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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1928)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 Knause, vice president; Mrs. Chris Keasey Women’s Club Nicar, secretary; Mrs. H. V. Hol- Holds Soical Meeting comb, treasurer. Thank offering boxes were turned in at the meet- * Keasey, Dec. 10.—The Keasey ing. Women’s club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ogg went The Vernonia Bakery makes a Mrs. C. E. DeVaney Thursday. to Portland Monday. dark fruit cake which they defy Light refreshments were served Miss Gladys Grant was ill and anyone to duplicate in Portland 90c and the afternoon spent in sewing. unable to teach Tuesday. per pound, yet our price is only Mike Miller has been ill for the 50c' per pound. This cake contains Robert Babitt’s family of I.-P. the following ingredients: Citron past week. Dan Steiner installed a furnace peel, orange peel, lemon peel, white are moving Monday to their new raisins, currants, figs, dates, glace home at Canby. in his new home last week. Mrs. Harold Christie has been Mother’s bread—now as always— "cherries, and almonds. All of these the good loaf. Ask for it by name, ingredients are the highest quality quite ill with influenza. that can be bought and we want adv. Walt Nickles of I.-P. fell and A. J. Weis recently purchased a you to ask yourself this question fractured his knee. He is in a new Chevrolet coach from the Gilby and answer it honestly: “Can I go Portland hospital. Motor company. out and buy all of the above listed Mrs. Walt Christie returned Sat There will be no meeting of the ingredients at current market prices urday from Westport, where she Parent-Teacher association until af and make a fruit cake that will spent a week. ter Christmas. cost 50c per pound or less?” We Mrs. Eva. M. Bolster, teacher in Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss drove do not believe that you can. Fruit to Portland Sunday for a visit with cake you know is difficult to make the Keasey school, drove to her and failures are many. Order yours home in Longview for the week end. friends. Mrs. H. H. Hixson, who has been early.—adv. EVANGELICAL CHURCH ill for more than a week, is much The music and art classes of the The Sunday school hour for this better. Erwin Steiner of Olympia, Wash., Washington school are giving a church is 9:45 a.m. At 11 a.m. the spent the week end with brother prrogram in the auditorium Friday pastor will speak on “The Destroyer ; evening, December 14, at 7:30. No Busy.” Dan Steiner. Both young people’s societies will Did you ever eat a mock cherry admission will be charged but there will be oe a canny candy ana and hand nana mane made , meet at 6:30 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. pie? The Vernonia Bakery has them i win and the ingredients are cranberries, Christmas card sale after the pro- the pastor will give a book review raisins, and walnuts. They are new gram. These cards have been made on the book “The Other Wise b ythe pupils and the proceeds will Man,” by Henry Van Dyke, with and good—try one.—adv. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Burt of Port be used to purchase materials for pictures. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. land were in Vernonia Tuesday. use in the art club. Mr. Burt represents the Western Dairy Products. The Parent-Teacher association will hold a bazaar, cooked food and candy sale Saturday in the Van Alstine building. Rev. G. W. Plumer was in Port land Tuesday and visited Larry Marshall in the hospital. He report ed that Larry is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Parker of Clatskanie visited at the Moonlight apartments, their former home, over the week end. Christmas is now close at hand and^you are no doubt pondering over the gift list. Well, just put down fruit cake. It is entirely ap propriate as a gift and one that will be appreciated and enjoyed by everyone. Let the Vernonia Bakery show you their line of quality Model 42 A. C. set uses 6 A. C. tubes and 1 rec fruit cakes and the very best at tifying tube. New cabi only 50c per pound.—adv. net dcsinu. Less tubes. Oscar Enstrom, who has been working in St. Helens for about two months, is now home. Otto Carlson is also back from St. Hel ens. Officers elected by the senior Christian Endeavor of the Evangel ical church at their meeting Friday night are Edwin Heath, president; Alice Dübendorf, vice president; Paul Bleile, secretary; Grace Con- dit, treasurer. (without tubes) The Vernonia Bakery is this year making four kinds of fruit cake HE automatic line voltage control built and at prices to fit any pocketbook, into Model 42 protects the A. C. tube There is the date cake at 30c per from the effects of excessive current. pound and we also have a light fruit cake at the same price. Then Refinements in design make this not only there is another light fruit cake a more serviceable, but a more handsome full of delicious fruits at 40c per set. Ball feet, panelled comers and a mod pound. Any of these cakes are good em gold-plated nameplate add the finishing and in the city you would pay from 20c to 30c per pound more touches to the two-toned satin finish. See than we ask. Be sure and place this new set here—or phone for a home your order ahead for fruit cake.— demons ti ation. <• adv. The Evangelical church Mission- ary society elected officers for the EASY TERMS coming year at the regular meeting last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. IL Marshall, president; Mrs. A. C. oca Is A twater K ent raimo secretary; Mrs. Fern Kullander, of their leader, it was decided at Net $35 From P.-T. A. treasurer; Mrs Leona McGraw, meeting Tuesday at the home Food Sale at Timber conductress; Mrs. Edith Pearce, as the sociate conductress. Officers will of Ramona Casselman. Some of Westimber, Dec. 10.—A cooked be installed January 2. food sale was held at Timber De cember 6 by the Timber and Wes- [ Blue Birds To Have Tree timber P.-T. A. from which about The Blue Birds will have a Christ- $35 was realized. mas program and tree at the home Mrs. E. R. Venable is confined in the Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, where she is convalescing after a very serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kern spent Wednesday in Portland shopping. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ahlgren and Mrs. Dudran shopped in Forest Grove, Saturday evening. There has been quite a lot of sickness in this vicinity, especially among the school children. $90.00 T "See Hoffman About II HOFFMAN Hüll. the girls have been appointed to pop corn and decorate the tree and house. The Christmas presents the girls have been working on will be ready for the next meeting at the home of Thelma Lincoln. =s Auto Accessories Make ideal Christmas Gifts We have spotlights, guages, chains, tool assortments and many other practical gifts Mrs. Lindley Elected Head of Eastern The following officers were elect ed at the regular meeting last Wednesday of Nehalem Chapter No. 153, Order of Eastern Star: Mrs. Mona Lindley, worthy ma tron; F. D. McPherson, worthy pa tron; Mrs. Gladys McPherson, as- sociate matron ; Mrs. Gladys Ruhl, Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works Give Jewelry For Christmas Living Gifts—That Keep on Living MODEL with Automatic Line Voltage Control jflBK^or 5 years Dr. Luzader, jy^evesight specialist, has been making monthly visits to Vernonia. His next visit will be Jan. 7 and 8, office at Kullander’s. Have your eyes examined. FIVE Our stock is now very complete with fine Watches, Rings, Clocks and Silverware. Priced right and each ar ticle guaranteed to prove satisfactory. WE SUGGEST For Him For Her Bracelet Watch Strap Watch Emblem Ring Diamond Ring Pocket Watch Birth Stone Ring Watch Chain Toilet Sets Metal Watch Strap Fountain Pen Sets Crystal Beads Pearl Beads Belt and Buckle Emblem Chain Fountain Pens Emblem Pin Stone Set Ring Diamond Ring Diamond Stick Pin Bedroom Clock Leather Hand Bag Silverware i A small deposit on any gift will reserve it until Christmas Gifts That Last A. L. KULLANDER