home folks. Protect Homing Pigeons The Paul DeShazer and E. T. Wisconsin homing pigeon clubs are appealing to hunters to exercise as Morris families have also returned much care as possible not to wound from their vacation spent in Salem or kill valuable homing pigeons. In and Oregon City. II. L. Davis drove to St. Helens recent homing races a number of today on business. birds were killed. N. M. Troland, superintendent of Connacher Logging company, spent Klamath • Falls—Approximately a half a day at camp checking over $1,000,000 expended in this city supplies needed preparatory to during 1928 for building construc starting operations in the near fu tion. ture. Now Open For Business Jonn’s Shoe Shine Parlor Opposite Mac’s Pharmacy John Biyan, Proprietor Mac’s Special Lunch 45c Sandwich—Salad—Pie—Coffee 45c TOASTED SANDWICHES Death From Holding Breath Not Possible In the brain there is a definite spot that is highly sensitive to the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. A cer tain amount of this gas is always con tained in the blood and often it trav els a long path, from the great toe, for Instance, before it reaches the blood vessels of the lungs to be ex pelled by the breath. If this percentage of carbon dioxide exceeds a certain limit as, for exam ple, when une holds his breath and therefore has not expelled the gas for some time, so that it accumulates In the blood, there Is exerted upon this spot in the brain an Incredibly strong stimulus which Is Immediately carried along the nerves to the muscles that control the breath, rapidly setting Quick Fountain Service Hot Chocolate, Coffee The talk of the town Mac’s Cough Syrup Prompt remedy for relief of coughs and colds MACS PHARMACY Gummed Labels Add to the attractiveness of your mailed package and prove a convenience during that last*minute ruch before the mail is dispatched. FROM Vernonia Retail Store General Merchandise Vernonia, Oregon Labels Printed to Your Order Wrtwnta taglr