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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1928)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 /ERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FIVE believe me, it is the truth. Your Christmas tree in the churcll next' nesday at the home of Mrs. C. Wil- I.-P. Tuesday. The I.-P. will close the 20th fof loaf was given a score of 97%. We Sunday evening. | kerson and make and fill 50 racks Mrs. Bafitt spent Monday and the holidays and plan on starting to did not have the opportunity to Sundland ; ■ w'th candy and nuts for those who Tuesday with Mrs. J. O. Devaney load out of the pond January 8. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sunuianu score it until it was three days old were down at Birkenfeld visiting , come and for the kiddies. before leaving for her new home Norman Pettijohn and Gene Pur- and even after standing that long at the Berg home one evening last at Canby. ney are logging Alder along Rock it was still fresh, had a wonderful week. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Thomas spent creek, which is changing the looks Lewis Laramore is reported to texture and a very appetizing fla I A farewell surprise party was be seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith of 1 given for Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Thomas Thursday and Friday with Mrs. J. of many pretty places that was vor.” There you are—a loaf of used for picnic’s. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff went Mother’s bread scoring 97% and at Vernonia visited at the Holmstrom _u..1 at I.-P. Wednesday ..» “*-j O. Devaney. evening. They to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. — D. Nickson — of *.-* I.-P. ■ drove Mrs. Thos. Scott of O.-A. was are leaving for California. Those i J ----- that three days old. There is hardly home Sunday evening. ___ __ Ray r !t° Portland Monday _ to do > her in Vernonia Saturday doing Christ Mrs. Merl Tiderman spent several present were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hyland has purchased a new any question about its scoring 7’ —J Mrs. *' ’■ " * ' r-i.-!.* —-- shopping, — — z :— Thur- mas shopping. and Jim Hunt, Christmas returning two-door Ford sedan from the Craw I 100% had it been scored the same days last week visiting her sister, , Bemis, Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Quail, Mr. ___ and sday. ____ __ ford Motor company. I. R. Young drove to Vernonia day that it was baked. There is Mrs. Chas. Hansen. Mrs. L. B. Kennerdy is spending Lafoon, Mr. and Mrs. E. I i Mrs. Al. Atchison was in Portland Sunday. Every Saturday at the Vernonia practically a perfect loaf of bread were doing Christmas shopping. She re ” ’ Light refreshments *' ’ Bakery—cream puffs, chocolate such as you have the privilege of a couple of weeks in Portland car- Bemis. served and “500” played. i turned Tuesday. eclairs and Boston cream pies.—adv 1 buying every day in the week. ing for sick relatives. Reedsport — Roosevelt highway ___ , ” ____ Robert Bafitt won the six tube Lester Lebo and family are mov- graveled „_____ ______ The regular meeting of the P.-T. | Again we say—Mother’s bread is “Shady Lar.? is back at his between Reedsport and A. will not be held Friday. The good—none better is made. Ask for residence in the village after being radio set that was raffled off at ing from I.-P. camp to Kelso, Wn. Coos county line. next meeting will be January 7. **•—adv- ! away since early summer. Mr. and Mrs. Al Chambers of St. Florence Dowling has been con For 5 years Dr. Luzader, fined Helens were Sunday callers at the to her home with a severe ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH eyesight specialist, has been t'asV of tonlilit'is" Dent home. M Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michener are making monthly visits to Vernonia. Dora Lowden is staying with Mrs. the parents of a baby boy who His next visit will be Jan. 7 and 8, Grover Devine. office at Kullander’s. Have was born December 18. j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Enneberg are H occupying the little house next to Skimmed milk can be purchased your eyes examined.—adv. at the Nehalem Creamery for five the central office, having moved in H a week ago. cents per quart or 15 cents per CHURCH OF CHRIST gallon.—adv. The next meeting of Natal Bible school 10 a.m. Christmas Grange will be Saturday. It is to H C. W. Reithner returned Monday from a visit in Portland with Mrs. lesson and Christmas treat for ev- be a social meeting. The lecturer _ i is planning a program and Christ- 1 M Reithner, who is ill at the Portland eryone who attends. ’ Sanitarium. Communion 11 a.m. Sermon “The ma ma,s a . tree. Mrs. Holce and Mrs. Yocum Z You will want Parker House rolls Spirit of Christmas,” by Mr. Leav for the Christmas dinner—order itt. Junior and Int. C. E. 6:30 p.m. . spent Thursday with Mrs. Wm. H them ahead at the Vernonia Bak Christmas program 7:30 p.m., the 1 Keaton, and made candy sacks for JR ery.—adv. playlet ‘The Christmas Waif” un- i the Christmas tree at the church. | J Mrs. L. E. McGee is still con-: ■ * Robert LaRocque has served his I der the direction of Mrs. M. D. X connections with the Columbia Util ; Cole and Mrs. Paul Wiggins. A ! fined to her home with illness. ities company and left Saturday for i beautiful story of the Christmas I The Rev. Mr. Everett preached M Glasgow, Kansas. | tide. Gifts for the Christ Child’s to a fair sized audience Sunday 1 There will be no meeting of the birthday by everyone who attends. evening in the church. The Joe Checmonick family have garden club next Tuesday as it is I The children of the Bible school Christmas day. The next meeting are bringing canned fruits, jell, guests from Bohemia. Pearl Hessong was a Monday | » will be held in January as usual. i soap, vegetables, money and other Otis Hyland plans to purchase needy articles for Orphanage and evening caller at the Ed. Reynolds " 2000 baby chicks in the spring. He | Old People’s home. Come and share honte. Eric Kronberg is back at is now building a poultry house 160 with us the joys of Christmas giv on the outskirts of feet long on his place. ing. TEDDY W. LEAVITT, Pastor. residence village after several months Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Thayer and sence at camp. son of Rainier stopped a short time EVANGELICAL CHURCH Mrs. Ed. Reynolds’ daughter and in Vernonia Tuesday while motor-/ ing through the valley. ' The . Sunday school will give their i I husband of Vernonia are visiting * LeRoy and Marshall Malmsten dun?E?he Su?‘ her. Wm. Meadows spent last week and Veldon Parker are expected day school hour from 9:45 a.m. to — in Portland. home from Corvallis today for the 11 a.m. I The pastor will preach a Christ- P. DeRock is visiting his daughter Christmas holidays. mvie ' mas sermon at 11 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers. He is in poof Fruit cake makes a desirable un8 people’s societies will health. Christmas gift. The Vernonia 1 Bak- __ i m zi zi 4 y° i xo 4 1-, zx wx.. ■*»<x 4 z. — —. — —— — - O A ery has them in various sizes and meet in their separate rooms, 7:30 the choir will give the cantata “The Keasev Children Will either light or dark cake.—adv. ¡ The Vernonia Bakery is again Glory of Bethlehem. Give Christmas Program The public is invited to all these making those good chess pies. Try services. one.—adv. Keasey, Dec. 17.—The Keascy G. W. Plumer, Pastor. Emil Eloranta, proprietor of the school will have a program Friday Goodyear Shoe Shop, is building a and a Christmas tree. The four Card of Thank* home in Riverview. He states that ladies on the board will meet Wed- We wish to thank our neighbors he intends to make Vernonia his and friends and the American Le home permanently. This will be the last time that the gion and especially commander Vernonia Bakery can ask you to Schwab for their aid and kindness order fruit cakes, pumpkin and i during our recent breavement. Alice Taylor and family. mince pies for Christmas. Don’t delay—do it now. Quality fruit Divorce Awarded cake such as you could not dupli cate at home for the same money— Lillian Lilly received a decree of the very best selling at only 50c' divorce against Russell Lilly and per pound. Again—place your order! was awarded the custody and con now.—adv. trol of the minor child, Geraldine Raymond A. Gooding of Jerome. ■ Lilly, by Judge J. A. Eakin Friday FOR SALE Ida., and Dean H. Gooding of in St. Helens. Gooding, Ida., arrived in Vernonia VERNONIA BUSINESS Lot and 2 last Friday to spend Christmas with School Program at Mist small houses. Nearly opposite theii parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jj school, next to Square Deal Garage. Well Attended Saturday I Small parcel of lumber thereon. Gooding. Ward Gooding, who is attending college at Corvallis, re- I Cheap for immediate sale. Write or Mist, Dec. 18.—The school pro I see Blaker 725 E. Holman St. Port- turned home for the holidays yes- gram was well attended Saturday i land, Oregon.________________212* terday. In accordance with the custom night, and the proceeds derived of the Vernonia Bakery a loaf of from the sale of baskets amounted PIANO FOR SALE—Second hand. Easy terms. Inquire at Eagle of Mother's bread is periodically sent to more than $40. Chas. Sundland played in the fice. to some disinterested bread expert for scoring. A loaf has just been I Berg orchestra Saturday night in FOR RENT sent to the laboratory of the Sper I Vernonia. Mrs. L. B. Eastman spent a FURNISHED APARTMENT ry Flour Co., and you will be in rent—Moonlight Apartments, tel- terested in the result of the test. I couple of days last week visiting Following are the excerpts from a I in Portland. | ephone 402.__________________ 103 Mrs. Jerggins, who has been >■ letter received by us concerning the caring for Mrs. Devine, left for WANT TO RENT a house and small loal just sent: “You are certainly I acreage within five miles of Ver- turning out an excellent product, her home at Delena Friday. Do not forget the public is In- nonia. ’ Write Be, X33T v.mon HXH X HXHXHX HX H=HX KZH X H XHXHXHX HX HXHXHXHXHX in fact the very best in Oregon. This may sound like ‘hot air1 but, I vited to attend the program and ia. FLEX demonstration Friday, December 21 From 10 a. m. to 5 p.m A 35c BREADBOARD for 10c or FREE with purchase of FLEX i And we will gladly assist von in decorating small pieces of furniture brought in I Hoffman Hardware A Merry Christmas Awaits Both Shoppers and Those Who Receive Gifts Purchased from this Store. Every Item in This Store is Some thing Worth Giving. FOR HIM Cigars, Cigarettes Smoking Sets Cigar Lighters Shaving Sets Military Brushes BRUNSWICK RECEPTION a Triumph of Musical Quality Flash Lights Desk Sets Bill Folds Comb and Brush Sets MAC’S Perfume Spray Perfume Ivory Toilet Sets Stationery Hand Bags Manicure Sets Powder and Rouge Compacts Bath Sets Fountain Pens Safety Razors Fine Candies Fancy Xmas Pack FOR HER MODEL 5KR ÿàrunMüick KAV1O Fountain Pen Sets Photo Album Candy Bridge Sets PHARMACY Exquisite Ivory Sets