THURSDAY, VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FOUR we trust that others will do likewise, for .1 .? vr_Li____ . thé gojôd, of.,Vqifnonia. ' » _|l..-/ - > bt rt Hoover’s acceptance address, the •» j agricultural plank of the Kansas City » L platform an^other pertinent data rel­ to tjie‘farni situation. OVERPRODUCTION IK‘POTATOES ative In addition to this, there is a recital the Republican party’s constructive the $u Wly xif.ptiUtQes.. exceeded of J- legislation in behalf of agriculture ;‘tnô>d«màîuî. -Ce — nsequentr ''queiitly, many farmers .since 1920, a provision Intended to _.-Ae ‘ •''dHe^by ’piSfffhYg* *show that the promises now being ! -til (jugm» they iuM*4»e el made to the farmers by Mr. Hoover Issued every Thursday $¿7peridia in advance potatoes, 'isi ’"th (’V4 toured and Senator Curtis spring from a . . *v z H m » wa L S - » .li. —i. X.3. it pl plant aTP^1-™^ result sympathetic attitude and therefore Entered as — second 3 head above all.—1 Chronicles 29:11. PRAYER:— “God Eternal, Lord of all, Lowly at Thy feet we fall; All the earth doth worship The”, We amidst the throng would be.” QUESTION:—What does a pa­ tient trust and delight in God bring? ANSWER:—Psalm 37: 8-5. the different advisory boards in the potato growing districts. It was the hope and reauest of those represented in each ana all of these meetings that as many meetings as possible be held in the different potato growing dis­ tricts to inform growers amt all those interested as to the plan NOTICE TO PYTH1ANS and hope for its consideration. Supreme lodge Knights of Pyth­ Meetings have already been ar­ ranged for the Yakima valley and ias of the U. S. and Canada at its annual convention in August made other districts. it possible for Pythians who form­ erly belonged to the order, to be reinstated upon the payment of six dollars to the local lodge. Those interested should apply to Harry Culbertson, K R & S, Hard- I itig Lodge, Vernonia, Ore.—adv. BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER i ___________________ If partnit will have lheir children memo- The nmn who hides behind a rixe a Bible »election each week, It wlH prove woman’s skirts nowadays is not a a pricelee» heritage to them In after year», RULER OVER ALL:—Thine, O coward. No, sir, he is a magician. Lord, is the greatness, and the —Ex. It’s a good thing for the school power, and the glory, and the vic­ tory, and the majesty; for all that teacher that she doesn’t have to is in the heaven and in the earth ' pay income tax on all she earns is thine; thine is the kingdom, O and doesn’t get.—Ex. In Every Home —Complete telephone service is a convenience to every member of the family. Properly placed extension telephones save tiring steps for the housewife. Son or daughter, sister or brother, dad or mother—find them a year ’round comfort and satisfaction. And too, the telephone is an aid in emergen­ cies and a protection in danger. West Coast Telephone Co. Model T Ford Engine and Transmission Overhauled for a labor charge of only $20 to $25 Don’t sacrifice your Model T Ford, but bring it in and let us look it over. Maybe all you need is a complete engine and transmission overhauling to give you thousands of miles of additional service. We’ll do that for a labor charge of only $20. Other charges equally low. Crawford Motor Co. Led Hoover "Gang” Benjamin Schooley, of Lawrence, Kan., was stunt leader of Hoover's boyhood chums. Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the kind of stuff he’s made of.—Ex. Shoes For School Boy made to order any height Guaranteed to outwear any shoe on the market Good Y car Shoe Shop 191 •» As a result of the new value offered by today’s Pontiac—as a consequence of its greater power, higher speed and smarter style—this low-priced six is winning new heights of public favor . . . Pontiac Six now provides new motoring luxury. Staunch, beautiful bodies by Fisher—smaller, sturdier wheels with larger tires—an engine of 186 cubic inches dis­ placement— the cross-flow radiator — the G-M-R cylinder head ... all these and many other advance­ ments are emphasized bv the performance suprem­ acy resulting from new carburetion and mani­ folding . . . That’s why today’s Pontiac Six is attracting thousands of new burers. That's why it is winning leadership in the low-priced six-cylinder field. ItWr Sfdan. S7U| Cmrpe. P74S; Sport Roarlner, «