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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON SIX Yellow Rust Affects ; Raspberry Plantings Suppose we have purchased or had made, a dress of transparent velvet, and about every woman will probably do this before the year Is over. See ’ how much character It gives the gown As high as 40 per cent loss in ’ at once to say, not “I think I’ll wear red respberry plantings from break my velvet dress," but to say to one s age of canes as they are trellised self, “This is the day for my ’Apple up is reported to the experiment ! of Love’ gown, if it happens to be station from several sections of ’ green; my ‘Life of the Rose,’ for a the state. This loss, according to , blooming color, or my ’Renaissance,’ Dr. S. M. Zeller, plant pathologist, I If the dress happens to be a deep rich is caused by the yellow rust of brown such as Rembrandt used In bls raspberries. paintings.” The breakage is caused by les Dame Fashion has In her hand a ions which form around the base long list of these special French of the canes, making them extreme gowns, and it Is much more fun than ly brittle. Similar breakage is also a cross-word puzzle to try to Imagine caused by the work of the raspber Just what type *of gown a French ry cane borer, but the two may be “modiste” would have In mind to suit distinguished by casual examina the name. tion. Where the damage is caused Some are given In English, and by the cane borer, the hollow cen some must be translated, according to ter of the cane where broken is the best light that nature and French filled with the brown fras3 left lessons of girlhood can give. by the borer. ‘Tres Sport,” “Caravan,” “The Horse Lesions caused by the rust are Guard” and, "The God Pan,” must seldom serious until the second surely belong to open-air frocks, suit year, by which time, if numerous, ed for sports and the long trail. Here they hinder the rise of sap, causing are a few safely ' labeled “evening easy breakage and depriving the gowns” so we can go astray: “Soli canes of sufficient sap to carry taire," “Ceylanalse ’’ “Eventail” and the fruit to maturity. “Beau Masque,” while “Bachellere,” No satisfactory control measures "Phoebus"—such a sunny gown as have been found for this yellow that must be!—and “The Hour of raspberry rust, states Dr. Zeller in Tea” are plainly enough for afternoon. writing on the subject, but careful Just as we, In the United States, sanitation by removing and burn like to air a little French, so It seems ing all old canes, fallen leaves and quite captivating to the Parisians if refuse as soon after the harvest! they can throw In an American phrase as possible will usually prevent the or two. Thus the Frenchlest of the disease from becoming serious. French folk have named some of their While such measures do not elimi modes the “Mary Lou,” “Palm Beach,” nate the possibility of infection “Carlton-on-Sunday,” or even “Pick- from lesions on the new canes,' me-up I" such infection, in most seasons, is1 Dame Fashion has been receiving a practically negligible. little fun poked at her because she In seasons when the spring rains has professed such an admiration for continue late, the yellow rust often red-wearing articles, but some of the develops to such an extent in the loveliest names of the French are for Pacific northwest as to cause par their red gowns: “l.e Matin," "Mon tial defoliation in badly infected Desir,” or “La Tulipe." Think what plantings. Although the actual loss a zest It might give a red gown of of crop due to this disease is hard which you had begun to tire if you I to determine, any appreciable named It for that little beast that amount of leaf Joss must have some could stand any red-hot fire—“Sala devitalizing influence on the affect mander!” ed plants, believes Dr. Zeller. ((c) 1928. Western Newspaper Union.) Dame Fashion Smiles By Grace Jewett Austin Just as pullman car makers know that it adds a subtle pleasure to o n e's railway Journey to ride on the "Flora" or the "Mont'rose," or whatever one’s sleeper or chair-car may be called, so the h 1 g h I y trained clothes experts of Paris invented t h e theory of naming gowns. Hats share in Grace J. Austin. this happy idea as well and, of course, hosiery has long rejoiced In all sorts of beauti ful names based, often exceedingly fancifully, on tints of the silk. Not many of us will Import rare gowns from Paris, with the name of the maker, and the special gown name embroidered inside, but these names are not patented, so there Is nothing to hinder Dame Fashion and all her readers from mentally summing up their wardrobe and giving appropriate names to favorite dresses. Fashion Hints for All Interested in Modes Afternoon and evening dresses are I most attractive and bear the unmis takable stamp of smartness and good taste. Panne velvet, which was shown so ex tensively at the recent Paris openings, fashions a smart afternoon dress tn small gold and black pattern. In one- piece style it wears a ruffled-tlered skirt while bows finish the V neck and the molded hipline. Most unusual Is a crepe frock with treatment of tour broken ruffles which are caught up with knots into bow ef fects at left side of skirt. A Jeweled fob at the shoulder lends a chic touch and Is matched by a buckle which se cures the belt A smart evening gown has deep decolletage finished at the back with a long tied scarf of self-fabric, which contributes to the general down In- back formed by the two-tiered skirt. Nice details are a row of four match ing flowers on left shoulder and a tailored belt with crystal buckle. To lengthen the lives of your pock- | etbooks, smart shops are showing a group of purses made of washable kid. Some of these are mounted on crystal bars, others have exquisite marcasite ornaments, all of them are lovely. Dress of Gray Novelty Cloth Has Plaid Skirt THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, IMS Reith ner’s I A Real Sale ONE PRICE TO ALL Buy for next year at this price l/z Price 25 % Reduction */2 Price On On All Coats On all Dresses All Raincoats This sale from January 10 to January 21 A prominent motion picture actress wears this smart dress made of gray novelty cloth, with a plaited plaid skirt of gray and green. The hat Is of gray felt trimmed with a green feather ornament. Shoes, hose, gloves and bag are of gray. Past, Present, Future Only a few years ago, crystal de tectors of silicon, galena, pyrite and what not, were much in vogue; now these have given place to quartz crys tai oscillators, and who can say that still another sort of crystal will not play a part as television comes? Mecca’s Moneyed Men Hostile to Mohammed in later days might have been a cham ber of commerce, rose against the revolutionary preacher. So strong was the pressure that Mohammed was obliged to smooth the affair over by indorsing three idols which he had at tacked. But not long after, ashamed of having compromised with idolatry- after having established the theory that Allah was the only God, he re canted in fury and said that Satan had whispered the temptation to rec ognize the graven Images. Again the wrath of the big busi ness men burst forth and they at tempted to influence the prophet through his wealthy relatives. Mo hammed stood firm, however. He and his followers were obliged to flee and. It was during the persecutions that followed he rose to military power which was to establish bls religion permanently in the world. Legend of King Arthur King Arthur was a half-legendary king of the Britons, supposed to have That “big business men" of Mecca, reigned in the Sixth century. Nothing away back In the six hundreds, ex ¡3 absolutely known of his history and erted all their Influence to stop the his exis'tence bus sometimes been de preaching by Mohammed of a creed , nied altogether. The opinion now gen which Is now accepted by 230,000,(XX) ! erally accepted by scholars is tliut the people, is charged by Dr. Charles evidence of Nennius stated the facts Francis Potter, noted New York pastor. correctly. He tells of an Arthur who In Doctor I’otter’s life of the was “Dux beilorum” and led the ar mies of the British kings against the prophet, in Woman’s Home Compan Ion, he declares that early in his | Saxon Invaders, whom he defeated In career Mohammed Incurred the dis 12 great battles. Tlie number of pleasure of the wealthy merchants of knights that the Round Table seated Mecca by branding the place as idola varied. Upon some occasions there trous and the customs which had were 12 and at others 50 or even as grown up about It as superstitions. many as 150. He further announced that Jerusalem henchforth should be the holy city. Fat Causes Soft Livers “It was.” says Doctor Potter, “as if a resident of an old New England Fowls that have a soft and rather town which depended for its lncomo large liver with distinct yellowish upon tlie summer tourists who came patches when dressed may be per to see its historical sites, should per fectly wholesome for food, at this sistently proclaim in public that all condition of the liver frequently the favorite stories about the old results when the fowls are exces heroes were ptyths and that all profit sively fat. When such livers are able history of the town was mere crushed beneath the fingers they superstition." show a distinctly greasy condition, Mecca's business was really hurt, reports the Oregon experiment sta says the author, and the group which tion. THE SPERRY' FLOUR CO., Home Service Bureau, San Francisco, Calif. Please seed me. absolutely tree, one of your scientific pancake dippers. Neat _________________________________________________________________________ ytrrei__________________________________________________________ .___________________________ City ________________________ __________________ StaK ___________ Simplicity of cooling system is a feature of the new Ford No Matter A COMPLETE water plant is a part of every automobile as it is a part of every mod ern city. How Cold Outside A ll -A merican that All America is Acclaiming A Cast Heater K?e^> It Warm hsidi What a pleasure it is to come into a home that is warm and comfortable no matter how cold it may be outside. You may enjoy this pleasure and at the same time reduce your fuel bill, by installing a CAST HEATER. PRICE $24.00 Mellinger Hdwe. The New Oakland All-American Six is win ning the praise of all America. It is enjoying the admiration caused by its new beauty. And those familiar with its mechanical quality marvel at such fine car features as an accurately balanced “line of drive” . . . dynamically balanced, counter-weighted crankshaft . . . exclusive patented rubber cushioned engine mounting . . . dirt-and- wcather-proof internal-expanding four- wheel brakes . . . Small wonder that a car so v Her ’-.Iz constructed ... so brilliantly styled . . . should be winning America's acclaim. C-.r— fttii 9ITTS. ptw. ¿e-'irvrr rAsMSS. L<»r«’/«>y //v fruu'*«" .NAuwlc an<< .spring corart inriugind in (<«t pri.-ra. a d rmr fender guard» ectrts. CfascA Otland d pritps —<A<v inruuie* Inwst hanriling charger». Ltnerai .Motors fiitw Pay mad Plan atailabla at minimum rata. GILBY MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon Tlie purpose of this water plant is to keep the engine cooled to a temperature that will make it efficient in oper ation. If it were not for this, the cylinder walls would be come overheated and the pistons refuse to operate. The cooling system of the new Ford is particularly in teresting because it is so simple and reliable. When the radiator is full of water, the engine of the new Ford will not overheat under the hardest driving. Yet the water is so regulated that it will not impair en gine operation by running too cold in winter. The cooling surface of the Ford radiator is large, with four rows of tubes set in staggered position so that each receives the full bene fit of the incoming air. The fan is of the airplane pro peller type and draws air through the radiator at the rapid rate of 850 cubic feet per minute at 1000 revolutions per min ute of the motor. The hot water around the cylinder head is drawn to the radiator to be cooled by a centrifugal water pump of new design. Tlie entire cooling system of the new Ford is so simple in design and so carefully made that it requires very little attention. The radiator should be kept full, of course, and drained once each month so that sediment will not collect and retard tlie free passage of water. In cold weather, a reliable anti-freeze solu tion should be added. As owner and manager of this important water plant you sLould also see that the water pump and fan shaft are properly lubricated and the packing around the pump shaft kept in adjust ment. Hose connections may also need replacement after long service. For those little adjustments, it pays to call on the Ford dealer. He works under close fac tory supervision and he has been specially trained and equipped to do a thorough, competent job at a fair price. F ord M otor C ompany 4