Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, December 20, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S gon, you are hereby required to for 35 cents.”—Ex.
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
Voice over the phone: “Are
By virtue of an execution and or-
ier of sale duly issued by the clerk
In the County Court of the State titled action within four (4) weeks
of the Circuit Court of the county
after the date of the first publica­
for Columbia County.
of Columbia State of Oregon, dat- of In Oregon
Matter of the Estate of tion, of this summons, which date
ed the 26th day of November 1928, Martin the Tobin,
of first publication is December
in a certain action in the Circuit
Notice is hereby given that in 13, 1928. If you fail so to appear
Court for said county and state,
answer, for want thereof, the
wherein Bank of Vernonia, a cor­ pursuance of an order of the county and
will take judgement
poration, as plaintiff recovered court of the county of Columbia, plaintiff
you for the sum of Six
judgement against Kolumbia Koun- state of Oregon, made on the 26th against
two cents ($6.02) to-
ty Kommunity Kompany, a corpor­ day of November, 1928, in the mat­ dollars with
interest at the rate of
ation for the sum of four hundred ter of the estate of Martin Tobin gether
per cent per annum from the
fifty-nine dollars, and costs and dis­ deceased, the undersigned, admin­ 6 11th
of October, 1928, and for
bursements taxed at fifteen dollars, istrator of the estate of Martin costs day
and attorney’s fees in the sum of Tobin, deceased will sell at private herein. and disbursements incurred
one hundred twenty-five dollars, sale to the highest bidder, under
This summons Is published by
and the further sum of one hun- the terms and conditions herein­ order
Honorable —
P. Hill,
dred thirty-two dollars and seventy after mentioned, and subject to Justice of of the
the Peace of the 4th
nine cents, and the further sum of confirmation by said court, on or district, Columbia
county, Oregon,
eighteen dollars on the 9th day of after the 5th day of January, 1929, which order bears date
the 7th day
all the right, title, interest, and
November 1928;
<«f December, 1928, and which or­
Notice is hereby given that I will estate of said Martin Tobin de­ der
the service of sum­
on the 29th day of December 1928, ceased at the time of his death in mons directed
upon you by publication as
at the West front door of the Court and to the real property herein­ aforesaid.
House in St. Helens in said County, after described and all the right,
P. HILL, Justice of the Peace.
at 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon of title and interest that the said
R. WATT, Attorney
■aid day, sell at public auction to estate has by operation of law or for GORDON
Plaintiff. Vernonia, Oregon.
the highest bidder, for cash, the otherwise acquired other than or
Date of first publication Dec­
following described property, to- in addition to that of said deceased ember
13, 1928.
wit: Beginning at a point on the at the time of his death of, in, and
of last publication January
North line of Lot One of Block to that certain piece or parcel of 3, Date
Six of the Town (now city) of land situate, lying and being in
Vernonia, which is 70 feet W. of the county of Columbia, state of
Warrants Payable
the Northeast corner of said Lot Oregon, and described as follows,
I have money on hand to pay
One; thence running West 45 feet to-wit:
A tract of land of about 40 acres following endorsed county
to the East line of the open alley­
way; thence South 100 feet; thence in section 2, township 5 north, warrants: General road fund en-
East 45 feet; thence North 100 feet range 4 west of the Willamette dorsement to and including Dec.
by said 12, 1928; Mist Clatskanie market
to the place of beginning; all being meridian, as reserved
within Columbia County, Oregon. Martin Tobin, deceased, in his deed endorsement to and including Nov.
Taken and levied upon as the to the Fir Tree Lumber Co. dated 20, 1928; road dist. No 5 endorse­
property of the said Kolumbia April 6th 1910, and recorded in ment to and including Nov. 14,
Kounty Kommunity Kompany , a Book 13 at page 280 of the deed 1928; Road dist. No. 6 endorsement
__ r________ or ________
_____ ___
as much thereof
as records of Columbia county, Ore- to and including Nov. 15, 1928;
may be necessary to satisfy the said ] gon, on the 9th day of April, 1910, Road dist. No. 8 endorsement to and
judgement in favor of Bank of I to which deed record reference is including Sept. 29, 1928; Road dist.
Vernonia, a corporation against said hereby made for a more complete No. 15 endorsement to and includ­
Kolumbia Kounty Kommunity Kom- and particular description of said ing Nov. 30, 1928;, Road dist. No.
pany with interest thereon, togeth- land and the rights therein describ­ 18 endorsement to and including
Sept. 14, 1928.
er with all costs and disbursements ed.
Interest ceases December 14,
that have or may accrue.
Terms and conditions of sale:
J. H. WELLINGTON, Sheriff, cash in gold coin of the United 1928.
Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, No­ States; ten (10) per cent of the
County Treas.
vember 26, 1928.
n29d27 amount of the bid to be deposited
with the bid, the balance of the
purchase price to be paid on con-1
11144 IdUU U1
MJ the
VUV 3<41V4
of OC44C
sale by
said VVU11UJ
given to the j court and execution of deed to pur-
Notice is hereby
holders of the
le following bond of chaser.
All bids or offers must be in
the City of Vernonia, Columbia
"Craig’. Wife”
writing, and may be left at the of­
county, Oregon.
Bond No. 12 of Sewer improve­ fice of W. A. Harris, attorney for
William C. de Mille's production
ment Bonds dated January 1, 1925, said administrator, at Vernonia, of “Craig’s Wife,” which is schedul­
said bond being in denomination Oregon, or may be delivered to ed for showing at the Joy theatre
of $500; the above bond being re­ said administrator personally at tonight and tomorrow, is said to
deemable at the option of said city his residence in said county of Co­ have caught with amazing fidelity
on January 1, 1929. That pursuant lumbia, state of Oregon, at any the spirit of this remarkable play
to said option, said bond will be time after the first publication of by George Kelly. “Craig’s Wife”
redeemed within 30 days from the this notice and before the making was awarded the Pulitzer prize as
date of this notice to-wit: On the of the sale.
the outstanding dramatic produc-
The right is hereby reserved to tion of a New York season, and
First day of January 1929 upon
presentation at the office of the
also been published in book
city treasurer at Vernonia, Oregon. 6th, 1928.
form. Irene Rich and Warner Bax-
ter play the leading roles.
In case the holders of said bond
fail to present same at the time ministrator.
Frank J. Peterson, Administrator
and place mentioned herein for
the redemption thereof, then the of the Estate of Martin Tobin, de-
Backgrounds of scenic beauty
d6d27 that are world-famed were used for
interest thereon shall cease and i ceased.
the agency aforesaid will thereaf­
sequences of “Nevada” I’gi^mount's
ter pay only the amount of such IN THE JUSTICE COURT FOR picturization of the Zane Grey
bonc^and the interest accrued there­
story by the same title which
on up to the said first day of Jan­
reaches the Joy theatre next Sat­
uary 1929.
urday. John Waters, director, took
Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on
F. W. Gough, Plaintiff, vs. Pio a company of 150 persons to Brice
this 1st day of December 1928.
Antonio, Defendant.
Canyon, Cedar Breaks and Zion Na-
To Pio Antonio:
J. C. Lindley, Treasurer,
| tional Park, Utah, for many of the
In the name of thq State of Orc- scenes.
City of Vernonia, Ore.
Joy Theatre
surance adjusters and companies j
and many just claims were refused |
you and suits dismissed because of this
the lady who washes?”
legislative enactment.
Dentistry and X-Ray
Social climber: “Most certainly
The supreme court of Oregon Evenings by appointment. Office
does not take this view and last | over Hoffman Hardware Co.
Voice: “Why, you dirty thing.’ week held this bit of legislation un- j
Vernonia, Oregon
constitutional, which means it does,
not exist, and the guest has the
same right he had before 1927.
Motorist Responsible
For Injury To Person
Portland — M. Seller &
Riding In His Car chased Pacific Housewares
"You are responsible for any in­
jury to a person riding in your car
provided the injury results because
of negligence on your part” stated
Meyer Rubin, head of the legal de­
partment of the Oregon State Motor
association, in commenting on the
recent supreme court decision hand­
ed down by Judge Rossman.
Since the law, contained in chap­
ter 342 Oregon laws was passed
at the 1927 session of the Oregon
legislature, the average motorist
has believed that he could invite
a guest to ride with him without
assuming any responsibility for that
guest’s safety. This, too, was the
opinion of the judges, lawyers, in­
Heyman-Seiler Co.
Eyesight Specialist
Eyes tested, glasses fitted
Consultation free
Watch date of next visit
Vernonia, Oregon
Joy Theatre Building
Vernonia, Oregon
Reasonably Priced
Cabinet Work
Built-in Furniture
Anything made of
High class workman­
Vernonia Cabinet Shop
Corner State & North
Geo. H. Stankey
Of Kitchen Ware
Gifts of extra quality, long service kitchen­
ware will please every housewife, even
though she has many such items now. Let
us show you the beautiful gift sets we
have ready.
Mellinger Hdwe
Mountain Heart
Rebekah Lodge No. 243
No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec­
ond and fourth Thursdays in
W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors al­
ways welcome.
Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G.
Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec.
Meets every Monday at
8 P.M. in Grange hall.
"Warming Up”
In Every Home
—Complete telephone service is a convenience
to every member of the family. Properly placed
extension telephones save tiring steps for the
housewife. Son or daughter, sister or brother,
dad or mother—find them a year ’round comfort
and satisfaction.
And too, the telephone is an aid in emergen­
cies and a protection in danger.
West Coast Telephone Co
Surrounding himself with some
of the greatest stars and ex-stars
of the diamond, Richard Dix, the
Paramount star, put on the spikes
and warmed up his pitching arm for
the baseball sequences of his new
production, “Warming Up,” the pic-
ture booked for the Joy theatre
“The Apache”
Don Alvarado and Margaret Liv­
ingston do an unusual and difficult
apche dance in Columbia’s “The
Apache,' ” which is to be the attrac-
tion at the Joy theatre Monday.
’’The Night Bird”
story of a girl-shy prize
fighter forced to mingle in New
York’s night
______ __
life to enhance
box-office appeal is the comic basis
of Reginald Denny's newest star­
ring vehicle for Universal. "The
Night Bird” which is being screen­
ed at the Joy theatre Tuesday and
R. M. Aldrich, C. C.
Harry Culbertson, KRS
Woodmen of the World
W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No.
655 meets every Wednesday night
at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall.
Visiting members welcome.
H. A. TAYS, C. C.
H. S. STRONG, Clerk.
A. F. & A. M.
Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A.
F. & A. M., meets at Ma­
sonic Temple every second
and Fourth Thur, nights.
Visitors Welcome
Levert Goodin, Secretary.
American Legion
Vernonia Post
119, American Le­
gion. Meets second
and fourth Tues­
days each month, 8
p. m. John Hay,
Trap First Rat* and Mice
OST cherished among the gifts bestowed
by the passing year is the memory of the pleasant
relations with those whom’ we have been privi-
leged to serve,
So it is most sincerely that we wish you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I emonia
Trapping the first migration of
rats and mice in the grain bins,
rather than waiting till later infes­
tations, saves time and money.
Caponizing Successful in State
Caponizing can be practiced suc­
cessfully in Oregon. Usually there
there is a good demand for well
fattened capons at good prices.
Breeds such as Plymouth Rock, Wy­
andotte, Cochin, Brahma, Orping­
ton or cross breeds of these can
be successfully used. After some
training caponizing can be perform­
ed rather rapidly and with little dan­
ger by any one. Cockerels from 2
to 4 months old are best suited.
Order of Eastern Star
American Legion Auxiliary
Meet* fir*» and third Mon­
day* of each month nt
the Legion Hall.
Let Hor*e Visit "Dentist”
Treat the farm horse to a visit
to the “dentist,” or veterinarian,
once a year and have the long sharp
corners of his teeth filed off.
, Horses’ teeth wear unevenly, and
the roughness will cause sore
tongues and cheeks, resulting in
poor mastication and digestive
Wife'» Hard Luck
"Your wife looks terrible upset.
What's the matter?”
“Why she was assisting at a
Ladies Aid rummage sale, took off
her new hat and somebody sold it
153, O. E. S.
Regular communi-
cation ___
first __
third Wednesdays
of each month, at-
All visiting sisters
and brothers wel­
Catherine McNeill, W. M.
Mrs. C. J. Nance, President.
Mrs. P. Wideman. Secretary.
I. O. O. F.
I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No.
meets every Tuesday night
at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis­
itors always welcome. Work in the
3rd degree Tuesday, Dee. n.
John Glassner, N. G.
H. E. Stevenson, Sec.