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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1929)
Robert Lindsay has been ill for some time. Claus A. Messing of Portland was in Vernonia on business Saturday. Miss Gladys Grant spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Wiggins and family have moved to Valsetz. Buy baby chicks at Sunshine Hatchery. J. H. Sell, box 306, Ver nonia.—adv. Officers will be installed at the regular meeting of the Rebekahs to be held this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Barney of St. Helens have returned to Ver nonia to make their home here. We deliver baby chicks on the day promised. J. H. Sell, box 306, V ernonia.—adv. Mrs. Lizzie Northrop left last Wednesday to attend the funeral of her niece, Mrs. D. B. Winter- steen in Portland and to care for her sister who is ill with "flu.” Write J. H. Sell, box 306, Ver nonia, and tell him to reserve your baby chicks for this season. De livery made any time you want them.—adv. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cleveland left Tuesday for Oakland, Calif., where they will enjoy a change to warmer weather. They expect to return March 1. ^MBa^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, eyesight specialist, has been making monthly visits to Vernonia. His next visit will be Feb. 4 and 5. office at Kullander’s. Have your eyes examined.—adv. FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 10. 1929 3 Bernard Dowling took his sister, Mrs. Newton Trotter and son over to Silver Lake, Wash., Saturday, after a week’s visit with her parents Mr. and Mr. A. A. Dowl ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Yocum are visiting with her daughter Mrs. Ernest Yocum for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fenton mo tored over from Ostrander, Wash., Friday to visit friends. They stop ped for lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holce. John Banzer has been ill the past week or so. Wm. Rose was a Saturday even ing dinner guest of the D. Dowling family. Mrs. Merl Lane had guests from Vernonia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Reynolds were Birkenfeld visitors Sunday. Geo. Jones who is very sick was taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. J. O. Libel at Birkenfeld last week. He was reported as resting a little easier Saturday. Mrs. N. J. Trotter and Mrs. Dowling called on Mrs. Earl Holce Friday afternoon. Millie McMullen was the guest Saturday night of Alberta DeRock. Mist residents are sorry to hear of the serious illness of R. S. Lin sey. Fritz Iler and Henry Ruddeman were village shoppers the last of the week. Grandpa McMullen was able to get up and dress and smoke on New Year’s day. He has been con fined to his bed for several weeks. The primary teacher, Miss John son was ill one day last week and unable to teach. J. H. Sell Installs Electric Incubator J. H. Sell of Vernonia has in stalled a new electric Petersime 2600 egg incubator this week, with which he intends to start in the baby chick business this year. He calls his place the Sunshine Hatch ery. A few years ago there was no such thing as the baby chick bus iness. Last year more than 300,- 000,000 chicks were produced by commercial hatcheries and sold by them to the poultry raisers of this country. Below is a drawing of Mr. Sell’s new incubator. It is the one best thing you can teach your boy during the new year—to save. Saving is the basis upon which he can start with assurance, a career of success. The entire facilities of this bank are yours to use in showing him why it pays to save. Bring him in and talk it over. BANK OF VERNONIA have been surveyed und mapped by the U. S. department of agriculture, which so far has made soil surveys of 800,000,000 acres of agriculture land in the country. Lakeside—Approximately $3,756 will be expended for building under ground crossing here. Salem—Plans progressing for building of a two-story modern ramp garage at cost of $25,000 on High Street. Stop That Cough with Mac's Cough Syrup A prompt remedy for the relief of obstinate coughs and colds Mr. and Mrs. Fairhurst of Keasey Visit in Portland Keasey, Jan. 8.—Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap Wednesday E. J. Fairhurst left for a month’s evening. visit in Portland with their children. Dean Duvall is working in Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were Fairhurst ’s place as depot agent. Vernonia business callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Gosa return Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullin are making arrangements to move back ed Monday from a 10-days visit in Seattle. on the farm soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Woolfolk are Mrs. Marie Halstrom was on bus spending a few days in Portland. iness in Vernonia Saturday. Mrs. Reed Holding, Miss Doris Merryfield, Marion McMullin an< Bertha Holding attended Sunday school at Mist Sunday. Bob Lindsay who has been sick for the past two weeks with pneu monia, is improving nicely and ex pects to be up and around soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer have placed an order for a new model 1929 Ford car. Earl Holce has a contract for clearing some land for Clark Fen ton on his property. Mist Girl Loses Clothing In Monmouth Fire, Par Jim Spike has moved his personal from the Geo. Jones resi ents In Accident on Visit effects dence to the “shanty” on Wm. Meadow’s newly aquired property. Mist, Jan. 8.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jesse George and daughter were Bridgers, Irene DeRock and Mrs. Ain Wallace drove to Monmouth shopping in Clatskanie Saturday. Oliver Burris and Beatrice Perry Sunday to see Miss Dorothy Wal were Mist callers Thursday. lace and take her a new wardrobe to replace the one destroyed by Natal Grange Holds Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn were last week’s fire at the normal Annual Business Meeting in Vernonia Wednesday. school, where she is attending. Mrs. Mamie Lane accompanied On their way home Sunday Natal, Jan. 8.—Natal Grange Judge P. Hill on his mail route evening, a large car crowded into held their annual business meeting Wednesday, , Mr. Bridgers’ car and forced him off the road. Luckily, no one was last Saturday evening, discussing business for the coming year. Many Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin hurt, but the car ran down the ditch, crashing through Frank good suggestions and speeches were took a veal to Vernonia Friday. Peterson’s fence and on into the made by members and refreshments Birthday Dinner Held In field. The driver of the other ma were served. chine did not stop. The extent of the Honor of B. R. Bennett amount of damage to the Bridgers’ William Pringle Jr. is improving car was not reported. nicely since his operation and ex Treharne, Jan. 8.—Mr. and Mrs. pects to be home soon. Walter Bennett and family attend A special meeting of Natal ed a birthday dinner at the home Reed Holding was a caller at of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bennett Grange was held Saturday evening Clatskanie Saturday. and a joint installation of officers, Sunday evening the occasion being Winema and Natal, after which the Mr. Bennett’s birthday. Jake Neurer made a business Grangers enjoyed dancing until trip to Astoria Monday and return midnight Lunch was served by Na* Ben Bennett of the Lindsay Lum ed Tuesday. tai Grangers. ber company was a Portland bus Miss Millie McMullin spent New iness visitor Friday. Mrs. L. B. Eastman is still re Year’s night with the De Rock ported to be ill. S. Beer of Vancouver was a vis girls. itor at the P. L. Larson home Floyd Deeds had the misfortune Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were Tuesday. to run a large sliver in his hand Saturday afternoon which was very Mist Callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staley and painful. Wm. Lindsay motored to Yamhill Mrs. Noble Dunlap and her fa last week. Mrs. Chas. Hansen has been on ther, Nels Peterson, were Vernonia the sick list for the past week, visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snider and but is reported as improving. Harry Wilson motored to Newberg George Taylor is sawing stove Dundee to visit relatives during Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanna drove wood for Mr. Green with his gaso and the holidays. down from Vernonia Friday and line saw. visited at the Grover Devine home. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. John have Mrs. Wm. Pringle Jr. was a Mist had as their guests the past week caller Monday. Mr. John’s sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Ryker of Portland. Mr. MARK EVERY GRAVE Grandpa McMullin is still in bed Memorials in granite and marble most of the time and is improving and Mrs. John accompanied to Portland Monday. They expect to at reduced prices slowly. spend a week in that place visit WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin ing friends and relatives. Oregon Monument Work» were callers at the homes of Mr. Pleasant Hill School Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro and Mrs. Nels Peterson and Mr. Those on the honor roll in Mrs. Anderson’s room for the week are: Florence Bradley, Lewis Haverland, Vern Baker, Ethel Kelly, Joseph McCallum, Albert Tichenor, Oren Weed, Harry Benson, Jeanette John Florence Tichenor, Ida Beaver, Twyla Morton, Doris Timm and Edgar Crawford. Teach Your Boy to save this year One may avoid scraping carrots Alva Larson has been absent the past week on account of illnes of by scrubbing them and then boiling. her mother. When tender, rinse in cold water Mr. and Mrs. Hampton and fam and the skins will rub off as easi ily have moved to Beaver Creek. ly as the skins of beets. Ray Meyers is attending school A soil type may be an asset to again after a month’s absence. one crop and a liability to another. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge left I Scientific knowledge of the adapta for Camas, Wash, after a two tion of certain crops to certain weeks visit with friends here. soils can be substituted for the average farm hit-or-miss crop Mr. and Mrs. L. Grenia are re- ping method in countries whose soils ceiving congratulations upon the ar rival of an eight pound boy. Mrs. P. L. Larson has been quite ill the past two weeks with influen za. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cody of Jew ell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett over the week end. S. A. Morton is working for the Long-Bell company at Ryderwood, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Uhlin mo tored to Seattle, Wash., for a week’s visit. They were accompani ed by Mrs. Uhlin’s brother, Gail Stanton, who expects to remain in Seattle. Waldron Hyatt returned from Oreeon City Thursday. Mrs. Hyatt has been ill with tonsilitis and will return later. Mrs. Eva M. Bolster was unable to return to her school Tuesday. Norman Pettjohn taught in her place Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christie returned Sunday from Westport, where they spent two weeks. Snyder Keasey, postmaster, is spending a few days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. Nickson left Thursday for a drive into Califor nia. Lincoln School Mrs. Frederickson visited the first grade room last week. Miss Laramore’s room won the attendance pennant for the month of December. Leila Nelson, Buster Nance, Louise French, Bonnie Jean Thomp son have received their Palmer Method button. -Mr. Spring was absent Monday on account of the death of his sister. Herbert Anderson and Toivo Eloranto of the fourth grade have transferred to the Washington school. The following had 100 in spell ing. Second grade, Bruce Holcomb, Frances Davis, Montana French, Harold Burke, Geraldine Cason, Earsel Christianson, Dorothy Acord. Third grade, Lawrence Bennett, Billy Fogel, Buster Nance. Fourth grade, Paul Adams, Iral Aldridge, Burto Miller, Charles Benson, Clarence Brimmer, Bonita Buffmire, Ramona Casselman, Vashon Hall, Alice Hoffman, Delpha Killian, Irene Thompson, Learvia Powell, Marjorie Royer. HOME POINTERS The proportion for a. very soft custard is three to four eggs to one quart of milk; for a firmer custard, four to six eggs to one quart of milk. Two eggs to one cup of milk will make a custard that will unmold, while three eggs to one cup of milk makes a very firm custard. When using yolks alone three to four yolks to one cup of milk makes a firm custard. One | tablespoon cornstarch may be used for each egg omitted. The most common methods of cooking tough cuts are braising, pot-roasting, stewing and fricasee- ing. Methods of cooking tender cuts are broiling, roasting and fry In Mrs. Austin’s room: Vera ing. Berry, Lester Mowe, James Glass- Washing spinach in warm water ner, Billie Smith, Milo John, Ethel the first time loosens up much of Spencer, Grace Kellar, Kyle Clark,' the sand and dirt. Irving Benson, Loretta Baker, Vir Cake may be kept fresh when ginia Dooley and Carles Holt. only a small amount is eaten at Frederick and Royal Moores have a time by cutting the desired num returned to school after a months ber of slices from the center of the cake. Push the two remaining absence. pieces close together like a whole Florence Anderson is now attend cake, and this will keep it moist ing the Washington school in Ver and soft for several days. nonia. DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Evenings by appointment. Office over Hoffman Hardware Co. Vernonia, Oregon M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon GORDON R. WATT DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Attorney-at-law Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon $1.00 Per Bottle at MAC’S PHARMACY 4ZKZHZKXHZHZMZH£HXHZHZHZHZH 10 shirts and a rag rug Water-washed FREE for every home! ERE’S an unusual test that answers the home washer A rag rug clean in four minutes. Shirts clean H question. in four minutes. Even neckbands and cuffs. Without hand rubbing. Meadows makes water do all the work. That’s why any fabric thrives on Meadowashing. March is Meadows home-test month. Women everywhere are learning the economy of this beautiful compact device with the largest washing capacity in the world. Handy and decorative enough for a kitchenette. Yet able to cleanse anything Laundries do with power machinery. How Can Thea» Featarea Be Had for the Price? Magic Bakelite impeller that eliminates clothes friction. Indestructible tub of copper jacketed in steel Balloon wringer rolls able to wring dry the first time. Adjustable legs. New beauty of design. Lively grey finish. Natty nickel trim. Terms to suit you. THE MEADOWS MFG. CO, BLOOMINGTON, ILL, U. S. A. Accept our unuaual offer, FREE. Phone now. Hoffman Hardware HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ» Oregon-American Lumber Co.