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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1929)
r* NO. 24 VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929 VOL. 7 Speaks “te,i Badge, Matchmaker Naturalization Experts Discuss Local BoJv?nco Ment County Agent Otto At Gallaway Shingle Mill Banquet Dr. Cole, with six & McGraw Shingle Mill Assures Best Class To Start Dairy Problems Boy Scoutmaster Reports Work held Johnson Scouts from the local scout their annual stockholders meet .troop, attended the court of honor ing and banquet January 14 at Card Coming S. W. Park, Head of Amer Geo. A. Nelson and N. C. I at St. Helens January 15. Nehalem. Of Past Year Hotel Howard Malmsten, Ben Spencer Guests of the evening included, icanization in Oregon, I Jamison Speak at Meet and Delmar Morton won merit president H. McPheeters, vice Speaks at Meeting. ing Here On Friday. badges in first aid work. Doctor Shutes Savings Banks of Hillsboro, Activity Cover» Every Com Judd Greenman, Carl Davidson, Cole advises that a drive for mem Knight and Burbank To A meeting was held in the The problems connected with bers will be in progress shortly, Pete Bergerson and others, All Fight Main Event sei and mu as I Washington school Monday even- proper feeding of dairy cattle and and troop should have about 25 munity in County stockholders were present following organizing tne lonowing * for the Purpose of wigh t<> fae contagious abortion of dairy cattle active Boy Scout members. the roll was called, t the"* — ------- _ , ing were discussed at length by Geo. stockholders responded, H. E. Mc Graw, A. L. Xullander, Jack Bush, come American citizens. Mrs. Judd A. Nelson of St. Helens, county Otto Gallaway, Chas, Hoffman, R. Greenman introduced S. W. Park, agricultural agent, and N. C. Jami who is the head of Americanization son of the Oregon State college M. Aldrich and Chas Wilson. work in Oregon and works under extension service, at the Grange Otto Gallaway, formerly presi-| a . Howard, state superintendent hall here Friday afternoon. Exceptional Card Expected To Agricultural Demonstrations Aid dent of the Bank of \ ernonia, gave j schools, and the state commission called attention to Playing their first league game an interesting talk on general fin- Americanization. Mr. Park stat- the Mr. fact Nelson that the field of develop- Draw Record House For Next Farmers in Various Districts at home, Vernonia high school bas- ancial conditions of the Pacific' ej. ment for the dairy industry in the’ketball team, will on the 18 of this coast. Chas. Wilson, superintendent. Week End at Local Hall Of Columbia County “ Our desire is to reach every Nehalem Valley is very great and month give their best to win from gave a brief outline of shingle mill! operations, and H. E. McGraw out man and woman who is not a citi- that to encourage its being built Rainier at the local Hi-Gym,’— The team will start with the lined the plans for the coming year. 1 zen in this state and help them to up as rapidly as possible the right A large number of agriculture I The banquet was a success, all 'learn the language and assist them methods of handling the dairy regular line-up which will consist The card lined up for the smoker problems were handled during the present responded upon being call- in getting their naturalization pa problems should be observed. “It of Archie Adams, Gloyd Adams, of January 26, by matchmaker year of 1928 by the couty extension ed on the toastmaster, by giving a pers and in any way possible to is essential to breed good classes Harold Nelson, Neal Bush and Tord Lloyd Baker, will be one of the make them better citizens. office. This work extended to practi snappy talk. of livestock,” said Mr. Nelson, “in Berg. Coach Austin feels very con best fight cards'ever presented by cally every line of agriculture car “The illiterate man, whether for order to realize the most profit fident that his team, which he con the Vernonia Boxing Commission, ried on in Columbia county and to eign born or native, is a liability. from the enterprise. siders one of the best basketball The main event an eight round every community in the county. If it is within their power the “The county agricultural office ¿earns every turned out by Vernonia affair, between Dove Knight 128 These problems dealt with soil school board should provide the has been taking care of tuberculosis high, will win from Rainier on the pounds Vernonia and Jack Burbank fertility, crops, horticulture, general place of meeting and teacher. It is in this county to such an extent 18, but this will be no set-up and 128, Portland, should be a battle livestock, dairying, poultry, agricul the duty of the people to get out that the disease has been reduced will be a battle from start to fin from the start of the gong. ~ Both ture, home economics, agricultural and persuade those who need this to a minimum, but contagious ish. It is the most game of the of these boys have a fairly good engineering, rodent control and pre An event is scheduled for next teaching to attend the classes once abortion is not being cared for season said Coach Austin, for in reputation as fighters and are near- datory animals, boys’ and girls’ club Wednesday evening which should'they are started, very well.” the event we should lose this game ing the top of the ladder, after work, entomology, plant pathology, prove one of the most entertining ________ af- “ _ It ______ should ___ be __ a community Mr. Nelson pointed out that the our chances to win the County which the successful one may have and the gathering and preparing of programs ever offered in Vernonia, fair so that as long as there'' is a most way of dairying championship would be slim. A re a chance to fight a main event, in the agricultural exhibit of the county This is the address with colored need for a class there will be a is the economical best way. All feeds possible cord turnout will turn out Friday some larger city probably Portland to be shown at the county, state and slides and music to be given by provision for it.” __ pub- or Spokane. , should be produced on the farm, afternoon to hold a rally, the international fairs. Chief L. V. Jenkins and members Considerable discussion ensued as especially the roughage. The dairy licity squad has started a new novel Well known in Vernonia, a A total of 411 farm visits were of the police department of Port to probable means of getting a man can not make a profit and scheme of publicity which the peo- drawing card where ever he fights made during the year. land. The meeting will start at buy feed, including the roughage. pie of Vernonia will be _ made There were 969 office calls and 7:30 in the Evangelical church teacher and providing a place of In some cases it is even possible aware that a basketball game is Dove Knight, should make it very Burbank, although interesting for ~ 1096 phone calls in regard to ex with Chief V. L. Jenkins as chair meeting. Five men were present for the farmer to grow at least to be played. who are anxious to take up this we venture to say, this by no tension work. man. Captain H. M. Niles will give part of his own grain, in r.ny means will be a set-up for our Individual letters were sent out to the lecture on “Criminal Organi study and they said there were a case he should not buy but more than friend Knight 2018 people and 44 circular letters zation in the United States and number of others who are only the concentrates. for the opportunity. This The semi-final, to be fought be- were written with a total of i 6470 Criminals handled by our Depart- waiting shows that there is a pressing need tween our own Dane Brady of An ample amount of hay should copies mailed. ment.” for such a class to bd started. Vernonia, 122 pounds and Eddie be raised of a kind that gives The number of meetings that were Soloists are to be Capt. R. L. Lee Schwab was appointed presi plenty of protein, according to Mr. At 6 p.m. Monday, Deputy Sher Murphy, 122 Portland, will be a attended during the year were 173, Crane and Ray Stedman. The treat for the fans present at the with a total attendance of 7133. Famous police quartet will also be dent, Mrs. Judd Greenman, vice Nelson, such as clover, vetch, or iff R. L. Stubbs, with the assist Charts were shown at one meeting present consisting of Lieutenant president and W. W. Wolff secre alfalfa. At present clover and vetch ance of Constables Frank and fight of January 26, as both these lads are clever with their dukes, and films at five. W. A. Taylor and officers F. R. tary and this committee were ask are grown by the dairymen in the Phelps, raided the home of Dione- One fertilizer demonstration on Burtch, G. N. Johnson and C. D. ed to get to work immediately and county for their own use. but lit- cio Yana, Filipino, on the Rock and promise to give a display of potatoes was conducted during the Lamb with Mrs. C. D. Lamb as if possible to get a class started tie alfalfa has been raised. This creek road and found a seven- clever fighting, seldom witnessed will only do well on sandy soil, galloy still, a large quantity of in fighting arenas of smaller cities. within a week. year, which contained 22 plots. One accompanist. The prelims contain some dandy Credit for what has been accom he stated, and will not grow on the mash, and five gallons of whiskey. carload of lime was ordered for the plished so far goes to the Study heavier types that are not well In the home of Yana at the time line-ups, starting with Johnnie Bal use of 9 different farmers in the Aubrey-Ross Wedding club which has been working to- drained. of the raid was Anceimo Fernan- lister, 116 Portland, who is pitted Mayger district. One field of lime against Billy Owens of Vernonia, Clover and '■etch __ ___ on des. grows _ well Solemnized on Friday |ward this end for some time. was checked on Theodore Fink’s all land, ani Mr. Nelson advised Both men ,v T_ __ taken __ „ wçre to Verno- 116. Not being acquainted with L place, at Clatskanie, where corn that of W’hatever hay is grown/more nia and lodged in the city jail un- the fighting abffit>*of* either one The marriage of Miss Lilly May|„. , 1 zi • had been grown on a piece of land, ______ trial, r____ which ____ was set of these men, we take matchmaker all of which had been manured, and Aubrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Slierill W Ceti G1VC11 should be ra'sen than needed, os til time of the it is the cheapest feed. In fact for 3 p.m. yesterday in the court Baker's word that both boys are about 1-3 of which had been limed J. Aubrey, and Dayton Ross, son I the dairyman will not realize all of Justice of the Peace P. Hill. tough hombres, and can lick their at the rate of about two tons per of Mrs. O. I. Ross, occurred at of the profit that he should unless District Attorney Foote was pres weight in wild cats or other tame acre. The limited area showed a the Christian parsonage Friday he grows all of his own hay. ent to prosecute the case, and Les jungle beasts. yield of corn about three times as evening at 7 o’clock. Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weed and Then we have “Battling Topang,” The hay feta should also be ter Sheeley was attorney for the great as that which was unlimed. Leavitt officiated at the wedding. their family were the guests of that streak of lightning who will This indicated the need of i lime on The bride was beautiful in a sal honor at a farewell reception ten supplemented with home-grown root defendants. crops, such as turnips, rutabagas, Yana, who is married and has exchange blows, (not love taps) mon crepe de chine dress. this type of soil. dered them last Friday evening _ at and mangles. Turnips are the five children, was called by Judge with Johnny Snell of Portland. Mrs. Lillian Malmsten, sister of There were a number of demon the Evangelical church on the eve cheapest, said Mr. Nelson, Topang who hails from Vernonia Hill to be tried first, and through strations carried on in connection the bride, was matron of honor, of their departure for St. Helens bagas need better ground for ruta- good his interpreter, L. C. Ompoc, plead recently fought a draw with Kid and Paul Malmsten was best man. with cereal crops, such as white where Mr. .. Weed ...................... will take up his production and are grown in rows McHuff of Seattle at Forest Grove, winter wheat, Hannchen and Trebi Others present were Bert Arthurs, new duties as sheriff of Columbia to the best advantage. Mangles are ed guilty to the charge of manu and pleased the fans who regard facturing and possessing intoxicat Martha Middlebrook, Hazel and barley. The campaigns which had county. ed the decision rendered by the good feed, but require considerable ing liquor. z been carried on in past years in Raymond Ross, Mrs. R. A. Simmons Rev. G. W. Plumer was chair- work in thinning and transplanting. Judge Hill passed the sentence judges at the ringside with dis- Allie and Ruth Simmons, Mr. and connection with alfalfa have been man of the social gathering. Com favor. They will not stand much freezing, continued this year, with the re Mrs. J. Aubrey. Mrs. Ross was un- munity singing was a feature of whereas the other two will some of $250 fine and 60 days in the Vernonia’s near-heavy, Kid Nel- sult that several districts have very able to be present because of ill- the evening under the leadership times last through a mild winter county jail, and Yana, through his son will tango a four round affair interpreter asked the mercy of the materially increased their acreage ness. of W. W. Wolff with Mrs. W. W. without freezing. court, stating that this was his first with Jimmy Dunn of Portland, and of alfalfa plantings and new com Both young people are well Wolff accompanying. Among the what we hear of Dunn it appears Carrots will stand the __ _____ _ heaviest munities have successfully begun known in Vernonia, the bride hav- numerous speakers of the evening freezing and are the best keeping. offense, and that if the court per- that the fans will be treated to a I mitted and would impose a light ing come to Vernonia with her to grow this important crop. were Albert Parker and Franklin roots grown in the The'sentence that he would never again battle, long to be remembered. Ladino clover has also been dem parents two years ago, and for a Malmsten who spoke highly of Mr. best balanced method, county. ____ ____ Mr. ¡attempt to manufacture any intox- onstrated as being well adapted to time attended the local high school. Weed, they all having been pion Nelson, is to grow two stated or three ’ icating liquor, - — .... »Mfuur, U..U and tnav that wnne while ne he , Prize» Offered Girl» Columbia county and a valuable Dayton Ross came to Vernonia eers of this valley. Professor J. of the roots. ,T 1 7, he ' turnip --- ' that .... has i | did ... not worry ‘. so much about him-! For Best Health Books crop to grow as a pasture plant from Louisiana in 1925. They are | B. Wilkerson spoke on behalf of been grown extensively in self, he felt that his wife and chil- for dairy cows and other lievstock. living at the Porterfield apartments. the high school district and thank the county is most the Imperial Green dren should not be made to suffer The Bluebirds met at the home Reed Canary grass has also proved ed Mr. Weed for the work he had Globe. The Pomeranian White for his wrongs. of Nadine Aldrich Tuesday after successful on the overflow lands. done on the school board. A. C. Globe has been tried out in one Judge Hill replied that he was A number of demonstrations with Knauss spoke of his relation to place and grown successfully. An sure that this was not the man’s noon. The meeting was called to the growing of root crops such as >- I» tne the cnurcn church an and Sunday school. other which is being tried out is first offense and that in breaking order by the president, Thelma Lincoln. Some of the health posters the variety trials and the growing other speakers ! were A. D. Hall, the Vortfield. I the law he should not try to hide ° <1 as v» T of imperial Green Globe turnips. j Ira 111 Mann. Light refreshments were A warning against the feeding behind his wife and children, but' .<> were completed and approved by The latter have proved a very suc The Vernonia Independents won [ sertY'ed. at the close °f the social of root crops just prior to milking that he should have considered the the leader. The rest were to be cessful variety for Columbia county an easy victory in basketball Sat-, gathering. was made by Mr. Nelson, as such penalty before, The defendant was completed and handed in at the as a heavy yielder of a good I action often taints the milk, and deeply touched when he saw his’ next meeting. urday night in the high school gym- “ ~ . . —. , The leader has offered a first, quality of turnips. although not affecting _ its quality wife and five children in VU un, second and third prize for the best court, There were a number of farmers nasium when they defeated High- O. t. ¡5. Social Club it does affect its selling value. Elects New Officers One of the most important parts this being the first time he had health book to be completed by that planted certified potatoes this land Baptist church of Portland 21 seen them since Monday, and the the first of February. Two new year and three of these have suc to 14. The local team was schedul The O. E. S. Social club held of dairying is in having ample pas children, seeming to sense that their members, Pauline Dial and Lola- ceeded in having thier potatoes ed to play the St. Helens Cowboys ture, he stated, and this is one of passed for certification and two here Saturday night, but because their first meeting of the year in the best crops to depend on in this daddy was about to be taken away, I mae Smith will be initiated at the and threw their arms about next meeting which is to be held for standard seed, representing a of a conflict at St. Helens in their the Masonic hall last Wednesday county. Usually one can pasture cried him. dates, the other team was secured and elected the following officers j at the home of Evelyn Shipley. total of 20 acres. during the months of April, May, Mrs. Yana, who is an Eskimo and Ramona Casselman and Evelyn Ship- Assistance was given in the or- for that game. They will play St. for the coming year. Mrs. Minnie June and part of August. It is Helens here this coming Saturday can not understand the English w„„ appointed ~ Hughes, president; Mrs. Gladys i ley were to ----- look after ganization of the potato growers Ruhl, vice president; Mrs. Edith best to allow the grass to grow language, did not appear to know the refreshments for the next meet- association for Columbia county night. about six inches high before pastur The starting lineup for the Ver- what it was all about, but devoted I inv wnat ¡ng and Nadine Aldrich, Cecile Pearce, secretary; Mrs. Catherine and this association has in turn af- __-L1J ing, as it then grows faster and koe her time to U.x.U! hushing the ________ children, I Power and Alice Hoffman for the filated with the State Potato Grow nonia team was as follows: M. McNeill, treasurer. keeps more moisture in the ground Bennett and M. for- Malmsten, who all started to cry at once. Plans were made for a cooked | initiation. ers’ Association. The purpose of than if used when it is short early A. Fernandes was called and this association is to improve the wards; E. Norgorden, center; Glenn food sale to be held January 26 in the spring. An important part Hawkins and L. Roberta, guards. pleaded not guilty, his bail was set in the building formerly ociupied quality of the seed and commerical Camp Fire Girl» Surprise of having a good pasture is in the potatoes of the county and to try Others who played during the game by Mac’s Pharmacy. Plans are also seeding of mixtures to get com at $500, and trial for January 18 Nasseem Murray Thursday were T. Bateman, T. Roberts and at 3 p.m. Later in the afternoon under way for a valentine bridge to promote the industry in an or of sodforming and bunch his case was dismissed for lack of party to be given in February. Mrs. binations ganized way. They also sponsored McGregor. Miss Nasseem Murray was agree evidence. Sara Drorbaugh and Mrs. Gwladys forming grasses. a potato show in St Helens, which The cows should never be turn The still was curiously built and ably surprised Thursday evening by McPherson served a surprise lunch* was the first to be held in the Bankers Agricultural ed into the pasture before April reminded one of the teapot dome. a large number of Camp Fire Girls cake and coffee. county. Short Course This Month eon The of social ^or an ear'y spring and May 1 The top was queerly rounded, the at the home of her parents, Mr. club meets everv Two crop excursions were held second Wednesday at 2:30 in the for a late sPrin(f- In the tall Paa- coils made of galvanized iron, and and Mrs. M. Murray. Mr. Murray this year; one to visit the alfalfa The second annual bankers' agri tures "tart «rowing again as soon evidently would have provided the is one of Vernonia’s progressive fields of the county and the other cultural short course held at Cor Masonic temple. A cordial invita-1 ‘ i as the rains start. He again stress- necessary kick even if no alcohol merchants. The occasion was Naas- tion is extended to all Eastern Star to John Jacob Astor Experiment vallis and sponsored jointly by the : ed the importance of having ample had been in the liquor. eem’s 13th birthday. Station, at Astoria. Here were car Oregon Bankers association and | members to be present. j pasture, as this is the source o/ Miss Murray is a popular pupil Friends of the defendant, Yana, ried on experiments in the improve the college extension service, is rs«« I | one of the greatest amounts of will assist his wife and children of Lincoln grade school, is secre TY,.- ment of soil fertility and forage scheduled for January 23 to 25. A LlCen»e»JMOW Due __ — profit to the dairyman. while he is serving time, and a tary of the Camp Fire group to crops under conditions which are program has been arranged this Cows calving about February 1 very interesting plea for mercy which she belongs, and has been 1 For 1929 Says Clerk applicable to Columbia county. ■i show the best profit, Mr. Nelson, year which emphasizes dairying and 1 - was made on the grounds that he attending school in Vernonia for In connection with the horticul sheep raising and which is expect- County f „ Clerk Z Z J. W. Z Hunt __ of St. j stated, as they then produce the would not have manufactured this the past five years. ture industry there were two prun |ea ed the bankers witn with , | Helens states that dog licenses for maximum of mux milk in the : liquor, claiming he did not sell I acquaint tne forJma »!mum amount or ing demonstrations given during the the to mndam inJna . 1 OQA are now due. ’ The T'l. license will crtrinct onn at of f the kio loaef modern IrnnJ trend in in ikooo these indus-,1929 spring and least noef cost, since. any, but'that his wife was an Es- Salem—State Highway Commis- year and assistance was also given | tries and with their own opportun- become delinquent after March 1. the pasture is utilised. They will I kimo and could not stand the cold to the growers in undertaking to ¡ties to further them. A milking the penalty for which is double the then dry up as the grass fails in In this climate, and it was neces- si on plans to expend *1,250,000 for construction of forest highways interest a cannery to locate in Col I contest and two judging contests | license. The official notice is pub- the pasture. j sary for him to provide her with in Oregon. umbia county. Also made special in have been arranged as a side fea- lished on page 2. Landino clover has been found stimulants to keep her body warm. St. Helens—Old Po.iand road vestigations of the planting of ture. best in the county for low, moist' As court was dismissed many won within city limits ext< > sively re cherry orchards and filbert and ---- Astoria—Pacific TeL A Tel. com- grounds. It is similar to the white: dered if there was not a wee bit paired. walnut growing, both of which in Grants Pass—New Community pany spent over $38,000 for im- clover but produces longer and of Eskimo in a good many people, Rainier—Preliminary work prac dustries are developing in Columbia hall constructed as addition to ' provements in Clatsop County dur better, he stated. It is not as good I who t«ke this means of keeping: tically completed for construction of Please turn to page 2 Please turn to page 3 warm. ing 1928. local library. new Longview-Rainier Bridge. Daue Brady to Battle School Basketeers In Action Tomorrow Held 173 Meetings Chief Jenkins Here Addili Wednesday Still and Liquor Seized by Offieers Farewell Reception Independents Win Easy Hoop Contest