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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1928)
Wrnania Bagli ■ V " —- -------- VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, VOL. 7 ~ 1928 NO. 14 Grade Pupils Neighbors of Woodcraft Pomona Elects Masonic Temple Eighth Signing Of Voters Name Observe Voting Tuesday Elect Officers For Year eighth grade visited the vot New Officers Nearly Finished ing The precincts The Neighbors of W'oodcraft re Armistice To Oscar Weed cently Tuesday morning with elected oficers for the com Miss Charlotte Hilts and Mrs. Alta ing year as follows: Silva Turner, Be Observed neighbor; Emma Miller, Warren Young Elected Mas Grand Officers of Oregon Neal and watched the people vote, County Sherifl guardian In the afternoon an election was past guardian neighbor; Florinda ter of County Grange; Will Be Present For Ded held as nearly like the legal elec- Strong, advisor; Pearl Barnes, clerk; as possible. Two election boards Erma Johnson, banker; Dorothy Membership of 400 Now ication On November 17 tion Pringle Carries Both Ver- I Tays, attendant; Alice Mills, ma were sworn in by Mrs. Neal. The Auxiliary and Relief Corpa first board Gladys End, chairman; gician; Fannie Owens, inner sen Will Serve Banquet nonia Precincts (By Lillian Daniels) Vernonia Masonic temple will be Louise Whitsell, Harold Bergerson, tinel; Agnes Petty, outer sentinel; The Columbia county Pomona 17. dedicated Saturday, November Leia — Beveridge, Chester Baker, Maude Duncan, captain of guards; Faye Davis, flag bearer; Ora Rob Grange held its 101st session at Among the officers of the Grand served for the first period. The second board, Margaret Mc bins, musician; Mary Hankel, press St. Helens, Saturday with Deer Is lodge of Oregon who will be pres correspondent; Ida Johnson, Violet land grange as hostess. All officers ent are Rex W. Davis of Salem, Donald, chairman; Melville Malm- except two were present. Reports grand master; Milton Myers of sten, Faith Hiatt, Oscar Ross and Miller, Eda Parker, managers. A joint installation will be held from officers on their work for Salem, deputy grand master; O. C. Deryl George served for the second the year were read and accepted. Hagmier of Seaside, senior grand Zimmerman Carrie* Columbia Coun- the first meeting in January. An The worthy master thanked the warden; H. L. Toney of McMinn- period. Six voting booths were fully Legion and Auxiliary Invited To equipped. The new book shelves be entertainment is being planned for members of Pomona for their co ville, junior grand warden; D. R. ing put up in the library were ty With A Large Majority; that night. It was decided at the Services In Their Honor At last meeting to hold a cooked food operation and loyal support during Cheney of Portland grand secre- used for this purpose. The seventh Foot Alto Leading Evangelical Church sale November 10. This will be an his term of office, and voiced his tary; Rev. W. W. Youngson of and eighth grades voted on Hoover all-day affair, with lunch served at!P^easure tn his work for Pomdna Portland, grand chaplain; W. G. and Smith for president and Weed | Grange. The officers of Pomona Wharton, grand ' tiler. " L. K. Mc- and Pringle for sheriff. The re noon. _________________ I have been very faithful in atten- Carty, D. J. Ferguson, S. sults of the election was Hoover Unofficial returns from County The tenth anniversary of the Roberts, H. G. Halstead and other 49, Smith 39; Weed 49, Pringle 31. signing of the armistice of the Clerk Hunt early yesterday after- C. E. M«l. At Home members of the official family are The election was carried on in World war will be observed in noon assured the election of Oscar Of Jack Ozment Sunday 400, having gained 63 members also expected to be present. a very business like and precise Vernonia this year by the Ameri G. Weed as sheriff of Columbia ■ ■ [ this year, and of the 48 reports Invitations are being extended to manner. The members occasionally can Legion and Auxiliary as has county. At that time he was lead Endeavor „ of the The Christian _______ ________ __ du® Pomona from the subordinate all Masonic lodges and affiliated reminding the voters to be quiet been customary for several years ing Wm. Pringle Sr. by about 140 votes, and there were two precincts Evangelical church met at the home granges during the year, we have bodies and it is expected that and not talk politics in the voting past, according to Lee Schwab, yet to be heard from, one of them of Jack Ozment Sunday night. He only missed two, which is a great several hundred members of the booth. The purpose of the election commander of the Legion. is confined to his home with a credit to the subordinate secre fraternity and associated bodies will was to give training in citizenship in St. Helens. As part of the education week in connection with the civics work. program, several members of the Howard K. Zimmerman was lead broken leg. Chester Weed was taries. The subordinate granges be present. have made a gain of 108 members, The dedication will take place leader of the meeting. ing Judge J. A. Eakin in this Legion, headed by Past Comman Dr. J. A. Hughes, J. H. Bush, the Granges making the greatest at 7 o’clock and will be preceded county by about 500 votes accord der W. H. Hurley, will deliver gain are : Beaver Homes 29, Beaver by a dinner in honor of tils grand A. L. Kullander, C. Bruce, A. C. ing to the county clerk at that short talks at the high school on Valley 15, Warren 12, Cedar Grove lodge of state of Oregon and the time, but it was believed Eakin Alexander and H. E. McGraw spent the meaning of Armistice day Fri 11. Reports from all granges were past masters and present officers Sunday morning at their duck lake would carry Clatsop county with day noon. read and eight show gain in mem of Vernonia lodge. between Deer Island and St. Helens. a large majority. Saturday evening at 6 p.m. the bership, grange are in good con A short program will be given Although John L. Storla receiv They returned with about 100 ducks. American Legion Auxiliary and dition financially, and busy with including numbers by the police ed a majority in both Vernonia pre Women’s Relief Corps will serve plans for winters work. The follow quartet of Portland police depart cincts, he was following John L. a banquet to all ex-service men ing Pomona officers were elected ment, speeches by many prominent According to the report of W. S. of the World war and their fam- Foote, district attorney seeking re ___ to serve the ensuing two years: Masons and vocal and instrumental Roberts, county assessor, the total ilies. It is likely at this time that election by about 350 votes in the Master. Warren Young; overseer, number by local talent. value of taxable property as final- there will be addresses recalling county. J. N. Becker; lecturer, Edith ly equalized by the county board incidents of the great war and of Hoover received a large majority Sheets; steward, Glen Tarbell; as in the county over Smith. There Young Sam Langford Fails of equalization has dropped from plans for the aid of ex-service men sistant steward, Ray Parcher; chap $17,098,755 in 1927 to $16,147,170 in distress because of was very little contest in any of disability lain, Mrs. Lovelace; treasurer, R. To Show Up For Big Fight in 1928. This does not include arising from their service. the other offices. Those certain of N. Lovelace; secretary, Lillian Dan property of public service corpora winning are: Hawley, representa A. C. Gage, editor of the Angora Rev. G. W. Plumer, pastor of tive; Hoss, secretary of state; Kay, Goat Journal, will give a lecture on iels; gatekeeper, Chester Parcher; The large crowd attending the tions which will be assessed later the Evangelical church, has invit state treasurer; Rand and Rossman, the angora goat industry and show Ceres, Julia Anderson; Pomona, boxing matches election night at by the state tax commission. The ed the Legion and Auxiliary to at supreme court judges; Van Winkle, three reels of films at Vernonia, Mrs. C. Watson; Flora, Marian the Legion hall were disappointed soldier’s exemption of $15,380 has tend a service in their honor at attorney general; Mickle, dairy and Wednesday afternoon, November 14, Wood; lady assistant steward, Hazel when Young Sam Langford, who also been deducted. the regular morning service of Burns; executive committee, A. L. was scheduled to meet Jack Bur Most of the decrease has been that church Sunday, which is also food commissioner; Metsker, repre at the Joy theatre, 2 p.m. sentative 20th district; Mills, coun Everybody is invited to attend Burns, O. G. Weed, and Joseph bank in a scheduled eight-round in the acres of timber land. This Armistice day. He will use as the ty commissioner. bout, failed to arrive. Word had year there are 84,199 as compared text of his sermon the preamble to this meeting as it is of special Evans. We had several visitors. Brother been .received that he left Portland to 92,537 last year. Acres of cul the constitution of the American City officers elected were: Guy value to farmers, business men and Mills, mayor; Frnrk Hanson, H. E. school childrer.. Following is a de and Sister Davis from Clackamas- early in the evening, but the box tivated land increased from 17,299 Legion. McGraw, G. C. Mellinger, and J. | scription of Mr. Gage’s lecture county, Brother Harvey Stark ing commission could not get in to 17,703. The assessment roll fol As is customary here on Armis lows: E. Tapp, councilmen; J. C. Lind taken from the Newberg Graphic : weather, Brothey Ray Gill and Bro touch with him after that. tice day, 11 shots will be fired at Acres of all knds, $10,093,275; 11 a.m., starting three ley, treasurer. Burbank fought St. Elmo, a Fili minutes Following the luncheon many of ther J. G. Kelly our fire insurance those present went to the Baker secretary, and Sister Kelly. Brother pino, one round, clearly outclassed acres of cultivated land, $1,518,- before the hour. At 11 a.m. Nov Gill and Brother Kelly both spoke 265; acres of tillable land, $2,224,- him. He then offered to take on ember 11, 1918, firing ceased be theatre where Mr. Gage showed Morris Bennett Trying acres of non-tillable land, tween the Allies and the German films of the mohair industry, illus for a few moments during the ses any in the crowd and another man|5?®J For U. of O. Rifle Team trating the various kinds of goats, sion. soon climbed through the ropes to $1,014,375; acres of timber land, and Austrian forces, which also The officers were installed dur give him a little exercise for three $5,336,560; improvements on deed ended all hostilities. the different stages in the lives of ed or patented land, $1,457,020; University of Oregon, Eugene, [ the angoras, the care and handling ing the evening session by Sister rounds before he too quit. Merchants of Vernonia are now The best fight of the evening, town and city lots, $857,760; im displaying cards stating their stores Nov. 8—Morris Bennett, of Vernon of the little animals; shearing and Maud Mills, assisted by Brother and Sister Davis, and the work was put provements on town or city lots, in the opinion of fans present, was ia, is one of the men who are try j handling of the fleeces and the will be closed Monday, November ing out for the rifle team at the processes of manufacture of the on in a very pleasing manner. The the draw match between Joe Ray $1,142,610; logging and manufac 12, in observance of Armistice day. fifth degree was exemplified for a turing machinery, $1,242,485; log mer of University of Oregon, announced mohair into fabrics. “Mohair means Vernonia and Micky Shan- Captain C. H. Bragg, coach. Thirty clean or select,” said Mr. Gage, class of nine. A resolution to our non of Portland. It was believed ging railroad, $352,500; merchan worthy state master, asking him to Raymer might have won th® fight dise and stock in trade, $459,745; men are trying out for the squad. and “angora means hook or horns, Bennett is a freshman at tltf coming from the old work ‘An- urge the National Grange to hold had not a chance blow injured his farming implements, $55,045; notes Eugene institution, and is a major i cyra’.” The fiber of mohair is its 1929 session in the state of left arm in the first round. Matt and accounts, $7,735; shares of Milton of Portland and Dane Brady stock, $103,510; hotel and office in the school of business adminis very different from that of wool. It Washington, was adopted. Brother Clyde Watson was given also fought a four-round draw. furniture, $89,510; horses and tration. is necessary to use cotton, worsted the recommendation from Pomona Another good fight was between mules, $39,200; cattle, $180,935; or hemp to bind mohair together in for the appointment as a member O M g swine, Les Coggins and Harry Burtraw of sheep and goats, $2,785; making a fabric and there is about 35 per cent cotton in all mohair, of the fair board for 1929. A re Vernonia, the latter winning the $6,845; motor boats, 1 houseboats, The two rooms which are used solution supporting Brother Bailey, decision. These lads were quite $36,045; stands of bees, 12,825; for an auditorium at the Washing There is no such thing as pure editor of the Grange Bulletin, in evenly matched and put up a spirit mineral reservations, $12,010; mis ton school proved almost too small mohair. The pictures which Mr. Gage showed were entitled “Flock his policy of discussing men and ed battle. Coggins took the count cellaneous, $5,330. to accomodate the large number of measures in our grange paper, was of nine three times. parents who attended the P.-T. A. to Fabric” and were excellent pic adopted. A resolution on the George meeting Monday. An exceptionally tures and gave a fine impression Joy Bush Entertains Mendes-Reed bill for the promotion interesting program was arranged of. the way angora goats are kept Driving Over Dirt At Halloween Party by Mrs. D. C. Cason, chairman of Road meetings will be held for and also of the fine fleece which of vocational education was the sub Roads Costs More the program committee. Selections districts nine and 16 at the old they produce. The many ways in ject of much discussion, and it was The Lolila group of Camp Fire by Ray Charlesworth’s orchestra Parker dance hall one mile east of which mohair is used was a revela finally voted to submit this to the Than On Improved girls were entertained at a Hallo were heartily encored. The fourth Vernonia and in the city hall re tion to everyone pr'esent, we are subordinate grange for discussion and adoption, and to be presented ween party at the home of Joy grade of the Lincoln school present spectively Saturday pursuant to sure. “ If you drive your car 2500 miles at the next Pomona meeting. Bush last Wednesday. Catherine a pantomime, “Little Orphan petitions signed by freeholders and • year on improved roads in Ore- Malmsten and Dorothy Black as ed Another resolution that brought Annie,” in which the following took presented to the county court. Oregon Lumber Dealers gon you save $75 over what it pirates won the prizes for the best part: Jean Lillig, Cecile Power, forth many varied opinions was The meetings are being called cost you to drive the same masquerade costumes. Ice cream Herbert Anderson, Irene Thompson, Arrange Special Meet one on having a home demonstra would for the purpose of voting a special tion worker for Columbia county. number of miles over a dirt road,” with pumpkins, punch and Hallo Johnny Heath, Delpha Killian, El road tax in each district of not The Capper-Ketcham bill provides said Phil Metschan, director of the ween cake were served. The even mer Bacon, Chester Thompson. to exceed 10 mills on the dollar Retail lumbermen from all sec for the salary and the county would [ Oregon State Motor Association __ re ing was spent in playing games and _ ______________ on ail taxable property in each1 tions of the northwest will convene have A talk on “Education” was given to provide about $1000 for cently. having fortunes told. road district. by Miss Cathryn Hoffman and an at Oregon State Agricultural col expenses. Half of the agent’s time “ Types of road govern the op- Those present were Dorothy The meeting for district 9 will lege November 15 and 16 to dis would be devoted to boy’s and erating cost of a motor car as well interesting address on “Castor Black, Margaret Bennett, Margaret be called at 10 a.m., and the meet- cuss better homes and farm build girl ’s club work, and the rest to jas affect property values and ex McDonald, Gladys Garner, Emma oil, tonsils and adenoids” by Dr. ing for district 16 at 2:30 p.m. ings. The Western Retail Lumber women’s work. This resolution was pedite traffic,” continued Mr. Met George Pasto. A recitation, “The men’s association and the agricul finally laid on the table, to be schan and drew attention to the Jane Russell, Catherine Malmsten, Owl and the Pussy-cat” was given Louise Robertson, Nelle Green, May- by Ella Pearl Savage and a song tural engineering department of taken up at the February meeting. fact that a motor car, travelling Will Ask Court For belle Drorbaugh, Audrey Austin, school of agriculture are spon A resolution on the death of at a moderate rate of speed over a Beth Davis, Joy Bush, Miss Bessie by pupils of the third grade of Survey of New Road the the Washington school. soring the conference jointly to Brother Michael Link of Beaver 1 well paved road, costs around three McDonald. The treasurer reported a balance Petitions are being circulated in assist lumber dealers in giving bet Homes Grange was adopted, and cents per mile less to operate than1 The Lolila group held their reg- the charter draped in memory of when moving over a dirt road. He ular meeting Thursday both Scappoose and Vernonia this ter service to their communities. in the of $66.98 in the treasury. Mrs. Opening ceremonies, including an I Diviner Brother j_>inK, Link, also in tn memory oi of bases his statement on figures se , Washington school. They are now Wiggins stated that Mrs. 0. F. „ week asking the county court for , Burke, who was appointed to look a survey of the proposed market address by Colonel William Gree-! the National Grange secretary, Bro- cured from the research depart i doing jesse work. after the milk for the schools, was road from Scappoose to Vernonia ley, secretary-manager of the West ther FreemBn, and of Brother Aaron* ment of the A.A.A. working on the project but had “While it has been known for vise Chapman and Camp 8 of the Coast Lumbermens association wi 1 Joneg pagt magter of the Nationai Mrs McDuffey Injured not as yet seen the milk men and Clark & Wilson Logging company. occupy the first morning. Special- Gran?e. The lecture hour wag welI many years,” he continued, “that In Automobile Crash did not know whether they would T. M- Crawford, Lester Sheeley, ists will speak on various phases fiUed with mugjc and ^citation,,. modern highways increase property utilization I “* lumber ..... ....... — and home Brother Harvey Starkweather gave values, it remained for economists be able to get milk or not. She H. E. McGraw, J. W. Brown. G. of Frank Nishinura was arrested also reported that we would not be W. Ford, C. F. Hieber, Wm. Prin I beautification. The last afternoon a fjne address which was enjoyed to figure the actual saving to the car owner as a result of reduced Sunday and charged with driving able to have the play from St. gle Sr., and Emil F. Meshing, rep . will be a business session, devoted by all. The Pomona Grange gave Deer operating costs. i a motor vehicle in an intoxicated Helens as had been planned. resenting the Vernonia Chamber of 1 to trade subjects. A feature of the entertainment Island Grange a vote of thanks for Assuming that an average car condition as the result of an acci Commerce, attended a meeting of E. H. Condit was appointed chair the Scappoose Chamber of Com 1 program is the offering of a live their bountiful hospitality and en owner travelled 2,500 miles over a dent Saturday night at the corner man of the committee to look ■ pig as prize for the best answers paved road in the course of a year tertainment, also a vote of apprecia of Bridge and State Streets. The after the sale of Christmas seals merce Monday night when the pe titions were drawn up and the de ¡to questions of the use of lumber tion and thanks to Rev. Le Roy and the same distance over a dirt car driven by Nishinura crashed in for the Anti-tuberculosis associa on Oregon farms. Several dinners, road, the operating cost of his Walker for the use of the church, to one driven by Paul McDuffey. tion. Miss Krause’s room won the cision made to circulate them in music and dramatic events are and his cooperation in our work. car would be $75 less over the Mrs. McDuffey, who was also in $2.50 for the best attendance at the two communities. I planned. Members from each chamber . We also wish to thank the St. Hel- 1 former.” the car, received severe cuts about the meetings for the month of Oct Mr. Metschan declared that this the face and will probably have ober. After the meeting adjourned [ ens creamery for their donation of have gone over the proposed route Small Seed Butiaea* Growing recently to determine its feasibility ice-cream which was enjoyed by all. argument alone should convince several scars. punch and cookies were served by The business in small seeds in i Grange was closed in due form by the skeptical that improved roads I Mrs. Carpio, who was a passenger the social committee of which Mrs. and the most practical route to follow. They found that it will only Oregon may easily treble in a few the worthy master, who announced are like edge securities, with a def- in Nishinura’* car was also badly E. A. Green is the temporary chair cut and bruised, Nishinura was man. be necessary to grade about seven years. The value of the crop will the next meeting to be held with i inite monetary return. “In operating school buses,” he brought before Judge Hill Monday and one-half miles of new road, as probably reach between one and Armstrong Grange in February. Mrs. Judd Greenman was appoint said, “it has been found that in and appointed Lester Sheeley as ed a committee of one to see if much of the route would follow old a half million and two million dol sections with paved roads the op- his counsel. Judge Hill set bail at the evening meetings could be held Call Small-etg Hea logging mad grades and other lars this year. Red clover is at roads already in use. The cost of present the leading _ item. Other The hen that lays » small egg ! erating cost is about five cents $250 cash or $500 bond. In lieu in the high school. Miss Hazel the project has not been determin- grasses and legumes will swell the is a bad influence. It takes nerve per mile lower than in areas where of bail Nishinura was confined to Malmsten was asked to get a list ed, as they thought that was a total to about $2,000,000. i tn cull her out of the flock, espec ¡there are only dirt roads.” the city jail pending trial Wednes of magazines which the high school ially if she is a high producer, but day afternoon. matter for the county engineer to would like to have for their library. i Three hundred thousand trout Baker — High grade stock Bold rlifld culling of small-egg hens must decide. in Washington county in four big farm sales here. ! be done to improve the flock and planted Maupin — Crew of workmen in Rainier — Carload sheep pur Joseph — Fish screen at Wallowa to avoid price cuts that go with1 streams announced by district fish,creased constructing at Clear Lake chased for distribution and breed Timber — Trestle on Nehalem warden. dam. Lake completed. ’ small eggs. river at Sunset camp completed. ing on farms in this vicinity. Hoover Runs Strong Stores Close Monday County Assessment I Drops Nearly One Million Past Year Lecture and Movies On Coat Industry Here ISovember 14 School Auditorium Crowded For P.-T. Program Monday Two District Road Meetings Saturday To Vote Special Tax