Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1928)
SIX VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON RIVERVIEW Oscar Jones was a business visitor Friday. Clatskanie are spending a few days in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holden and Heath & King gave a wiener The Earnest Yocum family son George were visitors at the roast the evening of October 31. were Clatskanie shoppers Saturday. Richardson home Sunday. About 75 children and 40 older Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Lowden spent Mrs. M. Webster of Portland is folks attended. Portland. the week end in ~ visiting at the home of her daugh The work on the general store ter Mrs. Bell Goodnight. Mrs. Elsa Knowles spent the building of Heath & King is nearly week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Richard finished. It is expected the formal son and Jessie Webster were Clat opening will be November 15. The Wm. Bridgers folks were skanie visitors Friday. Two motorcycles went over the Vernonia Sunday visitors. Birkenfeld now has Sunday school grade at the mile bridge Saturday Sunday school is at 10:30 every evening. The machines were not Sunday morning. All are cordially each Sunday, held in the Birken feld school house. All are welcome. badly damaged and the drivers, invited to attend. whose names were not learned, Miss Alma, cousin of the Birken- The next meeting of the “Jolly felds, was here over the week end drove them away. 20” will be on November 15 with visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Cornbery at Birkenfeld. KEASEY Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bee and James Jones is dbing some slash daughter May, were visitors at ing for Wm. Meadows on his re Campbell Shingle mill closed The Mayger over the week end. cently purchased property. Saturday for an indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Bell Goodnight and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland daughter and Mrs. M. Webster ' were Mrs. A. R. Lundeen and two sons of I.-P. camp spent the week were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. visitors at the home of Mrs. P. and Mrs. E. T. Wallace. end in W estport. Mellinger of Vernonia Friday. Mrs. E. A. Reynolds is spending Orris Evers and family of Elgin, The Birkenfeld Logging company Oregon are visiting his sister, Mrs. a few days in Vernonia over the plan on starting their operation week end with her daughter. J. A. DeVaney. near Vernonia within the next 10 Mrs. D. Dowling and son Bernard days. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hyatt of I.-P. camp left for a visit of a few were Vernonia movie visitors Sun Mr. Killgore, Birkenfeld grade days with their parents in Oregon day evening. school teacher, and wife spent the City. Chas. Sundland sold to and in week end at their home and re- turned to Birkenfeld Sunday even- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cummins re stalled an Atwater-Kent radio for ing. turned from their honeymoon Sun Fritz Iler last week. day and are spending a few days Mr. and Mrs. Edward Birkenfeld Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippy with Mrs. Cummins’ mother, Mrs. spent a few days at Keasey last and children were in Mayger Sat Thos. Pettijohn. week with Mrs. Schlippy’s daughter urday at the home of Mrs. Birken- feld’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Mrs. Stoops. mund. Mrs. E. A. Reynolds returned NATAL Fined For Possession home the first of the week from Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Sam Schlappie was fined Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Aldridge at Clatskanie. $100 in police court Wednesday and Mrs. Bert Eastman at Mist. morning for the possession of in Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson toxicating liquors namely 59 quarts Lincoln Peterson was unfortunate paid a visit to their son Rymal of beer. The raid was made by in losing one of his good hounds one evening last week at Thomp- Marshal Phelps and deputy marshal recently. son’s Siding. Guy Nelson. Judge P. Hill of Vernonia was Mr. and Mrs. Grover Devine A hard-time party was given by a Sunday visitor 4t the home of drove out to Clatskanie Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bud Baldridge. taking Mr. — . . ’s father out to the Christian Endeavor of the Devine Christian church in the social hall Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin spend the week end with relatives. of the church Friday. have added two nnw cows to their Jesse George will purchase the jersey herd. land across from the J. O. Libel Six Oregon Faculty Reed Holding has his logging well farm, of Oscar Jones and intends to build there some time in the Men Recruited From under way, which he intends to near future. by Christmas. Pulpit For Teaching The Mist Sunday school have Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and family were Sunday callers at the plans under way for a fine Christ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McMullin. mas program to be held in the —Six faculty members of the Univer church at that time. sity rf Oregon spent several years as The fishermen were plentiful Austin Dowling drove the Ver ministers of the gospel before deciding Sunday on the Nehalem. George Ogg and Jack Hanson reported a nonia-Mist high school bus Friday, '*» tike up active work as educators, it as the driver, W. R. Johnson, was is revealed in a survey of the teaching beautiful trip and good fishing. ill and confined at home with a staff just released. The men who changed from preach Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn return case of grippe. ing to teaching are as follows: Victor ed home Friday from Portland, Mrs. L. Carmichael entertained P. Morris, assistant professor of econ where they attended to some bus The omics; Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of iness and were guests at a family the “Jolly 20” Wednesday. rooms were very prettily decorted the school of social work and professor reunion. with the Halloween colors and of applied sociology; Dr. Andrew Fish, Frank Peterson, Mrs. Oliver Bur trimmings. An abundance of good assistant professor of history; Harold ros, Dave McMullin, Jake Neurer, things were brought by the guests, 3. Tuttle, assistant professor of econ Richard Peterson, and John McMul for it was Mrs. Charmichael's birth omics; and Leavitt O. Wright, assis lin are making arrangements to day, as well as the regular meeting tant professor of romance languages; pipe water to the Natal Grange of the “Jolly 20.” and Dr. Louis A. Wood, assistant pro hail and the Natal school. fessor of economics. Professor Morris is, perhaps, the only BIRKENFELD member of the faculty who is still MIST Many people are enjoying the regularly and actively engaged in church work. He is at present serving new Clatskanie mountain road. as pastor of the Christian church at Our school is planning to have| Mr. and Mrs. Louis Birkenfeld Monmouth, driving there during his a program in the near future. week-end rests from university classes. Professor Morris received both his B.A. and M.A. from Oregon, and has also taught in Grinnel college, Iowa, and at Oregon State college. Professor Tuttle »however, occasion ally takes the pulpit of the Congrega tional church of Eugene, of which he is an active member, when the regular minister is absent. He holds a bachelor of divinity degree from the Pacific School of Religion, and has been a mem ber of the faculty of Pacific university. Dr. Parsons Active Dr. Parsons has not been active in preaching since five years spent in the pulpit between the time of his gradua tion from Christian university, Mis souri, 1904, and his becoming a member of the Syracueo faculty in 1909. Dr, Parsons joined the Oregon faculty in 1920, and has interested himself prin 1927 cipally in social work, especially in con nection with penal institutions, public Essex Coach health and Red Cross work. Dr. Fish, a native of England, began $525.00 Touring 1927 preaching in the Methodist church of his native country before coming to the Coach 1928 United States. After studying in this country, he received a bachelor of di vinity degree from the Pacific Uni tarian school in 1917, and served as Knight 1925 pastor of the Unitarian church in Eu gene for four years. Since that time he has devoted himself to educational activities, receiving his B.A. degree in 1920, bis M.A. in 1921, and his Ph.D. in 1923. In that year he returned to Ore gon as a member of the faculty. ------------ Ur.Tvojil Active “ 1 ' 1 ¡she'd by act oT Tho store teglStatdH, A Canadian by birth, Dr. Wood re- October 19, 1872. Deady halk the first eeiveil most of his education and university building, was erected by the preaching experience in that country. i citizens of Lane county and presented His B.A. degree was granted him by to the board of regents in July, 1878. Toronto in 1905, and the Montreal Presbyterian college gave him a degree The Oregon Law Review, official of bachelor of divinity in 1906. Dr. organ of the Oregon Bar association, is Wood began to specialize in labor prob published quarterly under the editor lems and agrarian movements, and re ship of the law faculty of the Univer ceived his Ph.D. from Heidelberg in sity of Oregon. 1911. He has taught at Robertson col lege, Alberta, and at the University of Thirteen languages are taught at the Western Ontario, and is now on leave of University of Oregon. They are: Dano- absence from the University of Oregon Norwegian, Swedish, Greek, Latin, to do research work at Yale on the em Vulgar Latin and Old Provencal, Old ployment of labor by large railroad cor Icelandic, German, Middle High Ger* porations. man, Old High German, French, Span* Director of del Colegio International ish, Italian, and Portugueee. at Guadalagara, Mexico, was the title held by Dr. Wright from 1918-21. He had previously received his B.A. from The only Oregon chapter of Phi Beta Harvard, and bachelor of divinity from Kappa, leading national honorary schol the Union Theological seminary. He astic fraternity, is located at the Uni has taken graduate work at Columbia versity of Oregon. •nd California, receiving his Ph.D. In 1928. Dr. Wright taught some time at One of the most notable botanical Pomona eollege before coming to Ore collections in the country is at the gon in 1926. University of Oregon, where more than 35,000 specimens, largely from Oregon, may be viewed. Many University Men Listed in Who's Who UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene —Twenty-one members of the Univer sity of Oregon faeulty are listed in the 1928-29 edition of “Who’s Who in America,” recently issued. The new edition contains biographical material about 28,805 individuals, or one out of every 4,000 persons in the United States, it is revealed in the preface. The University of Oregon instructors listed are: Dr. Frederic G. Young, doan of the school of sociology; Ger trude Bass Warner, director of the Oregon meseum of fine arte; Harold S. Tuttle, assistant professor of education; Orin F. Stafford, professor of chem istry; Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the department of geology; Clara M. Smertenko, assistant professor of Latin and Greek; Dr. F. G. G. Schmidt, pro fessor of German; Dr. E. C. Robbins, former dean of the school of business administration; Dr. George Rebec, dean of the graduate school; Dr. P. A. Par sons, dean of the school of social work; Dr. Earl L. Packard, professor of geol ogy- Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the university; Dr. James H. Gil bert, doan of the eolicge of literature, science and the arts; Avard Fairbanks, assistant professor of sculpture; E. E. DeCou, professor of mathematics; Dr. B. W. DeBusk, professor of education; Dr. Timothy Cloran, professor of ro rnance languages; Dr. P. W. Boynton, professor of physics; Dr. C. V. Boyer, head of the English department; Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of jour nalism; H. D, Sheldon, dean of the school of education, and James D. Bar nett, head of the department of poll tical science. About 190,000 volumes are now in the University of Oregon library collection, which is growing steadily. Nearly 2,000 periodicals are received eurrently by the University of Oregon library, besides many daily and weekly newspapers of the state. About 140 Oregon newspapers are regularly bound. J’he Universit/ of Oregon wai eetab Used Car Season Is Now Here $575.00 $500.00 $325.00 $650.00 $125.00 $385.00 Qilby Motor Co Complete telephone service is a convenience to every member of the family. Properly placed extension telephones save tiring steps for the housewife. Son or daughter, sister or brother, dad or mother—find them a year ’round comfort and satisfaction. And too, the telephone is an aid in emergen cies and a protection in danger. West Coast Telephone Co ! Night At Coffee Dan’s 8. A daily newspaper, the Emerald, is published by students of the University of Oregon, appearing every morning but Sunday and Monday Co-eds at the University of Oregon “drum up’1 the business for an annual shoe-shine day conducted for the sake of charity by the junior class. The medical school of the University of Oregon was established In Portland in 1887. Sixteen years later the Wil lamette University department of medi cine was merged with it, leaving the University of Oregon the sole medlcaj school in the Pacific Northwest. DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist I Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit Skating1 Exhibition o I As an added atraction there will be a fancy skat- ing exhibition at the rink TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 13 VERNONIA SKATING RINK Special skate rental for ladies every Wed. 15c 1 Reithner’s If It's And Now Individual Winter It's Here You will find here carefully selected stocks of the medium and better grades in the new winter Dresses and Coats Silk Velvet Jersey and Wool Satins and Georgettes Sportswear and Dress Plain and Fur-trimmed. In all shades and sizes Miles of wear in every pair "THE GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIR ■ shop is now open under new management, and is furnished Brunswick service Record No. 4100 BOOT AND SHOE Dig up the shoes that you could use, if they were put in shape. real “hit Our lightning stitch is one from which no leather can escape. Come in and see the shoes that we can straighten strong and true, T ans made black, we leave no crack, and old ones look like new. 0 ur price is right, we treat you white, our patrons never roar. The Seal of Safety in Savings Ask to hear it at Real soles, old pard, so keep this card, it points toward our door! IS YOUR MONEY WORK ING FOR YOU AS HARD AS YOU’RE WORKING FOR IT? For Particulars Write American Trust Company 89 Department of Thrift Fourth St., Portland Ore. 1928 Burt Brown Barker, vice-president of the University of Oregon, is one of the founders of Delta Sigma Rho, na tional honorary debating fraternity. for up-to-date shoe repairing is a In Every Home NOVEMBER Silk and Wool Hosiery SOME OP OUR SPECIALS 1926 Hudson Coach Chevrolet Cabrolet 1926 Dodge Slightly used Chev. .. 1926 Ford Touring ...................... Willys coupe THURSDAY, I Mac’s Pharmacy Coodyear Shoe Repair Shop Repairing done whi.o you welt II