THURSDAY OCTOBER 18, 1928 FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON I The choral dub are woiking on i laud it may be the acres of crop: Trapping Rat* Effeectivu But Slow they will form a natural runway Notice three songs and find the meetings! or of bearing orchard or grove, or Trapping rats, while effective, for rats and a good setting placa I will ti be responsible fol interesting and instructive. More | the number of dairy cows or hens, is slower and more laborious than for traps. Baits that may be read­ of truck crops may a ^y debts contracted or made by mens’ voices are needed and any-' A few acres crons mav poisoning according to experts of ily fastened to the trigger should Emma Audrey Davis after October the United States Department of be used as bread, fish, nut meats, one interested is urged to come r represent _____ _ as _ __ large _ a business as ____ 1 to Mrs. Mrs. P. B. Wiggins’ house many more acres of grain and hay g 1928. (Signed) Agriculture. The essential requisites or fresh vegetables. These may be ----j — at 7:30. j ----- next x . Tuesday I crops, or a • few high-producing LEE DAVIS of successful trapping are the use made more attractive by the ad­ 102* | dairy cows as large a business as Paul Bleile and Elz Weed ___ , of plenty of traps, a variety of dition of rolled oats or corn meal Barnes entertained a num- many ,„ v,e animals of the general more tored to Eugene for the week end. 1 her Helen baits, and persistent effort until sprinkled lightly over the trap. of her [fiends last Wednesday ! ¡‘¡Veitock'" farming“ "type. Card of Thank* all rats have been destroyed, The Athough large catches are some­ ______ __ the on her eighth birthday. Roberta . Miss Pearl Krause spent many ( common snap trap is the most times made in the cage type of We wish to thank our at her home in Sherwood, | Williams won the prize for the week i end — — —------------------- A Simple Oats Sprouter friends and neighbors for their successful kind for general use, trap in a single night, the average games. Ice cream, cake and punch I catch by this means is far below Mrs. C. Nicar and Mrs. H. V.^ere were served. Those present in-| One of the most satisfactory kindly solicitations and help during although No. 0 or No. 1 steel that of the snap trap. Neither this Holcomb and children were in Port- cluded Doris Nixon, Esther Brom-1 and simplest kinds of an oats our recent bereavement in the traps are efficient, Traps should nor any other more complicated and always be set so that the rat will wife land Sunday to see Al Jolson. ‘ ley, ~ Florence Austin, Irene and t™ ' sProuter f°r the poultry house, and loss of our beloved pass directly over the trigger in trap is recommended for use. I Bonnie Jean Thompson. Frances [ one which can be made easily at mother. Mrs. W. R. Culver attended the home, is a table about 2 feet high, John Crawford following its natural course close I Childs, Martha Tapp, Ruby Howell. electric cooking school given by 2 feet wide, and as long as may and family. to walls and behind objects. If Albany—Roosevelt highway being the Oregonian in Portand last week. Clayton Lewis, of the Russelville be desired. The top of the table boards are leaned against the wall built south of here. is perforated with %-inch holes The Christian church are spon­ Nurseries, Portand, will give an and is boxed in with sides about a dixie male quartet in the illustrated lecture to the Garden 4 inches high. The amount of oats 4ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH club, October 30. Mr. Lewis’ talk Legion hall November 12. should prove especially interesting required for one day’s feeding can Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Short were to garden club members who are be soaked in warm water in a H the guests ol Mrs. Browning for bent on public improvement and sack for 24 hours and then emp­ it will also include the landscaping tied on to one end of the table ‘a couple of days. of the small home grounds. He and spread out to a thickness of H Mrs. Peg Ericson drove to Port- will also hold an open forum 2 or 3 inches. The oats can be land on business one day last meeting for answering any ques. turned over with a shovel from week She also visited friends while tions concerning shrubs, roses and day to day and watered, and each H Extra quality, two-col­ there. day’s supply moved along until they perennials. reach the lower end when they can! Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe of ' Hood or, regular $1.50 to H The Loyal Geaners class of the b-» taken out to be fed. Oats will FOR SALE River visited at the home of [ their ' Christian church met at the home sprout best in a room where the son, Mark E Moe, and family 1 $2.00 values. 1 of Mrs. N. Culbertson, ast Friday. temperature is about 70 degrees F.1 FOR SALE—Purebred German H i over the week end. Mrs. G. Stankey had charge of shepherd police pups. Males $15, Home Pointer* females $10. Robert L Berg, Birk­ Mrs. Sidney Malmsten is in Eu- the program and gave a talk on Hl H gene attending the state conven- Columbus. This was followed by (From School of Home Economics) enfeld, Oregon.______________ Eggs have been used as a highly FOR SALE—Two lots 50x100 each, | tion of the W. C. T. U. which is a series of talks on the different types of mothers. Pumpkin pie and priced food by men for centuries. being held there this week. with newly painted and papered H whipped cream, cheese and coffee Recent investigations by scientists house. State j A ten pound boy who has been were served. The house was attract­ have proved that there is a sound four-room modern named James Edward was born to ively decorated with autumn flow­ justification in this ancient prac­ street near high school. Write Mrs. H 114 | Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Frazee, Octo­ ers. Those present were Mrs. R. tice, as eggs are unusually high Elsa Knowles. Mist, Oregon. A. Olsen, Mrs. E. Lolly, Mrs. Mur­ in valuable nutrients. ber 13. A PORTLAND piano house has phy, Mrs. Roy Brady, Mrs. Knight, For Bargains Eggs are, next to milk, :, consid- piano will sell for balance at H The Parent-Teacher Association Mrs. J. Lindsay, Mrs. M. Timmons, dietary $10 per month no interest address See Hoffman About It meets in the Washington school, Mrs. T. Leavitt, Mrs. H. Culbert- ered the most valuable source of calcium. Calcium, or G. F. Johnson Piano Co., Portland, Friday afternoon at 3:30. Rev. son. It Pays lime, together with phosphorus, also Oregon. 115 G. W. Plumer will speak on, found in eggs, form the chief con- “Home, School and Community.” Recommend Unhulled Seed stituents of bone. FOR RENT H When sweet clover is planted in Mrs. L. H. Robertson who went Eggs, besides being rich in de- X to Portland to have her tonsils the fall, instead of scarified, seed sirable chemicals, are also a food FOR REN T—3-room furnished house. Mrs. E. S. Cleveland. Ill N removed is reported to be getting should be used. The unhulled seed which is easily and quickly digested. Eggs are the most sanitary ani. along nicely and was expected is cheaper and can be used more HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZfr MISCELLANEOUS liberally. Seeding should be done mal food produced on the farm. home yesterday. late enough in the fall so that Sealed by nature, they are pro­ WANTED—Silent financial partner The study club honored Dr. Ella the seed will not germinate ! be- tected against the varied and many in cedar fish float manufacture. Wight, one of their number, fore spring. infections to which other foods are Good profit, every dollar of your with a handerchief shower last continually exposed. money well secured. Write 123, Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Wight is Store Celery in a Pit Eggs are a healthful food. There Eagle. _________ 111* Endorsed by member* of Astoria leaving for Portland to reside. Celery for home use may be need be no fear of an excess of ROOM and BOARD — $35.00 pel stored in the pit of an ordinary this food, so long as a reasonable City Council with whom he served while city attorney of Mrs. Gust Trude and two chil- month. Sunday chicken dinners Astoria, a* follow*: dren are expected to return this hotbed. Cover the pit with boards, i balance is maintained between the week from Michigan where she straw or other materials to keep acid and alkaline producing foods a specialty-50c. Second and Cougar. We unhesitatingly pronounce him one of the belt city at- 104* _____________ Mrs. S. E. C orey. has been visiting for the past six out the frost. Avoid too close cover­ in the diet. _____ , _ ________ _______ that ___ the qualitie* torney* Astoria ___________ ha* ever _____ had; r____ and ____ we believe ing and give plenty of ventilation. Boiled ham is made de luxe by weeks. be displayed in that office will make him an excellent circuit judge. This vegetable can also be stored serving with an epicurean sauce PROSPECTS FOR business: We have many more positions for J. R. ARNOLD For 5 years Dr. Luzader, in the cellar, provided the temper­ made by mixing equal parts of young men stenographers and VICTOR SEEBURG eyesight specialist, has been ature is kent low and plenty of mayonaisse and whipped cream and qualified bookkeepers and well adding a generous amount of pre­ making monthly visits to Vernonia. ventilation is maintained. pared horse radish and a little young women than we can fill, His next visit w’ill be Nov. 5, 6, 12 years experience as lawyer desirable many We have also Cure Onion* Rapidly mustard. office at Kullander’s. Have 5 years as City Attorney of Astoria Gray mold, or neck rot, of on- Equal quantities of orange and places for young girls to work your eyes examined.—adv. AJE?»- ions, one of the most destructive lemon juice mixed and poured into for their board and room. Long­ 8 years United States Commissioner storage rots attacking this vege- iced tea is an improvement over view is growing fast—come’ and Officer and Mrs. D. Wing, of table, 18 months in army during World War grow with it. Enroll in a school should be controlled by the slice of lemon placed in the Cheyenne, Wyo., were the guests of individual instruction. Trade thoroughly curing the onions _____ ____ at glass. Paid Advertisement of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Browning, Raspberry whip may be pre- at home. Longview Business Col­ over the week end on their way harvest time to prevent infection. lege. 8tf The casual fungus can grow and pared easily for a summer dessert. 'to Panama. They declare that Ore­ cause decay at gon is the finest state in the union. perature and it cold-storage tern­ Take 1 white of egg, 1 cup of is too late to ef- raspberries and 1% cups of pow- C. Nicar, R. L. Tyrone, Ander- feet control at the time of re- dered sugar. Beat until stiff, Serve son, Zoick, and H. V. Holcomb frigeration. cold. went to eastern Oregon Saturday Treat Timber* on Ground and reported a very Poultry Farms Average Sixty Acre* successful All farms useed in contact with pheasant hunt. The average _ poultry size of the ground should be of durable farms in Oregon is 60 acres, ac- Announcement of Opening of the Miss Phoebe Greenman was woods or of "sap” wood treated cording to a survey conducted by thrown from her horse Sunday af- with creasote. This includes timbers the Oregon experiment station at ternoon when the animal slipped used for foundation sills, stable Corvallis, covering 134 representa- 1 on the pavement in front of the foors, hog houses, gates, poles, r___ , tive commercial poultry farms all residence of Sydney Malmsten. She and fence posts. For fence ‘posts over the state. Of this 25 acres was not injured. > use only the more durable woods, are used for crops, 2 acres for I Miss Lois Malmsten who has such as black locust, red cedar, fruit, 17 acres for woods and pas-1 been spending a two weeks’ va- white or post oaks, chestnut, rede ture and 2 acres for farm yards Newly furnished and decorated; especially comfortable beds. Beautiful cation at Seaside is back at the mulberry, and sassafras, or treat and lanes. The poultry farms in library again. Mrs. Lou Martin with creosote “sap” timbers as eastern Oregon were above the large parlors for guests to enjoy took her place during her vaca­ soft maple, basswood, poplar, gums average; those in southern Ore- tion. or sap pines. gon were below. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING COLORED ENAMEL WARE Close Out Display in Our Windows Hoffman Hardware Elect Zimmerman Circuit Judge ST. DENIS HOTEL Skim Model T Fords are still good for years of service More than eight mil- lion Model T Fords are still in at Live service and many of them can be driven two, three and five years and even long­ er. For the Model T Ford is still a dependable and economical car and the cost of replacement parts is very small. Bring your Model T to us and let us look it over. For just a few dollars we may be able to help you get thousands of miles of additional service. Crawford Motor Company Milk Improves Bread The addition of dry skim milk to bread dough furnishes additional nutrients and improves the flavor of the bread, and although it costs more to make bread with dry milk, the added cost is just about balanced by the increase in yield per barrel of flour, accord­ ing to dairy specialists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Drv milk from skim milk heated to 95 degrees C„ when added to bread-dough mixes, produces in. creases up to 10 per cent in the volumes of the loaves. Renovate Meadow* in SERVICE AND COMFORT Fall Old Alfalfa meadows are better renovateed in the fall than in the spring in Oregon. Thorough harrow­ ing will check the growth of grass and weeds, says the soils depart­ ment at the college. Beardless win­ ter barley may be seeded in the mulch formed by harrowing. This will check the growth of weeds and grasses, as well as increase the yield of the first cutting the following spring. I Weekly rates arranged Rates $1.00 per day and up. MR. and MRS. E. S. CLEVELAND, PROPS. Columbia Street at Rose Avenue. One block from Bridge St. Some Farm* Too Small The me sie ui of me the busineses Dusmeses of a farm is of the utmost importance in attaining a reasonably high stand­ ard of living, and there are many farms with a business too smail for sufficiently large returns, says the U. S. Department of Agricul­ ture. The size of business of a farm should not necessarily be mea- sured by the number of acres of Mountain Heart Club Will COMING AMERICAN LEGION Flying Ape Circus & INDOOR CARNIVAL Hold Bazaar and Cooked Food Sale November 10 There will be a fish pond, coun­ try store, and needlework of all kind*. At Van Alstine Building. / OCTOBER 25, 26, 27 LECION HALL, VERNONIA LESTER SHEELEY Attoi ney-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon DR. L. W. GRIFFITH Eyesight Specialist Accurate Fitting of Glass«* Will Be Located at Joy Theatre Baildint Side shows, wJd animal shows, days of ’49, eats and dancing every night Three Big Nights of Fun