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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1928)
TWO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Dated and first published Novem- Utah, George R. Tobin, Louis S. LEON L. WHARTON, Defendant twill make them waterproof. Ths about 3 minutes. Stir in the orang« Tobin, Robert Tobin, Margaret Tob- To Leon L. Wharton, the above ■ United States department of agri- peel and mix thoroughly. Pour in November 29, in Helm, Ruth Tobin Curtiss, Lin entitled defendant: IN THE NAME culture recommends several simple a greased bread pan and bake for 1928. ........................... ........... ....... , ....... one hour in a moderate oven- coln, Neb., Martin Tobin, Bridge OF THE STATE OF OREGON, j formulas for the purpose. J. W. Brown, Administrator of [ Carton, Ballyfarnon, Ireland, Mrs. you are hereby required to ap Rice can be cooked in an open | (about 325 to 350 degrees.) "Sinner* Parade” the Estate of Christ Field, Deceased. Mary Duignan, Knockkranny, Kea- pear and answer the complaint kettle in 15 to 20 minutes. A large The picture coming to the Joy GORDON R. WATT, Attorney, j dus P. O., Co. Roscommon, Ireland; filed against you in the above en J quantity of water should be used. | theatre tonight and tomorrow "Sin Maggie McLoughlin, Grangemore, I As soon as a grain pressed between ners’ Parade” is gripping drama re NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF Kingsland, Casterea, Ireland; Katie titled suit on or before the ex the thumb and forefinger is soft ( DR. W. H. HURLEY piration of six weeks from the vealing the secrets in the dual Green, 9 St. Francis Gardens, Cab- date of the first publication of : and has no hard portion in the J Administrator Dentistry and X-Ray careers of men and women who ra Rd. Dublin, Ireland; Mrs. Annie this summons, which said first pub center, the rice should be taken j Evenings by appointment. Office pose as saints by day and live the ' In the County Court, Ralph Miss Nora Tobin, both of lication is made and dated the I from the fire, drained, covered i over Hoffman Hardware Co. State of Oregon, lives of sinners at night. 193 Millbrook Rd. Southhampton, 27th day of September, 1928, that I with a cloth, and allowed to steam County of Columbia, Vernonia, Oregon England; James Tobin, 781 Fenton being the time prescribed by the until the grains swell and separate. PROBATE DEPARTMENT “The Valley of the Giant*” o f Place, Dubuque, Iowa; Walter J. In cake recipes with a number of In the matter of the estate Court in an order for publication The beautiful Redwood country Montana Bank, Bldg., Bill- of this summons; and if you fail I eggs, it is possible to substitute Damisog, deceased. I I . Tobin, ----- of California, Mecca of thousands Ambrosio I Mont.; and a son of Mary GORDON R. WATT Notice is hereby given that the j?*8.’ _ to appear and anawer the com baking powder for one or two of of tourists each year, is the locale undersigned has been appointed Ad-1 ^obm Sampson; St. Paul, Minn.; plaint, the plaintiff will apply to the eggs called for, during the of Milton Sills’ latest starring ve- : ministrator of the estate of Am- Mr? JIary Tobjn Crow!eY- ., 3531 the court for the relief demanded period of egg scarcity. Of course Attorney-at-law hide, “The Valley of the Giants,” brosio Damisog, deceased by the Elliott Ave. Minneappolis, Minn., the cake will not be so rich as which comes to the Joy theatre County Court of the State of Ore- helrs /'of„ Martin Tobin de- in her complaint, to-wit: for a when the eggs required are used. Joy Theatre Building decree of absolute divorce dis- Saturday. Vernonia, Oregon gon, for Columbia County, and has ceased, and to all other persons un existing between plaintiff and de- Allow’ one-half teaspoon of baking qualified. All persons having claims known, interested in the estate of fendant and such other relief as powder and two tablespoons of milk “Ramona” for each egg omitted. From half against said estate are hereby noti Martin Tobin, deceased. Miss Daisy Brown Helen Hunt Jackson's story, “Ra fied to present the same to me at IN THE NAME OF THE STATE solving the bonds of matrimony to two-thirds of the eggs called for to the court may seem proper. mona,” which comes to the Joy my office, Verionia, Oregon, with OF OREGON, GREETING: You should be used even when this TEACHER OF PIANO This summons is published by substitution is practiced. theatre Sunday is regarded as one vouchers and duly verified, within and each of you are hereby com Dunning Foundation of the present day American class- six months from the date thereof. manded to appear in the above en order of the Honorable John Phil For rather novel sandwiches or Judge of the County Court thin SYSTEM OF MUSIC ics. Dated and first published Novem titled Court at the Court House in lip, bread and butter for after of the State of Oregon for the the City of St. Helens, Columbia Telephone 611 ber 1, 1928. noon tea make some orange bread. of Colhmbia, duly made, The flavor is given by the cooked “The Red Raider*” Last publication November 29, County, State of Oregon, on No County Ken Maynard, the “ridin’ fool” 11928. vember 26, 1928, at 11 o’clock a. dated and entered this 26th day I peel of 2 oranges. This is cut into of western pictures, is the star of J. W. Brown, Administrator of m. to show cause, if any exist, why of September, 1928. covered with water and cook LESTER SHEELEY LESTER SHEELEY, Attornej shreds, "The Red Raiders,” the Charles R. the estate of Ambrosio Damisog, j anof “»le should not be ma<lc ed for about 20 minutes, or until --*»■- - > directing j . . *».- Rogers production for First Nation deceased. ' j authorizing and the ad- for Plaintiff. tender, and then drained. Next cook Attomey-at-Law al which comes to the Joy theatre Residence and Postoffice Ad the peel in a sirup made of one GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. , j ministrator of said estate to sell at Monday. private sale the following described dress: Vernonia, Oregon. cup of sugar and one-half cup of Vemonia, Oregon NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD real ProPerty situated in the coun S27N8 water until there is only about 1 ty of Colombia and State of Ore MEETING tablespoon of the sirup left. Sift When you see “Ben-Hur,” the gon, to-wit: together 3 cups of flour, 4 tea Road District No. 9, Columbia "Inside” Information lavish Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer screen A tract of land of aboot 40 spoons baking powder, and one- County, Oregon spectacle coming to the Joy theatre Prolong the life of shoes in half teaspoon salt. Cut in 1 table NOTICE is hereby given, that in acres in Sec. 2 Tp. 5 N. R. 4 West Tuesday and Wednesday, you will : of the Willamette Meridian, as re- wintertime, especially those worn by spoon of butter and add 1 well- have the first century history of pursuance of a petition duly sign ’ served by Martin Tobin, deceased men and boys without rubbers, by beaten egg and one and a quarter j ed by 17 freeholders, resident tax many different nations displayed be | in his deed to the Fir Tree Lumber soaking the soles in a grease that cups of milk. Beat this mixture for ' fore your eyes, with all the glam payers and legal voters of Road Co., dated April 6th. 1910, and re- District Number 9 of Columbia our and splendor and turbulent I corded in Book 13 at page 280 of Mountain Heart drama of the life of the first cen- | County, Oregon, and presented to the Deed Records of Columbia the County Court of Columbia tury of this era. Rebekah Lodge No. 243 county, Oregon, on the 9th day of County, Oregon, a District Road No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every sec Meeting of the LEGAL VOTERS of [April, 1910, to which deed record HOME POINTERS reference is hereby made for a ond and fourth Thursdays in If wool garments are dried close said Road District Number 9 will more complete description of said be held in the Old Parker Dance W. O. W. hall, Vernonia, Visitors al- to a fire, the steam formed will land and rights therein, as prayed Hall, One Mile East of Vernonia, ways welcome. cause the material to shrink. for in the petition filed by said If lace is carefully basted to a Ore., in said District No. 9 on the administrator in the above entitled Mrs. Myrtle John, N. G. piece of cheesecloth, less care will 10th day of November, 1928, at jestate. Mrs. Hazel Thompson, Sec. the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day, be necessary when washing it. This Citation is issued pursuant If curtain stretchers are not said meeting to be for the purpose KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS available, good results are obtain of voting a SPECIAL ROAD TAX to an order duly made by the Hon- HARDING LODGE 116 ed by pinning the curtains on in said Road District, of not to ’ orable John Phillip, Judge of the exceed ten mills on the dollar, on 1 above entitled Court, on the 22 sheets to dry. day of October, 1928, which said all taxable property in said Road Meets every Monday at Lace may be stiffened by rins | order directed that this Citation be 8 P.M. in Grange hall. ing it in a mixture of two table District. Done at St. Helens, Oregon, this served upon the non-resident heirs, spoons of alcohol and one cup of all persons unknown, by pub and 22nd day of October, 1928. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. water. lication once a week in the Verno John Phillip, County Judge. Harry Culbertson, KRS Ammonia is effective for remov T. B. Mills, County Commissioner. nia Eagle for four successive weeks, ing stains. A dilute solution of J. N. Miller, County Commission- a newspaper published at Vernonia, caustic soda or caustic lye may None of the Delicious er. 123 Columbia County, Oregon. also be used. Woodmen of the World_ Flavor is Lost! Del WITNESS my hand and the seal Art gum, if used frequently for W. O. W. Vernonia Camp No. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD of said Court affixed this 22 day slightly soiled spots on kid gloves, Maiz comes from the 655 meets every Wednesday night MEETING of October, 1928. will keep them in wearable con- Can with all the Rich at 7:30, at the new W.O.W. hall. dition for some time, postponing Road District No. 16, Columbia Date of first publication, October Visiting members welcome. County, Oregon Tender Sweetness of the necessity for a thorough clean- 25, 1928. ROBERT LINDSAY, C. C. NOTICE is hereby given, that ing. Fresh Young Corn on Date of last publication, Novem- L. M. ESCUE, CLERK. Much time is saved if knitted in pursuance of a petition duly ber 22, 1928. the Cob! underwear, hosiery and towels are signed by 12 freeholders, resident W. HUNT, Clerk of the Coun not ironed. The absorptive power I taxpayers and legal voters of Road ty J. Court District No. 16 of Columbia Coun A. F. & A. M. is also lessened by the heat. By H. E. VEAZIE, Deputy. Vernonia Lodge, No. 184 A. To prevent cotton from knotting, ty, Oregon, and presented to the make the knot on the end of the County Court of Columbia County, F. & A. M., meets at Grange Oregon, a District Road Meeting of thread that first leaves the spool, SUMMONS Hall every Second and and you will sew without kinks or the LEGAL VOTERS of said Road In the Circuit Court of the District No. 16 will be held in the Fourth Thursday nights. knots. State of Oregon, for the County Visitors Welcome It is almost impossible to machine City Hall in the city of Vernonia, of Columbia. DISTRIBUTORS Levert Goodin, Secretary. stitch fine lace or any thin ma Oregon on the 10th day of Novem LEORA WHARTON, Plaintiff, terial without puckering unless it ber, 1928, at the hour of 2:30 p.m. Portland, Oregon The Dalles, Oregon vs. is stitched over newspaper. The of said day, said meeting to be for Corvallis, Oregon Longview, Wash. paper is first basted on. After the purpose of voting a SPECIAL Mountain Heart Club Will Hold American Legion stitching the paper will tear away ROAD TAX in said Road District, Vernonia Post not to exceed ten mills on the of Bazaar and Cooked Food very easily, leaving the work all dollar, on all taxable property in 119, American Le- smooth. This is good also when Sale November 10 said Road District. gion. Meets second stitching thin silk. There will be a fish pond, coun Done at St. Helens, Oregon, this and fourth Tues- A good interlining for cuffs on try store, and needlework of all days each month, 8 men’s shirts is soft old table-linen. 22 day of October 1928. kinds. At Van Alstine Building. John Phillip, County Judge. p. m. John Hay, The linen is already shrunk and T. B. Mills County Commissioner. Adjutant. holds the starch well. J. N. Miller, County Commission- I er. 123 Don't Overlook Alfalfa Patch Order of Eastern Star Don’t overwork your alfalfa Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. patch! Alfalfa that goes into the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Regular communi- winter with considerable growth COLUMBIA COUNTY will come out in better condition cation first and third Wednesdays in the spring. Too late pasturing IN THE MATTER OF THE of each month. or cutting may kill a stand. For ESTATE OF CITATION Auto Tops, Curtains new seedings that have not made MARTIN TOBIN, DECEASED. All visiting sisters much growth, light dressings of and brothers wel To Mrs. V. R. Tobbin Potter, Cushions, Seat straw help to reduce the chances Mrs. Ben Tobbin Wells, Mrs. Tobin come. for winter injury. Kemp, James Tobin, Charles Tobin, Catherine McNeill, W. M. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF and a daughter of Mary Tobin Lindsay, deceased, address Andover, Administrator American Legion Auxiliary Auto, Sign and S, D„ John F. Tobin, Salt Lake, In the County Court, House Painting Meet* first and third Mon State of Oregon, day* of each month n* County of Columbia, MARK EVERY GRAVE the Legion Hall. PROBATE DEPARTMENT Memorials in granite and marble In the matter of the estate of Mrs. C. J. Nance, President. at reduced prices Christ Field, deceased. Decorating, Tinting Mrs. P. Wideman, Secretary. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Notice is hereby given that the Calcimining Oregon Monument Works undersigned has been appointed Ad 1. O. O. F. Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro ministrator of the estate of Christ Field, deceased, by the County, Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, and has qualified. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. M. D. COLE All persons having claims against 246 meets every Tuesday night said estate are hereby notified to at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis present the same to me at my of Dentist itors always welcome. fice, Vernonia, Oregon, with Next door to Brown Fur Vemonia, Oregon vouchers and duly verified, within John Glassner, N. G. niture. Phone 1021 six months from the date hereof. H. E. Stevenson, Sec. Joy Theatre f ber Last 1, 1928. publication Lodge Notices CORN There is only ONE Del Maiz! It’s an entirely NEW BREED, with a NEW Flavor! And For Sale All Leading Grocers Hudson-Duncan & GENUINE Ford Batteries 13 PLATE $8.50 Allowance Made on Your Old Battery Vernonia Auto Top & Paint Shop FINNEY OF THE FORCE ALSäSSt Crawford Motor Co FORD DEALER r