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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1928)
Ilern on ia J&igk NO. 13 VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1928 VOL. 7 Wilkerson Fraternity Garden Club Joins Interest In Proposed Road Automobiles Debater at Pacific U State Federation Election Is Pacific University, Forest Grove, Election Day October Route Is Found At the regular meeting of the Cost More In Garden 24—Burford Wilkerson of club Tuesday evening it Vernonia represented Gamma Sig- decided to join the state fed Very Keen ma fraternity in the Phi Alpha Tau Washington was eration of Garden clubs. A very Scappoose-Vernonia Market Jack Burbank Will Meet debates held here last night. Every interesting address was given by C. B. Lewis of Portland. He showed of Davenport, la., which Personal Property Tax Ac pictures was at one time a very unsightly city until interest was aroused in counts For Difference the residents and it is now one of the most beautiful cities in the United States. He also showed pic tures of various business places in Portland that are taking an interest in making Portland known for its beauty. The members were very disap- Many Have Impression That Cars pointed with the poor attendance To Run In Oregon Cost More at the meeting. Road Project Investigated By Three Local Men. Sam Langford; Nine local Boys In Preliminaries. sorority and fraternity is entering a team as are the halls for men and Hoover Expected To Carry/ women. The question is “Resolved, that Pacific should be made a Columbia County junior college.” Gamma Sigma up. held the negative last night and lost to Kappa Delta sorority. Elimination contests are being conducted each week and to the winning team goes the Phi Alpha Tau silver trophy. Record Vote Expected November 6 At a recent meeting of the With the coming of Jack Capri, Chamber of Commerce, Emil Mess formerly of Portland, to Vernonia ing, William Pringle and W. R. as matchmaker of the Vernonia Meyer were appointed on a special Boxing Commission, fight fans here road committee to investigate the will be interested to know that it possibility of building a road from is planned to present these attrae- Vernonia through Camp eight of tions every two weeks in the Legion the Clark & Wilson Lumber com hall. pany and connecting with the Capri is a man of long experl- In All Parts of Oregon; No present Scappoose-Chapman county ence in the game and promises Beekeepers Will Meet road. At Salem November 22 Swearing In At Poll«. action and plenty of it and even Friday of last week this com goes as far as to say, “If a fighter Than In Washington All persons of the state interest Extension Worker mittee made the journey up the won’t work he shall not be paid.” fork of the Nehalem river to He states that he will show no ed in beekeeping have been invit Completing, so far as the state is Will Call Meeting east Camp eight to decide which was hesitancy in stopping any match ed this year to attend the annual concerned, the preparations for surprise to a great “It will be meeting of the Oregon Beekeepers Mrs. Miller, extension worke»1 the most feasible route for this where either of the contestants are association at Salem, November 22- holding the general election, Hal many people to learn that it costs proposed road. They found that at E. Hoss, secretary of state, last more to own a motor car in Wash- from Oregon State college, was in a very little expense a road of apparently stalling. Jack Burbank of Portland, who 24. Problems of the honey produc week forwarded to the county ington that! it does in Oregon,” Vernonia Friday working in the water grade could be built from ers will feature the educational said Dr. E. B. McDaniel, President interest of a county club agent, Pittsburg to Camp eight, thence last month fought Tuffy Wing an part of the program, announces H. clerks the tally sheets, seals, pen eight-round draw and has won 50 of the Oregon State Motor Assn. I At present this position is vacant. A. Scullen, secretary, and bee cils, and other printed forms and in a recent interview. “The per-1 The woman who fills this office down the canyon to Bridge Twenty- per cent of his fights by knock specialist at the state college. The supplies for use in the precinct sonal property tax which is collect-1 will work with the girls clubs, home three of the old Portland South outs, is said to be a fighter who Salem chamber of commerce and polling places. It now devolves up club, garden club, and western railroad. Then north over is popular with fans and shows the Marion County Beekeepers as on the county clerks to make an ed on automobiles in Washington betterment ' the tunnel and come out under real action from bell to bell. allocation of the material to pre and from which the automobile is others. sociation are arranging entertain- Bridge Seventeen of the same line. Young Sam Langford of Los An ment features, including special cincts and place the packages in exempt in Oregon accounts for this A meeting will be held some time From there it will be very easy to ................... * for de sheriffs difference. in the near future. All mothers and connect with the Chapman Road geles, junior lightweight, who will tours through the state institutions./ the hands of the livery to the election board offici- “Statistics have recently been housewives are invited to attend as there will be about one half meet Burbank in the eight-round als. compiled giving the rate of taxation and bring their problems pertaining mile of road to be constructed from main event, was schooled by the Still Is Found A secretary of state, state treas- old Boston Tar Baby himself and for several of the leading makes to revising patterns, remodeling Bridge Seventi n. A still was found in the house is said to carry a mean wallop. occupied by Kit Morgan, colored, urer, two justices of the supreme of cars in Oregon av compared with clothes, trimming, or any other This committee received all the Langford fought Sailor Willie Gor court, and attorney general, and »• the rate of taxation in Vancouver, household problems. cooperation possible from A. W. don a 10-round draw at Astoria on Friday by Deputy Sheriff R. L. dairy and food commissioner con Wash, just across the Columbia Hansen, assistant superintendent of Monday night, and the latter has Stubbs. When questioned Morgan stitute the state officials whom the Chamber of Commerce Meet* Today river. admitted it was his. He was fined voters of Oregon will select No- Clark & Wilson Lumber company. The Vernonia Chamber of Com- “The figures show that over a merce will hold a regular meeting He placed a speeder at the disposal agreed to meet the winner of the $100 and given a sentence of 60 vember 6. Besides this, they will Burbank-Langford bout. days in the county jail for manu five year period the car in Wash today at noon in the Horseshoe of the committee and they made the The nine local boys who will ap facturing and selling intoxicating designate their choice for presi- ington will pay more money than Cafe. A report from the committee trip from Camp Eight to Camp dent and vice-presideent of the are : pear on the card election day liquor. the car in Oregon in taxes and that investigating the proposed Scap One. United States by the election of Joe Raymer, Elmo Briones, Jimmy during the first two years it will poose-Vernonia road will be heard. five presidential electors. In each, Davis, Dane Brady, Harry Burtraw, pay a great deal more, in some of the three congressional district^ Johnny La Cruz, Sapo Thompson, cases twice as much, as will the Natal Grange Holds of the state a representative in and Ken Parker. An attractive fea same car in Oregon. congress will be chosen and an Social Meeting Saturday ture of the evening will be the "Figures show that a Ford sedan aggregate of 17 judges of the cir radio reception of election returns. in Vancouver will pay an average cuit courts will be elected in the The Natal Grange held its reg Capri states that a gymnasium is of $21.53 a year for the first five 11 judicial districts where present ular social meeting last Saturday needed here to help the local boys The Grange hall has been rented years of ownership as against an terms expire on the first Monday night in the Natal grange hall with train and he believes it could be by the school board to be used as A pretty wedding was solemnized average license fee of $22 in Ore of the coming January. There ig most of the members present, as accomplished with very little ex two classrooms. Miss Helen Kauppe at the home of Mrs. Thomas Petti- gon, the Oregon car paying 47c as many visitors, who had re pense in the Legion hall. He is now has been elected to teach the new a district attorney to be elected in per year for the 5 years more than john, Keasey, when her daughter well ceived invitations from the enter obtaining prices of the cost of nec room. The hall will be ready for 30 of the 36 counties of the state, the same car in Washington. Dur- i Miss Thelma became the bride of a total of 15 state senators in 11 tainment committee. essary apparatus, showers and a use Thursday and the new room senatorial districts, and the voters ing the first 2 years, however, the I Raymond Cummins, son of Mr. and After a short business meeting, water heating system, which will will include pupils from the second Washington car will pay $28.25 ! Mrs. John Cummins of Portland, in each of the 30 representative the lecturer’s program was given. be presented to the Legion for the!r and third grades, Mrs. Rogers’ and $24.65 re«jactively as against , Rev. G. W. Plumer officiated. It consisted of Halloween songs, re approval at the next meeting No -oom will also be moved to the districts will select their quota of $22 each year in Oregon, showing Before the ceremony Mrs. L. bat and ghost drills, and vember 13. He states that he is in hall. It is expected that there will the full membership of 60 for the an increase of approximately 30 Kalp of Dallas sang “Because.” citations, lower house of the Ietf.riature. musical selections. A short talk per cent over the Oregon car. Mrs. Walter Martin played the wed was also given by H. K. Zimmer touch with all the leading boxing be about 50 pupils in the two According to the opinions ex in the northwest and can rooms. The superintendent ’ s office managers “The owner of a Chevrolet sedan ding march. The bride wore a man, candidate for circuit judge. get a lot of good fighters here if and library will then be moved back pressed by the editors of Columbia poll, will be taxed $26.69 for each of beautiful white crepe dress with Dancing then ensued until 11:30 the cooperation of the local fans to the room which for the past county in the Oregonian’s the 5 years’ ownership whereas the veil and a corsage of rose buds and o’clock. The music was furnished can be secured, such as Joe Marcus, two years has been a first grade Hoover will carry the county by a good margin. Republicans regis Oregon Chevrolet sedan will pay gladiolas. She was given away by by the Bergs and Davis orchestra. Ben Peltz, Geo. Dixon, Doc. Snell, room. tered far outnumber the democrats $26.80 over the 5 years, a saving her uncle Gene Purney and attend It is said by those who attended Willie Gordon and many others. and it is believed that the number of 11 cents per year to the Wash- ed by Miss Louise Sullivan of that the music was especially good. Capri states that anyone wishing who will not vote the party ticket ington car, but this saving is all Clatskanie who wore a peach crepe At 11:30 o’clock light refresh to try out for future fights may M. T. Parker Will Be each group are about the same. reflected in the last 2 years as the dress and carried a bouquet of ments were served, consisting of Transferred to Clatskanie in Interest do so by making arrangements with in the sheriff’s race is first year taxes on a Chevrolet in pink asters. Little Jannette Weivei- sandwiches, cake, and coffee. him. Men working in the logging particularly warm at this time with Washington would be $35.45 as sick was flower girl and the two The dancing then continued un camps and other places outside of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Parker will both candidates, Oscar Weed, re against $28 in Oregon and the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. til 1 o’clock, as a rule was made leave Friday for California where second year Would be $31.85 as Devaney were ribbon girls. Jerry at the last business meeting that the city will be given special con- they intend to visit friends and re publican, and Wm. Pringle, demo sideration, he said. Acklen was the best man. crat, both residents of this district. against $28 in Oregon. the dancing could not continue latives for two weeks. On their re There appears to be little difference The couple stood under an arch- later than that time. It is reported “The Dodge and the Buick show, turn Mr. Parker, who has been dis in the policies of either candidate Entertain With Party over the same period of time, a way which was decorated with that all who attended had a good tributing salesman for the Shell and each voter’s choice is purely Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown en- company of California, material saving to the Oregon own greens and had a large white bell time. will be tertained at a Halloween party Sat transfered to the Clatskanie depot, a personal matter. er, but one gets into the higher- hanging from the centre. The room Party lines are not being observ urday evening. The rooms were as distributing salesman in charge. and priced car such as the Packard and was decorated with green Entertain With Masquerade ed at all in the sheriff’s race, as Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff en prettily decorated in halloween William Briot will succeed the Cadillac, the difference is very white ribbons. Mr. many republicans in Vernonia have Miss Pettijohn was born at tertained at a masquerade Hallo colors and halloween refreshments Parker as distributing agent here. marked. The Packard, for instance, paying for 5 years an average tax Keasey and graduated from the ween party Monday evening. The were served. Five tables of 500 Mr. and Mrs. Briot arrived Wednes signified their intention of voting __ evening was spent playing games. were in play and the first prizes day from Hillsboro and will reside for Pringle. Most of the business of $98.99 as against an average of Vernonia high school and later the $71 in Oregon, a saving o. $18 Oregon Normal. She had taught Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson won were won by Mrs. W. A. Harris and at the Moonlight apartments. Mr. men in town are reported to be each year for 5 years to the Oregon school at both Keasey and Ver the guessing contest, Mrs. Judd George Ogg. Those present were Briot has -been transferred from supporting Pringle quite strongly. nonia and last year at Yankton. Greenman the apple eating and E. Mr. and ' Mrs. " C. * S. " ------ Hoffman, Mr. the Hillsboro depot of the Shell In the rural districts Weed has car. considerable strength. “These figures are rather aston After a wedding trip to Vancouver, M. Bleile the peanut race. Pump and Mrs. Wm. Aspland, Mr. and company. One business man of Rainier Melvin T. Cook of Portland, lub stated that the Rainier Review is ishing to most people as the gen B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Cummins will kin pie, sandwiches and cider were Mrs. L. R. Gillchrest, Mr. and Mrs. eral impression has gone out that make their home in Portland where served by the hostess assisted by W. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. G. ricating engineer of the Shell com supporting Weed, which he believes Mr. Cummins is employed in the Dorothy June Wolff and Nelle Ogg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Culbertson, pany, visited the local depot Friday. the license fees in Washington are postoffice is a good indication that Pringle department. Green. The rooms were decorated in Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mr. much less than in Oregon but over will carry Rainier. Meager reports After the ceremony a lunch of Halloween colors. and Mrs. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Colored Quartet* Popular a five year period statistics show from St. Helens shows no strong Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watt, Miss Ferris, Charlotte that the average fee charged in cake, ice cream and coffee was Many who have heard singing by tendency either way, and the race Washington on all makes of cars served by Mrs. J. O. Devaney and Judd Greenman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Brady, A. J. Black. colored quartets say they are al will probably be close there. Clat Miss LaVelle Gosa. Relatives who A. Green, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. An would be slightly greater than the were ways popular. There is said to be skanie is expected by many to go present at the wedding were derson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Reservoir Completed fees collected against the same while Scappoose is Mr. and Mrs. John Cummins, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davidson, Dr. The new city reserovir, situated something fascinating about them for Weed, cars in Oregon. and Mrs. Vance Cummins, and Mr. and Mrs. George Pasto. at the extreme top of Corey hill, which is found in no other vocal or doubtful. “Coupled with this” said Dr. Mc- and Mrs. Ray L. Gear all of Port has been completed and turned over ganization. The Dixie jubilee quar Daniel, “is the astonlshing fact land; Mrs. Thomas Pettijohn, Nor to the city for use. It is much tet, which will be here November Housewives To Compete C. E. Will Give Party that Oregon has more miles of im- man, Maye and Buddy Pettijohn The Christian Endeavor society larger than the old one and the 12 at the Legion hall under the In Judging Good Meat proved highway than Washington and Gene Purney. Halloween water has a drop of approximately auspices of the Christian church, will give a hard-time J~ are guaranteed grouch removers and that most of her _ gravelled high- _ Others attending were Mr. and party Friday evening at 7:30 in 200 feet, which furnishes much Do Oregon housewives know ways are dustless and oil treated Mrs. Leonard Kalp of Dallas, Mr. the social hall. Games will be play- more pressure than with the old and lean to the humorous through their meat? Those who attend the out the program. providing not only more improved and Mrs. Walter Martin of Sea- ed, stories told, and light ref resh- system. Various feature numbers include Pacific International Livestock ex mileage but a more comfortable side, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyatt, Mr. ments will be served. a group of readings, piano, guitar position in Portland November 3-10 type of road on which to drive.” and Mrs. A. R. Lundeen, Mr. and will have an opportunity to test and saxophone solos. Mrs. E. J. Fairhurst, Mr. and Mrs. their ability in this respect as the George Johnson Has C. A. Woolfolk, Mr. and Mrs. J. annual "truth in meats” exhibit Veatch Sticker Candidate O. Devaney, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Local Chrysler Agency Boeck, Mrs. D. B. Easter, Mrs. A circular letter was mailed to maintained by the extension service all registered voters in Columbia of the state college will feature a Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Gosa, Misses George Johnson of the Vernonia Velda Kelsey, Alton Thayer, Mar- county this week urging voters to housewives’ meat judging contest. Extensive experiment station dis Service Station, announces that he garet Barquist, Arvilla Woodworth, use a sticker or write in the name is ready to take orders for any Agnes Reed, Lucille and LaVelle of A. E. Veatch of Rainier for rep plays from home and branch sta model Plymouth or Chrysler car Gosa, Margaret Sulliv.-n; E. H. Washburn, finance officer resentative. It was signed by 23 tions, duplicating in some respects Joseph one may desire. The play, “Hobson’s Choice” un of the American Legion, is paying citizens from various parts of the those shown at the state fair, will Niehweser and Leonard Hoyt. be at the Portland show. Among der the direction of Miss Ruth the bills against that organization county, The Chrysler company, which is them will be the demonstration ex ------------------------- Hickman, is to be presented by the this week. It is expected that after j said to be enjoying a fast and hibits on application of electricity Observe Birthday Anniversary Masons and Eastern Stars at the all the income is received from the stable growth, now manufactures a Automobile Throws Rock advertising in the “Flying Ape” / Merle Tindall entertained a num profitably to agriculture. This dis Through Pharmacy Glass Joy theatre, November 26. complete line of cars. Each model The fact that nearly all the newspaper issued and added to the; ber of his little friends Friday af- play, maintained jointly by the they make is an outstanding value The plate glass window of Mac's Eastern Stars and Masons were profit made on the carnival, that ternoon on his seventh birthday, station and the Oregon committee in its class, giving service, comfort and performance usually found only Pharmacy was broken last Satur fresent for the tryout proves the all indebtedness against Vernonia ■ The afternoon was spent playing on relation of electricity to agricul post will be wiped out. | game*. Merle received many nice ture, will include the device for day evening when a car started interest taken in the play. in much more expensive cars. The carnival was a riotous affair gifts. Ice cream and cake were showing comparative costs of opera- G. W. Ford, superintendent of The Plymouth is a low-priced up, throwing a rock in that direc- Satur-1 served by Mrs. G. <». Graven and Mrs. tion of common electrical applL the Columbia Utilities company was and well attended, especially Satur- beautiful car with 45 horse-power, , tion. motor delivering effortless speed of; The driver of the car evidently chosen for Mr. Hobson, the lead day night which ended the popular J. O. Tindall. Those present were ances. Knight, Perry Austin,* A representative from the Na- 60 miles and containing such ad was not aware of the accident, and ing character. Helen Hieber, Louise girl contest, won by Mrs. Mabel Truman Simmons, Carl Burgeson, Loui Al- Gibson. Second prize was won by Peter Brock. Charlotte and Billie tional Meat board in Chicago will vantages, as full-force feed lubrica drove off without returning. Miss Macile Roberts and third by Covington, E_velyn and Sonny Ty-|give daily demonstrations at the Mr. McNeil was notified imme- thause. and William Myers, were tion, special manifolding; crank rone, Leona Fetsch, Dorothy Wolff, “truth in meats” booth on meat ' Miss Alice Henderson. case ventilation; special aluminum diately and he came to the store also choaen as characters, A. Greenfeldt, proprietor of ¡Esther and Arthur Froembling, Lu- cutting. alloy pistons, oil filter; air cleaner, and repaired the window so that, The chief value of the play lies County agents of the state, un I the articles in the case could not in character portrayal rather than Dad’s Sandwich Shop, and Mrs. • cille and Buddy Miller, Helen Tis- etc. der the direction of W. E. Johnson, I in plot. It is said to be a very in- ( Buffmire were given rides in the. dale, Alois and Merle Tindall, be stolen. extension service secretary, will airplane Friday for having found | teresting comedy. Drain — Umpqua district will the marked copies of the "Flying | Astoria — Work begun _ on eon-' again serve as clerks of the judg- — - ■ Astoria — Admiral Line adds vote on $110,004 road bond issue from the plane struction of new market road here ing, at the request of the manage for completion of highway between two freight ships on run from here! Lakeview — New water system Ape” thrown ment. to Kingsley. being constructed for this vicinity. Thursday afternoon. to California. here and Scottsburg. Sheriff Race Warm Cheap Cars Are Equal Using Grange Hall For 2 Classrooms Thelma Pettijohn Married at Keasey Lodges Will Present Play November 26 Debt With Car nival, newspaper