Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 27, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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To Talk Into Millions of Homes
“I shall vote tor Governor Smith be­
cause I believe his election would end
conditions which are endangering the
future of the younger generation.”
Dr. Henry Van Dyke Declares
Defeat of Smith Would B
“National Calamity,
Warning American voters that sin­
ister and secret’forces are threaten­
ing the very foundation upon which
our Government is built, Dr. Henry
Van Dyke, eminent educator, Presby­
terian clergyman, author and diplo­
mat has Issued, from his home at Seal
Harbor, Me., a ringing appeal tor re­
ligious tolerance.
Dr. Van Dyke who holds degrees
from Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Penn­
sylvania University, Union College
and Oxford University is perhaps one
of the best-known of living writers
and clergymen. In a formal state­
ment, he said:
“At the present moment there is on
foot in these United States a wide­
spread cabal to keep one of the can­
didates tor the Presidency from elec­
tion because he is a member of the
HE voice of Herbert Hoover will be heard in millions of homes when
the Republican presidential candidate desires to lay important issues Catholic Church. The other candi­
of campaign before the voters of the country. As Secretary of Com­ date has handsomely disavowed any
merce, Mr. Hoover has made a number of radio addresses. Plain, Important
personal share in the sentiments or
facts constitute his most eloquent utterances and his voice is dispassionate arguments which characterize this
but convincing.
cabal. This Is much to his credit.
"But unfortunately he can not, or
mid pierces the fog. Two yellow lights at least he does not, restrain and
German Lines to Use
menu stop mid two green mean the check the pernicious activity of his
Powerful Fog Lights line is free. An infra-red headlight is supporters, who are convinced that
German railroads are experimenting also being made the subjteet of experi­ the end of a victory tor their party
with fog lights, such as are already ments. If this proves practical the Io justifies any means which they em­
us si on Belgian lines and supplied by comotive engineer wilkwatch n photo­ ploy to secure it.
“Hence, if their candidate should be
ii German producer of electrical ap­ electric plate on which the objects
paratus. Belgium was forced to use caught by the Infra-red rays will be elected, he would owe his election in
fog signal lights due to the heavy fogs reproduced. As the infra-red rays part to the religious prejudice and
pierce darkness mid fog the plate anti Catholic enmity which the cabal-
rolling In from the sea.
lsts have stirred up and marshalled
At certain tiuies in the year and In should show tlie track ahead.
to the polls. This would be a mis­
low lying districts German railroads
fortune for him, and a calamity tor
have experienced long delays from
Literary Quacks
our country as the home and citadel
fogs, so It is considered that trains
Literature has her quacks no less of religious liberty.
will be kept on schedule and uccldents
avoided If fog signal lights are In­ than medicine, and they are divided
Most Important Issue
stalled. The lights are high candle into two classes; those who have eru
“The mere prospect of such a ca­
power electric lights, placed about 10
lamity ought to move the hearts of
feet above the tracks. The reflectors have volubility without depth:
true Americans and honest Christians
shall get second-hand sense from
are about the size of a suiieer.
with dismay, and awaken their minds
The electric beam Is much stronger one. and original nonsense from
to serious thought and earnest action
than the usual gas li;;ht or oil lamp, other—Colton.
In defense of that real freedom of
conscience which Is the hard-won
crowning glory of America and the
dearest jewel of Christianity.
“That seems to me far and away
the most important question before
the country today,—a question not to
be answered by heated appeals to
partisan allegiance,—a question not
raised, thank God, by either of the
honorable candidates for the Presi­
dency, but a burning question ti) rust
upon the conscience of every Amor-
lean voter by the overt fuimlnatlons
and covert whisperings of those who
seek to defeat one of the candidates
because he is a Catholic.
"My Protestantism Is obedient to
Him who said, 'Render unto Caesar
the things that are Caesar's and to
God the things that aro God's.’ My
Protestantism, which Is hereditary
from the school of William of Orange,
tells me that 'conscience is God’s
province.’ My Americanism, which
Is a stout growth of eight native-born
generations, tells me that to vote
against a man because of his church-
member.ship is to be untrhe
central faith of the Republic.
"Freedom of conscience
greatest thing at stake tn this cam-
palgn. Hundreds of thousands of vot­
ers fail to realize it.
It Is time to blow a trumpet to
Tickets on sale daily all week. Return
awaken the sleepers. The Palladium
limit October 1.
of the Republic is attacked by secret
and open foes. It la In danger, trem­
United Railways Co. train leaves Vernonia
bling in its marble hall. The spiritual
call to arms goes out to every man
at 11:55 a. m.
and woman. Defend the religious
Liberty of America!”
Tickets, full information, etc of
<ind return
United Railways for th
VIEW of the 12S0 acre farm of Herbert Hoover. Operations on Mr.
Hoover's farm are conducted on the same high engineering plane as all
his other enterprises. The entire acreage Is irrigated and highly culti­
vated tor big crops of quality productions. The laud was worthless nine years
ago when he bought it and was wrested from nature. Every variety of product
such as potatoes, cotton, peaches, grapes, onions, figs, etc. is produced. Mr.
Hoover constantly checks over with his manager, a university graduate farm
expert who has the practical knowledge to go with his scientific education.
RALEIGH, N. C— Rebuking Dr.
John Roach Straton for expressing
the belief that “my old friend,”
Josephus Daniels, would bolt the
Democratic party, the former Sec­
retary of the Navy has again empha­
tically declared, in a letter to the New
York pastor, that h ■ will support Gov­
ernor Smith. Mr. Daniels wrote:
“I believe I can serve the cause of
prohibition aud temperance better by
remaining In my party than by sup­
porting Mr. Hoover, who sat in the'
Cabinet with Harding with all the cor­
ruption and with Coolidge with all the
favoritism—the two administrations,
which, by flagrant failure to enforce
the law or to give It legal and moral
support, have done more to harm pro­
hibition than Its open foes.”
Joy Theatre
“Home James”
See Laura La Plante in “Home
"Levees" and "Dikes"
Plan Week-End Trips
Janies,” the big love-laugh special,
Tlie army engineer corps says tnnt Saturday night and Sunday matinee.
For Summer Session at
the local use of the terms "levee”
University of Oregon and “dike” as applied to cite Missis­
“Street Angel”
gene.—Automobile trips to attractive
outing spots in different parts of Ore­
gon will give out-of-state students at
the University of Oregon summer ses­
sions this year an excellent opportunity
to become acquainted with the beauties
of this region, it is announced by
Marion McClain, recreational director.
The attractions of the state are already
used to lure prospective students, and
the illustrated booklets sent out con­
tain many photographs in colors.
Five week-end trips are planned for
the students. The first of these will be
over the famed Columbia River high­
way by way of tho Mr. Loot loop. Thia
is expected to prove especially popular
with students in the Portland session,
although many will also go up from Eu­
gene for the outing.
The McKenzie river country, in both
Lane and Deschutes counties, will be
the scene of one week-end trip, Crater
lake, Oregon Caves, and a beach resort
will be objectives of other trips.
In addition to auto trips, a hike is
being planned for the South Sister of
the Cascade range. Shorter hikes
around Eugene will also be enjoyed«
The excellent roads on all trips planned
are being described to the students, and
it is expected that many people in
Middle West will drive out here to
tend the sessions.
sippi river is as fid lows: “Levee” Is
the French word signifying mound of
earth; hence, it designates nn em-
bankment on the slde of a river used
to protect land from high water, A
“dike” is usually constructed from
rock or timber to contract mid regu­
late the channel. Tlie Holland dikes
are synonymous with our levees.
vice president of the Lucas Paint and
Brush Company of Philadelphia, a
well-known Republican tor fifty years,
has announced that he is “opposed to
hypocrisy" and, accordingly, opposed
to the election of Herbert Hoover. He
Laugh at Buster Keaton and
Earnest Torrence in “Steamboat
Bill. Jr.,”
here Tuesday and
Memorials in granite and marble
at reduced prices
Oregon Monument Works
Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro
For the last three years the
state of California has used
Try a set on your car
and see why
Yam Not Sweet Potato
Yanis are a kind of sweet potato
a variety of sweet potatoes, but all
sweet potatoes are not yams. The
real yinu Is deeper in color, sweeter
mill more watery than the ordinary
sweet potato.
The face of a saint, the soul
of a sinner, that’s how he branded
her and cast her aside. See “Street
Angel,” here Sunday and Monday.
regon State
September 24 io 29
J. J. Hoydar F. L. Weber, R. M. Aldrich
Gen. Agent Trav. Pas. Agt. Ticket Agt.
We have received another shipment of beautiful fur trimmed and stylish
tailored travel coats.
These coats are of suede, broadcloth, and fancy tweeds. Colors are
very rich in the marine blue, black, wood-brown and fawn. Trimmed
with small tucks and flares having large fur collars and cuffs of French
Beaver, Kit Fox, Krimmer and other furs. In these coats you are assured
of Style that Leads.
Smart velvet Jackets and sunburst skirts, just what you need for school
and sports wear. Priced very reasonable.
Republican Senator In Wisconsin Dé­
clarée Voters Must End Corruption;
Says Friends Are for Smith.
wm. Pringle, Sr
Democratic Candidate
For Sheriff
A resident of this county for 50 year« and
a taxpayer for 35 year»
MILWAUKEE. WB., — Republican
leaders, disheartened by the tremen­
dous reaction to the recent speech of
United 9tatec Senator John J. Blaine,
In which he bitterly criticised the last
two Republican administrations end
lauded Governor Smith, have practi­
cally elven up all hope of swlncinE
Wtaconeln to Hoover.
Senator Blaine, a former Governor
of Wlaooneln. and one of the State'«
popular Republican leaders, declared
in an address at Burlington:
"I have no doubt that my friends
an<l supporters aro going to vote for
Governor Smith. We must condemn
Republican silence on the scandals of
the Harding Administration as an ac­
cessory after the fact The thing te
do la to end corruption by voting tor
Governor Smith.”
Economical Administration”
’’Enforcement of all l-aus to the
Best of My Ability
Paid Advertisement
SAN MATEO, Cat—Mr«. Cecilia C.
Caeeerly of San Mateo, a candidate for
Concrese In thle Dtatrict, has been
appointed to the Women's Advisory
Committee of the Democratic National
at the Chicago »nd Alton Rstlroad,
hoe been appointed Inancial director
tor Ullsoto tor the Democratic No­
tional Campetcn Committee.
Rubbers = Rubbers
When in
need, of
you will find the very latest and
best at our store.
Vernonia, Oregon
Phone 801
No Park Bench Seat
For The Saver
If something unforeseen should happen
tomorrow and you should lose your job
—what? Would you, because of lack of
finances be forced to give up your home
and pleasant surroundings? Not if you
take time by the forelock and start say­
ing now while earning. Then you will
have a bank account to care for you in
time of need.