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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1928)
THURSDAY, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FOUR Brrnmtia Eagk Issued every T^prsday $2 per year in advance Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922 at the post office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ADVERTISING RATES Foreign: 30c per inch. Local: 26c per inch. Lo cal readers 6c per line. Classified lc per word. MARK E. MOE, Editor EDUCATION MEANS NEW DEMANDS teacher as he stands before his group ofi young Americans. They must be brought I face to face with the realities of life. They : must be brought to a deep appreciation [ of the duties of democracy. They must! learn that the price of liberty, and justice, I and progress is eternal vigilance. They must learn that the comforts of modem, life have brought with the corresponding I problems that they must solve. They must learn in school what the school teacher of the middle west learned through sad ex perience that the instruments of democ racy alone do not suffice. Back of these instruments and back of democratic gov ernment, there must be the moral vision,1 the spirit of sacrifice, the sustained in terest of the crusader, the valor of the soldier and the constructive patriotism of the statesman. If the ideals of democracy are to with stand the stress and strain of modern life, they must be founded upon a citizenship inspired with such a vision and animated with such a spirit. The development of his vision and spirit of democracy is not the work of the amount to be done in time of pressing need. It is the slow and pa tient method of building into youthful thought the social view-point, and of guiding the dynamic instincts of the child into channels of socialized activity.—By Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of Uni versity of Oregon. *9 BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER If foronte will have lheir children memo rial • BAIe ejection each It will prooe • pricelsM Aerllnfe to them in after yeare. WARNING TO MEDDLERS: — He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears__ Proverbs 26:17. PRAYER:—Help us, Lord, to be true peacemakers even although suffering may follow thereby, for they shall be called the children of God. QUESTION:—What did the cen- turion at Capernaum say to Jesus, and what answer did Jesus give him? ANSWER:—Matt. 8:15-13. A À It’s the Same Principle The Saturday Evening Poet has become the most widely read magazine in the world—be- cause away back in Colonial day* Ben Franklin got the idea that the best publishing policy was to offer the public a publication of quality at a price everyone could pay—sell every body the magazine and make a tiny profit on each sale. The same principle has made Safe way Stores the West's largest food concern. J Í Safeway Savings for Fri. Sat. and 'flies. Nov. 9, 10, 13 Safeway Butter 1 Pound 53c .... Raisins Milk Thompsons Seedless Maximum Brand 41b, package Regardless of the advanced whole sale prices we still sell our high grade guaranteed butter at— BE PREPARED . _______ 29c 3 Tall Dainty W afers Fels Naptha Soap A 2 lb. carton of flakey salted crackers. 2 lb, package _______ 35c 10 Bar Jell-well 6 packages Peas 49c .... 49 lb. Sack . $ 1 98 4 sack bbl. ... $7 89 Our Choice Brand. A fine quality of early June peas. % case 12 cans 3 Cans ............... Beans jr Bluing Mrs. Stewarts Brand perfect slices. Lge. No. 2i/> size tins. Marasca Brand. new stock. Tomatoes Standard quality $289 49c Per case Cans Per box All 69c Lge. 3 lb. jar Pop Corn 25c .................... Candy Fancy broken mixed. Freshly Made 3 Pounds 43c .... Í Rice Fancy long grain Blue Rose. Per sack 10 Pounds Apples 43c È Preserves 12c.„........ $243 3 Cans ............... 63c Catsup $375 Maximum Brand $189 49c 12 Bottles ............. $223 3 Bottles 59c .... ......... 17c Per Bottle 3 Pounds $649 69c « A fancy quality of cut We have a good as refugee. sortment of Winesap, $325 Spitz and Yellow New- Per case 24 cans $165 towns. % case 12 cans 3 Cans 23c Genuine Jolly Time white rice brand guar- anteed to pop. $325 Pineapple H case 12 cans $165 An extra fine grade of 3 Cans ....................... 43 c slightly broken and im Per case 24 cans Pu rex Large Bottle Per case’... An extra fine giade of golden sweet corn. 59c Carton Best for bleaching and A dessert of nationally deodorizing. known quality. Flour Golden Corn 25c Cans ... 6 Cans Limit for industrial shut 6 Glass Jellwell Molds FREE downs this winter. Have a good supply of canned goods on your shelf at these amazingly low prices. Safeway Brand.— The following are a This is an introduc few of our money sav tory offer of this ing features o n case high grade hard and half case lots. wheat blend. A. hill. Mrs. Ira Mann will be the joint hostess. Monday, November 12, Dixie Jubilee quartet sponsored by the Christian church at the Legion hall. Esther Leavitt, Minister. been considered in the past few years to use substitute fuel. Some firms are now manufacturing special small heaters which burn wood or coal to heat frames. The flue hot bed is cheap and practi- cal and with all probability some Chicken Testing Begun Oregon vegetable growers will use The testing season for bacillary these modern methods, leaving diarrhea has begun, according to manure when available to maintain Dr. E. M. Dickinson, assistant soil fertility. poultry pathologist at the state col lege. Many blood samples have Repair Machinery In Winter been taken and the laboratory is running at nearly full capacity, an If machinery is greased up as increase of 170,000 samples over fast as field work is done and if the 1926 season. a list of broken parts is made, everything can be repaired or re Fuel Substitute For Hotbed placed during the winter. All tools, In view of the scarcity of manure engines and motors under shelter for heating the old fashioned is a rule saves equipment manure hot bed various ways have money. 1918 STORES Distribution "Without Waste a ■ 3 The function of modern education is to show that with the change from a pioneer nation to an industrial state there have come new problems and new demands up on the spiritual and moral forces of the nation. I note that one of the topics to be taken up during national educational week is “faithful citizenship,” and surely under this heading must come the study of these prbolems which are fought with the gravest significance to human hap piness. These problems of our modern day touch human life at a myriad of points. They make every voter of the republic the joint guardian of helpless children against the evils of the slums, for the state must be the champion of the helpless and the TEN YEARS OF PEACE oppressed. These problems cannot be ig nored. Our Country’s existence is at stake, Armistice day is coming again Sunday, for in the last analysis, the strength of a ten years after hostilities ceased in the nation depends upon its capacity to serve World war. Ten years of peace have eras its citizens and to advance the cause of ed many of the hardships and bitter mem justice. ories that made most of those engaged in When these needs are brought home to the conflict at the time, fatalists of the the American youth; when he is taught first order. to read in the complex problems of the Ten years ago a soldier stood a short day a challenge to his manhood; when ways back of the front line trenches some he is brought to realize the most treacher where in France watching the streams of ous foes that assail his nation are the smoke from shells wrecking death and de forces of greed, injustice and selfish in struction on each side. He had heard that difference; when he is taught that pat an armistice was to be declared at 11 a. riotism is a virtue of peace as well as of m. November 11. war; when he begins to feel the thrill of It did not seem possible. These armies exaltation that comes with civic duty well had been fighting so long it seemed al performed; when he is brought face to most a business with them. How could a face with the gigantic problems of modern mere arbitrary command halt the seekers life with their challenge to his courage, for revenge? his scholarship and his patriotism, the The firing continued furiously until the American youth will not be found wanting. designated hour. And then—silence, sweet The boundless energy, the inventive genius and golden. Life and its proper interests and the single-minded devotion which were renewed. The soldier looked forward have characterized him on the battle-fields to many years of useful endeavor, instead of Europe, in industrial conflicts and in of the possibility of not seeing another professional effort, will be consecrated to surprise. the task of translating into actual life, the The discipline that trained men to fight ideals and aspirations of American democ also promoted them to stop when the com racy. mand came. This, then, is the task that awaits the There was peace on earth. CHRWT roa all - all roacHairr NOVEMBER 8, $109 Beans Calif. Red Chili 10 Pounds Cabbage 79c Scissors Large solid heads for kraut. Quantity lots of A six inch shears with 30 lbs. or over. 24k gold plated handle 2c Per pound 39c Each EVANGELICAL CHURCH Sunday school meets at 9:46 a.m. service will be especially for the American Legion and ex-service men. The pastor had two sons in the World war. The evening services will be a half hour earlier than before, meet ing now, young people 6:30 and preaching 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. G. W. Plumer, Pastor. CHURCH OF Ài V Y Safeway Market Savings for Friday, Sat K urday and Tuesday, Nov. 9, 10, 13 Shortening Pork Roast Shoulders, young pig pork Per pound ....... 22c CHRIST Sunday school at 10. Loyal Daughters class, of which Mrs. E. Knight is the leader, will have charge of the service. The follow- ing Sunday is family day with the men’s class in charge. Communion •at 11 and regular morning service. Junior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor 6:30. Concert by Ray Charlesworth’s orchestra 7:15. Eve ning service 7:30. Subject, "Tragic Unconsciousness." Solo by Mrs. P. P. Wiggins. Thursday, teacher training school at 7. Bible study,'" 7:30. Official board meeting 830. Friday#^ Loyal Gleaners class meets at the hbfne*"t>f Mrs. Tim- mona. Rose avenue, at 2 o'clock. Wednesday. November 14, Will ing Workers meet at the home of Mrs. R. L. Stubbs, house 114, O.- KI Every sac» of Sperry Drifted Snow Flour is exactly Eke every other. That means with Drifted Snow you’ll have good luck ir baking et-ery time. Delicious, Mild Sugar Cured One-half or Whole Store No. 225 2 P°unds ....................... 33c 4 pounds 65c Pork Steak Hams Per pound White Ribbon—The Best 33c Young and Tender Per pound ........................ 25c Loin Pork Chops Per pound ............ V ernonia, Ore 29c Phone 741